Celebrate your magnificent body by challenging it!

This Segment is for those of you who need to “up'” your yoga workouts. Don’t fear! I would never leave anyone out. I have included a less challenging version for each exercise. This way, you can start at your level of fitness in each yoga exercise as you see fit. Include this segment in your workouts at least twice a week. It will make you stronger and more powerful in your body and your life. Yoga on and “Power Up!”

Build shapely legs and a solid core in time for summer. Be forewarned! This “Power Up” Segment will put the burn in your legs and the fire in your core. Ignite this segment with God’s mighty words, and let Him fuel the inner You. Make today the day you break up with your boring old Yoga routine and plug into the real power zone!

God is my strength and power.

2 Samuel 22:33


1.) Standing Squat Crunch

Stand with your feet hip width apart. With hands behind your head, inhale and squat back. Squat like you are sitting back into a chair, leading with your bottom. Then, explode up while exhaling, lifting your knee to touch your elbow. Alternate sides and do this 10-25 times on each side. Ultimately, you want to increase the count up to 50 times each side when you feel able.

2.) Warrior I Push Outs

With hands in fists, pull your elbows back as you deeply inhale. Do this while stepping with left foot out to your left side into Warrior I position with straight legs. When you are ready to exhale, bend your forward left leg. Do this while opening up your palms and pushing forward with resistance. Go slow. Let the heel of your palm lead the push; try to really resist for building hand, wrist, and arm strength. Exhale strongly as you resist. Release the last bit of oxygen out of your lungs. Do this on each side 5-10 times. For more intensity, widen your legs in Warrior I. For less intensity, bring your legs closer together.

3.) Exploding Squat Side Punch

Inhale quickly, squatting back with fists blocking your face. Lead with your bottom to torch those lower body muscles. Exhale quickly, exploding up while punching out to your side with your right fist. Repeat this 10-25 times on each side. The goal is to do this 50 times each side; work up to it! Squat back lower for more intensity, and do more repetitions on each side. Slightly squat back slowly with less repetitions.

4.) Knee Hug into Warrior III

Stand tall. Inhale deeply, lifting your right knee and pulling it into your chest. Raise your opposite hand for more intensity. Exhale deeply, releasing your knee and slowly letting your fingers find the mat for support. Stretch your leg up behind you. Inhale again, hugging your knee in and slowly standing up again on your left leg. Repeat this 10 times on each leg. For more intensity, go slow and do more repetitions. For less intensity, use a chair, table or counter top for support. Reduce the number of repetitions to what you’re comfortable doing.

5.) Half Moon Pose

Gently take off into Half Moon Position from Triangle Pose. Your left leg toes should point forward, with your left hand about 12 inches out in front of you. Raise your right hand and let your right heel push out through your right leg. This positioning will help keep you balanced. Stretch and breathe. Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute for more intensity, and the place the hand that is touching your mat on your ankle. For less intensity, use a wall, sturdy chair or counter for support. If you fall, simply get up and try again. Hold Half Moon pose for 10-30 counts. Repeat on your other leg.

When you feel comfortable grab your foot and stretch some more! You can always do each leg again a few more times, should you feel ready.

6.) One Legged Chair Squats

Place your left foot on your right thigh and squat back, leading with your bottom. Do not allow your standing knee to bend beyond your toes. Hold for 10 long breaths and repeat on your other leg. For more intensity, inhale as you straighten your standing leg and exhale as you bend into squat, for a total of 5-20 times on each leg. You can go low in the squat and do more repetitions for added intensity. Use a chair, table or counter top for support if you need to and do less reps for less intensity.

7.) Eagle Pose

Stand tall. Picking up your left leg, place it over your right thigh, and then place it behind your right leg. Let your left leg twirl around your standing leg until your toes pop out on the left side of your leg. Or, you can simply keep your toes behind your leg. Try to keep your hips forward. Your left arm should then slide under your right arm and also twirls up the arm. Ultimately, both palms should look at one another when you get into this position. If you find that your body does not move that way yet, simply relax and ease into the space that feels right for you today. Wherever you find yourself is a great place to start today. Now repeat everything on your other leg and arm. Your right leg goes over left thigh, and right arm slides below and up left arm.

Enjoy! Have fun…and be blessed!



Have you ever had to rocket to the bathroom? Do you sometimes get so bloated your pants won’t zip up?  Are you tired of stomach pain? Do you wish you could some how tame your tummy trouble for good? Why not try a couple Yoga exercises? Maybe Yoga can help to ease your belly troubles! Many medical experts and lots of research have proved that Yoga helps with digestive disorders like IBS, Crohn’s disease, Colitis, acid reflux, gas and bloating.  That is why I have designed this Yoga Segment with that in mind!

For this Yoga Segment, I have included the easiest and most beneficial Yoga exercises for improving your digestion. I hope these Yoga exercises will ease your pain and suffering. Embracing a Yoga practice for yourself will ensure your digestive system be on track!

Add a bit of Heavenly peace to boost this Yoga Segment and infuse your digestion system with love!

In John 14:17 , Jesus says directly to us …

…Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

1.) Lying Knee To Chest

Lie down on your back. Inhale deeply, pulling your right knee into your chest. If you are able, round your back by bringing your head to your knee. Your left leg may come off the floor too if you are able. Pause and then release your leg and your breath as you slowly unravel and lie on the floor. Repeat on your left leg. Alternate 5 times on each leg. Increase the count as you get stronger to 25 times on each leg. Breath in as you pull in and exhale as you release your leg to the floor.

2.) Lying Knees To Chest or known as the” Wind Relieving Pose.”

Bring both of your knees into your chest. Raise your head to meet them if you can. Squeeze tight. Inhale and exhale long and deeply 5-10 counts. Progress up to 1-3 minutes if you are able.

3.) Easy Spinal Twist

Lie down on your back. Bend both your knees by moving your legs up. Keep your arms relaxed but out to the sides. Let your shoulders drop and melt into your mat. Gently let your knees fall to the side. Look up or let your head roll to either side. Inhale and exhale long and deeply for 5-10 counts. Repeat on your other side by coming back to the middle.

4.) Hip Lifts

Lie down on your back. Bend both knees by moving your legs up. Hold your ankles if you can. Inhale, lifting your bottom up. Exhale, releasing it down. Repeat the process 10-20 times, inhaling up and exhaling down. As you progress, increase the count.

5.) Leg Lift Prayer Hold

Find a wall and shimmy your legs up. Or raise them directly up from your hips. Place your hands in prayer position or relax them out to your sides. Inhale and exhale long and deeply for 10 counts or 1-3 minutes.

6.) Seated Spinal Twist

Sit up tall with your legs straight out in front of you. Pull your right leg into your chest. Lift your right foot over your left thigh and pull it in as close as you can with your left hand. Inhale, looking to the right side. Lift your left arm up and remember to sit up tall. Exhale and twist a bit more. Your exhales should allow you a little more room for twisting. Repeat a few more times with your breath. Repeat on your other side.

7.) Seated Forward Bend

With legs directly forward, grasp your toes. Lead with your chin and stretch out over them. Keep your back straight, but you may bend your knees. Inhale and exhale slowly for 10 counts. The longer you stretch over your legs, the more flexible you will become. You may surprise yourself at how far you may stretch! As you progress, you could try this for 1-3 minutes.

8.) Wide Angle Side Stretch

With legs directly forward, angle them out to the sides. Bend your right knee and bring it into your body. Inhale slowly, raising your right arm. Exhale slowly, folding over your left leg. Stretch! Repeat on the other side for a total 10-20 times each side. Don’t forget to inhale arms up and exhale folding over your leg.

9.) Squat Pose into Squat Pose Twist

Stand with legs hip width apart. Slowly bend your knees, squatting down to your mat. You may place a folded or rolled up towel under your heels for support. Careful with your knees. Try lowering and raising your body if this is new to you. Inhale and lower, exhale and raise your body 3-5 counts. If you are comfortable in Squat Pose, place your hands in Prayer Pose and inhale and exhale long and deeply for 5-10 counts. Progress up to 1 minute.

For more intensity, try twisting in Squat Pose. Raise your right arm and bring it behind you, letting it slide around your hips. Take your left hand and slide it around the front of your left leg. Ultimately, your hands should meet. If they do not, simply hold the Pose at the place that is a comfortable stretch for you. Then inhale and exhale long and deeply for 5-10 counts. Unravel yourself and repeat on your other side.


10.) Child’s Pose

Sit back on your heels and gently place your head on your mat. You can also place your head on a chair, pillow, blanket, towel, it’s your choice. Stretch your arms out in front of you. Relax and let all tension drain from your body. Inhale slowly and exhale slowly. With each exhale release your cares, worries, fears, doubts or anything else that steals your peace. Linger here for a few.



GET EMPOWERED WITH MR Z. YOGA CHALLENGE (Core power with focus on God’s power)

Got power? God says you do. And the power He is talking about far exceeds our thoughts. In Ephesians 1: 19, God says, He is giving us, “The exceeding greatness of His power to us – toward who believe.  We possess His Godly, supernatural, creator of the world, raiser of the dead, holy, magnificent, awesome, eternal power. Halleluyah!

Below you will find whole body postures designed to get you empowered physically, especially your core. As you move through these hardcore Yoga moves, let God unleash the exceeding greatness of His power in your life!


Stand with your feet hip width apart. Inhale, stretch up and lean backward. Exhale, slowly bending forward. Repeat 10-20 times for a terrific stretching warm up. Don’t forget to breath.


Bend your knees on your last Forward Bend and sit on your heels. Place your hands firmly into the ground with palms spread wide. Slowly raise your hips. Your arms and legs will straighten. Try to keep your heels on the mat by walking them in closer. Try to press your shoulders down but keep your neck lengthened. Stretch the backs of your legs further by keeping them pressed back. It will also lift your hips higher. Stay a while and breathe continuously. Come to your knees then try a few more times.


From a Down Dog Position, simply lower your hips. If you need to, walk your hands forward or feet back to stretch out into Plank Position. Let your arms come straight down from your shoulders; then your palms will be in the right place. Keep them spread. Your arms should be straightened but not locked. Keep your hips up. If they are falling, simply place your knees on the ground. Hold the Plank Position, or modified with knees on the ground, for 10 seconds. Try again 5 more times at 10 seconds. As you get stronger, hold for 20 seconds 5 times. Practice and shoot for a full minute.


After you have completed your Planks, lower your body by bending your elbows. Touch the floor with your chin if you can, but try to keep your body up. Hold for a few breaths then raise your body back to a Plank Position. Repeat 5-10 times. You can always lower your knees until you get stronger, because you are still building whole body strength.


After you have completed your Plank Push Ups, pick up your left arm and your left leg as you balance on your right side. Try to place your body on a horizontal line with feet and legs stacked on top of one another. Let your shoulders be in a vertical line with palms spread wide. Hold for 20-60 seconds, then repeat on your other side. Or hold the same side 20 seconds, then come down and do this 3 times for a total of 20+20+20= 60 seconds. Then repeat on your other side.


After you have completed Side Planks, begin again in Side Plank position and place your top foot on your bottom knee or thigh. Hold for 20-30 seconds for a total of 60 seconds.


After Side Plank Knee Ups, begin again in Side Plank position and raise your top leg as high as it will go. Hold for 10 seconds to begin and shoot for 1 minute on each side as you progress.


From a Plank position simply lower to your elbows. Let your elbows be right below your shoulders. If you feel any discomfort stop immediately. Hold for 10-60 seconds. Then continue a few more times.


From an Elbow Plank position, simply raise a leg and hold for 10-60 seconds as you progress. Remember to always stop if you feel pain, especially in your back and neck.


Come to a standing position then bend your knees and lower to the floor. This can be a challenging Position. It requires a lot of upper body strength so you may need to work up to it. Place your hands spread wide on the floor directly in front of you. Slightly bend your elbows as you raise your knees onto your elbows. Hold for 10-60 seconds. Or gently rock  forward, lifting your feet off the floor and then place your feet back on the floor. This will build whole body strength even as you work up to the full Crow Pose position.


Come to a kneeling position. Step your left leg out in front. Pick your left foot up or wiggle it to your right side. Guide your knee as you gently lower it to the floor. Ultimately, your forward leg will be horizontally in front of you.  Straighten your back leg. Sit here for a few moments, then slowly raise your back leg. Your forward leg will probably push your knee forward; this is perfectly alright. Let the bend of your back arm lock your back foot, and bring your left hand to meet your right and clasp them. Hold for 10-30 seconds and repeat with your right leg forward.

Yoga on!


LIVING STRONGER WITH MR.Z YOGA CHALLENGE (whole body yoga for strength and focus)

Plug into the surpassing greatness of His power and emerge fortified!

Both earthy and exhilarating, this segment with Mr. Z  will challenge your balance while building core, leg, and feet strength. As you move through these standing positions, deepen your footprints into the earth by gently pressing your feet into the ground. Let that vitality rebound up through your legs. Use your arms for balance. Breath steadily moving, from position to position. Allow God to unleash His mighty power in you and “Live Stronger!”

God says,…Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Ephesians 6:10


Start with your legs hip width apart. Inhale deeply, reaching your arms upwards. Exhale deeply, folding your torso over your legs. Pause for a moment in a downward position. Your hands may only reach your knees, but with practice your flexibility will improve. Repeat 10-15 times and don’t forget to breathe.


Kneel and place your hands on your mat in front of you. Feet are hip width apart. Tuck your toes and slowly straighten your legs and arms. Let your hips be the highest point. Walk your legs in if your heels do not touch the mat. Explore the position. Move around in Down Dog until you feel a good stretch. Try to breath deeply for a few counts before kneeling back to your starting point. Try a few more times before moving to the next pose.


Once you feel comfortable in a Down Dog position, simply raise your left leg. Hold it up as you breathe deeply. Then raise your right leg. Alternate 10 more raises each leg, inhaling as you raise your leg and exhaling as you lower it.


From Three Legged Dog Position simply raise your arms and come up to a horizontal position of arms and legs. Hold and breath deeply for a few counts. You may wiggle and fall, everyone does. Simply try again. You can also go back to Three Legged Dog, then back to Warrior III a few times before trying your other leg.


From Warrior III Position above, challenge yourself and don’t drop your raised foot. Instead, bring your raised leg in to meet your other leg. Grab your knee, then your foot. Place your foot inside your standing leg’s thigh or keep it raised as high on your leg as possible. Stretch your arms over head or in prayer position. Hold and breathe deeply up to 10 times.


From Tree Position above, grasp the foot that is raised and carefully balance on your standing leg as you move it to the back of you. Let your foot push into your hand as you reach your other arm forward. This will create better stability and balance. You may also place your forward arm on a chair or table. If you fall, simply start over. You will feel a deep stretch and become more open on your side, hip, chest and shoulder. Breathe deeply as you stretch and repeat a few times, building deep core and leg strength.


From The King’s Position slowly let go of your foot and place it behind you. Bend your standing leg. Place your heels on the same line. Stretch your arms out wide. Pull up through your torso. Establish firm legs and hips. Hold, breathing deeply for 10 long counts while the breath soaks into your cells and energizes your body.


From a Warrior II Position, inhale. Then slowly exhale, raising your forward arm and lean back. Your back arm should be sliding down your back leg as you do. Repeat 5-10 times. Inhale in Warrior II and exhal into Peaceful Warrior.


It’s time now to repeat Three Legged Dog, Warrior III, Tree Position, The King’s Position, Warrior I, and Peaceful Warrior on your other leg.


Stand tall, feet hip width. Raise and pull your knee in, grabbing onto your foot. Use a sturdy counter, table or chair if you need extra support in holding yourself up on one foot. Find a focal point to concentrate on outwardly and the Bible verse to focus on inwardly. Slowly push out with your foot and straighten your leg. Keep your balancing knee straight but not locked. Raise your free hand and hold for 10 deep breaths. You will  wiggle, wobble and possibly fall, everyone does. If you fall, simply try again. Every second that you hold your leg up you are building deep strength.


YOGA IN A CASTLE CHALLENGE (gain peace and comfort through the strength of God)

Don’t let the smile fool you! I am concerned. I am not a fan of high places. Especially when practicing  yoga as the waves crash below me upon a rock fortress built in the 16th century! On the other hand, I am awed and amazed. These very rocks I stand upon defended the bay of San Juan for almost 500 years. The fortress that surrounds me survived attacks from foreign powers on many occasions. It was even attacked three times during the Spanish/ American War, ending the age of Navel warfare in the Caribbean! The American military gained control in 1898, and it was still used as a military post in defense of possible German attacks in World War II. In its latter years, it starred in the movie Amistad and was named a National Historic Site (one of 12 in the US), a World Heritage Site, and a UNESCO site (or United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization).

Join me atop this enchanting fortress of mystery and grandeur. Given to attacks, battles, storms, and hundreds of years of wear and tears, Del Morro is unceasingly a universal landmark of strength and dignity. As we practice this yoga segment of courage, strength, and balance may Castillo San Felipe Del Morro National Historic Site stand as a landmark in our lives. Let it be the moment we release ourselves from the crashing waves in our lives and give to God our battles to fight, our storms to endure and the wear and tear of the burdens that we bear daily. May we humbly determine in our hearts to allow God be the fortress that surrounds, protects us, and becomes our refuge in time of need.



Stand tall with your feet together. Inhale, reaching your arms to the heavens. Pause as you let all that fresh oxygen nourish each cell. Exhale, folding over your legs. Stretch a little farther and hang out there before raising your torso back up again. Repeat the stretch 5-10 times before moving on to the next exercise.


On your last forward bend, stay at the place that provides you a good stretch. If you can, grasp your toes. Inhale, lifting your head and torso. Exhale, pulling your head to your legs. Let your exhales move you a little farther physically and a little deeper inwardly. Try to release your worries, fears, and doubts. The more you let go, the deeper you will be able to stretch. Repeat 5-10 times with deep breathing, releasing that tension in your legs.


Step out with your right foot and bend your knee. Straighten your back leg and lift your arms like powerful wings out to the sides. Feel rooted and grounded down through your legs and feet. If this position grows too vigorous, step your back leg in. Stay here for a few deep breaths. Try to release all that negative stuff in your life that confounds you, so that you can rise from a deep letting go. Repeat on your other leg.

After you have completed the above position with deep breathing  add more intensity to this pose by straightening your left leg with a big inhale and arm sweep upward. Then exhale back into the pose. Try this 3-5 times after holding the pose and breathing deeply.


From a Warrior II position, gently lower your back leg to the ground. Keep your front knee directly over your foot. Swoop your arms up and try to snatch a cloud from the sky! Breath into the stretch. As tension arises, keep a steady breath and focus on the Bible verse. Stay for at least 5 deep inhales and exhales. Repeat on your other leg. You can do it again on each leg and see if the stretch gets deeper each time.


From a deep low lunge position, let your arms fall to the middle on the ground in front of you. Rotate your front foot forward. Bring your back leg in to meet it. You should be on your tip toes with hands on the ground for support. Pause here, it’s a great toe and foot stretch. Then try to extend your left leg out to the side. Bring your hands together in prayer position and offer up a prayer, a thank you, or a Halleluyah! Breath deeply for 5-8 breaths before coming up to the next position.


From tip toe squat position, bring you tip toed feet in and slowly straighten your legs to stand. Use the same bended leg as you did in tip toe squat position for your standing leg. Invite every muscle to engage while finding a spot to focus your eyes upon. Now slowly raise the other foot as high as you are able. Raise your arms into prayer position and breath continuously. If you fall like I did while taking this picture, simply try again. Like tree pose, the crashing waves of life will always try to get you off balance. Always try again and trust in God as your focal point, looking forward. Repeat on your other leg.


From tree pose, hug your knee in and grasp your foot. Use a chair or railing if you need support and slowly straighten that leg out to the side. Keep your standing leg straight. Try to straighten both legs. If you are currently unable to do this, stay where you are and breath deeply. Even with both legs bended, you will still be developing all the muscles in your legs and improving your balance along the way. Play around with this position. Do both legs. Do it again and again and everywhere!

Glorify God in the midst of your circumstances and let God give to you a new and peaceful way of being in the world!



Time on your mat invites you to stretch not only your body, but your emotional, mental, and spiritual self as well. Let yoga serve as an exploration, so that God can use to move you ever closer to that lovely state of balance where you feel alive and awakened, energized yet relaxed, refreshed and rejoicing, peaceful and loved… all in the same moment!

Being physically flexible is not just about being able to get into into pretzel like positions as in yoga. Actually, flexibility is the ability to move muscles and joints through their complete range of motion. Increasing flexibility improves and stretches your range of motion, thus enhancing daily life in a multitude of ways. Flexing and stretching improves circulation by increasing blood flow and nourishing muscle tissue. Frequent flexing and stretching helps reduce tightness in muscles and allows you to maintain better posture. Flexing and stretching also relieves tension, enhances coordination and balance, increases energy levels, aids in pain relief and improves your sense of well being. Flexing and stretching can also be an attitude that invests and transforms the mind. Flexible minded persons are able to take advantage of opportunities, flourishing and growing in the process. It challenges us to leave our comfort zones and offers us new ways of experiencing God, ourselves, and the world.

Researchers at the University of California, at Berkley, introduced an amoeba into a perfect, stress free environment (the amoeba is a single-celled organism that lives in marine environments). The temperature, moisture level and food supply were all perfect for the amoebas survival. The amoeba needed to make no adjustments to improve its life. One would think that the amoeba simply lived the good life, right? Unfortunately for the amoeba, it died. The saying “you’re either green and growing or ripe and rotting” is quite true here. The amoeba needed challenge in order to multiply and grow. Without challenge in life, it could not survive.

In the Bible, God used example after example of men and women who left their comfort zones and were able to accomplish amazing things. Moses, David, Joshua, Ruth, Debra, Paul, Mary and Jesus are just a few! Think about their lives and the way they allowed themselves to be flexible before God.

Some people say the moment you leave your comfort zone is when life really begins. I don’t know about you, but I call that faith!



…” I came that you may have life and live it more abundantly”-

John 10:10



After twelve years my middle or, mid sis I call her, were able to share Thanksgiving together this year. Our families were with us which made it even better. It was a fabulous day. It stirred wonderfully comforting and soul satisfying emotions in me to be with my middle sister again. It was so good to smile with her and give up big belly laughs together. We even found ourselves terribly amused at teasing others in our families. Just like old times I guess. But three days of non stop telling one another about our live as we mingled with our families was precious to us. So much to tell and so much to say. We also shared the tears too, like sisters do. It was all so perfect. Just the way it should be and we thank God we are sisters! And, it is to God that we are thankful we were able to get together. Praise God for this wonderful family Thanksgiving in FLA in 2016!

By my sister’s beautiful pool we did yoga poses. It was a beautiful Halleluyah moment! Though we could not keep a straight face I hope these pictures reveal our grateful and loving hearts to each other and to our wonderful God!

To our God we give the glory!

Yoga on mid sis!



YOGA FOR VITALITY CHALLENGE ( Yoga with a twist for everyBODY)

This yoga segment is designed for most fitness levels.  Enhance your twisting with a couple verses of Scripture provided below and twist for your mind, body, and soul!

Get Twisted and improve the health of your internal organs and build your core. According to Livestrong, twists encourage the flow of oxygenated blood while eliminating toxins and metabolic wastes from your body. They also aid in bloating or digestive problems. Your shoulders, chest, back and spine have a chance to relax in twists and you will increase flexibility in your spine and waist muscles.

At first glance, twists appear chaotic. Any normal person knows a body should not be bending and twisting like that. That’s the beauty of a twist: a body gone wild! Don’t be fooled; to move into a twist from a standing position requires so much more. Your feet need to settle into the earth and your legs must draw strength from the stability of the feet. Your entire core or inner body  needs to lengthen. You must inhale from the bottom of your body to the top of your head, drawing a long deep breath by pulling up and out of your waist, chest, hips, spine. And when it is impossible to hold any more breath inside you, then you twist with a long exhalation. The breathing helps you twist better.

What I love about twists is that your insides get revitalized. As you stand firm with a solid foundation, you appear all tensed up and out of control but your core keeps you strong. Sometimes in our lives we get all twisted up too but God tells us to chill. Sometimes the knots are so twisted up we can easily forget that the God that breathed the stars into existence and turned water into wine can help us. Seriously, all we need to do is believe. Seems too easy, but God promised He would help us. In this yoga segment get twisted but let Him untwists all the  knots inside that are binding you now.

…”cast your worries on Him, because He cares for you. 1 peter 5:7

…Let your roots grow down into Him. Let your lives be built on Him. Colossians 2:7



1.) Chair Pose into Chair Pose Twist

Start by placing your feet together. Bend your knees and slightly bend back as if you were going to sit on a chair. Raise your arms up, then inhale and exhale 3-5 times long and deeply. You may stand up for a moment or continue in a chair pose for the twist.

In chair pose position, on your last inhale and exhale bring your palms together in prayer pose. Firmly press them together. Inhale deeply, lifting your entire upper body. Exhale deeply as you twist. Let your left elbow twist to the outside of your right leg. Hold the pose as long as you like or repeat on your other side.

Make it a flowing sequence of movement by always standing up before you bend into chair pose. Bend into chair pose with arms up and then into prayer pose. Stand up again and bend into chair pose before you twist to each side. Repeat the sequence once or maybe 3 times each side.

You may also widen your feet for better balance in chair pose and do not bend back too far. Always stand between each movement so your legs don’t get tired and slightly twist to each side.



2.) Chair Pose One Arm Stretch and Twist

From chair pose, twist to the right side, and simply lower your left arm down while extending your right arm upward. Hold the twisted stretch, then inhale and exhale long and deeply. Breathe into any tensions that may arise.



3.) Low Lunge Back Knee Bend into Reverse Twist

Step your left foot forward into a lunge pose. Sink your hips, placing your back knee on the ground. Inhale and exhale long and deeply for a minute, invigorating your body and mind while resting your attention on God.

For the twist, bend your right back leg and let your torso follow. Place your right hand directly below your right shoulder. Let your left arm twist your body as you look up. Inhale and exhale long and deeply for 3-10 counts if you like, or what ever feels good for you.

Make you lunge higher or simply stay on a bended back right knee if you find it too challenging. If your right hand does not make it to the floor, stay up. Do the twist by placing your right arm just outside your left thigh. Inhale and exhale long and deeply as long as you feel comfortable.



4.) Bended Knee Reverse Twist and Stretch

Step your right foot forward, bending your back left knee. Inhale long and deeply, lifting your entire upper body. Then as you exhale twist, placing your left hand on your right thigh. Raise your right arm for a deeper twist. Repeat on your other side for 3-10 long and deep twisted inhales and exhales, or as many as you like.




5.) Warrior II Pose into Side Angle Pose

Step your left foot forward, bending your knee. Keep your left back leg straight if possible. Sink your hips, raising your arms up and out to the sides. Inhale, pulling up and out of your belly, then lifting your chest. Keep your shoulders pressed down with an extended neck. Look out past your arms. Stand firm and let the quietness of your roots be the source of your strength.

Move from Warrior II position into Side Angle pose by lifting your right arm up and extending it up and over. Meanwhile bend your left arm, resting it on your left thigh. Stretch and inhale and exhale long and deeply 3-10 times. Repeat on your other side.

Walk your back leg in and slightly bend your front knee if you find it too challenging. Your hand may also rest anywhere that feels comfortable on your front leg.



6.) Side Angle Stretch and Twist

Once in a Side Angle position, lower your forward left hand to the floor and extend your right arm up. Inhale and exhale long and deeply 3-10 times.

You may come back to a standing position or come back to a Side Angle. Moving from a Side Angle, simply let your raised right arm fall behind. Then let your left arm slide under your left thigh and meet it. Grasp your fingers and look up. This will open your torso in new ways, stretching and strengthening your entire body. Inhale and exhale as best you can long and deeply.

Bring your right arm to your hip. Look up.


7.) Star Pose One Arm Stretch and Twist

Stretch your legs out to the sides at a distance comfortable for you. Bend forward, placing your hands on the ground. Inhale long and deeply and exhale long and deeply, extending and twisting your right arm upward. Repeat on the other side for 3-10 inhales and exhales on both sides. Inhale middle, exhale twisting up.

For a less vigorous approach, bend your knees and  lessen the distance between your legs. Bend over slightly. Let your twist come from placing your hands on the outside of each leg. The other arm can be placed on your hip. Inhale in the middle slightly bent and exhale as you twist to each side. Repeat 3-10 times each side.


8.) Eagle Pose

Stand with your legs and feet together. Raise your left leg, placing it over your right thigh. Try to tuck that leg behind the leg your standing on. If you can twirl it around the leg finishing at the inside of your right foot. Once steady, let your left arm go under your right elbow, twirling it up your arm until your palms meet. Inhale and exhale long and deep 2-4 times. Repeat on your other leg. Left leg twirls left arm goes under and twirls. Right leg twirls, right arm goes under and twirls. Try to keep your body, especially your hips facing forward.

For a less vigorous approach, I would suggest that you do these movements separately. Arms. Then do legs. Play around with each, and see where you end up. One side will feel easier, guaranteed!




9.) Squat Prayer Pose Into Side Twist

Let your legs be hip width apart then bend your knees. Sink your hips all the way to the ground. Press your palms together for a more intense stretch.

From Squat Pose, raise your left arm up then back extending it to your right hip. Stay here. For a more intense stretch, take your right arm out and over the outside of your right leg. Meet the hands, clasp them and stretch upward for 3-10 long and deep inhales and exhales.

For a less vigorous approach, place a rolled up or folded blanket under each heel. Gently begin moving your arms up and around your legs. Stop at a comfortable stretch for you. Inhale and exhale long and deeply.

Lie on your back for a few breaths to absorb the afterimage of each twist. Do you feel lighter? Does your body feel more buoyant? Do you feel more rooted and grounded, perhaps balanced and clear-headed? Enjoy this delightful state of peace and love.

Get Twisted and Yoga on



Stretch into Star Pose, and do your body good! According to Dr. Andrew Weil, MD you may even see a reduction in your blood pressure as a 2012 published study revealed in The Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies.

For your benefit, we will be in a version of Star Pose in most of the stretches in this segment. Undoubtedly, Star Pose will strengthen and stretch your inner leg muscles while decompressing your spine. Your neck, back, arms, legs, and hips will also benefit and your brain will calm. Your headaches, fatigue, mild depression and anxiety may be relieved and you may find your digestion improving. All this from one little pose. No wonder the ancients yogis named it Star Pose.

While we are on the subject of stars, I thought I might indulge in a few amazing facts about them. Astronomers estimate that there are 170 billion galaxies in the observable universe, stretching out into a region of space 13.8 billion light years away from us in all directions. That is the number 1, followed by 24 zeros! Top that off with the incredible truth that the hands that made the stars is holding your heart!

Psalms 147:4 says “He counts the stars and calls them all by name.

Stretch your thoughts while stretching your body in this segment, and wrap your brain around that!

Let’s come standing and warm up a little!


1.) Standing Back Arch Stretch

Stand tall with feet together. Inhale deeply, raising your arms up from your sides. Slightly arch back as your hands meet in prayer pose over head. Pull up and out of your waist, hips, belly and legs. Try to keep your shoulders pressed down with a lengthened neck and lifted chest. Keep inhaling until you no longer can and exhale slowly, lowering your arms to a standing relaxed position. Repeat 3-10 times with deep inhales and exhales.

Widen your feet to hip width for better balance. Also, it may be more comfortable for you to look forward and not upward.



2.) Standing Forward Bend/Big Toe Stretch

With feet together stand tall, extend your arms overhead and fold forward. If you experience tightness in your legs simply bend them. Grab your big toes and inhale, looking up and forward. Take a moment to feel the back of your legs releasing to the stretch, as well as your hamstrings, glutes, back, spine and neck. Exhale, rounding your back and bringing your head to your knees. You may continue stretching, inhaling, exhaling for 3-10 times. After you have completed the movements, you may also have some fun just folding forward, feeling all the stretching sensations in your leg muscles and spine.

You may also place your palms on your thighs instead of your big toes, or hold onto a sturdy chair/counter.


3.) Standing Star Pose Stretch

Widen your feet to your sides and keep your legs straight. Each person’s Star Pose width will be different. As long as your entire foot is on the floor and you feel balanced with no pain, continue on. Move your feet inward slightly if you feel uncomfortable. Once your feeling balanced, interlock your fingers and stretch upward, index fingers straight and pointing. Inhale and exhale deeply, stretching up and out of your waist, belly, chest and hips. Hold Star Pose for  3-10 long, slow, and deep inhales and exhales.


4.) Big Toe Star Pose Stretch

After completing standing Star Pose, simply fold forward and grab your big toes. Inhale, looking up and forward. Go slow so that you may release the backs of your legs. Then exhale, rounding your back and pulling your head to your knees. Inhale and exhale long and deep up to 10 times, looking up and stretching your head to your knees.

If this pose is too uncomfortable for you, try bending your legs or place your hands on your thighs instead of your big toes. You can still try inhaling looking up and forward. Then exhaling rounding your back and pulling your head to your body. Do whatever works for you.


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5.) Standing Star Pose Twist

Stand slightly wider than hip distance apart. Stand tall, stretching your arms to your sides. Bend you knees slightly for improved balance. Remember that your legs and hips will always face forward, even when you twist. As you begin your twist, make sure that you are pulled up from your waist, belly, hips, back and spine. The twist comes from your upper body, not your legs and waist! Go slow at first. Inhale, twist left, and exhale twist right for a total of 10-30 inhales and exhales or 1-3 minutes. As you pick up speed, inhale and exhale quickly and powerfully as you twist. You will be giving your lungs a terrific workout!

Bend your knees, and place your hands on your hips or thighs if you find it too challenging. Take it slower and inhale and exhale deeper as you twist rather than quick powerful breaths. Go for slow and deep.


6.) Forward Bending Star Pose With Hands Clasped

With legs in a Star Pose that is comfortable for you, clasp your hands behind your back and stretch your arms up. Inhale and stretch your upper body. Lift your chest, stretch your neck and look upwards. Exhale, slowly folding over. Repeat 10-20 inhales and exhales.

Walk your legs in and bend them if you find it too challenging. Fold over slightly and place your hands or your waist, thighs or knees.



7.) Forward Bending Star Pose With Arm Twist

Once you are folded over in Star Pose, place your palms on your mat. Move your left hand so that it is directly below your head. Inhale, twisting your torso, stretching your right arm up while looking up. Exhale, placing your right arm directly below your head and raise your left arm. Inhale while placing your arm up, and exhale as you lower it. Repeat this 10-30 times or 1-3 minutes.

You may also place your hands behind your head and twist by moving your head left to right. Walk your legs in and bend them and place your hands anywhere that is comfortable for you to feel a little stretch as you twist.


7.) Forward Bending Star Pose On Elbows

With Star Pose, fold over and place your forearms on your mat. Inhale and exhale long and deeply 3-10 times. If you can, remain in this pose for 1-3 minutes for added benefits. As you linger here, let the benefit of the pose seep deeply into your core. Stretch your legs and allow striving and effort to drain from your brain. Let knots of tension that arise in your body untie themselves.

For a less vigorous approach, grab your nearest wall, table or back of a sturdy chair. Move into Star Pose, while bending over and stretching. You may also bend your legs if the stretch becomes too intense. Linger and let all tensions and effort dissolve.


8.) Squat In Prayer Pose

Stand with legs hip width apart and toes slightly pointed out. Lower your body and let your torso sink. Bring your hands in prayer pose. Inhale and exhale long and deeply 3-10 times, or for up to 3 minutes for added health benefits.

Simply lower to a cross legged position and pray if you find Squat Pose to be to challenging.  Inhale and exhale long and deep. You may also place two towels under your heels for support to try to get into a Squat Pose and see what happens. The point is your still stretching and doing your body good.

Lie down and let the hard spaces within you melt away with each breath. Let each breath soothe and calm your brain.  Let God soothe and calm your heart, rinsing it clean. Offer up your Halleluyahs. Sparkle and shine!

Praise be to God!

BACK AND SPINE YOGA CHALLENGE ( Beginners yoga for back and spine )

Did you know that back pain is the most common reason for missed work and the second greatest reason for going to the doctor? The American Chiropractic Association estimates that 31 million Americans experience lower back pain at any given time. Although most back ailments are not serious – meaning they are not caused by serious conditions like arthritis, infection, fracture or cancer when you get one – it definitely stinks. Fortunately, studies have shown that those who practice yoga for as little as twice a week for 8 weeks make significant gains in strength, flexibility and endurance. Those are the basic goals of most rehab programs for neck and back pain.

Since sitting is what we do for great lengths during the course of a day, included are a few gentle stretches on our backs. We can do these immediately in the office, home, even at the beach. As you practice these movements, dwell on the Bible verse and let stress dissolve and have peace.

…”I will keep in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee.” Isaiah 26:3

Being on our backs provides a great opportunity to look up. Snoopy says it’s the secret of life!



1.) Lying Knee Hug

Lie down and stretch. Bend and bring your right knee to your chest. Inhale while wrapping your arms around it with a hug. Exhale and release it back down. Repeat on your left leg, inhale while hugging your knee into your chest and exhaling as you release it back down for a total of 5-10 times each leg.


2.) Baby Pose

Raise both of your legs and try to grasp your toes or feet, or anywhere on your leg that is comfortable for you. Inhale and exhale, letting the weight of your legs sink so that your back can let go. Sway side to side. It’s okay to have fun like a tiny baby, discovering for the first time that they have legs and feet.


3.) Simple Spine Stretch

Lay down and stretch. Bend both of your legs and stretch your arms out to the sides. Take a deep breath then exhale deeply, letting your legs slowly fall to the right. Keep looking up. If pain arises stop immediately but if you can let the outsides of right leg settle on your mat. Stay for a while, inhaling and exhaling long and deeply. Repeat on your left side.


4.) One Legged Spine Stretch

Lay down and stretch. Bend your right knee. Stretch your arms out to the sides and look up. Inhale and then exhale, letting your right knee slowly fall over your right leg. Where ever the stretch feels comfortable, remain there and breath long and deeply before repeating on your left leg.


5.) Seated One Legged Spine Twist

Sit with your legs stretched out forward. Press the back of your left knee into your mat. Sit up tall while bending your right leg into your body. Pick up your right foot and place it over your left leg. Gently wrap your left arm around your knee, hugging it towards your body. Inhale and exhale long and deeply up to 10 times and repeat on your other leg.

If you are able raise your right arm for a more intense stretch, do so!


6.) Legs Up A Wall

This soothing restorative posture calms the nervous system, eases muscle fatigue, and helps to restore healthy restful breathing. It’s a great pose to do if your stressed, overwhelmed, or in need of some sleep.

To begin, shift your body near a wall and gently walk your legs up. Rest the backs of your thighs against the wall, which offers a gentle support that deepens the restorative benefits of the pose.

If your thighs cannot get there, then bend your legs and shimmy your hips a little closer to the wall. If in any way you feel strained, come back down and lay before a chair with your legs resting comfortably upon it. If that is even too strenuous, simply lay down on your mat or lay with your knees bent.

Once you arrive at your perfect resting place position for Legs Up a Wall, you need only to close your eyes, exhale completely, and melt into the pose. Scan your body limb by limb, inviting any knots and grips of tension to dissolve away completely. Let your brain drain, relinquishing its hold on obsessive worries and fears that may still linger.  Grow easy and tranquil, grasping after absolutely nothing. Let everything you know about yourself dissolve. Fall beneath the surface of life into quiet stillness.

Invite your breath to deepen. With each quiet exhalation and with every ounce of letting go, fall deeper. Linger in the soothing silence. Dwell in the freedom of surrender and enjoy the tranquility and deep rest of letting go.