Hello Friends and welcome to “Yoga with Penny!”

To begin the New Year, I’m going to teach you a yogic breathing technique called “Alternate Nostril Breathing.” It’s a meditative practice that switches our breath between our two nostrils helping us to manage the stresses of daily life and to become mindful of the present moment. In the book, “What Happened,” Hillary Clinton wrote that she used Alternate Nostril Breathing after her loss in the 2016 Presidential Election to help manage her stress and anxiety.

In studies, this breathing technique has shown to lower participants perceived levels of stress and was significant in lowering blood pressure, heart rate and the respiratory rate. It also improved the functioning of the lungs and the functioning of both sides of our brain. It had a positive effect on mental health by reducing anxiety which naturally promotes a state of well being.

Let’s begin by sitting comfortably anywhere you like. Please take a few moments to close your eyes. Try focusing on your inhales and exhales. For greater results practice this technique daily and for extended moments of time.

To begin:

Take your right hand and bend your forefinger and middle finger into your palm.

Take your right thumb and seal your right nostril.

Inhale deeply through your left nostril for 4 counts.

Seal your left nostril with your ring finger and hold your breath with both nostrils sealed for 4 counts.

Release your right thumb with an exhale of 4 counts.

Inhale deeply through your right nostril for 4 counts.

Seal your right nostril with your thumb and hold your breath with both nostrils sealed for 4 counts.

Release your ring finger and exhale for 4 counts.

Repeat the entire process by inhaling deeply through your left nostril for 4 counts to begin.

If you find holding your nostril with your ring finger is a little tough, simply use your pinkie finger.

If you find holding your breath for 4 counts is a little tough start with 2 or 3 counts and build from there.

Slowing your breath beyond the 4 seconds will slow your body down which will register a message to your brain to move from a stressed state to the calming tranquil relaxation response state.

Sealing the right nostril and breathing with just your left directs oxygen flow to the right brain hemisphere which  also turns on your paras

Thanks for joining me and I hope that the Alternate Nostril Breathing Technique helps you start the New Year calm, relaxed and ready for all the wonderful things the New Year may bring!

keep calm and yoga on!








Don’t fear the Plank!

There is always a less challenging way to practice each yoga position, especially Planks, therefore, everyBODY can take part in this powerful arm and core builder!

This Planking Yoga Challenge is the perfect Yoga Workout to prepare you to start thinking about your health and  wellness fitness goals for the up and coming New Year. This Planking Challenge will help to tone and strengthen your arms and core for visible results practicing just a few times a week. I have designed this Challenge for you to begin and to progress gently and slowly. However, if your feeling it, do more Planks or hold your Planks longer!

After holding each of your Planks you can come back to a seated position or a Child’s Pose which can be found below. This allows you to rest in between holding your Planks. However, if your feeling it please help yourself to a challenge of non stop Planking. Whatever way you choose to practice your Planks please have fun, take it slow and gently so that you can come back another day!

Sit quietly and take a few moments to clear your mind. Planks can be quite strenuous and you will need all the strength that you can muster up. But, it will be totally worth your time and efforts, especially if you choose to practice your Planks a few times a week. And, if the Spirit is moving ya, send up a prayer of thanks in between each of your Planks or before or after your Planking Challenge. Gratitude has many healthy benefits and to “Thank and Plank” more often will seriously improve your body as well as your health and well-being!

This Planking Challenge is the result of me thinking about Halleluyah Yoga while on a transatlantic voyage from Rome, Italy to Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The pictures were taken in the middle of  the ocean between The United States and Europe.

Seated Cross Legged Warm-Up

  • Sit cross-legged or whatever way is comfortable for you.
  • Inhale and exhale deeply until you feel calm and ready.

1.) Seated Position

  • Please sit on your heels.
  • Place your hands at your hearts center.
  • Use a rolled up towel between your legs for more support.
  • Take a few more moments to relax.

2.) Child’s Pose

  • Lean forward over your knees.
  • Place a pillow at your head for support.
  • Place a rolled up towel under your sitting bones.
  • Take a few deep breaths and adopt the mindset that you can do this.
  • Breathe deeply for 10 counts.
  • Send up a prayer if you like.

3.) Cow Stretch 

  • Place your hands directly below your shoulders.
  • Your knees directly below your hips.
  • With a huge inhale lower your head while pulling your stomach in. It should feel like your pulling it into your back.
  • With a huge long and slow exhale, lift your chin and let your stomach sink into the next pose which is Cow Pose below.

4,) Cat Stretch  

  • Your hands are still directly below your shoulders.
  • Your knees still directly below your hips.
  • Stretch your chin up while arching your back.
  • This will help your stomach to sink.
  • Continue Cat Stretch with a huge inhale.
  • Continue Cow Stretch with a big exhale 10 times more.

5.) One Legged Plank

  • Your hands are still directly below shoulders and your knees below hips.
  • Extend your right leg directly behind you.
  • Ensure that your hips don’t turn to the side.
  • Try to extend your leg back with both your hips facing forward equally.
  • Hold your right leg up for 10 seconds. Then switch legs.
  • Repeat the process 3-5 times.
  • As you get stronger add more.
  • You may also extend each leg alternately for 10 -20 times.
  • Whatever you choose to do, have fun!

6.) Plank Pose

  • Place your hands directly below your shoulders.
  • Knees are directly below your hips.
  • Once you are in position simply curl your toes and raise your hips.
  • If your feeling a little weak simply come back down to your knees, rest and then try a few more times.
  • Even a little bit of pushing up into a Plank position everyday will be helping you get stronger each day.
  • If you are able, hold your Plank for 10 seconds.
  • Try a few more times.
  • Add a few more seconds each day.

7.) Side Plank

  • Start on your hands and knees.
  • Ensure your hands are below your shoulders and knees are below your hips.
  • Extend your right leg back.
  • Slowly open your body up by raising your right arm.
  • You are now in a Side Plank with a knee down.
  • Stay here and breathe for 10 seconds to a minute.
  • If your feeling strong, extend your left leg to meet your right leg.
  • Let the edge of your feet help to balance your body.
  • Lower to your left knee if your feeling a little unstable.
  • Breathe deeply for as long as you can.
  • Switch legs.
  • You may be surprised that one side of you is stronger!

8.) Elbow Plank

  • Lay flat.
  • Come up on your elbows.
  • Ensure each elbow is directly below each shoulder.
  • Gaze forward.
  • See if you can lift your hips. If not stay on your knees and hold your Plank.
  • If your feeling strong curl your toes under and lift both legs.
  • Breathe deeply here for 10 seconds to a minute.
  • You can always lower to your knees and take it from there.
  • Every effort is making you stronger!

9.) Table Top

  • Sit with your your hands directly below your shoulders.
  • Your fingers should be pointing to your toes.
  • Bend your knees and bring them to your body.
  • See if you can lift your hips.
  • Try a few times lifting and lowering your hips.
  • Drop your head back while straightening your arms.
  • Lift up with a big inhale and lower your hips with a big exhale 5-10 times
  • If your feeling strong lift up and hold for 10 seconds to a minute.

10.) Reverse Plank

  • When you can fully remain in a Table Top position, extend a foot like the picture above.
  • Then extend your other foot.
  • Arch your head back and continue pushing your hips up.
  • Hold this position for 5-10 seconds adding a few more as your body gets stronger!
  • Lower and lift your hips and have fun til one day, your hips can stay up!

You were amazing! Every effort you made is working for you. Remember it takes time and it is always progress and not perfection that is important!

Hopefully you will be able to complete this Yoga Challenge every other day. You will see results if you stick with it!

Keep calm and yoga on everyBODY!




Hello Friends!

Welcome to “Yoga with Penny!”

This Christmas, give yourself an amazing gift. The gift of Deep Breathing!

Christmas will soon be here and with the hustle and bustle of the season our stress levels tend to rise. I thought a deep breathing exercise may help as it is the fastest way to effectively combat stress. What is  ideal is that we can practice deep breathing any time we may feel a little stress or anxiety coming on right where we are. Not just on our yoga mats!

Deep Breathing is considered a Super Stress Buster because it triggers our parasympathetic nervous system. Our parasympathetic nervous system is the physical state of rest and relaxation. It is responsible for changing our physical and emotional responses to stress. When this state is active our breathing is steady and our body has a chance to relax and heal. Our heart rate also decreases, our blood pressure drops, muscle tensions release and fresh oxygen circulates throughout our body. Dr Herbert Benson, a cardiovascular specialist discovered and coined it, “The Relaxation Response.”

Deep breathing also improves the functioning of our lungs and our lung capacity. Practicing Deep Breathing regularly, can expand our diaphragm muscle and the air pockets within our lungs. Our lungs can then clear away toxins and deliver fresh oxygen to our blood at a greater rate. With this oxygen boost, our body gets the oxygen it needs for proper cell function, energy, and boosts a whole array of other bodily processes.

Let’s begin by sitting comfortably wherever we may find ourselves. Closing our eyes, let’s focus on our breath.

Imagine that from the bottom of our seat we are inhaling into our body, all the precious air that is around us. Let fresh oxygen fill and rise our stomach like a balloon filling with air. It may feel funny at first but continue inhaling, up from your stomach, lower lungs, upper lungs, into your neck and mouth. Feel as though you are inhaling peace, calm and healing. When you are full of air, slowly and quietly release your breath. Starting at your mouth down through your lungs and from your stomach let tensions, stress and negativity release out of your body in your exhale. Repeat the process at least five times and longer for better results.

Incorporating deep breathing a few times a day into your schedule will keep stress and anxiety away and you will soon discover, is the gift that keeps on giving!

Thanks for joining me and we’ll see you next month!


For more Yoga, please visit @


Hi! Welcome to “Yoga with Penny!”

What’s fun about Yoga is that you can mix and match arm, head and leg positions with body positions and personalize each of our poses. It is also nourishing to body, soul and mind to combine yoga and mediation in a posture. For the benefit of both, this month,  I invite you to be a “Praying Warrior!”

There are four main Warrior Poses practiced in yoga which are Warrior I, Warrior II, Warrior III and Peaceful Warrior. All Warriors Poses are useful in building focus, confidence, stamina, strength, balance and flexibility. Today will we practice the Warrior II and add the pressing of our palms together into what looks like a praying position. As we move into our Warrior II Pose try to concentrate on good things. Close your eyes and pray if you like. Take in deep nourishing inhales and determine to exhale out any tensions or stresses that you may be experiencing. This will help induce a state of relaxation. Our bodies can then rejuvenate, rest and heal. Warrior Poses help us to stand tall, firm, confident, and calm physically. They can also teach us to respond rather than react to life’s little unexpected circumstances and situations that everyday life might bring.


To begin:

  • Step to the side with your right foot approximately 3-4 feet.
  • Ensure your toes and knee also point to the side.
  • Ensure both of your hips face forward.
  • Turn your left foot slightly inward, keeping your leg as straight as possible.
  • Now you can bend your forward knee.
  • Ensure that your knee does not exceed beyond your toes.
  • Stretch both of your arms out to the sides.
  • Keep your neck long, back straight and your shoulders pressed down.
  • Now bring both palms in and press them together in a prayer position.
  • Inhale and exhale deeply.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Listen to the needs of your body.
  • Send up a prayer.

I hope you experience all the benefits of a Praying Warrior so that you can keep calm and yoga on!

See you next month!


For more yoga I invite you to visit my website @halleluyahyoga,com


Welcome to “Yoga with Penny.” This month I present to you the simple yet elegant, Praying Tree Pose!

Although this position is a very basic yoga position, a Praying Tree Pose offers an array of vibrant healthy benefits. Best of all it is a yoga position that can easily be approached and when you are ready it can progress into a very challenging position. Where ever you may find yourself in this pose you will be continually strengthening your feet, ankles, calves, knees, thighs, hips, spine and core. With simple props like a chair, table or a wall that you can use for support, even beginners will be building a firm foundation while improving balance and coordination and focus too.

Tree Pose Directions:

  • Stand with your feet hip width apart and your feet firmly on your mat with your toes spread wide.
  • Find an object or piece of a wall directly in front of you to focus on.
  • Place your hands on your hips.
  • Lift your left foot and place it on your right ankle.
  • Stay here and balance, breathing deeply for three counts.
  • Now if possible, lift your foot up your leg as high as possible.
  • Let your knee extend out to the side like a branch.
  • Press your palms together at your heart center and breathe deeply for ten counts.
  • Send up a prayer of thanks if you like.
  • Remember to make a tree with your other leg.
  • While balancing, ensure your shoulders and hips face forward equally.
  • Also ensure your shoulders are pressed down and your is chin up.
  • Try to maintain a straight back as much as possible.
  • If you fall over simply get back up.
  • Remember that you can always hold onto a wall, chair or table for support.

Being a “Tree” also boosts our brain power. Our feet contain thousands of nerve endings that send signals to our brain. Balancing on one leg creates new neural pathways that establish stability for balancing on one leg.

A Praying Tree is good for our heart. Sending up prayers to Heaven helps to regulate our heartbeat by allowing it to be less stressed. Less stress helps our bodies to heal faster and gives us hope which naturally relieves stress. Since stress is linked to the six leading causes of death it is worth the effort!

I hope you enjoyed being a “Tree” with me and that you practice this position everyday to maintain good balance, stability, strength and a happy hopeful heart!




Hi friends! I invite you to stretch with me in this energizing mini yoga challenge. Pull up a chair, grab a towel or pillow and you can begin right where you are!

This mini challenge will energize, yet relax you with the heart and lung stretching and strengthening. Breathing deeply through out each exercise supplies your cells with fresh oxygen which transforms into energy. Of course, any yoga position that involves our backs is wise to take it slow and gently. You will find that this yoga challenge starts slow and progresses with you!

Below are simpler yoga exercises to begin with, which then progresses into more challenging positions. Start and see where they each one takes you!


1.) Sitting on Legs

  • Sit on your legs then close your eyes.
  • Take a moment to inhale and exhale as deeply as you can up to 10 counts.
  • Flood your body and every cell with deep energizing life giving breaths.
  • It’s the perfect opportunity to release your cares, worries, fears and doubts to the One that is willing and can handle them.
  • Stay in this position as long as you like.

2.) Cat Stretch 

  • Lean forward, arms out in front of you onto both your wrists and knees.
  • Ensure your shoulders are directly above your palms.
  • Ensure your hips are directly above your knees.
  • With a deep breath drop your chin, round your shoulders and pull your navel in as much as you are able.
  • Onto your Cow Stretch below.

3.) Cow Stretch

  • From your Cat Stretch, lower your stomach and arch your back by lifting your chin.
  • Continue stretching your chin up.
  • Repeat the Cat Stretch with a big inhale then repeat the Cow Stretch with a big exhale.
  • Continue for 10-20 Cat into Cow Stretches.

4.) Knee to Child Pose Stretch 

  • Come up onto your knees.
  • Place your hands on your hips or behind your back.
  • If possible, interlock your fingers behind your back, lift your chin and lift your hands up behind you with a big inhale.
  • With a big exhale round your shoulders forward and slowly lean forward onto your mat.
  • Use your hands to help lower your body or place a pillow there for support.
  • If possible, continue stretching your hands up as high as they will go while your head rests on your pillow or your mat.
  • Continue this exercise with the deep breaths for 5-10 counts going up and down on your knees.

5.) Half Camel Stretch 

  • Come to your knees.
  • Ensure your knees are hip width.
  • Place a chair before you for more support to hold onto.
  • Curl your toes under for more support.
  • Place both hands on your chair for support.
  • If you are able, lift both arms up, leaning back slightly.
  • Stay which ever position that is comfortable and breath deeply up to 10 counts.
  • If possible lower a hand back behind you. Place it on your heel if you can.
  • Now breathe deeply up to 10 counts if you can.
  • Be gentle with yourself and move slowly while coming out of this stretch.

6.) Full Camel Stretch

  • Approach this Stretch once you have completed the Half Camel Stretch with no problems or discomfort.
  • Use the chair in front of you for support to feel if you are ready to lean back onto your heels.
  • If you feel ready, slowly place one hand and then the other.
  • If possible, breathe deeply for 3-5 breaths and up to 10 deep breaths if your feeling good stretching back.

7.) Child’s Pose Stretch

  • Once you come up from your Camel Stretch round forward onto the mat or your pillow.
  • Rest your hands stretched out in front of you.
  • Breathe deeply for 10 long counts.

8.) Seated Forward Bending Stretch

  • Bending forward compliments the Camel arching so it is wise to end this mini challenge this way!
  • Sit with your legs stretched out in front of you.
  • Lean forward where you feel a good stretch with no discomfort.
  • Breathe deeply for 10 counts.

Lay back on your mat absorbing all that healthy yoga goodness you infused into your body!

keep calm and yoga on!


Hi Friends!

Do you find that after a few hours seated or at your desk, your back slumps forward and your chest caves in? How about your shoulders? Do they endlessly try to ride up to your ears, crunching your neck all up? Do the backs of your legs continually ache as you sit for long periods of time? Don’t worry, I’ve got your back! This month’s “Yoga with Penny” is a Crescent Lunge with an Eagle Arm position which is a total body stretch sure to wake up your body. As a side effect it lengthens and strengthens all of our muscles and helps us focus and concentrate as we hold this position with long, deep, energizing inhales and exhales.

It’s always a good idea to sit quietly for a few moments before we start to turn the focus off your cares and worries. Focusing upon each life giving inhale and exhale will help. That way we can have a moment to meditate upon this beautiful life giving truth…

“Those that trust in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. they will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint!” Isaiah 40:31

Now get ready to soar! I have separated the leg and arm portions of the poses so you can practice each one separately, then combine them when you feel ready.

For the leg position:

  • Stand with your feet hip width apart, bending both knees.
  • Place your hands on your hips and step your right foot directly forward.
  • Ensure that your right foot sits directly under your right knee. Lift your back heel.
  • Breathe deeply for a few moments.
  • Step out farther for a deeper stretch.
  • Hold the position for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

For the arm position:

  • Stretch both of your arms directly out in front of you.
  • Ensure both your palms are looking down and your arms are straight out in front of you.
  • Now, bend both your elbows up, making sure that both your palms are looking at you.
  • Begin by sliding your left palm under your right elbow.
  • Then, continue to wrap your left palm up your right arm as far as it will go.
  • Continue wrapping your left arm around your right arm until your palms meet.
  • Remain at the place that is comfortable for you and if you are able, clasp your palms together and breathe deeply.
  • For an added stretch, lift your Eagle Arms position up.
  • Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
  • For a deeper stretch, gaze upward and breathe deeply!
  • And, don’t forget to include your left leg forward with your right palm wrapping around your left arm.

I hope you enjoyed this whole body stretch in a Lunge Pose with your Eagle Arms.

Thanks for joining me!

xxoo Penny


Hi Friends!

It’s inevitable, from time to time I know we have all suffered from digestive distress. Approximately 10 million people each year visit the Emergency room due to abdominal pain. And in 2017 the US spent 1.3 billion dollars on (OTC) laxatives according to Statista, a statistic and study company.

Did you know that you can ease some of the symptoms and encourage good digestion just by doing a few yoga postures with deep breathing? Doing yoga on a regular basis may even eliminate all your digestive issues. Why not try a few postures right now?

I have created an easy and short digestion sequence just for you. Join me on the beautiful shore of Half Moon Cay, Bahamas and let’s get started!

Take a few moments before we start to ease you mind. Knowing that God loves you deeply beyond your human comprehension may help you to relax. Because you are divinely loved, He desires to give you divine rest. It is yours at this precise moment and anytime you need it in the future. The only requirement?

Come to me and I will give you rest.

Matthew 11:28

1.) Forward Bending Stretch is a blood-flowing, brain-boosting yoga pose that lengthens and compresses the digestive tract, stimulating digestion.

  • Stand with your feet hip width.
  • Inhale, stretching your arms up overhead.
  • Exhale, folding forward.
  • Repeat inhaling up and exhaling over 5-8 times.
  • Only fold over as far as you can. If this is too difficult, you may fold over and use a chair/table for support.

2.) Standing Side Stretch 

  • Your feet should hip width.
  • Inhale deeply, with your arms stretched over head.
  • Exhale deeply as you stretch over your right side.
  • Repeat the process 3-5 times each side, inhaling with both arms overhead and exhaling as you stretch to each side.

3.) Squat Pose (and Twist) uses gravity to stretch and strengthen your groin and inner thighs. It also encourages blood flow to your kidneys and intestines encouraging digestion, and brings alignment to your pelvic floor. You may find it will release a tight lower back!

  • Stand with your feet a little wider than hip width apart.
  • Slightly turn your feet out.
  • Slowly bend your knees, lowering yourself as far down as you can.
  • If you find this challenging, place a rolled up towel or yoga blocks underneath your heels before you squat.
  • Once you are in a comfortable position, press your palms together in front of you.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 slow and deep breaths.
  • If you lower your left arm in front of you with a big inhale and then twist to the right with a big exhale, you will increase the benefits of the stretch.
  • Repeat the process with your right arm lowered in front of you, left arm up.
  • Repeat each side 5-10 times.

4.) Cat/Cow Poses massage your inner organs as you lengthen the intestines. According to Yoga Journal, this movement helps bring fresh blood to the epithelial cells responsible for efficient stomach function.

  • Go onto your hands and knees; be sure that your palms are directly below your shoulders.
  • Your knees are directly below hips.
  • Inhale slowly, lifting your chin and gently arching your back.
  • Exhale slowly, tucking your chin, rounding your shoulders, and pulling your stomach in as far as you can.
  • Repeat the process 10 times, inhaling up and exhaling down with deep breaths.

5.) Seated Forward Bends relieve constipation, bloating and flatulence by massaging the organs responsible for these functions.

  • Extend your legs straight in front of you.
  • Keep both of your sitting bones equally on the mat.
  • Inhale, stretching up with arms overhead.
  • Exhale, slowly folding forward.
  • Repeat the process for 10 inhales and exhales.
  • On your last fold forward, stay there and breathe slowly for another 10 long deep breaths.
  • You may bend your legs if it’s too difficult to keep them straight.

6.) Seated Spinal Twist helps digestion by improving liver and pancreas function.

  • With both legs extended forward, pick up your left leg up.
  • Hold the position, breathing deeply for 3 counts.
  • If you are able, place that leg over your right extended leg.
  • Placing your foot on top of your other leg is fine, and over the knee area is good too! Do what you can!
  • Once you have found a position you can do, inhale and lift your chest up. Press your shoulders down and lengthen your neck and spine. Then, with a big exhale, twist the the left side.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts and switch sides.

7.) Legs Up A Wall is intended as a deeply restorative pose. With deep breathing, you will ignite the rest and relax response of the body. This allows your body a chance to heal and repair, flooding your body with serotonin and putting you into a calm state of mind.

  • Find a wall to rest your legs on.
  • Let all tension go with the flow of your breath.
  • Inhale deeply, slowly, calmly and fully.
  • Exhale the same way.
  • Repeat the process for 1-3 minutes or longer if you choose.

I hope you enjoyed this stimulating, cleansing, encouraging, and restful healthy yoga sequence!

keep calm and yoga on


Hi Friends! Welcome to “Yoga with Penny!”

This month, I will teach you a variation of Half Moon Pose that requires balance and back-bending. It can be difficult to master, yet the focus, stamina and perseverance we experience from our efforts is proof that we don’t have to be perfectly whole in order to shine. Let’s focus on progress, not perfection!You should attempt this after practicing Half Moon Pose, but sometimes it’s just plain fun to try! However, always progress at your own pace and listen to your body.

The position of your arms legs and feet are the same as in the Half Moon. Once we establish a sturdy Half Moon, we then simply grab the raised foot and pull it outward from our body while our body tries pulls it inward. Basically, we will be holding on by letting go. Quite ironically, that is where true balance really does occur in this yoga posture!

To begin:

  • Stand with your feet facing forward.
  • Turn your right foot directly to the right side, including your toes and knees.
  • Bend your knees slightly.
  • Lean to the side while slowly straightening your standing leg.
  • Slowly lift your back leg up, keeping your back knee facing forward.
  • Use a chair, wall, table or yoga block to help with support.
  • If possible, grab your foot while lowering your hand to the floor.
  • Make sure your leaning hand stays below your shoulder.
  • Keep on looking forward, pressing your foot into your hand and pointing your foot behind you as far as possible.


  • Breathe steady while moving into the pose, and focus on an object directly in front of you. This will help with your balance.
  • Press that back foot into your hand, stretching it back behind you for a deep stretch
  • Your entire body, head and lifted leg faces forward; your standing leg, toes and knee are facing the right side.
  • Once you have found the perfect position for your body, hold the position with deep inhales and exhales.
  • Remember that with regular practice, you will get stronger and your balance will improve with every effort that you make.
  • Always try to remember that yoga is a process, and you are always exactly where you need to be.
  • Enjoy your yoga practice. Remember progress is more important than perfection. Keep calm and yoga on!

The benefits of this posture are of course, an overall stronger body, improved focus, determination, concentration, balance, spatial awareness and stretching our heart, chest and lung for improved circulation and lung capacity.

Thanks for joining me today!


The Peaceful Warrior Pose

Peaceful Warrior Pose. A paradox of peace and power. The perfect opportunity to experience and explore the magnificent strength and presence our bodies can evoke while offering us a chance to absorb the beauty and exhilaration of the present moment. The broad powerful stance of our legs offers a rooted, earthy feel, where the sweeping arm stretching upward provides an uplifting, luminous feeling. Surely a positive way to begin or end any day!

Once you have arrived in your perfect Peaceful Warrior Pose linger a while focusing on your deep breaths. Allow those breaths to calm your body and mind as your parasympathetic nervous system, your rest and relaxation response, kicks in. This lowers your blood pressure thus improving circulation and sending fresh oxygen and happy peaceful hormones through out your body which kick starts the healing process. Be good to yourself and let this luxurious stretch nourish and comfort your body like a warm, bubbly bubble bath or a comfy, soft easy chair.

When you feel all calm and peaceful switch sides. Practice a few more times on each side if you like. Remember, you can always step your back leg in as much as needed for more support.

You can also give your cares or anxieties to the Lord as you practice this pose for deeper, truer, inner peace and wellness. For Paul the Apostle, tells us in the Bible to “give all your cares and worries to God for He cares for you!” (1 Peter 5:7)

I hope you enjoy your “Peaceful Warrior Pose” remember you can do it anywhere and more importantly you can give your cares and worries away to God, any time, anywhere and any place. He’s waiting for you.

see ya next time,
