Praise God Do Yoga!

What better way to start our day than praising, praying, moving, stretching, breathing and focusing on what is really important. This mini-yoga challenge will do it all and more… including less challenging and more challenging ways to get our yoga praise on!

Perhaps, you don’t know where to start …start in the Psalms!

The Psalms is know as the Book of Praises for the Book records more verses of praise than any other book of the Bible and in almost every Psalm there is at least one note of praise. Since God tells us to give Him thanks in everything, ( 1 Thessalonians 5:18 ) it can be only fitting that not only our praise but our thanks to God is also a form of worship as well. In fact everything we do can become an act of worship not just yoga. The choice is up to us.

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God! 1 Corinthians 10:30

It’s amazing that when we take the time to praise Him we are automatically blessed back in ways that will astound us, just read a few Psalms! Below are a few good reasons to praise God.

To praise God is to put our focus on Him and not our problems, worries, care, and doubts. Which then shrinks our perspective on all our earthly concerns and magnifies the greatness of God’s power in overcoming them. This helps us to trust God more and grow our faith.

To praise God is to seriously humble ourselves. When we acknowledge that we are not strong enough and cannot do it alone, our pride and ego is eliminated and we gain a healthy self-image based on God’s view of us. This also may strengthen us  against temptation.

To praise God is also to reveal our devotion to Him. When He has first priority in our life, we easily honor, worship and thank Him for everything. Gratitude then becomes a habit and a response to the little and all the big things that pop into our lives.

To praise God is to be blessed with almost instant joy! For discouragement, anxiety, depression, down in the dumps kind of emotions cannot thrive in a heart full of joy! However, we are not talking about earthly joy, but heavenly joy!

  • Please take a moment to breathe deeply before you begin. Concentrate on your breath to ease your tensions and your stress. When you feel ready simply begin.


A Forward Bend with our fingers interlocked opens up our heart and chest area. An open heart is ready and able to receive the love of God!

…above all fear the Lord and worship Him faithfully with all your heart. (1 Samuel 12:24)

1.) Forward Bending Stretch

  • Stand hip width.
  • Place your hands on your hips, back, or interlock your fingers behind your back.
  • With a big inhale lift your hands behind you and look to Heaven.
  • With a big exhale bow forward in gratitude.
  • Repeat the process 5-10 times.


Sitting back in your invisible chair is like faith!

…faith is being certain of what we do not see. (Hebrew’s 11:1)

2.) Chair Pose/Twist

  • Place your feet hip width apart for more support or together for more of a challenge.
  • With a big inhale slowly extend your arms to the sides and sweep them up to Heaven.
  • With a big exhale slowly bend your knees sitting back into your invisible chair.
  • Keep your knees behind your feet for safety.
  • Hold your Chair Pose for 5-10 deep breaths.
  • Then, stand up bringing your hands together in a praying position at your heart.
  • Inhale deeply.
  • Then exhale as you sit back in your chair.
  • Inhale again and then exhale while placing your left elbow over your right thigh or knee.
  • Stand up and then repeat the process with right elbow over left knee or thigh.
  • (Try to remember to inhale in the middle then exhale and twist. This will give you more twisting room.)


Star Pose into Warrior II Pose…a knight in shining armor!

Let your light shine clothed in the glorious full armor of God. (Ephesians 6:10-20)

3.) Star Pose into Warrior II

  • Stand tall.
  • Bend both knees.
  • Gently walk each foot out to your sides.
  • Find a comfortable distance between both legs and straighten them.
  • Ensure both toes are facing forward.
  • With a big slow long inhale, extend both arms out and up.
  • Interlock your fingers and look up.
  • With a big, long, slow exhale, lower your arms while ensuring they are extended out from your shoulders.
  • Then, point your left toes to the side and bend your left leg.
  • Ensure your bent knee is directly above your foot.
  • Slightly turn your back toes in.
  • Repeat the process from inhaling in Star Pose to exhaling in Warrior II, 10 times or more.


Warrior Pose with a prayer for strength that will lift your soul so you can zero in on what is important with lazer-like focus, just like an eagle in your eagle arms!

Focus on the Prize! Hebrews 12:1-3

4.) Warrior I Pose with Eagle Arms

  • Take a step forward with your right leg from your Warrior II Pose.
  • Ensure your hips are both facing forward equally.
  • Bend that forward right knee ensuring it stays directly above your foot.
  • For an added leg, foot and ankle stretch, lift your heel.
  • Now, stretch your arms out. Bend your elbows with both palms facing you.
  • Slide your left palm under your right elbow. Then try to wrap your left arm around your right arm.
  • Where ever you find your arms is your perfect place for now.
  • If possible clasp them or interlock your fingers like the picture above.
  • Now lift them both up and lift your chin, focus on the prize!
  • Breathe deeply for 10 long, slow, and generous breaths.



Drop a knee and bow your head!

Humble yourselves before the Lord and He will lift you up! James 4:10

5.) Low Lunge Stretch

  • Bend both knees to your mat.
  • Extend tour right leg forward.
  • Bow your head to your knee like the first picture.
  • Take three long, deep, and slow breaths.
  • Now, bend your right knee and lean forward into it as best as you can like picture two.
  • Take three deep breaths again.
  • Repeat on the same right leg forward, extended and straight and a bow to your knee and then bending that knee leaning forward into a Lunge Pose. Be as a back and forth wave for 5 more times.
  • With right leg still forward tand leaning into your Low Lunge, try to extend your arms out to the sides with a huge inhale.
  • Lift them up and press both palms together over head and then breathe deeply and send up a prayer of praise!
  • Now you may repeat the entire process using your other leg!

I sure hope you enjoyed this praise and worship, mini -yoga -stretching -workout!

Getting our praise on is a glorious way to start any day!

Halleluyah everyBODY!



Recently blessed with the wonderful opportunity of spending time with my son and my sister in DC, we also spent time at Awaken the Dawn. This was the second year a gathering of Christians met on The National Mall, worshipping God and praying for America. I’m honored to have taken part in this God centered celebration. Is it just me or is there not nearly enough celebrating of God these days? And I’m also in love with the fact that nothing was bought or sold there and no company, no person, no ministry and no church was highlighted there. Just God. Just praise. All to the glory of Him!

During our stay, I had to stop and strike a pose in front of The Capitol Building. Soon I found myself surrounded by large group of Chinese tourists. It wasn’t long before they wanted in on our pics! One of the women assumed leadership of the group and soon she was weaving her Chinese friends in and out of our pics. About 8 pics in, our camera would not work; however, the camera clicks continued on. Our new Chinese friends went home with many of my smiling praying tree poses and they managed to get my sister in some of the pics too. My heart smiles, remembering that after they decided they were done with me, speaking in bare- bones English, they told me I was most welcome in China, anytime!

Yoga proved it’s universal power of connecting and uniting people in those few moments that day. Perhaps even to open doors that might be closed in other ways. As the tourists continued on in the direction of the Awaken The Dawn gatherings, hopefully God used those posing moments to open the tourists hearts. Then again, isn’t it always the simplest things that go unnoticed here on earth that God uses in the most amazing ways?  Perhaps, something as simple as a Chinese tour in DC, maybe a smile and a camera, possibly even a basic yoga tree pose!

To that I say, “Halleluyah





The Halleluyah Yoga Beginner series is about maintaining a healthy range of mobility while building strength and balance in your body. These segments should challenge you to get to know your body, especially finding out what you can do physically. Then you can easily expand upon that. Forget about the goal and effort of the poses. Resist the temptation to push and grip, thus creating and holding tension in your body. Rather, concentrate on the process of moving and praising. Let your inhales lift you and expand your body. Let your exhales move you a little farther physically. Let this Yoga segment be your daily devotion of praise. Allow God to transform you from the inside out. Let joy and peace overwhelm you as you soak up all the benefits of praising God!

Below are a few praises from God’s word that speak directly from us to our God!

“I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name forever and ever!” Psalm 145:1

” Praise the Lord, O my soul!While I live I will praise the Lord; I will sing praises to my God while I have my being. Psalm 146:1-2

” Bless the Lord, O my soul; And all that is within me,bless His holy name!” Psalm 103:1

Sit on your heels and let’s begin. Place a small pillow or rolled up towel between your legs and your sitting bones if sitting on your heels is a bit challenging for you.





Extend your arms straight up from your sides as you inhale. Gently arch back if you can. Exhale, leaning to your left side. Look up. Repeat each side for 3 -10 times each side. Inhale and lift your arms up. Exhale and lean to the sides.




Gently rise to your knees. Clasp your hands behind your back. Inhale and arch slightly back. Exhale and bend forward. Repeat 3-10 times slowly and gently.



Step your right knee forward. Take a big inhale. Exhale while twisting to the right. Place your left arm on the outside of your leg as you twist. Repeat 3-5 times and try your other leg.






With hands in Prayer Pose, breathe deeply for a few counts. Widen your legs and stretch your arms out to the sides. Inhale while twisting to the left. Exhale while twisting to the right. Repeat 10-20 times.




Face to your left. Extend your left leg with toes pointing to the left. Your right leg toes are slightly turned out. Gently fold forward. Inhale and exhale 3-10 times. Repeat on your right side.




From Star Pose, inhale and extend your arms straight over your head. Exhale and open your arms into Warrior II Pose by bending your forward knee. Your left toes should be facing the left side, and your right toes should be slightly turned out. Repeat for 3-5 counts. Then try on your other leg.




From Warrior II Pose, simply face the left side of the room. Gently lower your hands to your mat. Bend your back leg. Gently rest your knee on the mat. Place your hands in Prayer Pose. Breath deeply for 3-10 counts. Repeat the process on the right side of the room.




Slowly bring your feet together. Lean back like you are going to sit in a chair. Raise your arms towards Heaven. Breathe deeply for a few counts. Bring your hands in a prayer position. Inhale deeply and exhale deeply, twisting to your left. Try to position your left elbow on the right side of your right leg. Repeat the process. Inhale in the middle in Chair Pose with arms up and exhale in Prayer Pose while twisting to your sides.



Stand tall. Inhale deeply, raising your right knee. If possible, hug it into your chest. Exhale deeply, lowering your knee. Alternate legs with deep breathing for 3-10 counts each leg.



Stand tall in Prayer Pose with both feet on the ground. Raise your left foot. Gently place your heel on your standing leg’s ankle. Breath deeply 3-10 counts. Repeat on your other leg.

Praise God and Yoga on!





Since prayer is the Christian’s most deadliest weapon, may we always be poised for victory, for we never know when we may have to fight a battle!

This segment will stretch, strengthen and flex our back and lower body muscles making it easier for us to stay on our knees and pray!

Complete each pose on the same leg during the sequence then switch to your other leg after you have completed all 6 postures.



1.) Bended Knee Praying Position

With bended knees and hands in a praying position, sit on your heels. Inhale long and deep and exhale long and deep up to 10 times while dwelling on this verse of Scripture.

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2.) Rising Knee /Arm Stretch

Inhale long and deep with hands clasped behind your back as you rise up on your bended knees. Look up. Arch back. Pause and pull your stomach in. Exhale long and deep as you slowly come down to your heels. Let your head rest on your mat and try to lift your arms upwards behind you.

For a less vigorous approach breath long and deep and do the arm movements from the seated position.



3.) Deep Lunge

Rise up from your heels and step forward and bend your left leg. Place your arms on the ground for support. Inhale long and deep, up to 10 inhales and exhales.

For more intensity bend your right leg and sink your hips. Stretch your arms overhead or place them in a prayer position.

For a less vigorous approach bend your back leg.



4.) One Knee Forward Stretch

From a lunge position move your body slowly backwards. Try to straighten your left leg out in front of you. Extend over your straight leg. Inhale and exhale long and deep for 3-10 times.

You can also move into lunge pose with a long and deep inhale then exhale, moving back to a one knee forward stretch. Repeat up to ten times.



5.) Deep Lunge/Back Leg Bend

Slowly step your left foot forward, letting your hips sink. Be gentle with your knee as you bend it, picking up your right foot. If you can, lift and stretch your left arm up. Inhale and exhale 3-5 times long and deeply.

For more intensity really let your hips sink.

For a less vigorous approach don’t sink your hips and don’t lean forward. Also, you can place your left arm on your hips or forward leg.




6.) Full Body Bow

With hands in praying position, slide them forward, letting your head follow. Let your entire body be in a praying pose before God. Try and do 10 long and deep inhales and exhales. Stay as long as you like.

Lie back and relax, inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply.

Go forth and be a person who is always ready and poised for victory!