This mini yoga sequence was created for us to release stress and gain peace during this Christmas season by getting into the true Christmas vibe…celebrating The Lord Jesus Christ!

As the count-down to Christmas approaches I don’t know about you but I can feel my stress levels rising. However, a simple 5-10 minutes of praising God can alter the course of our day leaving us refreshed, revived and strong all day long. Beware. God may fashion these few moments of praising Him into an inner and outer total body workout.

I designed this sequence using different versions of the warrior position to help us feel rooted and grounded. The hand and arm positions were chosen to lift our bodies and set our eyes toward heaven.

Although I included instructions with each position for this sequence there is no right or wrong way to do these poses. Simply let your outer movements be an expression of your inner heartfelt praise. It helps to pause at the moment you feel is the best version of the way you do that particular pose. Why not exclamation mark it with a prayer of praise!

All warrior poses will begin with your right leg forward. After you complete the entire sequence using your right leg forward switch to your left leg.

May you be filled with peace brimming over as you celebrate this most wonderful time of year!

1.) Seated Meditation

  • Take a few moments to relax and clear your mind by inhaling peace and exhaling peace!

2.) Heart Opening Warm-Up

  • Come to your knees, hip width apart.
  • Clasp your hands behind your back for an added chest, shoulder and neck stretch.
  • Or rest them on your hips.
  • Inhale as you lift your chest.
  • Exhale as you release and bow forward.
  • Repeat the process for 5-10 times.

3.) Twisted Praying Lunge Pose

  • From your knees step your right leg forward.
  • Keep your foot directly below your knee.
  • Straighten your back leg and lift your heel.
  • Place your left elbow over your forward right thigh.
  • Press both palms together.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
  • Move into the next position with the same foot forward.

4.) Warrior I Pose

  • Place your back heel on your mat.
  • Stretch your arms out to your sides.
  • With a big inhale slowly lift both arms up.
  • Let your palms meet overhead.
  • Stretch back, lifting your chest and chin.
  • Interlock your hands with pointed index fingers.
  • Continue a few more times with arms stretched out to your sides then lifted up in praise.
  • Move into the next position with the same foot forward.

5.) Humble Warrior

  • Clasp your hands behind your back.
  • You may also rest them upon your hips.
  • With a big inhale lift them as high as you can behind your back.
  • With a big exhale bow forward, allowing your hands to follow your head raising them as high and as forward as they will go.
  • Inhale and come up and back again.
  • Repeat 5-10 times.
  • Move into the next position with the same foot forward.

6.) Warrior I Pose

  • Stretch your arms out to the sides again as you lift them up in praise.
  • Interlock your hands with pointed index fingers.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
  • Same foot is forward again.

7.) Eagle Warrior

  • Bend both elbows in front of your chest.
  • Take your right hand placing it under your left elbow.
  • Continue sliding it under that elbow to the left side.
  • Continue to swirl your right arm up and around your left arm.
  • Lift your chin and stretch your head back.
  • Breathe deeply for a few counts.
  • Same foot is forward again.

8.) Warrior I Pose

  • Keep the same leg and foot position.
  • Lift your arms up from your sides.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
  • Same foot is forward again.

9.) Reverse Prayer Warrior

  • Place the back of both your palms on your lower back.
  • Let the tips of your fingers meet behind you.
  • Slowly turn your palms over pressing the insides of your palms together.
  • Slide them up your back as far as you can.
  • Stay here and breathe deeply for 5 counts.
  • Same foot is forward again.

10.) Warrior I Pose

  • Keep the same leg and foot position.
  • Lift your arms out to your sides.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.

11.) Forward Bending Bow 

  • Step your right forward foot behind your left leg about one foot.
  • Bend your right knee.
  • Straighten your left leg.
  • Bow forward, inhaling and exhaling praises to the newborn King!

Now it is time to start again and complete this sequence with your left leg forward!

After you have completed all eleven positions with both your right and left leg forward lie down for a few moments allowing your body to absorb all that healthy yoga goodness from the inside out!

Go forth and have a most wonderful Christmas!

keep calm and yoga on

