Hi Friends,

welcome to Yoga with Penny!

I invite you to step into Warrior II Pose with me. Luckily, everyBODY can practice this one!

The foundational Warrior II Pose improves both our physical and mental endurance by building strength in all our muscles. The pose also helps us cultivate balance and agility. As you hold this lovely posture, let go of external distractions you may be experiencing by focusing on your deep, steady breaths. By focusing on the present via our breathing, we can obtain inner warrior strength that we can apply to our daily life!

Begin by stepping forward with your right foot. Grab the back of a chair or a wall for balance purposes. You can also step out a little less to alleviate the difficulty. Looking for more of a challenge? Step out even more!

Ensure both hips are facing forward with both heels on the same line. Then pull your stomach in, lift your chest and relax your shoulders.

Now pivot your right toes to face the side while turning your back foot slightly inward.

When ready, slowly bend your right knee; don’t extend your knee beyond your toes or allow your knee to fall to the left side. Bend only as far as you can without creating discomfort.

Push into the outer edge of your back foot, which allows your back leg to straighten. Move around to find a perfectly stable spot for you. Step in with your back leg if your feel unstable.

Once you find your perfect warrior position, lift your arms from your sides and straight up and out from your shoulders. Smile! Relax in the posture; hold it for 30 seconds to one minute.With deep breaths, this process encourages the nervous system to relax and can alter our physical and emotional reaction to stress – in a positive way!

Just as a real life warrior, a wealth of endurance, stamina, strength and concentration training goes into our Warrior Pose. Our leg muscles ache, tension builds in our neck and shoulders – do we surrender? No, we don’t! We try our best and push forward by  focusing on the inhales and exhales. Focusing on the most essential things, like the mere act of breathing, can give us perspective – is there a calm in the storm? Where might we learn to relax while bearing the load in other areas of life? Be like a warrior – focus on the important things!

I hope you enjoyed your Warrior training.



Hi Friends!

Try the following yoga poses staying in each pose for 5-10 deep inhales and exhales with your left leg forward. Then repeat each pose with your right leg forward. Then try repeating both poses with each leg forward a few more times.

Warrior II Pose and Extended Side angle Pose are pretty common  yoga poses that you will probably see in every different school of yoga. You may find your yoga teacher using them together or as a transition into more difficult poses. Each pose develops core power and leg strength, while toning your arms, shoulders and back.

Holding these poses with steady deep breathing will bring you to the present moment. This will encourage your nervous system to relax into a state of deep rest. This has the power to alter your physical and emotional reaction to stress in a positive way. Practicing yoga poses with deep breathing regularly can improve your overall health.

Our physical bodies may benefit from deep breathing while practicing yoga but our minds may be so stuck on our worries that it can be extremely difficult to pay attention to the present moment. However, Jesus says “Don’t worry about your life, what you will eat or wear, “(Matthew 6:24, 27)

Then He continues, “Look at the birds, consider the lilies, if God so clothed the grass of the field, will he not much clothe you?…Therefore do not worry.”(Matthew 6:25-30) By being mindful of the fact that since the beginning, the creatures of the earth have been continually provided for, we can recognize that we are continually being provided for. This offers us a choice. Will we continue to react to negative thoughts of our cares and worries and let these thoughts run our lives? Or will we take a deep breath, pause for a moment and realize we now have a choice of how we will respond? It’s easier said than done right, but we can try. I’m in. How about you?

…may your day be blessed with no stress!
