Don’t let the drama and the chaos that life certainly throws at you trip you up, get you down or make you feel smaller. You, my dearly beloved, are a “Mighty Warrior!”


Judges 6:1-18  tells us the story of Gideon, a “Mighty Man of Valor.” But he didn’t start out that way. Gideon was a young man in the land of Israel. During this time God’s people were forced to hide in caves along the hill side because the Midianites were terribly oppressive to them. For seven years they cried out to God but God did not help them. Gideon thought that the Lord had forgotten all about him, his family and the Israelites.  But it was actually the the people who turned their backs on God when they chose to worship idols.

One day an Angel of the Lord spoke to Gideon and told him,” The Lord is with you, Mighty Man of Valor!” Gideon was so surprised he thought the Angel had the wrong man. Gideon reminded the Angel that his people were weak and that he was the weakest. Full of doubt and unworthiness to be called a man of valor, Gideon asked the Angel for signs that this was true. Imagine asking an Angel for a sign? But then again, I’m guessing you, like I, would want a sign to know when things are true. We are not unlike Gideon sometimes. Thankfully, God doesn’t depend on our level of faith or our circumstances to get things done on our behalf. God depends on Himself and His own character to accomplish His Will.

And in the Mighty Hands of God, Gideon would soon become a “Mighty Man of Valor.” Of course, not because of who he was but because of who God Is!

Which leads me to believe that God is not into calling the qualified. Instead, He qualifies who He calls. I know God is building my faith and qualifying me at this very moment. How about you?

Know that we can all be Mighty Warriors in every aspect of our lives. We simply must “let go” of what holds us back to become what God knows we can be in His Strength!





Warriors become warriors because they are bound to something higher than themselves. Flexible, focused and fierce, true warriors live on purpose standing firm in their commitment.

Amazingly, we have woven in our DNA warrior material. For our Creator is both Lord and Warrior; Yahweh is His name. (Exodus 15:3.) We being His children are bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh, made in His image. With His help He tells us that we can be “more than conquerors.” (Romans 8:37)

This Halleluyah Yoga Challenge is crafted with warrior yoga poses and martial arts stances designed for strength, stamina, focus, power and confidence and comes with detailed instruction for beginner’s and beyond. If you feel that some of the positions are to challenging please step in a little. You may also use a wall, chair or sturdy piece of furniture to help with balance.

Please take a moment or two to be still. Take steady, deep breaths, clearing our minds of any extraneous thoughts. Completing this yoga challenge a few times a week will ensure that we stand firm in our bodies both on our mats and into our lives.

1.) Mountain Pose Stretch

…stretch yourself to move mountains in your own life

  • With a big inhale slowly open and extend your arms to your sides.
  • Slowly lift them up letting your palms meet.
  • Gently lift your chin and slightly arch back.
  • Then exhale slowly, lowering your arms to your sides.
  • Repeat the lifting up with a big inhale and the lowering back down with a big exhale 5-10 times more.

2.) Mountain Pose /Side Stretch

…lean into the stretch perhaps you will be able to stretch farther

  • Lift your arms up overhead with a big inhale, letting your palms meet.
  • With a big exhale lower your right arm, leaning to your left.
  • Inhale, lift and stretch your arms up again.
  • With a big exhale lower your left arm, leaning to your right.
  • If possible let your bicep touch your ear each time.
  • Inhale again in the middle with your arms lifted up overhead.
  • Now simply repeat leaning on each side 5-10 times each side.

3.) Forward Bending Twist

...bend so you don’t break

  • With a big inhale stretch and lift your arms to the sides and then up.
  • With a big exhale bend forward, lowering your hands to your mat.
  • Inhale with both hands on your mat then exhale while twisting and  lifting your left arm up.
  • If possible, lift your left heel up too.
  • Repeat twisting and lifting your right arm up and right heel, for a total of 10 times for both sides.
  • Tips:
  • You may only be able to bend forward to your knees, calves or ankles. That’s perfectly fine, simply do the exercise from there and don’t forget your deep inhales and exhales.

4.) Side Pose Stretch

…stretch and go farther

  • Step to your right with your right foot, toes pointing to your right side approximately two and one half feet
  • Your back leg is slightly turned inward while both legs are straight.
  • Position both your hips to face your right side also.
  • With arms extended forward lean out and over your forward right leg, gently lowering your torso too.
  • Breathe deeply for 8-10 counts.
  • Tips:
  • Wherever you find yourself is the perfect place for you.
  • Breathe a few moments while stretching in your perfect place.

5.) Triangle

  • From your Side Pose Stretch simply lift your left arm up.
  • Inhale and exhale for 5-10 counts.

6.) Extended Side Angle

…true warriors extend themselves and go beyond

  • From your Triangle Pose simply bend your forward right foot.
  • Position your knee directly above your foot.
  • Lift your left arm up and over.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 long counts.

7.) Extended Side Angle Twist

…do the Twist

  • Keep your legs and feet in the same position.
  • Only your back heel comes off the floor.
  • Position both your hips to face forward.
  • Press your palms together with a big inhale.
  • With a big exhale twist to your right by placing your left elbow over your right forward thigh.
  • Hold this position for 5-10 long counts.
  • Tips:
  • Try to always remember that your exhales makes space for you to twist.
  • You don’t have to go as low in this position or any position. Always do what works for your body and fitness level.

8.) Warrior II Pose

…true warrior are called

  • From Extended Side Angle Twist simply lift your torso up.
  • Let both your hips face forward equally.
  • Your back leg is straight with your heel on the floor.
  • Bend your forward right knee.
  • Extend your arms out from your shoulders.
  • Make a stop sign with your palms.
  • Press the heels of your palms out with fingers pointing up as your take a big inhale.
  • Point your fingers down as you take a big exhale.
  • Repeat the palm exercise while breathing deeply for 10 counts.

9.) Peaceful Warrior

…learning to be strong so you don’t have to fight is key

  • Your legs are in the same position as Warrior II Pose. 
  • Simply take your forward right arm and stretch it up and gently arch back.
  • Breathe deeply up to 10 long deep breaths.
  • Tips:
  • Come up a little in this stance if it feels too strenuous or you need more support.
  • Your back arm can slide down your back leg or come around the the back of you for an added stretch.

10.) Dancer’s Pose (supported)

…what if I fall… but oh my beloved what if you fly?

  • From a Peaceful Warrior Pose please lean your over your right leg.
  • Lift your back leg and hold onto your ankle if possible.
  • Find a wall, chair or piece of sturdy furniture for more support and hold onto that and breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.

10.) Dancer’s Pose

…trained warriors dance around their opponents

  • If you are able lean forward while stretching your forward right arm out.
  • Hold your left foot with your left hand.
  • Lift your back leg as high as possible.
  • hold and breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.

11.) Warrior I Pose 

  • From a Dancer’s Pose, lower your left leg and step back while bending your forward right knee.
  • Keep your hips even and facing forward.
  • Interlock your fingers with your index finger pointing upward.
  • Stretch, arch back, look up!
  • Breathe deeply for 10-20 counts.

12.) Humble Warrior I 

  • Remain in the same feet and leg position.
  • Place each hand on each hip.
  • Interlock your fingers behind your back if possible and lift your arms up behind you, taking a big inhale.
  • With a slow exhale slowly bow forward.
  • Allow your arms to continue going up and over.
  • Tips:
  • You can do the pose with your hands on your hips.
  • Step in as much as you need for stronger support.


…a warrior stands tall and firm as a mountain and humble and obedient as a squat position at the same time

13.) Mountain Stretch Pose into a Squat Pose

  • With a big inhale extend your arms out to the sides and up.
  • Press your palms together in a prayer position.
  • Exhale slowly while gently bending your knees as you lower your torso into a Squat Pose.
  • Press your palms together and keep your elbows inside your knees for an added stretch.
  • Breathe deeply for 5 breathes.
  • Now slowly lift your torso back up into a Mountain Stretch extending your arms out to the sides and up with a big inhale.
  • Repeat 5 times up to Mountain Pose Stretch and lowering back down to a Squat position.
  • Tip:
  • If you are not able to lower all the way down simply go as far as you are able then hold the position and then lift yourself back up.
  • Stay longer in each position if you like and for more intense training and do 10-20 repetitions.
  • Use a chair or any piece of sturdy furniture to assist you.

14.) Standing Reverse Prayer Pose

…praying with an open heart

  • Place a hand on each hip.
  • Slide your hands behind your back.
  • See if you can move your palms to meet.
  • If your palms meet try to press them together and slide them up your back as far as you are able.
  • Breathe deeply for 10 counts.

15.) Tree Pose

…true warriors are resolved to be rooted and grounded in their calling

  • If you are able pick up your left foot and place in on your inner thigh.
  • Keep your knee turned out like a tree branch.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
  • Tips:
  • Start placing your left foot on your right foot if you are new and just starting out.
  • When you feel ready, slide your left leg up o your calf, knee and thigh as you progress.
  • Focus on just one object in front of you to help you balance.
  • It helps to balance when you remain calm with slow steady breaths.

16.) Repeat 1-15 with on your left side with your left foot as your forward facing foot.

Once you have completed both sides consider yourself finished! Watch out! Completing this warrior workout on a regular 2-3 or 5 times a week may result in powerful results!

Remember Halleluyah Yoga will always provide an inner and outer workout for you! Make the warrior series part of your weekly yoga workouts to ensure you remain invincible!

Go forth and be strong!



Hi Friends,

welcome to Yoga with Penny!

I invite you to step into Warrior II Pose with me. Luckily, everyBODY can practice this one!

The foundational Warrior II Pose improves both our physical and mental endurance by building strength in all our muscles. The pose also helps us cultivate balance and agility. As you hold this lovely posture, let go of external distractions you may be experiencing by focusing on your deep, steady breaths. By focusing on the present via our breathing, we can obtain inner warrior strength that we can apply to our daily life!

Begin by stepping forward with your right foot. Grab the back of a chair or a wall for balance purposes. You can also step out a little less to alleviate the difficulty. Looking for more of a challenge? Step out even more!

Ensure both hips are facing forward with both heels on the same line. Then pull your stomach in, lift your chest and relax your shoulders.

Now pivot your right toes to face the side while turning your back foot slightly inward.

When ready, slowly bend your right knee; don’t extend your knee beyond your toes or allow your knee to fall to the left side. Bend only as far as you can without creating discomfort.

Push into the outer edge of your back foot, which allows your back leg to straighten. Move around to find a perfectly stable spot for you. Step in with your back leg if your feel unstable.

Once you find your perfect warrior position, lift your arms from your sides and straight up and out from your shoulders. Smile! Relax in the posture; hold it for 30 seconds to one minute.With deep breaths, this process encourages the nervous system to relax and can alter our physical and emotional reaction to stress – in a positive way!

Just as a real life warrior, a wealth of endurance, stamina, strength and concentration training goes into our Warrior Pose. Our leg muscles ache, tension builds in our neck and shoulders – do we surrender? No, we don’t! We try our best and push forward by  focusing on the inhales and exhales. Focusing on the most essential things, like the mere act of breathing, can give us perspective – is there a calm in the storm? Where might we learn to relax while bearing the load in other areas of life? Be like a warrior – focus on the important things!

I hope you enjoyed your Warrior training.


WARRIOR II POSE MINI CHALLENGE (unleash your inner warrior while building outer strength)

Hold your head high and confidently, unleashing your inner warrior as you stand in Warrior II Pose!

1.) Spread your feet approximately three to four feet apart, keeping them on the same line.

2.) Press down in all four corners of your feet, pushing into the outer edge of your back foot for stability.

3.) Keep pressing your extended arms back for a deeper stretch while extending your arms out to the sides.

4.) Gaze over your your middle finger with both palms facing down.

5.) Stand strong and breathe deeply for 10 deep breaths as you celebrate the power of the warrior!

6.) Step your back leg in for more support.

Step into Warrior II Pose. Build inner and outer strength while developing balance and stability. Cultivate grace and ease while building stamina and concentration. Stretch and strengthen your hips, legs, arms, chest, back, and feet while energizing your tired limbs. Stimulate your abdominal organs too all while improving your circulation and respiration.

Remember that God says you are MORE than a conqueror. ( Romans 8:37) Go forth and be all that He created you to be…strong, mighty, and victorious! For the Lord is with you like a “Mighty Warrior.” (Jeremiah 20:11.)

keep calm and conqueror on!

thanks for joining me and may love guide you where you may go…



Seek Divine guidance everyday to find inner strength so that the world will not blow your candle out!

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Oh Lord.

Psalm 19:14

Grab a partner and let’s get started! Remember through out this meditation that nothing is required of you – You are already qualified according to your Heavenly Father!

1.) “YOU”…are LOVED!


 1.) Cross-legged  Partner Meditation 

Sit crossed legged next to your partner in a position of your choice.

Close your eyes. Take a moment to clear your head of any thoughts by focusing on a few deep breaths. When you are ready, say these incredible Bible verses out loud together.

After 10 repetitions, take those Bible verses internally – make them your own. Believe that these beautiful words are yours from your Heavenly Father, because it’s true. Think, focus and reflect upon them while breathing deeply.

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you. Before you were born I set you apart.

Jeremiah 1:5

I have loved you with an everlasting love.

Jeremiah 31:3

Yesterday, He loved you, today, He loves you, tomorrow He will love you, nothing will change.

Hebrews 13:8

These amazing words describe His love for you. You have nothing to do. Just believe!

2.) “YOU”…are a Beautiful Masterpiece and your worth is far above rubies!

2.) Seated Spinal Prayer Partner Twist

You and your partner sit with your legs out in front of you.

Each person may gently bend their outside leg and place it over their inside leg. Hug your outside leg into your body and place your foot over your thigh, and on the ground, for deeper twisting benefits.

Press each of your outside palms together in a prayer position.

When you and your partner are ready, begin saying these awesome Bible verses out loud together 10 times. These beautiful words are meant for you – know that you “are” these words to your Heavenly Father.

The King is enthralled with your beauty: Honor Him, For He is your Lord.

Psalm 45:11

You are God’s Masterpiece.

Ephesians 2:10

Your worth is far above rubies.

Proverbs 31:13

Let God define you. He says you’re awesome! Now repeat the entire Partner Yoga Meditation on your other side!

3.) “YOU” …can give away your problems, be taken care of  and have peace!

3.) Extended Leg Spinal Twist With Partner

Each partner sits up tall with your backs touching and legs extended forward.

The partner on the left pulls their left knee into their body. The partner on the right pulls their right knee inward.

The partner on the left stretches their right palm across their body. The partner on the right stretches their left palm.

Bring your palms together.

When you and your partner are ready, begin saying these magnificent words together 10 times. Then while breathing deeply, continue to give up your problems to the one who truly cares and can definitely help.

Give your burdens to the Lord and He will take care of you.

Psalm 55:22

Give all your cares and worries to God because He cares for you.

1 Peter 5:7

You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you.

Isaiah 26:3

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

John 14:27

Leave the thoughts you gave your Heavenly Father with Him. They are His now! Repeat the entire Partner Yoga Meditation on your other side!

4.)  “YOU” …are strong, empowered, more than a conqueror, and victorious!

4.) Conquering Warrior 

Stand facing one another.

Step forward with opposite legs, bending knees into Warrior I Pose. Step out farther for more of a challenge or step in for a less challenging position. Stretch arms forward, meeting your partner’s arms. Press your palms together.

When you and your partner are ready, begin saying these awesome Bible verses out loud together 10 times. You are already strong. God has already equipped you. You are victorious – you just need to believe that you are. You are not only a conqueror, but more than a conqueror, invincible! Dwell here, reflect, ponder, and own these words, mighty warrior!

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Philippians 4:7

The Lord is with you mighty warrior.

Judges 6:12

We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.

Romans 8:37

Switch legs and do the entire process with your other leg forward. Live invincibly with these words deep in your heart!

5.) “YOU” …are near to God, heard by God, your prayers are important to God, and you can actually come to His throne of grace whenever you need to!

5.) Praying Warrior

Both partners stand stall, shoulder to shoulder.

Each partner steps out to the side. Bend each outside leg into Warrior II Pose. Press your palms together.

When you and your partner are ready, begin saying aloud these comforting words 10 times. Then call upon God for what you may need in this very moment. Dwell, reflect and linger here.

The Lord is near to all who call on Him.

Psalm 145:18

Tears are prayers too. They travel to God when we cannot speak.

Psalm 56:8

Let us therefore come boldly to the throne on grace in time of need.

Hebrews 4:16

You can tell God everything -He already knows it all, but I’m pretty sure that He loves it when you tell Him!

6.) “YOU” can help, encourage, inspire and love each other in mighty ways! 

6.) Encouraging Partner Tree

Both partners stand tall, shoulder to shoulder.

Each partner raise your outside leg. Place it upon your inside thigh. You may place it where it is comfortable for you – your ankle, calf, and knee is okay too!

Raise the arm closest to your partner. Press your palms together. Then press your other hand’s palms together. Help one another stay up in a Tree Pose as you say these words aloud together. After 10 times, breathe deeply, reflect, be encouraged, and loved by God’s Words…

Let us think about each other and help each other to show love and do good deeds.

Hebrews 10:24

Encourage one another and build each other up.

1 Thessalonians 5:11

For where two or three come together in my name, there I am in the midst of them.

Matthew 18:19

Switch legs and repeat the entire process. Keep each other up and don’t let each other fall. Let God’s words come alive in your poses and in your lives!

Be seated together and offer up your Halleluyahs!

do yoga and meditate on

…let me know how it goes…

