Yoga promotes health and happiness, helps us lose weight, burn calories, boost metabolism, and reduce stress. Twisting yoga positions stimulate our metabolism which helps our brain, heart, and kidneys to function smoothly. Back-bending yoga positions improve our breathing encouraging fat burning capabilities. Inverted positions stimulate our circulatory system while encouraging blood flow and oxygen intake throughout our vital organs and our entire bodies.

Chronically elevated levels of stress can cause weight gain – when we are stressed, our adrenal gland secretes the hormone cortisol. Cortisol is good for us, however too much cortisol flowing through our bodies can mess with our metabolism, causing us to be irritable, depressed, and unable to lose weight. Generally, yoga reduces stress. Studies also show that prayer and meditation help to reduce stress as well. As you practice this yoga challenge try to maintain a meditative state by refusing to let your mind focus on anything negative. Perhaps theses comforting words from our Heavenly Father may help!

Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.

Philippians 4:6

Try to relax by breathing deeply in a seated position. When you feel you are ready, grab a mat, water and let’s get started!

1.) Forward Bend

  • Stand hip width.
  • Extend your arms out to the sides with a big inhale.
  • Press your palms together overhead.
  • Release your palms and slowly lower your arms with a big exhale.
  • Repeat 10 times.

2.) Forward Bending Twist

  • Lower your torso as far as you can, whether on your knee or on the mat.
  • Inhale deeply. Exhale deeply, extending your right hand up – if possible, bend your right knee.
  • Repeat, extending your left arm up while bending your left knee.
  • Alternate each arm and leg for a total of 5-10 repetitions.

3.) Lunge Pose Twist Variation

  • Lower your left knee directly below your hip.
  • Keep your right forward toes directly below your knee.
  • Take your left elbow and place it to the outside of your forward knee.
  • Let your palms meet and press them together.
  • It may be beneficial to inhale before you twist, and exhale as you twist. This creates more room for the twist!
  • If you can, tuck your back toes and lift your right knee off your mat.
  • Breathe deeply up to 10 times then switch legs.

4.) Warrior I with Eagle Arms

  • With your right foot, step to the top of your mat with your toes pointed forward and directly below your knee.
  • The longer you step, the more challenging this pose will be.
  • Both your heels should be on the same line, if possible.
  • Sink your hips and pull your torso up and out of your waist.
  • With both elbows extended and bent in front of you, slide your right arm under your left elbow. Continue to snake that hand around your arm until both palms meet.
  • Lift your Eagle Arms and look up to the heavens.
  • Breathe deeply up to 10 counts and switch legs and arms.

5.) Star Pose Twist

  • Come to the middle of your mat and extend both your legs to the sides.
  • If you find you cannot lower your torso to the mat, stay where you are. Place your hands on your legs and breathe deeply for 3 counts.
  • Lower both hands to your mat. Make sure your hands are directly below your shoulders. Inhale deeply. Extend your left arm up with a deep exhale.
  • Repeat inhaling deeply with both hands on your mat and exhaling deeply as you extend each arm up for a total of 10 times with each arm.

6.) Seated Spinal Twist

  • Sit with both legs extended in front of you.
  • Lift your left leg, taking a moment to stretch it.
  • When ready, inhale deeply and exhale deeply while extending your left foot over your right thigh.
  • Your exhales give you more space to twist, so try to remember to exhale as you practice each twist.
  • Sit up tall and hug your knee to your chest and breathe deeply for 10 counts.
  • Repeat on the other side by extending your right leg over your left thigh.

7.) Bridge Lifts

  • With your feet hip width below your knees, inhale deeply while lifting your hips up.
  • Exhale deeply as you slowly release your hips to your mat.
  • Repeat this 10-20 times.

8.) Camel Pose

  • You may want to roll up a towel and place it under your knees for comfort and protection.
  • You may keep your toes tucked for an easier version, or let your toes lie on your mat.
  • With your legs hip width and hands on your hips, inhale deeply and gently stretch back.
  • If you feel comfortable, release a hand to your foot. Then alternate reaching each hand back.
  • If you continue to feel comfortable, reach both hands back at the same time with a normal breath.
  • Stay in the pose for 5 to 10 counts.

9.) Seated Forward Bend

  • With legs stretched out in front of you, inhale deeply with arms extended out to the sides, then overhead.
  • Exhale deeply, releasing your arms while gently folding forward over your legs.
  • Repeat 10 times. Then stay folded over your legs with deep breathing for 10 counts.

10.) Low Lunge Twist and Stretch

  • Come up to your knees.
  • Extend your left foot forward, with your knee directly over your foot.
  • Let your hips sink forward.
  • Inhale deeply, then exhale deeply, gently twisting over your forward left thigh.
  • Hold the twist with 5-10 deep breaths, then release.
  • Clasp your hands behind your back. Gently lift them up and hold them there with 5-10 deep breaths.
  • Looking up will help your back arch. You may  place your hands on the back of your hips as well.
  • Repeat both positions with your right leg forward.

Lay down for a few minutes and let all that work you did for your body work for you now!

Try to complete this yoga sequence a few times a week for best results and thanks for joining me!

May peace always be with you!

til next time

Love, Penny


YOGA FOR VITALITY CHALLENGE ( Yoga with a twist for everyBODY)

This yoga segment is designed for most fitness levels.  Enhance your twisting with a couple verses of Scripture provided below and twist for your mind, body, and soul!

Get Twisted and improve the health of your internal organs and build your core. According to Livestrong, twists encourage the flow of oxygenated blood while eliminating toxins and metabolic wastes from your body. They also aid in bloating or digestive problems. Your shoulders, chest, back and spine have a chance to relax in twists and you will increase flexibility in your spine and waist muscles.

At first glance, twists appear chaotic. Any normal person knows a body should not be bending and twisting like that. That’s the beauty of a twist: a body gone wild! Don’t be fooled; to move into a twist from a standing position requires so much more. Your feet need to settle into the earth and your legs must draw strength from the stability of the feet. Your entire core or inner body  needs to lengthen. You must inhale from the bottom of your body to the top of your head, drawing a long deep breath by pulling up and out of your waist, chest, hips, spine. And when it is impossible to hold any more breath inside you, then you twist with a long exhalation. The breathing helps you twist better.

What I love about twists is that your insides get revitalized. As you stand firm with a solid foundation, you appear all tensed up and out of control but your core keeps you strong. Sometimes in our lives we get all twisted up too but God tells us to chill. Sometimes the knots are so twisted up we can easily forget that the God that breathed the stars into existence and turned water into wine can help us. Seriously, all we need to do is believe. Seems too easy, but God promised He would help us. In this yoga segment get twisted but let Him untwists all the  knots inside that are binding you now.

…”cast your worries on Him, because He cares for you. 1 peter 5:7

…Let your roots grow down into Him. Let your lives be built on Him. Colossians 2:7



1.) Chair Pose into Chair Pose Twist

Start by placing your feet together. Bend your knees and slightly bend back as if you were going to sit on a chair. Raise your arms up, then inhale and exhale 3-5 times long and deeply. You may stand up for a moment or continue in a chair pose for the twist.

In chair pose position, on your last inhale and exhale bring your palms together in prayer pose. Firmly press them together. Inhale deeply, lifting your entire upper body. Exhale deeply as you twist. Let your left elbow twist to the outside of your right leg. Hold the pose as long as you like or repeat on your other side.

Make it a flowing sequence of movement by always standing up before you bend into chair pose. Bend into chair pose with arms up and then into prayer pose. Stand up again and bend into chair pose before you twist to each side. Repeat the sequence once or maybe 3 times each side.

You may also widen your feet for better balance in chair pose and do not bend back too far. Always stand between each movement so your legs don’t get tired and slightly twist to each side.



2.) Chair Pose One Arm Stretch and Twist

From chair pose, twist to the right side, and simply lower your left arm down while extending your right arm upward. Hold the twisted stretch, then inhale and exhale long and deeply. Breathe into any tensions that may arise.



3.) Low Lunge Back Knee Bend into Reverse Twist

Step your left foot forward into a lunge pose. Sink your hips, placing your back knee on the ground. Inhale and exhale long and deeply for a minute, invigorating your body and mind while resting your attention on God.

For the twist, bend your right back leg and let your torso follow. Place your right hand directly below your right shoulder. Let your left arm twist your body as you look up. Inhale and exhale long and deeply for 3-10 counts if you like, or what ever feels good for you.

Make you lunge higher or simply stay on a bended back right knee if you find it too challenging. If your right hand does not make it to the floor, stay up. Do the twist by placing your right arm just outside your left thigh. Inhale and exhale long and deeply as long as you feel comfortable.



4.) Bended Knee Reverse Twist and Stretch

Step your right foot forward, bending your back left knee. Inhale long and deeply, lifting your entire upper body. Then as you exhale twist, placing your left hand on your right thigh. Raise your right arm for a deeper twist. Repeat on your other side for 3-10 long and deep twisted inhales and exhales, or as many as you like.




5.) Warrior II Pose into Side Angle Pose

Step your left foot forward, bending your knee. Keep your left back leg straight if possible. Sink your hips, raising your arms up and out to the sides. Inhale, pulling up and out of your belly, then lifting your chest. Keep your shoulders pressed down with an extended neck. Look out past your arms. Stand firm and let the quietness of your roots be the source of your strength.

Move from Warrior II position into Side Angle pose by lifting your right arm up and extending it up and over. Meanwhile bend your left arm, resting it on your left thigh. Stretch and inhale and exhale long and deeply 3-10 times. Repeat on your other side.

Walk your back leg in and slightly bend your front knee if you find it too challenging. Your hand may also rest anywhere that feels comfortable on your front leg.



6.) Side Angle Stretch and Twist

Once in a Side Angle position, lower your forward left hand to the floor and extend your right arm up. Inhale and exhale long and deeply 3-10 times.

You may come back to a standing position or come back to a Side Angle. Moving from a Side Angle, simply let your raised right arm fall behind. Then let your left arm slide under your left thigh and meet it. Grasp your fingers and look up. This will open your torso in new ways, stretching and strengthening your entire body. Inhale and exhale as best you can long and deeply.

Bring your right arm to your hip. Look up.


7.) Star Pose One Arm Stretch and Twist

Stretch your legs out to the sides at a distance comfortable for you. Bend forward, placing your hands on the ground. Inhale long and deeply and exhale long and deeply, extending and twisting your right arm upward. Repeat on the other side for 3-10 inhales and exhales on both sides. Inhale middle, exhale twisting up.

For a less vigorous approach, bend your knees and  lessen the distance between your legs. Bend over slightly. Let your twist come from placing your hands on the outside of each leg. The other arm can be placed on your hip. Inhale in the middle slightly bent and exhale as you twist to each side. Repeat 3-10 times each side.


8.) Eagle Pose

Stand with your legs and feet together. Raise your left leg, placing it over your right thigh. Try to tuck that leg behind the leg your standing on. If you can twirl it around the leg finishing at the inside of your right foot. Once steady, let your left arm go under your right elbow, twirling it up your arm until your palms meet. Inhale and exhale long and deep 2-4 times. Repeat on your other leg. Left leg twirls left arm goes under and twirls. Right leg twirls, right arm goes under and twirls. Try to keep your body, especially your hips facing forward.

For a less vigorous approach, I would suggest that you do these movements separately. Arms. Then do legs. Play around with each, and see where you end up. One side will feel easier, guaranteed!




9.) Squat Prayer Pose Into Side Twist

Let your legs be hip width apart then bend your knees. Sink your hips all the way to the ground. Press your palms together for a more intense stretch.

From Squat Pose, raise your left arm up then back extending it to your right hip. Stay here. For a more intense stretch, take your right arm out and over the outside of your right leg. Meet the hands, clasp them and stretch upward for 3-10 long and deep inhales and exhales.

For a less vigorous approach, place a rolled up or folded blanket under each heel. Gently begin moving your arms up and around your legs. Stop at a comfortable stretch for you. Inhale and exhale long and deeply.

Lie on your back for a few breaths to absorb the afterimage of each twist. Do you feel lighter? Does your body feel more buoyant? Do you feel more rooted and grounded, perhaps balanced and clear-headed? Enjoy this delightful state of peace and love.

Get Twisted and Yoga on