The beautiful and elegant Triangle Pose, captivating us with it’s clean lines and raw simplicity. Yet moving into this posture we find that simple can be hard and clean can be messy. Mainly because the stress and tension of living in this fast paced modern day world, expresses itself through our rigid and tensed up bodies. Is it any wonder that more than  75% of all doctor office visits are stress related ailments and complaints and that chronic stress is linked to the six leading causes of death? Fortunately, yoga provides a moment for our body to speak, revealing tensions we are holding through our muscles. If our minds are willing we can then release those tensions and let it go. On good days we bring that mindset to our mats. Other days we forget. Sometimes all we do is struggle. But we know when yoga is working when some days we let things go in our daily lives!

Of course letting go and letting God take the reins of our lives is the ultimate stress reliever. It’s hard to give up control though. And scarey. Too many “what ifs” pop up in our heads. But the Creator of everything who calls Himself our Father must know what is best for us.

He tells us in Isaiah 26:3 that…  He will keep us in perfect peace when we remain focused on Him.

Do something good for you. Sit quietly and close your eyes. Know that you are here in this present moment with no worries. Just breathe. When you are ready do a Triangle Pose, directions below!



Extend your arms out to your sides. Stretch your legs out to the sides with each foot directly under each hand. Turn your right foot slightly in and move your left foot toes to face the right side.

Inhale deeply from the bottom of your stomach pulling your torso upward. Exhale deeply extending your torso out and over your forward left leg.

Place your left hand on your mat next to your foot on either side. You may also place it on your thigh, knee or ankle for a less challenging approach or on a chair.

Stretch your right arm up. Try to look up at your hand. You may feel your chest, shoulders and collar bone open up. Breath deeply for 10 seconds to 1 minute. Try to maintain this position thinking only of your inhales and exhales. You may then feel your body stretching deeper as tension and stress release.

Repeat on your right side.

You may also bend your forward knee slightly if it feels too tight. Or step your back leg in a little. Use a chair, table or a counter for added balance and support.

peace and love




YOGA FOR A DEEPER SLEEP CHALLENGE BECAUSE YOU MATTER ( Yoga before bed to calm and restore your nervous system for a sweet sleep)

In need of a few Zzz?  Back aching? Feeling stressed? Perhaps you find yourself in an overwhelming situation. Don’t fret! Instead do something good for you. Because You matter, and you deserve to feel great! After all, you got status: you matter not only to your family and friends, but the King of the world! You believe that Jesus died for your sins, You are a “VIP ” according to Heaven! So today, let’s treat ourselves like the people that we really are! Let’s honor our King by celebrating His magnificent masterpiece: You!

In this Quick Fix Yoga Segment, we’ll do the soothing restorative yoga pose, “Legs Up a Wall!” It will calm your nervous system, ease muscle fatigue, drain tension, improve digestion, and move stuck or stagnant fluids. It also will trigger your relaxation response, thus slowing your heart, breath and brain waves, promoting a peaceful, blissful state. The soothing benefits of this yoga pose grow deeper the longer you can stay in it. Try for 5 minutes at first, but if you can go longer, by all means stay as long as you like!

To begin, shift your body near a wall and gently walk your legs up. Rest the backs of your thighs against the wall, which offers a gentle support that deepens the restorative benefits of the pose.

If your thighs cannot get there, then bend your legs and shimmy your hips a little closer to the wall. If you feel strained, come back down and lay before a chair with your legs resting comfortably upon it. If even that is too strenuous, simply lay down on your mat or lay on the floor with your knees bent.

Once you arrive at your perfect resting place position for Legs Up a Wall, you need only to close your eyes, exhale completely, and melt into the pose. Try to inhale and exhale through your nose. Let each inhale draw upon God’s peace. Let each exhale dissolve your cares, worries fears and doubts. Focus only on God’s peaceful and loving words in Isaiah 26:3:

You will keep in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee.

or Psalm 4:8 for a sweet night’s sleep,

When I go to bed, I sleep in peace because Lord, you keep me safe.


Now, scan your body limb by limb, inviting any knots and grips of tension to dissolve away completely. Let your brain drain, relinquishing its hold on obsessive worries and fears that may still linger.  Grow easy and tranquil, grasping after absolutely nothing. Let everything you know about yourself dissolve. Fall beneath the surface of life into God’s quiet stillness.

Invite your breath to deepen. With each quiet exhalation and with every ounce of letting go, fall deeper. Linger in the soothing silence. Dwell in the freedom of surrender and indulge in the tranquility and deep rest of letting go.

Because, You matter!!



YOGA TO BUILD BALANCE YOGA CHALLENGE (on your mat and in your life)

This segment challenges our balance while building a solid support system for our bodies to live in. Each Yoga posture here will enhance our way of standing and walking in this world, as well as how we perform our everyday activities. Building strong sturdy muscles, core power, agility and coordination will help us keep balanced throughout our lives, thus preventing falls and injuries.

The rigor and demand of these poses compels us subconsciously to summon our minds and bodies to connect in order to stay centered and balanced.  To balance in any of these poses, full resolution is required. That is all of you, body mind and soul active and present in the pose. As in real life, holding yourself up day after day in the storms and situations of life gets real hard sometimes. We can easily lose our balance. We even fall! But a new calm can be upon us. Being fully present for every problem and situation provides us choice. We can choose rather than react. Thus the storms of life, as in these poses, will not be able to easily pull us off balance anymore.

As you begin this Yoga segment workout, try giving it your full resolution and see what happens. If you would like to take it a step farther, and find true lasting peace and balance in your life, reflect upon these verses of Scripture. There is a firm solid rock waiting for you to step on. Jesus wants you to see Him as your solid immoveable rock for your life. Practice standing on His Words He wrote in His book, just for you and I. He understands. He does not fail. He is as solid as a rock, today, yesterday and tomorrow!

…and the Bible says, “Everyone who hears my words and obeys them is like a wise man who build his house on a rock, “Matthew 7:24

…and it also says, “On Christ the solid rock I stand, ” Psalms 62:6

To that I say, “Rock Your Asanas!”

1.) Chair Pose and Twist

Stand with your legs and feet together. Lean back, letting your sitting bones lead, and bend your knees. Keep an eye on your knees. Do not let them bend beyond your toes. Stay here for 3-5 big breaths.

Inhale deeply while pressing your palms together and lowering your arms. Exhale, twisting to the side. Try to place your left elbow on the outside of your right leg. Keep pressing your palms together while looking up and behind you for a few more breaths. Raise your arms and repeat on the other side. Do this 3-5 times each side.

After you twist, open your arms up and twist a little farther. Widen the space between your feet and do not sit as low into the chair for a less intense version.

2.) Intense Pose Variations

Your heels should be on the same line, which makes this pose a little more challenging. Widen the space between your legs if you are just starting out. Your legs should be straight, but you may bend them too. Your left toes should face sideways, with your right toes slightly forward and angled as in the picture.

With legs all lined up, clasp your hands behind your back or place your hands on your hips. Inhale deeply while gently folding up over your forward left leg. Lead with your chin and really hold your arms up behind you. When you can stretch no farther, stay there and breath deeply for 3-5 counts. Repeat with your right leg forward.

In the same starting position with your left leg forward and with both heels on the same line, raise your arms up with a big inhale. Exhale, folding over your leg with arms stretched out. Try to lead with your chin; it will help you lengthen your back. Keep both your hip bones facing where your forward legs toes are pointed. Hold this position for a few big breaths, then fold over your leg for a few more breaths. Repeat with your other leg forward.


3.) Triangle and Triangle Twist

With heels on the same line again, and left leg toes pointing forward, gently push your hips back. Inhale and gently fold down your leg. Raise your back arm up and look at it. Open and  stretch here for a few big breaths.

Drop your raised arm to your mat. Raise your lowered arm up (Simply reverse your arms.) Then twist. Hang out here for a few deep breaths. Repeat with your other leg forward.

If you find your hand does not make it to the floor, simply rest it on whatever part of your leg it feels good on and work from there.

4.) Tip Toe Extended Leg Squat into Half Moon Pose

Stand hip width. Bend your knees and lower your torso. Extend your left leg to the side. Stay here for a few deep breaths. Repeat and extend your right leg for a few deep breaths.

With left leg extended, again place your hands for support on your mat in front of you. Gently shift all of your weight to your left leg. As you do, pivot your foot so that your toes face the left side. Walk your hands on the mat and place one palm on each side of your forward foot. Lift off by straightening your forward left leg and raising your back right leg. If you feel balanced, circle your right  arm up. This will cause your body to open up sideways into Half Moon Pose.

Push through the heel of your raised foot and try to straighten your standing leg. This will balance out your body in the pose.

5.) Half Moon Hand to Foot Balancing Pose

Move into Half Moon Pose. From here, bend your raised leg and grasp it with your raised hand. Try to keep that knee up in the back and gently push into that leg. Push like you are trying to straighten the leg. This will stretch you and improve your balance on that leg. Hold for a few deep breaths. Should you lose your balance, simply try a few more times.

To switch legs, start by turning your right shoulder over and down, facing your mat, by lowering your hands to the floor. At this point, both shoulders should be looking the floor. Lower your raised leg and raise your other leg; all that you are doing is switching your hands and legs here. Stretch by pushing through this leg for a few deep breaths. Repeat each side a few more times with a few deep breaths on each side.

6.) Down Dog into Three Legged Dog Crunches

Seated upon your heels, rise up to all fours. Tucking your toes and lifting your sitting bones, straighten your legs and arms. Arms and legs should be both shoulder and hip width apart. Press your hands widely into the mat while pressing your heels down to the mat. You should be able to look at your knees. Soften your neck while keeping your biceps close to your ears. Hang out here for a few breaths.

When you feel ready, lift your left leg. Hold for 10 breaths. Then bend and lower it. Aim for moving your knee to your head. That is one crunch. Repeat for 5-10 more crunches, then switch legs.

7.) Knee Hug into Hand Foot Extension into Tree Asana Variation

Stand tall like a mountain. Spread your left standing leg toes. Slowly raise your right leg. Bring your knee into your chest. Hold for a few deep breaths. Now let your right hand find your right foot. Focus on an object directly in front of you and remain calm. Straighten that leg by pushing your foot into your palm. Hold for a few deep breaths.

Practice this pose near a wall, steady chair, or countertop to maintain balance on your first try.

When you are ready, gently let go and let your right foot slide onto your left thigh. Lift your arms, breathe deeply, and hang out!

Repeat the entire process while standing on your right leg.

8.) The King’s Asana

Stand tall. Focus on an object in front of you. Slowly lift your left leg. Grasp your foot and lean forward. Press the bottom portion of your lifted leg into your hand. This will provide stability and allow your torso to lean forward for a deeper stretch. Stay for 10-30 seconds.

Repeat standing on your left leg.

9. Warrior II Sweeping Arms into Eagle Warrior

Step forward with your right leg. Both legs should be straight. Extend both arms up. Lean back and look up with a big inhale.

With a deep exhale, slowly release into Warrior I by bending your forward leg. Let your arms be straight and slowly lower them, moving them behind and up as far as they will go.

Inhale up with straight legs and arms overhead. Exhale and bend your forward knee as you release your arms back behind you. Repeat on the same leg 10-15 times.

After sweeping your arms with your right leg forward, remain in Warrior I. Bend your elbows and bring your arms up to shoulder height for  Eagle Warrior. Take your left arm and slide it under your right arm; let your wrist and hand keep sliding up over the outside of your right arm. Keep sliding until your palms meet. Clasp them and continue pressing them outward for a deeper stretch. Hold for 10 deep breaths.

Repeat the entire process with your other leg forward. For Eagle Warrior with your left leg forward, let your right arm slide under your left arm and continue sliding it up the outside of your left arm.

10.) Praying Warrior III Asana

Standing tall and steady. Slowly lift your left leg up behind you, toes pointing downward. Press your palms together in a prayer pose and breath deeply 10 times.

Repeat standing on your left leg.

After you have completed this segment, relax for a few moments on your back in Corpse Pose. Breath deeply. Know that you can have a balanced life. Rock Your Asanas and rock your life!

May balance and peace be yours!


YOGA IN A CASTLE CHALLENGE (gain peace and comfort through the strength of God)

Don’t let the smile fool you! I am concerned. I am not a fan of high places. Especially when practicing  yoga as the waves crash below me upon a rock fortress built in the 16th century! On the other hand, I am awed and amazed. These very rocks I stand upon defended the bay of San Juan for almost 500 years. The fortress that surrounds me survived attacks from foreign powers on many occasions. It was even attacked three times during the Spanish/ American War, ending the age of Navel warfare in the Caribbean! The American military gained control in 1898, and it was still used as a military post in defense of possible German attacks in World War II. In its latter years, it starred in the movie Amistad and was named a National Historic Site (one of 12 in the US), a World Heritage Site, and a UNESCO site (or United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization).

Join me atop this enchanting fortress of mystery and grandeur. Given to attacks, battles, storms, and hundreds of years of wear and tears, Del Morro is unceasingly a universal landmark of strength and dignity. As we practice this yoga segment of courage, strength, and balance may Castillo San Felipe Del Morro National Historic Site stand as a landmark in our lives. Let it be the moment we release ourselves from the crashing waves in our lives and give to God our battles to fight, our storms to endure and the wear and tear of the burdens that we bear daily. May we humbly determine in our hearts to allow God be the fortress that surrounds, protects us, and becomes our refuge in time of need.



Stand tall with your feet together. Inhale, reaching your arms to the heavens. Pause as you let all that fresh oxygen nourish each cell. Exhale, folding over your legs. Stretch a little farther and hang out there before raising your torso back up again. Repeat the stretch 5-10 times before moving on to the next exercise.


On your last forward bend, stay at the place that provides you a good stretch. If you can, grasp your toes. Inhale, lifting your head and torso. Exhale, pulling your head to your legs. Let your exhales move you a little farther physically and a little deeper inwardly. Try to release your worries, fears, and doubts. The more you let go, the deeper you will be able to stretch. Repeat 5-10 times with deep breathing, releasing that tension in your legs.


Step out with your right foot and bend your knee. Straighten your back leg and lift your arms like powerful wings out to the sides. Feel rooted and grounded down through your legs and feet. If this position grows too vigorous, step your back leg in. Stay here for a few deep breaths. Try to release all that negative stuff in your life that confounds you, so that you can rise from a deep letting go. Repeat on your other leg.

After you have completed the above position with deep breathing  add more intensity to this pose by straightening your left leg with a big inhale and arm sweep upward. Then exhale back into the pose. Try this 3-5 times after holding the pose and breathing deeply.


From a Warrior II position, gently lower your back leg to the ground. Keep your front knee directly over your foot. Swoop your arms up and try to snatch a cloud from the sky! Breath into the stretch. As tension arises, keep a steady breath and focus on the Bible verse. Stay for at least 5 deep inhales and exhales. Repeat on your other leg. You can do it again on each leg and see if the stretch gets deeper each time.


From a deep low lunge position, let your arms fall to the middle on the ground in front of you. Rotate your front foot forward. Bring your back leg in to meet it. You should be on your tip toes with hands on the ground for support. Pause here, it’s a great toe and foot stretch. Then try to extend your left leg out to the side. Bring your hands together in prayer position and offer up a prayer, a thank you, or a Halleluyah! Breath deeply for 5-8 breaths before coming up to the next position.


From tip toe squat position, bring you tip toed feet in and slowly straighten your legs to stand. Use the same bended leg as you did in tip toe squat position for your standing leg. Invite every muscle to engage while finding a spot to focus your eyes upon. Now slowly raise the other foot as high as you are able. Raise your arms into prayer position and breath continuously. If you fall like I did while taking this picture, simply try again. Like tree pose, the crashing waves of life will always try to get you off balance. Always try again and trust in God as your focal point, looking forward. Repeat on your other leg.


From tree pose, hug your knee in and grasp your foot. Use a chair or railing if you need support and slowly straighten that leg out to the side. Keep your standing leg straight. Try to straighten both legs. If you are currently unable to do this, stay where you are and breath deeply. Even with both legs bended, you will still be developing all the muscles in your legs and improving your balance along the way. Play around with this position. Do both legs. Do it again and again and everywhere!

Glorify God in the midst of your circumstances and let God give to you a new and peaceful way of being in the world!



935b74bd137a7f63703f584e18c66398This iconic bird can be found just about everywhere, from coins and paper to passports, and even the President’s official seal. The idea of using a bald eagle to symbolize America was proposed in 1782, and was immediately accepted by the newly formed Congress. It was officially adopted as the emblem of the United States five years later in 1787.

President John F. Kennedy wrote to Charles Callison of the National Audubon Society on July 18, 1961: “The founding Fathers made an appropriate choice when they selected the bald eagle as the emblem of the nation. The fierce beauty and proud independence of this great bird aptly symbolizes the strength and freedom of America.”

Since Roman times, the bald eagle has been associated with authority and statehood, commonly used as a symbol of governmental power. It’s no wonder then that the eagle is mentioned 33 times in the Bible! In Proverbs 30:18-19 we find the eagle as an amazing creature that God created. In Isaiah 40:31, God’s people who follow His ways will mount up and soar like eagles in their lives. God Himself spreads His wings over His people, in Deuteronomy 32:11-13.

Physically, the eagle is a being of grace and beauty. Its eyes possess the keenest eyesight and detects prey from high above. The eagle is also wise, making use of its resources by using the wind current to gain height. Sitting on rock ledge, it reads the wind; when the time is perfect, it simply spreads its great wings and soars upward. It’s kind of like faith. To have faith you just gotta let go of things and fully rely on God. Amazingly, it is the very storms that beat down upon the earth that give the eagle fuel to soar. Perhaps that is why God made eagles. To show us that we can exist, and even soar high above our circumstances just like the mighty eagle. We just gotta get to the edge of our rock and simply lift our wings.

In yoga, we have the Eagle Pose, which is a balancing pose. The challenge of this pose is twisting while balancing on one leg. If you like you can try this pose. Imagine  yourself to be like the eagle, balancing in the wind while the strong and twisting storms of life are trying to make you fall. Settling into the pose, try and fix your eyes on Jesus and trust Him by maintaining a slow steady breath during all that is happening in your body and mind. This helps you gain a sense of calm and and trust. Then when a real life storm hits you out of your comfort zone, you will be able to simply breathe, trust and remain calm. Most importantly you will be able to soar!


Directions for Eagle Pose:

Legs: Bend your knees slightly, like sitting in a chair. Lift your left leg up and have all your weight on your right leg. Place your left leg across right leg. You should look like you are sitting cross-legged in a chair. If possible, place your left thigh above your right knee. Hook your left ankle behind your lower calf. Squeeze your inner thighs together and keep your hips squared and forward.

Arms: Put your arms straight out in front of you. Bend your elbows with palms facing you. Pull in your navel. Lengthen your spine. Keep your shoulders squared like your hips but keep them down and relaxed. Slowly place your left arm under your right arm. Keep your left palm running up your right arm until both palms meet. Hold your elbows up and lower your shoulders. Breath long and deep while holding this pose for 10-30 seconds or longer if you can. Repeat on your opposite leg and arm if you would like!






What happens to our body when we are stressed? It defends itself, of course!

Amazingly, God has created us with an entire defense system that turns on as soon as we become stressed. Dr. Herbert Benson, a cardiovascular specialist at Harvard Medical School coined it “The Relaxation Response.”  Esther Sternberg, physician and author of several books on stress and healing, explains how it works.


Immediately, our heart rate speeds up and diverts blood away from our guts and to our muscles so we can run away. The pupils of our eyes constrict, so we can keenly focus on our attacker. The bronchii of our lungs increase blood oxygenation and convert energy stored in the liver into fuel for strength and stamina.  She also states that if we are stressed for too long, our body starts to release stress hormones and nerve chemicals that we do not want floating around in our body. That is why it’s important to our health to chill out as soon as possible. Perhaps God designed our breathing system with that in mind: that we might trust in Him for help.

Next time you feel stress coming on, drop and give yourself 10 long and deep breaths. Chill and meditate on this verse of Scripture and just breathe… let God take care of it all!

More ” Halleluyah Moments ” please!