Hi Friends,

welcome to Yoga with Penny!

I invite you to step into Warrior II Pose with me. Luckily, everyBODY can practice this one!

The foundational Warrior II Pose improves both our physical and mental endurance by building strength in all our muscles. The pose also helps us cultivate balance and agility. As you hold this lovely posture, let go of external distractions you may be experiencing by focusing on your deep, steady breaths. By focusing on the present via our breathing, we can obtain inner warrior strength that we can apply to our daily life!

Begin by stepping forward with your right foot. Grab the back of a chair or a wall for balance purposes. You can also step out a little less to alleviate the difficulty. Looking for more of a challenge? Step out even more!

Ensure both hips are facing forward with both heels on the same line. Then pull your stomach in, lift your chest and relax your shoulders.

Now pivot your right toes to face the side while turning your back foot slightly inward.

When ready, slowly bend your right knee; don’t extend your knee beyond your toes or allow your knee to fall to the left side. Bend only as far as you can without creating discomfort.

Push into the outer edge of your back foot, which allows your back leg to straighten. Move around to find a perfectly stable spot for you. Step in with your back leg if your feel unstable.

Once you find your perfect warrior position, lift your arms from your sides and straight up and out from your shoulders. Smile! Relax in the posture; hold it for 30 seconds to one minute.With deep breaths, this process encourages the nervous system to relax and can alter our physical and emotional reaction to stress – in a positive way!

Just as a real life warrior, a wealth of endurance, stamina, strength and concentration training goes into our Warrior Pose. Our leg muscles ache, tension builds in our neck and shoulders – do we surrender? No, we don’t! We try our best and push forward by  focusing on the inhales and exhales. Focusing on the most essential things, like the mere act of breathing, can give us perspective – is there a calm in the storm? Where might we learn to relax while bearing the load in other areas of life? Be like a warrior – focus on the important things!

I hope you enjoyed your Warrior training.



Hi Friends!

Yoga on and let’s get into the Christmas vibe! This class should stretch, strengthen, energize and de-stress your mind and your body. However, if your stretched for time simply do a position or two. Every  position below includes detailed instruction with less challenging modifications and the benefits each pose.

May you be blessed with abundant peace and joy as you celebrate the true meaning of Christmas!

…and angel said, ” behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord!” (Luke 2:10-11)

This is your time to release the cares of your world and just breathe. Go ahead indulge. Being aware of this present moment will help. Sit comfortably, close your eyes and inhale peace and joy and exhale all your daily thoughts. Stretching with this mindset while breathing deeply will help to de-stress and bless you!

1.) Standing Forward Bend Stretch Variation

For a brain boost and energy buzz, perhaps this will do!

Forward bends stretch our entire back sides, relieving tension in our spine, neck and backs. While stimulating digestion they boost brain power, circulation, calms our minds and soothes our nerves. They may also act as a mild depressant. Getting merry never felt so good!

  • Stand with your feet hip width apart.
  • Place your hands on your hips or clasp them behind your back.
  • Point your left foot forward.
  • Slightly bend your right knee.
  • Fold forward over your left leg.
  • Breathe deeply for 10 counts.
  • Repeat with your right leg forward.

2.) Triangle Pose

Open relaxed hips help to relieve stress and aid digestion which Triangle Pose is known for.

Triangle Pose is a terrific hip stretching and strengthening position. It also stretches and strengthens our entire leg including our ankle joints, hamstrings and calves. It may also improve digestion, relieve stress and help with menopause symptoms.

  • Spread your feet apart approximately 2-3 feet.
  • The farther apart your feet- the more challenging the position is.
  • Let your heels stay on the same line but slightly turn your left toes toward your right ankle.
  • Turn your right leg toes directly to your right side.
  • Pull your belly in while standing up tall.
  • Extend your torso up and then over your forward right leg.
  • Gently slide your right hand down your leg, touching the floor if you can.
  • If you find it too challenging to touch the floor rest your hand on any part of your leg when you feel stretched but not uncomfortable.
  • Lift your left arm up.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 soothing deep breaths.

3.) Extended Side Angle

A great total body stretch that strengthens too!

Extended Side Angle Pose may relieve stiffness in our shoulders and back while strengthening and stretching our entire legs and ab muscles. While building stamina it expands our lung and chest area as well.

  • From your Triangle position, simply bend your forward right leg.
  • Extend your right arm up and over while leaning into the stretch.
  • Aim for keeping your entire torso facing forward as you stretch to the side.
  • Breathe deeply up to 10 counts.

4.) Side Angle Twist

Besides blessing us with all the Extended Side Angle Pose position benefits, adding a twist will tone our core and ab area while compressing internal stomach organs. As you release the twist, you send fresh blood to that area aiding in the release of toxins from your body.

  • Press your palms together while lifting your back heel to keep your body mobile to twist.
  • Take a deep inhale as you exhale gently twist over your forward knee.
  • You may rest your back knee on your mat for support while you twist.
  • Hold this position while breathing deeply up to 10 counts.
  • Switch legs and start Extended Side Angle with your left leg forward then do the twist!

5.) Star Pose Forward Bending Stretch

Like it’s sister Forward Bend, the Star Pose with a bend forward stimulates circulation to our brains increasing our energy, calming our minds and soothing our nervous systems. It aids in digestion and stretches and strengthens our entire legs and core. Stretching our arms out first, then down, engages our abs and strengthens our backs, shoulders, neck and spine!

You can also put a chair in front of you to rest your hands on if you can’t quite make it to the floor yet!

  • With both toes facing forward extend your legs to the sides.
  • The wider the position the more challenging it will become.
  • Keep both legs straight and clasp your fingers with pointed index fingers pressed together.
  • Inhale and stretch up with both arms and exhale slowly folding forward.
  • Rest your hands on the back of a chair or a wall.
  • OR continue to fold downward, resting your hands on your mat.
  • Repeat the stretch up with a deep inhale and the fold forward with a deep exhale.
  • Aim for 10 stretches up and 10 stretches folding forward.

6.) Star Pose Twist

The twisting action stimulates digestion while providing a great total body stretch!

  • Your hands may rest on a chair for support here or a yoga block.
  • Lower each hand while stretching the other hand up.
  • Aim for 10 stretches with each arm for a total of 20.

7.) Star Pose Leg Stretch

This extra stretch to the side will increase flexibility to your legs and improve the range of motion in your hip area.

  • Your hands may rest on a chair or yoga block here also.
  • Walk your hands over to your right leg.
  • Aim to touch your head to your knee.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
  • Switch legs.
  • Repeat a few more times with each leg.

8.) Star Pose Stretch

Adding a little weight to your upper arms, neck and shoulder area helps with fighting arthritis and osteoporosis while deepening your leg and hip stretch!

  • Your hands may rest on a chair or yoga block here as well.
  • Lower to your elbows and press your palms together.
  • Continue stretching those legs by sliding them out just a bit.
  • Continue stretching while breathing deeply for 10 counts.
  • Repeat a few more times.

9.) Tip Toe Squat With Eagle Arms

Can you hear them? Your ankles, feet, and toes are yelling hooray- we are being used! The Eagle position of your arms stretches your upper back and shoulder area.

  • Bring your heels together on tip toes if possible.
  • Extend your knees out to your sides.
  • Bend both elbows out in front of you.
  • Take your right hand and place it below your left elbow.
  • Now, swirl your right arm around your left arm.
  • When your palms meet clasp your fingers. If they do not meet keep them where they are and breathe deeply up to 10 counts.
  • Keeping both arms directly in the middle center of your torso helps in swirling them up.
  • You do not have to raise your heels the whole time. Lower and lift them if your just starting out!

10.) Tip Toe Extended Leg Squat Stretch

  • Extend your right leg out to the side.
  • Stay on your tip toes if possible.
  • If possible stretch over your extended right leg.
  • Place your hand on your mat for support.
  • Breathe deeply up to 10 counts.
  • Now stretch the other way, over your left bent leg and breathe deeply up to 10 counts.
  • Now repeat the process extending your left leg to the side.

AGAIN! Tip Toe Squat With Eagle Arms

I had really bad feet nine years ago as I was just getting into yoga. Today my feet feel fine!

  • Back to a Tip Toe Squat again.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 deep breaths.

11.) Butterfly Stretch

  • Sit down on your mat and place the soles of your feet together.
  • Pulling your feet in closer to your torso will give you a more challenging stretch.
  • Extending your feet forward will ease the difficulty.
  • Lift up with a big inhale while gently pressing your chest forward.
  • Exhale slowly folding forward.
  • Repeat 10 more times-then remain folded forward for another 10 counts.

 12.) Seated Spinal Twisting Prayer Pose

  • Place your right foot over your bent left knee.
  • Try to pull both feet towards your torso for a deeper stretch.
  • Now wrap your arms around your knee.
  • Press your palms together and breathe deeply up to ten counts.
  • Next, say a prayer if you like!
  • Switch legs and repeat!

Thanks for joining me!

Stay merry and bright!




Want to start or end your day in a positive way?  Scientists and researchers agree that gratitude is the best attitude and one of the simplest ways to improve our state of health!

Researchers have amassed evidence that thankfulness provides a wide range of mental and physical health benefits. This attitude improves our sleep, deepens relaxation, builds better relationships, reduces pain, and decreases depression, anxiety and stress. Since the practice of yoga provides a mind-body perspective, thankfulness starts us off on the right foot!

In the Bible, there’s a great emphasis on feeling and expressing joy. The surest way to have heavenly joy is to pray and be thankful in all circumstances, as 1 Thessalonians 5:16 says. Again, in Philippians 4:6, God tells us not to be anxious about anything, but in every situation pray with thanksgiving and present your requests to God.

For the purposes of this yoga sequence, let’s thank God for this day while we practice yoga!

This is the day that the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it!

Psalm 118:24

When you are ready, grab a mat and towel; let’s get started!

1.) Standing Side Stretch

  • Start with your feet hip-width apart, and stand tall.
  • With a deep inhale, extend your arms out to the sides and slowly lift them up.
  • Pause with your arms overhead and look to the skies.
  • Exhale deeply, lowering your right arm and stretching to your right side.
  • Repeat the above, stretching over each side 10 times.
  • Inhale as your stretch up and exhale as you stretch to each side.
  • Bend your knees slightly if you need more stability.

2.) Star Pose Stretch and Twist

  • Extend both your feet out to your sides.
  • The wider you place your legs, the more difficult the position will be.
  • Stay here with your hands on your hips while breathing deeply.
  • Lower both hands to your mat if you can! Extend your left arm and look up with a deep breath.
  • Then, with a deep exhale, lower your arm to the mat.
  • Repeat the above, with each arm extending up and looking up for 5-10 times on each arm.

3.) Extended Leg Squat Stretch

  • Bend your left leg while extending your right leg to the side.
  • Place a hand in front of you for balance.
  • Inhale deeply, lift your left arm, and exhale, stretching over your right leg.
  • Breathe deeply through the stretch for 5-10 deep inhales and exhales.
  • Repeat the above, stretching over your left leg with deep breathing.

4.) Triangle Pose

  • Pivot your right heel while pointing your toes to the right side.
  • Try to keep your legs straight.
  • Both of your heels should be on the same line. Move them apart if you need stability!
  • Pull your stomach in and stretch over your right leg to the side. Aim for keeping both hip bones facing forward.
  • Gently slide your right forward, with your hand down your right leg. Stretch your other arm up.
  • You may find your hand only makes it to your knee or thigh. This is no problem; simply do the pose from there!
  • Hold this pose for 5-10 deep breaths.
  • Repeat the above with deep breathing with your left leg forward instead.

5.) Warrior II Pose

  • With your feet hip width, step and bend your right foot out to the right side.
  • Keep both your heels on the same line if possible.
  • Do not let your bent knee go beyond your toes.
  • Extend both legs out wider for a deeper stretch or in closer for better stability.
  • Let both hip bones face forward.
  • Pull up and out of your waist.
  • Place both palms pressed together in front of your heart with a deep inhale, counting to 3.
  • With a deep exhale counting to 6, stretch both arms out to the sides with your fingers pointing up.
  • Repeat the above 5-10 more times.
  • Repeat the entire process with your left leg forward.

6.) Extended Side Angle Pose

  • With your feet hip width, bend and step your right foot out to the right side.
  • Both heels should on the same line, and your knee should not extend over your toes.
  • Lean and stretch over your forward right leg, resting your elbow on your thigh.
  • Hold this pose for 5-10 deep breaths.
  • Repeat the above with your left leg forward.

7.) Half Moon Pose

  • Stand hip width, with your spread toes wide.
  • Place a sturdy chair or wall beside you.
  • Slowly lift your right leg by leaning over.
  • Keep leaning until you find the floor, or use the chair/wall for support.
  • Keep your back leg up, even if it only comes off the ground a few inches. Practice makes perfect and develops strength over time!
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
  • Repeat the above while standing on your right leg.

Always remember that yoga is about you. Where ever you find yourself in each pose is the perfect starting place for you!

8.) Half Moon Stretch (if you want a challenge)

  • While in Half Moon Pose, grab that back foot and then go for it!
  • Don’t forget to breathe!

9.) Warrior I

  • With feet hip width, step out forward with your right foot while keeping both hips forward.
  • The longer the step, the deeper the stretch, and the more difficult the position!
  • Do not let your knee go beyond your toes.
  • Swoop your arms up, lift your chin, and arch your back.
  • Interlock your fingers (or don’t, your choice).
  • Breathe deeply for 5- 10 deep breaths.
  • Switch legs and repeat the process.

Ahhh! Don’t you feel great?! Yoga with an attitude of gratitude is a vitamin for the soul!

I pray all your days are filled with joy!



If you need to strengthen your knees, or your up to your knees in the cares and worries of this life, then this yoga challenge was made for you!

Calming both the nervous system and the overworked mind is a timed breath. When your exhale is even a few counts longer than your inhale, the vagus nerve (running from your neck down through your diaphragm ) sends a signal to your brain to turn up your parasympathetic nervous system.When your parasympathetic nervous system is dominant your breathing slows, heart rate drops, and blood pressure lowers as your blood vessels relax and your body is put into a state of calm and healing. The first exercise below will help you.

Many studies have also shown that meditation helps relieve our subjective levels of anxiety, depression and improves our attention, concentration and overall psychological well being. It is also beneficial for our brains too.

There are many Bible verses that call us to meditate upon God’s word. God promises to help us when we ask, think, and reflect upon what he says. Joshua 1:8-9 and  Psalm 1:2 are just a few for further reading on the benefits of meditating on God’s word.

It is not required of you but if you like, for the purposes of this yoga sequence, we will meditate upon God helping us in these chosen Bible verses.

The Psalmist was heavy in the deep waters of affliction, Psalm 16:18.

He reached down from Heaven and rescued me; He drew me out of deep waters.

And, further, Isaiah 41:13.

For I am the Lord, your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you Do not fear, I will help you. 

When you are ready, grab a mat, towel, and some water and let’s get started!

  • Sit on your heels or find a comfortable position.
  • A rolled up towel or a yoga block may help you to sit on your heels.
  • Close your eyes and inhale slowly for 5 long counts. Exhale slowly for 8 long counts. Repeat for 5 minutes.
  • Continue to extend your exhales longer than your inhales for the next 8 yoga positions.

1.) Seated Knee Stretch

  • Extend your arms out to the sides.
  • With a deep inhale, slowly raise your arms into a prayer position above your head.
  • Exhale deeply, lowering your right arm and stretching to the right side.
  • Repeat for 10 counts, inhaling in prayer position overhead and exhaling to each side.

2.) Child’s Pose Stretch

  • Walk your hands forward into Child’s Pose for 10 deep breaths.
  • You can always roll up a towel if sitting on your heels gives you trouble!

3.) Knee Stretch

  • Lay the top of your feet to the floor (or a rolled up towel), approximately hip width apart.
  • Lift your torso.
  • Press your hips forward and try clasping your hands behind your back. Place your hands on your hips if this is too challenging.
  • Lift your arms behind you while lifting your chin. Be gentle and take it slow. This will automatically make you arch your back.
  • Slowly round your back, tuck your chin and lower your torso into a Child’s Pose.
  • Keep your arms clasped behind you for a deeper stretch.
  • Repeat 5-10 times.

4.) Bended Knee Twist

  • On both knees, step your right foot forward.
  • Your forward foot toes are directly below your knee.
  • Your back knee is directly below your hip.
  • Press your hands into a prayer position.
  • Take a big inhale. Exhale slowly, twisting over your forward right leg.
  • Exhaling while twisting allows more space for you to twist.
  • Breath deeply for 3-5 counts and repeat the twist a few more times.
  • Repeat with your left leg forward.

5.) Squat Pose

  • Be gentle and take it slow. You may use a rolled up towel or yoga block under your heels. With feet hip width and toes slightly pointed outward, lower your torso.
  • Press your palms together in a prayer position with your elbows on the insides of both thighs.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 longs deep breaths.
  • Squat Pose is a wonderful hip opener and bowel mover; it aids with digestion too!

6.) Butterfly Pose

  • Sit on your mat with the bottom of your feet pressed together, especially your heels.
  • For a deeper stretch, pull your feet close to your body. For a lighter stretch, move them forward.
  • Inhale, lifting your chin while pulling your stomach in. Your chest should lift, which will engage your shoulders to arch your back.
  • Exhale deeply, rounding your shoulders and tucking your chin while leaning forward.
  • Repeat 5-10 times with inhales stretching back and exhales rounding forward.
  • Butterfly Stretch loosens your hips and sets you up for the next position.

7.) Extended Legs Side Stretch

  • Extend both legs to your sides.
  • Stretch them wider for a deeper stretch, and less for a beginner stretch.
  • Inhale slowly, extending both arms out to your sides, and up over your head in a prayer position.
  • Exhale slowly, stretching over to your right side.
  • Tuck your elbow inside your inner thigh for a deeper stretch.
  • Place your hand on your toes for a deeper stretch
  • You will be stretching and strengthening your entire leg, hips, and sides in this stretch.

8.) Cow Pose

  • Sit up tall; pull your stomach in.
  • Bend your left leg and place your right foot over your left leg.
  • Allow your bent knees to meet in the center of your torso.
  • You may, very gently, pull each of your feet back. This will align your knees to be on top of one another.
  • Push your feet forward if this is too difficult.
  • Press your palms together and breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
  • Repeat on the other leg,while breathing for 5-10 counts.
  • Be very gentle while getting into this position. Although this pose looks easy, it can also stretch your knees too far as I found out first hand. I have been suffering with an over stretched back of the knee for 10 weeks off and on!

I hope you enjoyed this yoga sequence and it helped you to lighten the load you have been carrying. If you have any question or comments please message me. I would be delighted to help you!

God Bless!


YOGA STRETCHES FOR BETTER GOLF SHOTS YOGA CHALLENGE (8 Yoga stretches with your irons to de-stress before you shoot)

Up your driving tee shot with these eight simple stretches, targeting your shoulders, arms, sides, hips, waist, abs, core and more! Breathe deeply as you stretch into each one.  It will relax your muscles and allow for a deeper stretch. Breathing deep and steady will also relax your mind, allowing clarity and focus as you warm up for that perfect first shot!

All of these stretches require your driver to accompany you! Remember to take each one slow and always remember to breathe! I know from experience that golf can be quite a mind game. Focusing all your attention on your breathing and these stretches instead of allowing yourself to tense up before that first shot can really do wonders to up your game! 

1.) Driver Stretches

Take your driver and lay it on your shoulders behind your head. Relax your forearms upon it. Feel your shoulders and arms open up. Give yourself a few deep breaths in this position. It will relax your upper body and allow you to stretch even deeper.

2.) Driver Side Stretches

Let your driver slide down your left shoulder and arms. Follow the driver and stretch to your side. Hold the position  while breathing deeply again. Look up for a deeper stretch. Repeat the stretch on your right side. Do this on each side 4-5 times and don’t forget to breathe!

3.) Driver Twists

Hold onto your driver where it is a comfortable stretch for you. Your legs can be hip width apart or stretched a little farther to the sides, depending upon what feels good for you. Gently twist to the right, then gently twist to your left. Repeat the twist 5-10 times on each side.

4.) Driving Stretch and Lift

Take your driver and inhale deeply, stretching it over your head. Slowly lower it while exhaling. Lower and lift in the same manner up to 10 times.

5.) Driving Side Stretch

Take your driver, inhale deeply, and lift it up again. Exhale deeply as you stretch over your hips to the side. Repeat this by inhaling in the middle with the driver up over your head; then, exhale deeply as you stretch over to each side for a total of 5-10 times.

6.) Driving Forward Stretch

Stretch and lift your driver up once again while slowly inhaling. Slowly exhaling, gently bend forward. Lean only as far as you feel comfortable.You may bend your knees for added support and balance. Hold this position for a few breaths and lift back up to the starting position. Repeat for a few more stretches. Leading the stretch with your chin will increase the intensity of the entire exercise!

7.) Triangle Driving Stretch

Widen your stance about two and a half feet apart. Point your toes to the right side with your right foot. Slightly point your left foot in. Keep both heels on the same line. Lay your driver down for support. Hold it while leaning up and over to the side. Your face should be able to look forward. Slowly lower your hands until you feel a nice stretch. Hold this position with a few deep breath to relax and allow for a deeper stretch.

8.) Driving Warrior Stretch 

From the same leg and foot positioning as the Driving Triangle Stretch, simply bend your forward knee. Step in for a less intense stretch. Then, take hold of your driver and slowly lift it up and over your back. Go slow and be gentle as you raise it over your head. If you find it a challenge at first, simply position your driver without raising it at first to gain familiarity with the stretch.

Look up and bend your forward leg a little more for a more intense stretch. Come out of the stretch and get back in it a few more times. Try to remember to breathe; it will help you release your muscles so you can stretch farther!

YOGA TO BUILD BALANCE YOGA CHALLENGE (on your mat and in your life)

This segment challenges our balance while building a solid support system for our bodies to live in. Each Yoga posture here will enhance our way of standing and walking in this world, as well as how we perform our everyday activities. Building strong sturdy muscles, core power, agility and coordination will help us keep balanced throughout our lives, thus preventing falls and injuries.

The rigor and demand of these poses compels us subconsciously to summon our minds and bodies to connect in order to stay centered and balanced.  To balance in any of these poses, full resolution is required. That is all of you, body mind and soul active and present in the pose. As in real life, holding yourself up day after day in the storms and situations of life gets real hard sometimes. We can easily lose our balance. We even fall! But a new calm can be upon us. Being fully present for every problem and situation provides us choice. We can choose rather than react. Thus the storms of life, as in these poses, will not be able to easily pull us off balance anymore.

As you begin this Yoga segment workout, try giving it your full resolution and see what happens. If you would like to take it a step farther, and find true lasting peace and balance in your life, reflect upon these verses of Scripture. There is a firm solid rock waiting for you to step on. Jesus wants you to see Him as your solid immoveable rock for your life. Practice standing on His Words He wrote in His book, just for you and I. He understands. He does not fail. He is as solid as a rock, today, yesterday and tomorrow!

…and the Bible says, “Everyone who hears my words and obeys them is like a wise man who build his house on a rock, “Matthew 7:24

…and it also says, “On Christ the solid rock I stand, ” Psalms 62:6

To that I say, “Rock Your Asanas!”

1.) Chair Pose and Twist

Stand with your legs and feet together. Lean back, letting your sitting bones lead, and bend your knees. Keep an eye on your knees. Do not let them bend beyond your toes. Stay here for 3-5 big breaths.

Inhale deeply while pressing your palms together and lowering your arms. Exhale, twisting to the side. Try to place your left elbow on the outside of your right leg. Keep pressing your palms together while looking up and behind you for a few more breaths. Raise your arms and repeat on the other side. Do this 3-5 times each side.

After you twist, open your arms up and twist a little farther. Widen the space between your feet and do not sit as low into the chair for a less intense version.

2.) Intense Pose Variations

Your heels should be on the same line, which makes this pose a little more challenging. Widen the space between your legs if you are just starting out. Your legs should be straight, but you may bend them too. Your left toes should face sideways, with your right toes slightly forward and angled as in the picture.

With legs all lined up, clasp your hands behind your back or place your hands on your hips. Inhale deeply while gently folding up over your forward left leg. Lead with your chin and really hold your arms up behind you. When you can stretch no farther, stay there and breath deeply for 3-5 counts. Repeat with your right leg forward.

In the same starting position with your left leg forward and with both heels on the same line, raise your arms up with a big inhale. Exhale, folding over your leg with arms stretched out. Try to lead with your chin; it will help you lengthen your back. Keep both your hip bones facing where your forward legs toes are pointed. Hold this position for a few big breaths, then fold over your leg for a few more breaths. Repeat with your other leg forward.


3.) Triangle and Triangle Twist

With heels on the same line again, and left leg toes pointing forward, gently push your hips back. Inhale and gently fold down your leg. Raise your back arm up and look at it. Open and  stretch here for a few big breaths.

Drop your raised arm to your mat. Raise your lowered arm up (Simply reverse your arms.) Then twist. Hang out here for a few deep breaths. Repeat with your other leg forward.

If you find your hand does not make it to the floor, simply rest it on whatever part of your leg it feels good on and work from there.

4.) Tip Toe Extended Leg Squat into Half Moon Pose

Stand hip width. Bend your knees and lower your torso. Extend your left leg to the side. Stay here for a few deep breaths. Repeat and extend your right leg for a few deep breaths.

With left leg extended, again place your hands for support on your mat in front of you. Gently shift all of your weight to your left leg. As you do, pivot your foot so that your toes face the left side. Walk your hands on the mat and place one palm on each side of your forward foot. Lift off by straightening your forward left leg and raising your back right leg. If you feel balanced, circle your right  arm up. This will cause your body to open up sideways into Half Moon Pose.

Push through the heel of your raised foot and try to straighten your standing leg. This will balance out your body in the pose.

5.) Half Moon Hand to Foot Balancing Pose

Move into Half Moon Pose. From here, bend your raised leg and grasp it with your raised hand. Try to keep that knee up in the back and gently push into that leg. Push like you are trying to straighten the leg. This will stretch you and improve your balance on that leg. Hold for a few deep breaths. Should you lose your balance, simply try a few more times.

To switch legs, start by turning your right shoulder over and down, facing your mat, by lowering your hands to the floor. At this point, both shoulders should be looking the floor. Lower your raised leg and raise your other leg; all that you are doing is switching your hands and legs here. Stretch by pushing through this leg for a few deep breaths. Repeat each side a few more times with a few deep breaths on each side.

6.) Down Dog into Three Legged Dog Crunches

Seated upon your heels, rise up to all fours. Tucking your toes and lifting your sitting bones, straighten your legs and arms. Arms and legs should be both shoulder and hip width apart. Press your hands widely into the mat while pressing your heels down to the mat. You should be able to look at your knees. Soften your neck while keeping your biceps close to your ears. Hang out here for a few breaths.

When you feel ready, lift your left leg. Hold for 10 breaths. Then bend and lower it. Aim for moving your knee to your head. That is one crunch. Repeat for 5-10 more crunches, then switch legs.

7.) Knee Hug into Hand Foot Extension into Tree Asana Variation

Stand tall like a mountain. Spread your left standing leg toes. Slowly raise your right leg. Bring your knee into your chest. Hold for a few deep breaths. Now let your right hand find your right foot. Focus on an object directly in front of you and remain calm. Straighten that leg by pushing your foot into your palm. Hold for a few deep breaths.

Practice this pose near a wall, steady chair, or countertop to maintain balance on your first try.

When you are ready, gently let go and let your right foot slide onto your left thigh. Lift your arms, breathe deeply, and hang out!

Repeat the entire process while standing on your right leg.

8.) The King’s Asana

Stand tall. Focus on an object in front of you. Slowly lift your left leg. Grasp your foot and lean forward. Press the bottom portion of your lifted leg into your hand. This will provide stability and allow your torso to lean forward for a deeper stretch. Stay for 10-30 seconds.

Repeat standing on your left leg.

9. Warrior II Sweeping Arms into Eagle Warrior

Step forward with your right leg. Both legs should be straight. Extend both arms up. Lean back and look up with a big inhale.

With a deep exhale, slowly release into Warrior I by bending your forward leg. Let your arms be straight and slowly lower them, moving them behind and up as far as they will go.

Inhale up with straight legs and arms overhead. Exhale and bend your forward knee as you release your arms back behind you. Repeat on the same leg 10-15 times.

After sweeping your arms with your right leg forward, remain in Warrior I. Bend your elbows and bring your arms up to shoulder height for  Eagle Warrior. Take your left arm and slide it under your right arm; let your wrist and hand keep sliding up over the outside of your right arm. Keep sliding until your palms meet. Clasp them and continue pressing them outward for a deeper stretch. Hold for 10 deep breaths.

Repeat the entire process with your other leg forward. For Eagle Warrior with your left leg forward, let your right arm slide under your left arm and continue sliding it up the outside of your left arm.

10.) Praying Warrior III Asana

Standing tall and steady. Slowly lift your left leg up behind you, toes pointing downward. Press your palms together in a prayer pose and breath deeply 10 times.

Repeat standing on your left leg.

After you have completed this segment, relax for a few moments on your back in Corpse Pose. Breath deeply. Know that you can have a balanced life. Rock Your Asanas and rock your life!

May balance and peace be yours!


YOGA FOR PRAISING GOD CHALLENGE (Basic yoga postures that praise God)

Halleluyah is the Hebrew word for ‘Praise the Lord.” Asana is the Sanskrit word for “posture” or “pose”. And this Yoga Segment is the Praise the Lord Poses Segment!

Offer up praise to God in each Asana and watch Him bless your workout, fashioning it into an inner and outer total body workout! Emerge with joy in your heart, love in your soul and a peace that passes all understanding!

In these postures, you will challenge every muscle. Breathing deeply and steadily will enhance your efforts and soak up all the health benefits. Being attentive in each movement will give you the opportunity to feel how magnificently your body was made. Let God love you with a Heavenly love as you meditate upon these incredible Bible verses!

But God demonstrated His love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Romans 5:8

This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down His life for us.

1 John 3:16

Before you begin, take a few moments to quiet your mind and body by inhaling and exhaling long and deeply. Accept and believe that God loves you so much that He died in your place. As you position into each Asana, or when your palms meet, pause and offer up your Halleluyah’s!

1.) Seated Side Stretch:

Come in a cross-legged position or whatever is a comfortable position for you! Take a deep breath while raising your arms up from your sides into a praying position and pause. Exhale deeply, leaning to the left side. Try to place your forearm on the mat and really stretch your other arm over. Pause at the end of your exhale. Bring your arms up with a big inhale again. Pause and exhale over to your right side. Repeat for 5-10 times each side.

2.) Reverse Forward Bend:

From a cross-legged position, gently come to all fours. Place all your weight upon your feet. Tuck your hands under your toes and give yourself a deep stretch. From here, slowly rise, one vertabre at a time with your head and arms coming up together with a big inhale. Your hands should meet in a prayer position. Try to gaze upward and pause before releasing back down. Repeat this 3-10 times.

Maybe your hands just don’t go under your toes. Maybe your ankles, calves or knees are a better place for you. Simply do Reverse Forward Bend from your starting point. Always modify any position that challenges you, or you do not feel comfortable doing.

3.) Star Asana and Twist Stretch:

With your legs stretched out wide to the sides, inhale deeply, slowly lifting your arms straight up from your sides. Pause when your palms meet. Exhale and slowly release your arms. Let your right hand touch your left foot and stretch. Inhale it all back up and exhale over to your right leg with your left hand. Repeat, alternating sides, for 5 -10 counts each side.

Maybe your hands don’t make it into a praying position. Just lift them up then. Or maybe your legs will not extend to the sides comfortably. Walk them in a little, or more if you must. Always make it safe for your body by doing only what feels comfortable for you!

4.) Warrior II Asana:

This time we will be doing the same Star Asana to begin, and then stretch into Warrior II from there. So, with feet extended out to the sides, inhale deeply as you also extend your arms out to the sides. Lift your arms up into a praying position. Pause. Then slowly release into Warrior II by lowering your arms to shoulder height while pointing your right foot toes to the right side; bend that knee. Exhale slowly as you release.

Pause for a moment in Warrior II Asana. Pressing your palms together, take another big inhale and exhale in prayer position, pausing again.

Now, take another deep inhale, raising your praying palms while your legs straighten. Your feet face forward while your head gazes upwards. Pause. Then lower to Warrior II position again, and repeat the same process. Do this on each side 5 times.

Again, do each pose the way that feels good for your body. Your hands do not have to meet in prayer pose and your legs can be bent and not so wide. Do try to breathe deeply though!

5.) Intense Stretch Prayer Asana into Triangle Asana:

Come back to your comfortable Star Asana. Gently meet your fingers behind your back. Lift your hands up, following your spine and press your palms together into a Prayer Asana behind your back. Now, rotate your right foot to the right while your left foot rotates slightly. Each of your heels should be on a straight line if possible. Your legs should be straight as well. Take a few good deep breaths, then pause. Release your hands and straighten your arms with your right hand on your mat and your left hand up. Pause and take a few good deep breaths again. Come back to your Star Asana. Repeat with your left leg forward. Do this on each side 1-3 times.

If you find your fingers do not meet behind your back, place your hands wide with palms up on your lower back or hips. Or place them where they feel comfortable behind your back. You may even press your palms into Prayer Asana in the front of your body. You may also need to bend your legs a little and place your hands on your hips or thighs, calves, or ankles to begin, and progress from there.

6.) Praying Lunge Asana:

Turn to your right side with your right foot forward. Bend your legs and place your left knee on your mat. Inhale deeply and stretch your arms up from the sides. Pause. Exhale deeply into a prayer asana. Pause. Repeat on the same leg 3-5 times. Then do it with your left leg forward.

For a deeper lunge, if you are able from the above asana, step your forward leg out about 3-6 inches. Move slowly and stretch into a deeper lunge by stretching your back leg out. With a deep inhale, lift your arms up from your sides. If you are able, press your palms together. I find I can stretch my arms up higher by interlacing my fingers. Pointer fingers are kept straight. Look up. Pause. Exhale, releasing your arms down. Press your palms into prayer asana. Repeat the process of inhaling up, pausing, then exhaling down and pausing, 3-5 times with each leg forward. Always be in Prayer Asana during the pauses if you can!

7.) Praying Chair Asana With Twist:

With feet no wider than hip width, sit back as if you were going to sit in a chair. Lead with your sitting bones, inhaling deeply while lifting your arms out from the sides. Pause. With a big exhale, lower your arms and press your palms together into prayer asana. Inhale deeply, making space in your body for the incoming twist. Then exhale, twisting the prayer asana to the left side. Try to get your opposite elbow to the outside of your opposite leg. Pause. Inhale, going back to the middle with arms up. Exhale and twist to your other side. Alternate each side with an inhale arms up in the middle and an exhale hands pressed in Prayer Asana on each side. Repeat each side 5-10 times.

You may find your thighs muscles burning if you’re sitting too low. You may always stand up in the middle and bend into Chair Asana with each twist. Let your Prayer Asana fall where it may. With consistent practice, you will sit lower and twist more.

8.) Knee Hug into Hand/Toe Asana:

For additional benefits, pull your knees into your chest before getting into Hand/Toe Asana. Breath deeply for 10 counts with each knee pulled in.

After you have completed Knee Hug, take your right foot and straighten it out to the side. Hold and pause with continuous breathing up to 10 counts. Repeat with your left leg. Alternate each leg for a total of 3-5 times. Include the Knee Hug before each Hand/Toe if you like. Also, you may uses a sturdy chair, wall or countertop for support as you learn this asana.

9.) Knee Hug into Warrior III Asana:

Again, for additional benefits pull your knee into your chest before each Warrior III Asana. Hold for 10 counts of deep breathing!

After your last inhale, pause, and then exhale while releasing the Knee Hug.  Let your leg straighten as it moves behind you. Try not to lower it to the mat. Try to keep your leg lifted behind you. Try to also keep your front body, torso and hips facing your mat. Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts. At this point, you may go back to a knee hug and do a few more Warrior III Asanas. Bring your right knee into a Knee Hug and do the sequence with your other leg.

You may also use a chair, table or wall for support. Don’t forget to breathe too!

10.) The King’s Asana:

Grab your knee again and give it a hug! Once you have held it for 10 counts of deep breathing, slowly move your hand to your foot as you move your leg behind you. I find holding my ankle really stretches me and provides support as I lean forward with my torso. Slightly bend your standing leg and don’t be afraid to lean forward. Just let go of your leg if you are on the verge of falling. If you can, hold The King’s Asana with continuous breathing as long as you can. Offer up your Halleluyah’s!

Use support for your forward arm. Don’t lean if you don’t need to do so; stand tall and build leg strength while standing on one leg. Try the pose and fall a few times. It’s a learning process. Do whatever suits you. There is no wrong way. Enjoy, have fun and praise God while you do!

…and that’s how you Halleluyah your Asanas!



Half Moon Pose, or Ardha Chandrasana, is a challenging Yoga pose that builds balance, total body strength and extension. According to an article published in Yoga Journal Magazine, the Chandra in the word Chandrasana refers to the brilliance of the moon. The extension of your torso in one direction and the uplifted leg in the other draws a line that represents the flat edge of the moon. The energy in your extended arms and standing leg radiate out, like beams in the night sky.

“Be the Moon” and feel expansive and bright as you hold Half Moon Pose. Picture in your mind an illuminated moon in the blackest dark night. It’s shining because it’s reflecting the sun. The moon is the only witness that the sun is still there. Half Moon Pose is an amazing Pose to remind us to “Be the Moon’ in our lives by reflecting the one true Light.

There came a man who was sent from God. His name was John. (Known as John the Baptist) He came as a witness to testify about the Light, so that through him everyone might believe.

John 1:6-7

Half Moon Pose is the balanced version of Extended Triangle Pose. To enter and to exit Half Moon Pose, one must pass through Triangle Pose.



Start in Triangle Pose.

Simply bend your forward leg and place your forward hand about a foot out in front of you.

Gently straighten your forward leg, shifting all of your weight upon it. Feel like you are lifting off.

Slowly extending your back leg, letting your heel lead your foot. Raise your arm up from your shoulder. Look up at your arm. Open your torso and expand in all directions.

Try to maintain the balance of your body on one line. Your body will naturally want your torso to lean forward, for fear of falling backward. With consistent practice, your balance and strength will greatly improve.

Repeat Half Moon Pose on your other leg.

For a less vigorous approach, use a wall for balance.

Try to keep your body as straight as the wall. Your heel, buttocks, and possibly your shoulders will touch the wall. The wall will keep you on the line that your body should be on too. A wall will allow you to open more vigorously with no fear of falling backward.

You may also use a chair, table or counter top for balance and support. Simply hold on and lift off!

Shine on!



Celebrate your magnificent body by challenging it!

This Segment is for those of you who need to “up'” your yoga workouts. Don’t fear! I would never leave anyone out. I have included a less challenging version for each exercise. This way, you can start at your level of fitness in each yoga exercise as you see fit. Include this segment in your workouts at least twice a week. It will make you stronger and more powerful in your body and your life. Yoga on and “Power Up!”

Build shapely legs and a solid core in time for summer. Be forewarned! This “Power Up” Segment will put the burn in your legs and the fire in your core. Ignite this segment with God’s mighty words, and let Him fuel the inner You. Make today the day you break up with your boring old Yoga routine and plug into the real power zone!

God is my strength and power.

2 Samuel 22:33


1.) Standing Squat Crunch

Stand with your feet hip width apart. With hands behind your head, inhale and squat back. Squat like you are sitting back into a chair, leading with your bottom. Then, explode up while exhaling, lifting your knee to touch your elbow. Alternate sides and do this 10-25 times on each side. Ultimately, you want to increase the count up to 50 times each side when you feel able.

2.) Warrior I Push Outs

With hands in fists, pull your elbows back as you deeply inhale. Do this while stepping with left foot out to your left side into Warrior I position with straight legs. When you are ready to exhale, bend your forward left leg. Do this while opening up your palms and pushing forward with resistance. Go slow. Let the heel of your palm lead the push; try to really resist for building hand, wrist, and arm strength. Exhale strongly as you resist. Release the last bit of oxygen out of your lungs. Do this on each side 5-10 times. For more intensity, widen your legs in Warrior I. For less intensity, bring your legs closer together.

3.) Exploding Squat Side Punch

Inhale quickly, squatting back with fists blocking your face. Lead with your bottom to torch those lower body muscles. Exhale quickly, exploding up while punching out to your side with your right fist. Repeat this 10-25 times on each side. The goal is to do this 50 times each side; work up to it! Squat back lower for more intensity, and do more repetitions on each side. Slightly squat back slowly with less repetitions.

4.) Knee Hug into Warrior III

Stand tall. Inhale deeply, lifting your right knee and pulling it into your chest. Raise your opposite hand for more intensity. Exhale deeply, releasing your knee and slowly letting your fingers find the mat for support. Stretch your leg up behind you. Inhale again, hugging your knee in and slowly standing up again on your left leg. Repeat this 10 times on each leg. For more intensity, go slow and do more repetitions. For less intensity, use a chair, table or counter top for support. Reduce the number of repetitions to what you’re comfortable doing.

5.) Half Moon Pose

Gently take off into Half Moon Position from Triangle Pose. Your left leg toes should point forward, with your left hand about 12 inches out in front of you. Raise your right hand and let your right heel push out through your right leg. This positioning will help keep you balanced. Stretch and breathe. Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute for more intensity, and the place the hand that is touching your mat on your ankle. For less intensity, use a wall, sturdy chair or counter for support. If you fall, simply get up and try again. Hold Half Moon pose for 10-30 counts. Repeat on your other leg.

When you feel comfortable grab your foot and stretch some more! You can always do each leg again a few more times, should you feel ready.

6.) One Legged Chair Squats

Place your left foot on your right thigh and squat back, leading with your bottom. Do not allow your standing knee to bend beyond your toes. Hold for 10 long breaths and repeat on your other leg. For more intensity, inhale as you straighten your standing leg and exhale as you bend into squat, for a total of 5-20 times on each leg. You can go low in the squat and do more repetitions for added intensity. Use a chair, table or counter top for support if you need to and do less reps for less intensity.

7.) Eagle Pose

Stand tall. Picking up your left leg, place it over your right thigh, and then place it behind your right leg. Let your left leg twirl around your standing leg until your toes pop out on the left side of your leg. Or, you can simply keep your toes behind your leg. Try to keep your hips forward. Your left arm should then slide under your right arm and also twirls up the arm. Ultimately, both palms should look at one another when you get into this position. If you find that your body does not move that way yet, simply relax and ease into the space that feels right for you today. Wherever you find yourself is a great place to start today. Now repeat everything on your other leg and arm. Your right leg goes over left thigh, and right arm slides below and up left arm.

Enjoy! Have fun…and be blessed!