Hi Friends!

Yoga on and let’s get into the Christmas vibe! This class should stretch, strengthen, energize and de-stress your mind and your body. However, if your stretched for time simply do a position or two. Every  position below includes detailed instruction with less challenging modifications and the benefits each pose.

May you be blessed with abundant peace and joy as you celebrate the true meaning of Christmas!

…and angel said, ” behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord!” (Luke 2:10-11)

This is your time to release the cares of your world and just breathe. Go ahead indulge. Being aware of this present moment will help. Sit comfortably, close your eyes and inhale peace and joy and exhale all your daily thoughts. Stretching with this mindset while breathing deeply will help to de-stress and bless you!

1.) Standing Forward Bend Stretch Variation

For a brain boost and energy buzz, perhaps this will do!

Forward bends stretch our entire back sides, relieving tension in our spine, neck and backs. While stimulating digestion they boost brain power, circulation, calms our minds and soothes our nerves. They may also act as a mild depressant. Getting merry never felt so good!

  • Stand with your feet hip width apart.
  • Place your hands on your hips or clasp them behind your back.
  • Point your left foot forward.
  • Slightly bend your right knee.
  • Fold forward over your left leg.
  • Breathe deeply for 10 counts.
  • Repeat with your right leg forward.

2.) Triangle Pose

Open relaxed hips help to relieve stress and aid digestion which Triangle Pose is known for.

Triangle Pose is a terrific hip stretching and strengthening position. It also stretches and strengthens our entire leg including our ankle joints, hamstrings and calves. It may also improve digestion, relieve stress and help with menopause symptoms.

  • Spread your feet apart approximately 2-3 feet.
  • The farther apart your feet- the more challenging the position is.
  • Let your heels stay on the same line but slightly turn your left toes toward your right ankle.
  • Turn your right leg toes directly to your right side.
  • Pull your belly in while standing up tall.
  • Extend your torso up and then over your forward right leg.
  • Gently slide your right hand down your leg, touching the floor if you can.
  • If you find it too challenging to touch the floor rest your hand on any part of your leg when you feel stretched but not uncomfortable.
  • Lift your left arm up.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 soothing deep breaths.

3.) Extended Side Angle

A great total body stretch that strengthens too!

Extended Side Angle Pose may relieve stiffness in our shoulders and back while strengthening and stretching our entire legs and ab muscles. While building stamina it expands our lung and chest area as well.

  • From your Triangle position, simply bend your forward right leg.
  • Extend your right arm up and over while leaning into the stretch.
  • Aim for keeping your entire torso facing forward as you stretch to the side.
  • Breathe deeply up to 10 counts.

4.) Side Angle Twist

Besides blessing us with all the Extended Side Angle Pose position benefits, adding a twist will tone our core and ab area while compressing internal stomach organs. As you release the twist, you send fresh blood to that area aiding in the release of toxins from your body.

  • Press your palms together while lifting your back heel to keep your body mobile to twist.
  • Take a deep inhale as you exhale gently twist over your forward knee.
  • You may rest your back knee on your mat for support while you twist.
  • Hold this position while breathing deeply up to 10 counts.
  • Switch legs and start Extended Side Angle with your left leg forward then do the twist!

5.) Star Pose Forward Bending Stretch

Like it’s sister Forward Bend, the Star Pose with a bend forward stimulates circulation to our brains increasing our energy, calming our minds and soothing our nervous systems. It aids in digestion and stretches and strengthens our entire legs and core. Stretching our arms out first, then down, engages our abs and strengthens our backs, shoulders, neck and spine!

You can also put a chair in front of you to rest your hands on if you can’t quite make it to the floor yet!

  • With both toes facing forward extend your legs to the sides.
  • The wider the position the more challenging it will become.
  • Keep both legs straight and clasp your fingers with pointed index fingers pressed together.
  • Inhale and stretch up with both arms and exhale slowly folding forward.
  • Rest your hands on the back of a chair or a wall.
  • OR continue to fold downward, resting your hands on your mat.
  • Repeat the stretch up with a deep inhale and the fold forward with a deep exhale.
  • Aim for 10 stretches up and 10 stretches folding forward.

6.) Star Pose Twist

The twisting action stimulates digestion while providing a great total body stretch!

  • Your hands may rest on a chair for support here or a yoga block.
  • Lower each hand while stretching the other hand up.
  • Aim for 10 stretches with each arm for a total of 20.

7.) Star Pose Leg Stretch

This extra stretch to the side will increase flexibility to your legs and improve the range of motion in your hip area.

  • Your hands may rest on a chair or yoga block here also.
  • Walk your hands over to your right leg.
  • Aim to touch your head to your knee.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
  • Switch legs.
  • Repeat a few more times with each leg.

8.) Star Pose Stretch

Adding a little weight to your upper arms, neck and shoulder area helps with fighting arthritis and osteoporosis while deepening your leg and hip stretch!

  • Your hands may rest on a chair or yoga block here as well.
  • Lower to your elbows and press your palms together.
  • Continue stretching those legs by sliding them out just a bit.
  • Continue stretching while breathing deeply for 10 counts.
  • Repeat a few more times.

9.) Tip Toe Squat With Eagle Arms

Can you hear them? Your ankles, feet, and toes are yelling hooray- we are being used! The Eagle position of your arms stretches your upper back and shoulder area.

  • Bring your heels together on tip toes if possible.
  • Extend your knees out to your sides.
  • Bend both elbows out in front of you.
  • Take your right hand and place it below your left elbow.
  • Now, swirl your right arm around your left arm.
  • When your palms meet clasp your fingers. If they do not meet keep them where they are and breathe deeply up to 10 counts.
  • Keeping both arms directly in the middle center of your torso helps in swirling them up.
  • You do not have to raise your heels the whole time. Lower and lift them if your just starting out!

10.) Tip Toe Extended Leg Squat Stretch

  • Extend your right leg out to the side.
  • Stay on your tip toes if possible.
  • If possible stretch over your extended right leg.
  • Place your hand on your mat for support.
  • Breathe deeply up to 10 counts.
  • Now stretch the other way, over your left bent leg and breathe deeply up to 10 counts.
  • Now repeat the process extending your left leg to the side.

AGAIN! Tip Toe Squat With Eagle Arms

I had really bad feet nine years ago as I was just getting into yoga. Today my feet feel fine!

  • Back to a Tip Toe Squat again.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 deep breaths.

11.) Butterfly Stretch

  • Sit down on your mat and place the soles of your feet together.
  • Pulling your feet in closer to your torso will give you a more challenging stretch.
  • Extending your feet forward will ease the difficulty.
  • Lift up with a big inhale while gently pressing your chest forward.
  • Exhale slowly folding forward.
  • Repeat 10 more times-then remain folded forward for another 10 counts.

 12.) Seated Spinal Twisting Prayer Pose

  • Place your right foot over your bent left knee.
  • Try to pull both feet towards your torso for a deeper stretch.
  • Now wrap your arms around your knee.
  • Press your palms together and breathe deeply up to ten counts.
  • Next, say a prayer if you like!
  • Switch legs and repeat!

Thanks for joining me!

Stay merry and bright!




Yoga is for everyone!

So, let’s use a chair in this gentle, but effective yoga sequence to stretch and strengthen your back, neck, shoulders and hips. By breathing deeply, we will enhance our posture, boost our energy, and circulate fresh oxygen to all parts of our body. We will focus on elongating our exhalations which sparks our parasympathetic nervous system (responsible for slowing down our heart rates). As we move and breathe through these yoga postures, our sympathetic nervous system will also calm down, thus reducing stress and anxiety. Make yoga a part of your daily life and chill out more often while boosting your brain power. Studies show that yogis have more brain cells in the part of their brain that controls stress!

While we’re moving and breathing, let’s set an intention to think healthy too. Science tells us that every thought we think releases brain chemicals. Thinking happy joyful thoughts decreases cortisol and produces serotonin, which creates a sense of well-being. Our all-knowing God knew the cares and worries of this life would pull us down; perhaps that is why He already had a heavenly prescription for us on how to live and what to think about to stay healthy and stress-free. That is why He tells us to:

Set our minds on things above.

Colossians 3:2

Whatever is true, honest, right, noble, excellent and worthy of praise, think on these things.

Philippians 4:8

You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you.

Isaiah 26:3

Take a moment to close your eyes and clear your mind of all thoughts but God’s amazing words. When you are ready, grab a chair, a mat and some water!

Remember to breathe steadily while moving in and out of each position. Always go at your own pace and always have fun!

1.) Arm Extension Breathing Warm-Up

  • Sit comfortably on your chair, having your feet well anchored to the ground.
  • Sit with your back erect, not leaning against the backrest.
  • Lift out of your hips, leaning slightly forward.
  • Place your hands on your thighs or press your palms together in a prayer pose.
  • Let your shoulders drop, your neck lengthen, and your face relax.
  • Go inward by closing your eyes, taking 5-10 deep breaths, and try to feel each breath.
  • When you are ready, inhale deeply, extending and lifting your arms up over your head.
  • Let your palms meet, lift your chest, and slightly arch your back. Hold this pose for a moment!
  • Exhale deeply as you release your arms to your thighs or back to prayer pose.
  • Repeat this 5-10 more times. Remember to breathe deeply, and don’t rush!

2.) Seated Pigeon Pose

  • Stay in the same sitting position described in the previous pose.
  • Begin by lifting your right leg over your left leg.
  • If you can, gently slide your right foot to lay sideways on your thigh.
  • Keep your hips squared.
  • Gently push your right knee down. If you feel pain, lift your knee up.
  • Breathe deeply here for 10 inhales and exhales.
  • Repeat with your left leg.

3.) Cat Pose/Cow Pose on Chair

  • Sit comfortably (again) with your feet anchored, back erect, leaning slightly forward and pulling up out of your hips.
  • Inhale deeply, slowly arching your head back. Keep your shoulders down, lift your chest, and relax your arms.
  • Exhale deeply, slowly lowering your head, rounding your shoulders, and pulling your stomach in.
  • Repeat for 10 deep breaths.

4.) Down Dog with Chair #1

  • Place your feet hip-width in front of your chair and lower to your knees.
  • Extend your arms forward, placing them on the seat of your chair.
  • Gently let your chest fall and feel your shoulders releasing.
  • Breathe deeply for 10 deep breaths.
  • To make it easier, you can roll up a towel. Place it between your feet and your sitting bones.

5.) Down Dog with Chair #2

  • In the same starting position as above, place your hands on the arms of your chair.
  • It’s okay if you can’t stretch your arms out; keep your hands on the seat.
  • Start the exercise on your knees for a deeper shoulder stretch and release.
  • Breathe deeply (again) for 10 counts.

6.) Down Dog with  Chair #3

  • Start at the back of your chair, with your feet together (or at hip width to make it easier).
  • Grasp the back of your chair.
  • Slowly walk your feet back while lowering your head and torso. Hold on to the chair!
  • You can make this more challenging by allowing your stomach to sink; it will create a deeper stretch. Be cautious though, since it can cause pain.
  • Breathe deeply for 10 counts.

7.) Legs Up a Chair Pose

  • Grab a towel or your mat and place it in front of your chair.
  • Place your feet upon the seat. Shimmy your hips to the legs of your chair while lying back.
  • Rest the back of your thighs on your chair. This offers gentle support that deepens the restorative benefits of this pose.

Now, treat yourself like the VIP that Heaven thinks you are! The soothing benefits of this pose grow deeper the longer you remain here. Try for 5 minutes and shoot for more if you have time. This pose will also get you ready for a great night’s sleep!

  • Close your eyes, exhale completely, and let your body melt into this pose.
  • Let each inhale draw upon God’s peace. Let each exhale dissolve your cares, worries, fears and doubts.
  • Now scan your body limb by limb, inviting any knots and grips of tension to dissolve away completely. Resolve to be fully present in this amazing moment in your life. Drain your brain by relinquishing any hold on obsessive worries and fears that may still linger. Grow easy and tranquil, grasping after nothing. Let everything you know about yourself dissolve too. Allow yourself to fall beneath the surface of life into God’s quiet stillness. Invite your breath to deepen. With each quiet exhalation and with every ounce of letting go, fall deeper. Linger in this soothing silence. Dwell here in the freedom of surrender-indulging in the tranquility and deep rest of letting go!

Because YOU matter!

This concludes my stress-free yoga chair sequence. I sure hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for stopping bye and may peace be with you where ever you may go!


It’s vacation time: a delightful stretch out of our comfort zones into warm and sunny new adventures. Why not sneak in a couple stretches to keep yourself loose?  Maintain that flexibility you worked so hard all year to achieve. No worries. I created the perfect yoga sequence to keep you stretched and flexed!

And the theme for this yoga class is: the shortest amount of time and the most effective yoga postures! Add some cool shades, pink lipstick and painted toe-nails and we are good to go!

As always sit quietly and breathe deeply before you begin. Stay here for a few moments. If you wish to take part in the meditation, move onto the next paragraph. If not, simply proceed to the first yoga posture, Butterfly Stretch!

To begin your meditation, close your eyes and extend your mind beyond yourself and your cares and worries. Stretch your mind to think higher thoughts, thoughts about God. Focus on the incredible love that He has for you. As you move into and out of these stretches, allow your thoughts be transformed. Don’t allow anything to prevent you from enjoying His mighty love for you. Remember, You are worth it. You are loved!

My love stretches to the heavens, and my faithfulness extends to the clouds.

Psalm 36:5

1.) The Butterfly Stretch: 

This stretch increases our hip and leg flexibility. This is the first step in preparing our body for the next position. With deep, conscious breathing, stress is more readily released. Remember that even the smallest of stretches benefits your body in so many ways, so stretch on!

  • Sit with equal weight on both of your sitting bones.
  • Bring your feet together (bring your feet closer to your body for a deeper stretch and forward for a less intense stretch).
  • With a big inhale, pull your stomach in, lift your chest, press your shoulders down, lengthen your neck, lift your chin, and stretch your head back.
  • With a big exhale, fold forward out and over your legs. Lean on your arms or hands, and pull your head to your heels if possible.
  • Repeat the stretch 5 times. On the 5th time, stay in the stretch with a normal breath for 20 seconds.

2.) Straddle Stretch:

Here, we take it a little deeper. Lowering your head to each knee stretches your thighs and hamstrings. Lowering your ear to each knee engages and opens up your sides.

  • Extend your legs out to your sides with your toes pointing up. Your sitting bones should be fully on your mat with equal weight on each. Try to maintain this throughout the exercise.
  • Pull up on your torso with a big inhale in the middle.
  • Exhale slowly while stretching over each leg 5 times (lower your head to your knee).
  • Repeat the stretch, but lower your ear to your knee instead; repeat this with 5 deep breaths on each leg.
  • Try to grasp your toes and look up.
  • Use your foot to gently pull your torso down for a deeper stretch.

3.) Wide Legged Straddle Stretch and Wrap:

Lately, I have become a huge fan of yoga wraps and binds. Afterward, I always feel much lighter, brighter, and calmer. Remember that even a little stretch, or a little bind, is a start. Your body will always benefit from even the smallest attempt!

  • Sit up straight on your sitting bones
  • Gently pull your right leg into your body as far as you can.
  • Dig you heel in to maintain the stretch. Breathe deeply and press your palms together for 10 deep breaths.
  • If you can, lean forward, stretching your arm out in front of you.
  • Now wrap that arm around your bent knee. Move your other arm behind your back.
  • Meet your palms together and stretch.
  • Sit up tall and hold this position for 10 deep breaths, then switch sides.
  • You may find it a bit easier by exhaling all your breath out as your wrap.

4.) Lying Leg Stretch:

This stretch really does the trick, but we have to be willing to pull our leg down and body up to accentuate the stretch. Try using workout cables or a towel to pull your leg closer to your head. I try to find a piece of furniture (like the bottom of my bed) to stabilize my foot so I can stretch farther.

  • Lie back, raise your leg, and gently pull it toward you.
  • Keep both legs straight. Your bottom leg may remain on the floor.
  • Pull your leg to your head, breathe deeply, and hold for 5 counts.
  • Switch legs and repeat the stretch.
  • Alternate each leg for a total of 10-20 more stretches.
  • Or you can simply hold the stretch and breathe deeply. Or do both!

5.)  Half Split: 

This is a terrific stretch all around, especially to maintain mobility and inner strength. This stretch is the predecessor for a full split.

  • Kneel and extend your right leg forward.
  • Lower your torso and lower your head to your knee.
  • Keep your arms out to your sides for support.
  • Breathe deeply.

6.) Low Lunge:

Try to stretch in this pose by extending your back knee farther out. Don’t let your front knee extend beyond your toes though.

  • From Half Split position, simply bend your forward leg.
  • Move your torso forward.
  • When you have gone as far as you can, breathe deeply.
  • If you are able to move from this position, go back to Half Split position a few times.
  • You may find that you will be able to stretch farther each time!

7.) Full Split:

For me,  I will attempt a Full Split even if I only fit in one of these stretches before it! It may not be the best way to attempt a full split, but when I’m short for time it works for me!

Positions 5,6, and 7 are meant to flow together with the same foot forward. Simply pick a leg as your forward leg and stick with it for all three positions before you switch legs. The picture has 2 different legs forward; that is why I am mentioning this.

  • From Half Split position slide each leg out and away from your body.
  • Your hips should be squared forward.
  • Your back knee should be tucked.
  • Try not to sit on your forward leg; maintain the hip position.
  • Stretch over your forward leg, as far as your arms can stretch.
  • Breathe deeply up for 10 breaths.
  • You may also try going in and coming out of this position a few times, if you want!

8.) Forward Fold: 

Stretch out your back and those tight hamstrings!

  • Sit with equal weight upon both your sitting bones.
  • Inhale deeply, lifting your arms up.
  • Exhale deeply as you fold over your legs.
  • Grasp your toes if you can, gently pulling your head to your legs. All stretching benefits your body, even a little!
  • Repeat inhaling up and exhaling over your legs 10 times.

9.) Forward Bend- Leg Bind:

This twist develops shoulder flexibility, tones your abdominal organs, and stimulates intestinal function. Your breath may shorten and feel more labored as you twist or bind. Simply try to maintain a steady breath.

  • Sit with both your sitting bones equally on your mat.
  • Bend your left knee and pull it towards you.
  • Lean slightly forward.
  • On the inhale, circle your left arm out in front of you while placing your right arm behind.
  • On the exhale, try to meet your palms together behind you.
  • Breathe steadily for 20 seconds to a minute – wherever the bind takes you!

10.) Table Top or Reverse Plank Pose:

These stretches act as counter poses after some intense forward bending.

  • Sit with your knees bent.
  • Place each palm behind each hip with fingers pointing toward your feet.
  • Slowly press through your heels and your palms and stretch up by lifting your hips and chest.
  • Also let your head fall back and lift your chin.
  • Your palms should be directly below your shoulders and heels slightly back from your knees.
  • Simply keep your legs straight as you lift your hips and chest up for more of a challenge.
  • Hold each pose 10-30 seconds or longer if you choose.
  • Don’t forget to maintain a normal breath.


I hope you enjoyed this quick stretch that I created, especially for you! Thanks for stretching and flexing with me. I hope you will come back and try a few more classes. We are a Christian yoga ministry after all, so we do not charge for our services. We are blessed to serve you and we are so happy that you stopped bye! Love and light and may peace always be with you!!




Science has established that negative thinking produces more negative thinking. Sadly, it soon bleeds into what we do, how we live, and who we are. Stress, even imagined stress, triggers the release of the hormone cortisol, which can damage our brains and weaken our cardiovascular/immune systems over time. What can we do to help ourselves? Make yoga a part of our daily life. Yoga reduces anxiety by calming the sympathetic nervous system. People who practice yoga on a regular basis have more brain cells in the part of their brain that regulates stress. Elongating your exhalations sparks your parasympathetic nervous system, which will slow down your heart rate. Meditation helps with letting negative thoughts go.

We can also focus on the Heavenly prescription of what to think about to stay healthy. Perhaps God knew the cares and worries of this world would pull us down and eventually suck the life out of us. That is why He tells us to think upon Heavenly things:

What ever things are true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and worthy of praise, think on these things.

Phillippians 4:8

We also hold a lot of stress in our hips. We tighten and clench our hips subconsciously. As we get into a daily yoga practice, we start to feel that release. Many yoga classes include hip opening poses for this precise reason. That is why I have created an entire yoga class dedicated to the most effective hip openers out there. Breathing deeply and elongating your exhales will enhance every exercise below. Focusing on Heavenly thoughts while you move through these poses will enhance not just your yoga practice, but everything about yourself and they way you live in this world.

Do the entire challenge below with your right leg forward. Then do the entire challenge with your left leg forward. Put on some uplifting music and get into the stress free zone!

Always keep calm and yoga on!

1.) Eagle Warrior

  • Step forward with your right foot, bending your knee.
  • Be careful to keep both your heels on a straight line.
  • Be careful not to let your knee pass beyond your foot.
  • Be careful to keep both hips forward.
  • Try to pull up out of your waist area.
  • Slide your left arm under your right elbow. Stay here in this position.
  • If you can, twirl your left arm around your right arm. Clasp your hands if you can.
  • Tilt your head back; lead the tilt by lifting your chest.
  • Breathe deeply, holding here for 5-10 deep breaths.
  • Step in your back leg for better balance if you find the position too challenging.

2.) Low Lunge

  • You may lower your back knee to the mat or keep it straight.
  • Lower a hand to each side of your forward leg.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.

3.) Wrap and Burn

  • From Low Lunge with your knee up or with back knee on your mat, simply slide your right arm under your leg and on top of your forward foot.
  • Place your left hand also on top of your foot. Clasp both hands together if you can.
  • Hold here for 5-10 deep breaths.
  • You may bend your back left knee at any time if this position becomes too challenging.

4.) Lizard Pose

  • Slowly lower to your elbows from Wrap and Burn position.
  • Your elbows should be directly below your shoulders.
  • Your foot should be directly below your knee.
  • Place your back knee on the mat if you find it too challenging.
  • Widen the distance between your legs for a deeper stretch.
  • Release and try sliding your forward leg over to the edge of your mat for a more challenging stretch.
  • Hold the position that fits you and breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.

5.) Pigeon Pose

  • Keep both hips forward.
  • Bend your forward leg across your mat as best you can.
  • Keep your back leg straight with your knee on your mat. Place your hands on your mat for support.
  • Stretch your head back by gently lifting your chest.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 deep breaths.
  • To increase the challenge, stretch your torso over your forward leg by leading with your chin. Walk your hands forward. Still keep both your hips facing forward.
  • Gently lower your head. Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.

6.) Pigeon Pose Hamstring Stretch

  • In the same Pigeon Pose, grasp your back foot with both hands.
  • Keep both your hips forward.
  • Keep your forward leg extended across your mat.
  • Lift your chest arch and your head back.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 deep breaths.

7.) Half Split/Low Lunge

  • Release both arms from Pigeon Pose.
  • Extend your forward leg and lean over it.
  • Breathe deeply for 3 deep breaths.
  • Gently move forward into Low Lunge by bending your forward foot.
  • You may keep your hands on each side of your forward foot, or place them on your thigh or hips.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 deep breaths.
  • If you wish to stretch deeper, clasp your hands behind your back and lift them.
  • Sink deeper into the stretch and breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
  • Continue the back and forth stretch from Half Split to Low Lunge for a total of 5 times.
  • Inhale in Half Split, Exhale into Low Lunge.

8.) Full Split

  • Place your hands on each side of your foot for support.
  • Slowly extend your forward leg.
  • Be careful to keep both hips forward facing.
  • Stretch into a Full Split.
  • It takes a lot of time to do this; be patient, practice a few times a week, and you will see yourself going deeper into Full Split over time!

9.) Seated Forward Bend

  • Sit with both legs stretched forward.
  • Inhale deeply, lifting up and out of your waist area as best as you can.
  • Stretch up with your arms and clasp your fingers together, inhaling deeply.
  • Exhale deeply, extending up and over your legs.
  • Repeat 10 times with deep breaths.

10.) Wide Legged Angle 

  • Extend both legs out to your sides.
  • Keep your sitting bones on your mat.
  • Stretch up and over your left leg.
  • Breathe deeply for 10 counts and then stretch over your right leg for 10 deep breaths.
  • Stretch forward and breathe deeply for 10 counts.
  • Lean on your elbows or lower your head to the mat for a deeper stretch.
  • Where ever you find yourself is the perfect place to begin this exercise. In time you will be able to stretch farther!


yoga on!


This picture says it all. It’s funny because it is just that: a picture. In real life, it hurts to feel invisible to other people. The worst part is, people probably don’t realize they are doing it to us. And if they do it, says more about them then it does us. Lately, it’s been happening to me a lot. For example, the other day I had a a ten minute in-depth discussion with my postman in the Post Office about golfing. You know the moment when you both discover you have a love for something. You walk away feeling like you have connected. Well, we talked up a storm that day; a week later I started the golf conversation, and it was like we never discussed a word about it before. Hopefully, the postman didn’t see my chin hang down the whole time he did my postage!

How about the “one-sided conversation”? You ask about their  lives, then they talk on and on about themselves?  How about the spell-bound look they give you when you ask them a question while they have been staring at their phone for the past 5 minutes?

Well, don’t lose hope. You are not invisible:

… for God sees and hears you…The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and His ears are attentive to their cry. Psalm 34:15

… for God is listening intimately and intently to you… God is able to hear us even when we are silent. Romans 8:26

… for God is ready to help you… Don’t panic I’m with you there’s no need to fear for I’m your God. I’ll give you strength and I’ll help you. I’ll hold you steady and keep a firm grip on you. Isaiah 41:10

… for God is thinking about you all the time… My thoughts toward you are countless as the sand on the seashore. Psalm 139:17

… for God thinks the world of you...even the hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid. You are worth more than many sparrows. Matthew 10:31

… for God made you a “one of a kind person”…You are a blessing! The Lord made you in an amazing and wonderful way. Psalm 139:14

… for God thinks your gorgeous…The King is enthralled with your beauty. Psalm 45:11

… for you must hold your head high, God gave you dignity…You have dignity. Proverbs 31:25

… for you can ask and you will get real answers…Call to me and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things which you do not know. Jeremiah 33:3

…for you simply cannot be invisible if God is always with you…I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Matthew 28:20

…for how can you be invisible if you are constantly loved?…You are love forever. Romans 8:38-39

You may feel invisible to the world at times but to God, you are being loved moment by moment beyond measure! Gosh, I feel better now.  I hope you do too!

yoga on







Think you have loved someone more than life itself? Think someone has shown you love beyond your wildest dreams? Meditate on this. There is not a second that you are not on God’s mind. His love surpasses all! For God loves you in a moment more than anyone could in a lifetime.

God says, “My thoughts toward you outnumber the grains of sand on the seashore”…Psalms 139: 17-18

As we begin this yoga challenge, let us take a moment to think about all the grains of sand in the world. Then let us bow forward in devotion and gratitude at the sheer notion of being loved by God without measure.

Remember, the more you breathe into each position, the deeper you can stretch and release stress. Try to keep steady inhales and exhales amid all the effort you will be putting forth. That way when stressful situations arise in your daily life, you will trust in God and automatically keep a steady breath while coming away less stressed. God gave you your breath – use it to free up tension in your life!


Come with your legs and feet together. Inhaling, bring straight arms up from your sides. Exhale, bowing forward. Repeat in a continuous flow of inhaling up and exhaling down for 10-20 times.


Once you complete all your Forward Bows, stay bended and hold onto your toes or your knees, thighs or ankles. With continuous breathing, bend each leg for a moment. It will enable you to stretch a little deeper. Then, while inhaling, look up. While exhaling, lower your head to your knees. Repeat with a continuous flow of inhaling with your head up and exhaling while pulling your head to your knees 10-15 times.


Widen your feet to a place that is comfortable for you. Bring your arms up from your sides, clasp them, and look up to Heaven. Inhale and exhale continuously in this position for 10-20 counts.


From a Star Stretch position inhale and then exhale. Bend your right knee and foot to the side. Open your arms wide out to the sides. Your torso should be looking forward. Be gentle and go slow. Inhale to Star Stretch and exhale to Warrior II for 10 counts. Then repeat on your other side.


From a Star Stretch position, lower your arms but stretch them out to your sides. Inhale, twisting your torso to the left side. Exhale, bending your torso to meet your thigh, knee, ankle or foot. Lead the bend with your chin stretching out and over your leg to reap the stretching benefits. Raise your torso and come to the middle. Repeat on your other side. Try for 10-15 times each side.


From a Star Stretch position with extended arms out to your sides, turn your right foot to the side, bending your right knee. As you bend, your left arms comes up over your head and your right arm leans on your bended knee. Drop your right arm on the floor for support. Gently twist, lookin up. For a less vigorous approach, simply bend both knees or bring your back leg in closer. Breath continuously for 10 counts.  Move on to the next exercise, Lunge Twist, before moving to the other side. Then repeat both Side Lunge and Lunge Twist on your other side.


From a Side Lunge position, simply twist your torso to the other side. To do this simply place your other hand on the floor and gently twist, looking up. For a less vigorous approach bend your back knee on the floor and twist, looking up. Slightly bending your forward knee; twisting with your hand on your knee or thigh is good too!


From a Side Lunge with your right leg forward, lower both hands to the floor. You are now in a Deep Lunge position. You may drop your back knee to the floor for more balance and support. Or you may keep it up for more strength and stretching benefits. From both positions, wiggle your right foot to the right a few inches and slowly lower to your elbows. Stay here for a continuous flow of breathing up to 10 counts.


From a Deep Lunge or Pigeon Position, straighten your arms and lower your back knee if it is not lowered already. Wiggle and scoot your right foot,  lowering your torso. Use your arms for support getting into this position – go slow and gently. If you experience any discomfort, immediately stop, sit and breath. Take control of your breath rather than letting it control you. If your body allows you to safely move into Pigeon Position stay here and breath continuously up to 10 counts. Keep your hands on the ground for better support or place them in a praying position. Repeat on your other side. Sometimes, one side will feel better getting into positions than the other – that’s normal!

10.) HALLELUYAH POSE (modification)

I have chosen this as the official, Halleluyah Yoga Pose! Why? First, because it is awesome. Second, because I aspire to get into one! Third, because at the age of 57 and able to keep up with a yoga practice, I possess no words but  praise to God! Fourth, because Halleluyah is the Hebrew word which means, “praise be to God”! It’s the Praise be to God Pose!

From Pigeon Position with right leg forward, place your right hand behind you for support. Slowly grasp your left foot, slowly pulling your leg in. If you can pull that foot into your elbow, locking it there. Reach up and let your hands clasp. Breath continuously for up to 10 counts then repeat on your other leg.

Below, Zach gets into a Halleluyah Pose beautifully!

Lie back and relax. Keep the innumerable grains of sand in your mind. Embrace God’s love and know that you are always on God’s mind!

Halleluyah! Yoga on!