Do you feel it too? All tensed up and nothing to help you?

Sometimes in life your going along and – pow! – you are all tensed up. Well, that’s me today. Actually that’s me all last week. I’m sitting here with achy shoulders that won’t stay down. They disobey my command to relax and quietly try to climb up into my neck all day. Then the neck becomes strained from holding the shoulders up. Tension then rides down my back and takes up space in other places. Sometimes, my ears ring and I feel my face all crinkled up from holding all my body’s tension. My mood is not kind, and fatigue sets in despite my efforts to get a good night sleep. I wonder how I got this way. I can’t imagine why, because I did yoga last week and yoga is my little stress reliever. Thinking upon God while I stretch and flex is my way of breaking up with stress before it becomes a problem. But today is a culmination of a week’s worth of unreleased tension, and I have been trying to analyze why it’s happening to me.

Bing! The light bulb goes on! “I think I know why,” I exclaim to myself… and now to you, because although my body engaged in the yoga I did everyday, my mind did not join me. I rushed through the yoga poses without being fully there. I did not come to the yoga party fully dressed! It’s not that our minds need to be on the mat at all times, but we do need to let our thoughts arise, whatever they may be, so that we can let go of them. Letting each thought that arises go, in the flow of your breath, lets tensions release. Once we let go of any stress in our minds, our stress will disappear in our bodies. That’s the gift of yoga. Our outer world shifts to reflect our new perspective.

We can enhance the gift of yoga by handing over all our cares, worries, fears and doubts to God and really break up with stress. Then make it your practice within your yoga to hand it over to the care and responsibility of Almighty God. Proverbs 4:23, tells us to,

Be careful what you think because your thoughts run your life.

Medical research is just catching up with God’s words from thousands of years ago. Studies and medical research are increasingly proving that you become what you think. I’m thinking that me and stress, yeah, we’re gonna break up!

How about you?



You can ease an achy back, enhance your posture and improve spinal mobility with these seven simple yoga poses. When your back muscles are well conditioned, back pain can be greatly reduced. Breathing through your nose will enhance all the benefits of the poses, encouraging strong circulation and relaxation. Try to maintain a strong steady breath, as it will allow you to go deeper in the stretch, This releases tension in your muscles and improves your flexibility. Always be gentle with yourself. Go slow and keep a steady breath for maximum results. Gradually increase the intensity of this segment by holding each posture longer.

A relaxed state will always up the results of all your efforts. The Psalmist pens,

You are my place of quiet rest I wait for your word to renew me.

Psalm 119:114

1.) Easy Forward Bend

Stand comfortably, preferably with your feet at hip width for better balance. Let your hands clasp your elbows. Bend your knees. Now gently fold forward. Stop where it feels most comfortable. Take 5-10 long and deep breaths. Stay long enough for your back and spine to release (you’ll feel it) if you can. Slowly come back up. Repeat again or move on to the next yoga exercise.

Many people who suffer with lower back pain have tight, short hamstrings. This pose will lengthen your hamstrings and release your lower back.
2.) Cat Pose

Slowly and gently lower yourself to your mat or the floor. Come on to your knees. Spread your palms out in front of you. Place your knees directly below your hips. Place your palms directly below your shoulders. Inhale slowly as you gently round your back and lower your head. Exhale slowly as you come back to the starting position. Repeat the process 5-10 times.

3.) Cow Pose

Come to your hands and knees. Cow Pose begins in the same position as Cat Pose. The only difference is that your head goes up and back. As your head goes up, your back will arch, so take it slow. Inhale slowly as you gently raise your head. Exhale slowly as you lower your head. Repeat the process 5-10 times.

Cat and Cow Poses can also be done together, inhaling in Cat Pose and exhaling into Cow Pose. A good exercise for strengthening your back, spine and neck too. I especially like how Cow Pose tightens and tones the neck area!

4.) Easy Seated Forward Bend (a favorite of mine for an achy back)

Gently sit on your mat or the floor. Extend your legs directly out in front of you. Take time to sit up tall on your sitting bones. Let your weight be even on each side. Leading with your chin, extend your torso out over your legs. Slide your hands down your leg. Stop when you feel a good stretch. Bending your knees as you extend will ease you into the stretch. You may keep them bent or try to straighten them as you build flexibility. Also, staying in this pose for a minute while breathing slowly and deeply will allow you to go deeper into the stretch.

5.) Lying Leg Stretch

Lie flat. Take time to relax here a moment. Then, without tensing up, adjust your body by trying to get it flat on the floor. When you’re ready, bend your right leg. It does not matter where you bend it to. What matters is that it is able to support your body when you raise your left leg. Feel free to explore what feels good for you! Raise the left leg slowly and bring it close to your torso. Breathe deeply here 5-10 times. Then repeat the process on the other leg.

6.) Baby Pose

Lie flat on your mat or the floor. Adjust your body and try to relax before starting this pose. When you are ready, slowly and gently bring your knees into your torso. If you can, give them a big hug! If you can, raise your head too. Slowly breathe deeply here for 3-5 counts and repeat again a few more times. At first you may not be able to hug your knees or lift your head. Do what you can here, because even a little bit goes a long way. Never think because you can’t do these exercises optimally that they aren’t doing anything. Your body will benefit from all your efforts every time!

7.) Lying Double Leg Twist ( another really good release in back, neck and shoulders that my back takes delight in!)

Lie flat on the floor. Adjust yourself so that you are spread out evenly on the floor. Extend your arms directly out to the sides. When ready, gently bend your knees and bring them into your chest (or as close as you can). At first, maybe you can only bend them and your feet are still on the floor. No problems! Simply begin the exercise from whereever you find yourself. Now, take a big inhale. Exhale slowly as you release your legs to the right side. Slowly turn your head to the left side or keep it in the middle. Take a few deep breaths here and stay as long as you like. Then repeat the process on your left side.

Peace and blessings!



SHOULDER STAND MINI YOGA CHALLENGE (drop the weight from your shoulders)

Shoulder Stand or Sarvangasana. In Sanskrit, Sava means “all” or “entire” and anga means “organ” or “body part”. Thus, you have full body pose. No wonder why it’s touted in the Yoga community as the ”mother of all poses.”

I personally like Shoulder Stand for its health benefits and there are many. Inversions are always extremely beneficial to our heart, lungs, brain, lymph system for starters, but hanging out in one has a deep soothing effect on our nerves too. Plus, it helps digestion and supplies fresh blood to our brains. It also improves our complexion and over time may even reduce our wrinkles. Who can’t use those benefits? It also strengthens and improves many other bodily systems and body parts; the list goes on…

Be very gentle with yourself if you are new to this pose. Go slow and if something doesn’t feel right, stop immediately. Taking Shoulder Stand step by step, as with any yoga pose, will enable you to come back tomorrow.

If you are ready, then let’s begin!

Lie on the floor, with your heels toward your sitting bones and your arms to your sides, palms down.

Inhale, then as you exhale,  press your hands into the floor and lift your hips off the floor, swinging your legs toward your head.

Inhale and then as you exhale, bend your arms, bringing your forearms vertical. Bring your inner elbows as close together as possible. Gently release your hips into your hands.

Press your upper arms into the floor and away from your shoulders. Press your inner elbows toward each other.

Try not to sink your throat and head into the mat to get your hips up. Better to relax your legs and let them release to a comfortable position while working on the motion of raising your hips first for a few tries.

If you are able lift your legs to a comfortable height, press your inner thighs together and flex your feet. Breath deeply here for 30 seconds. As you become more comfortable with this pose, hang out for 1-3 minutes if you can. They say 15 minutes is best. I have never tried it. 4 or 5 minutes seems to work for me.

To lift our body up over our heads for any amount of time is actually quite a feat! Other parts of our bodies reap the rewards of this inverted pose, but our shoulders are the ones that bear all of our weight. I don’t know about you, but my shoulders bear my tension and stress in my life. Sometimes it feels like my shoulders are holding up an elephant! Sometimes it takes days to even realize it. But God never intended us to bear the weight of our stress alone. In fact He says for us to

Give all your worries to God for He cares for you.

1 Peter 5:7




Lie down and relax for a few moments so that your body can absorb all the physical benefits of this pose. Give your cares and worries to God and let Him heal you from the inside out!

Peace and Blessings Always!



Have you ever had to rocket to the bathroom? Do you sometimes get so bloated your pants won’t zip up?  Are you tired of stomach pain? Do you wish you could some how tame your tummy trouble for good? Why not try a couple Yoga exercises? Maybe Yoga can help to ease your belly troubles! Many medical experts and lots of research have proved that Yoga helps with digestive disorders like IBS, Crohn’s disease, Colitis, acid reflux, gas and bloating.  That is why I have designed this Yoga Segment with that in mind!

For this Yoga Segment, I have included the easiest and most beneficial Yoga exercises for improving your digestion. I hope these Yoga exercises will ease your pain and suffering. Embracing a Yoga practice for yourself will ensure your digestive system be on track!

Add a bit of Heavenly peace to boost this Yoga Segment and infuse your digestion system with love!

In John 14:17 , Jesus says directly to us …

…Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

1.) Lying Knee To Chest

Lie down on your back. Inhale deeply, pulling your right knee into your chest. If you are able, round your back by bringing your head to your knee. Your left leg may come off the floor too if you are able. Pause and then release your leg and your breath as you slowly unravel and lie on the floor. Repeat on your left leg. Alternate 5 times on each leg. Increase the count as you get stronger to 25 times on each leg. Breath in as you pull in and exhale as you release your leg to the floor.

2.) Lying Knees To Chest or known as the” Wind Relieving Pose.”

Bring both of your knees into your chest. Raise your head to meet them if you can. Squeeze tight. Inhale and exhale long and deeply 5-10 counts. Progress up to 1-3 minutes if you are able.

3.) Easy Spinal Twist

Lie down on your back. Bend both your knees by moving your legs up. Keep your arms relaxed but out to the sides. Let your shoulders drop and melt into your mat. Gently let your knees fall to the side. Look up or let your head roll to either side. Inhale and exhale long and deeply for 5-10 counts. Repeat on your other side by coming back to the middle.

4.) Hip Lifts

Lie down on your back. Bend both knees by moving your legs up. Hold your ankles if you can. Inhale, lifting your bottom up. Exhale, releasing it down. Repeat the process 10-20 times, inhaling up and exhaling down. As you progress, increase the count.

5.) Leg Lift Prayer Hold

Find a wall and shimmy your legs up. Or raise them directly up from your hips. Place your hands in prayer position or relax them out to your sides. Inhale and exhale long and deeply for 10 counts or 1-3 minutes.

6.) Seated Spinal Twist

Sit up tall with your legs straight out in front of you. Pull your right leg into your chest. Lift your right foot over your left thigh and pull it in as close as you can with your left hand. Inhale, looking to the right side. Lift your left arm up and remember to sit up tall. Exhale and twist a bit more. Your exhales should allow you a little more room for twisting. Repeat a few more times with your breath. Repeat on your other side.

7.) Seated Forward Bend

With legs directly forward, grasp your toes. Lead with your chin and stretch out over them. Keep your back straight, but you may bend your knees. Inhale and exhale slowly for 10 counts. The longer you stretch over your legs, the more flexible you will become. You may surprise yourself at how far you may stretch! As you progress, you could try this for 1-3 minutes.

8.) Wide Angle Side Stretch

With legs directly forward, angle them out to the sides. Bend your right knee and bring it into your body. Inhale slowly, raising your right arm. Exhale slowly, folding over your left leg. Stretch! Repeat on the other side for a total 10-20 times each side. Don’t forget to inhale arms up and exhale folding over your leg.

9.) Squat Pose into Squat Pose Twist

Stand with legs hip width apart. Slowly bend your knees, squatting down to your mat. You may place a folded or rolled up towel under your heels for support. Careful with your knees. Try lowering and raising your body if this is new to you. Inhale and lower, exhale and raise your body 3-5 counts. If you are comfortable in Squat Pose, place your hands in Prayer Pose and inhale and exhale long and deeply for 5-10 counts. Progress up to 1 minute.

For more intensity, try twisting in Squat Pose. Raise your right arm and bring it behind you, letting it slide around your hips. Take your left hand and slide it around the front of your left leg. Ultimately, your hands should meet. If they do not, simply hold the Pose at the place that is a comfortable stretch for you. Then inhale and exhale long and deeply for 5-10 counts. Unravel yourself and repeat on your other side.


10.) Child’s Pose

Sit back on your heels and gently place your head on your mat. You can also place your head on a chair, pillow, blanket, towel, it’s your choice. Stretch your arms out in front of you. Relax and let all tension drain from your body. Inhale slowly and exhale slowly. With each exhale release your cares, worries, fears, doubts or anything else that steals your peace. Linger here for a few.



YOGA FOR VITALITY CHALLENGE ( Yoga with a twist for everyBODY)

This yoga segment is designed for most fitness levels.  Enhance your twisting with a couple verses of Scripture provided below and twist for your mind, body, and soul!

Get Twisted and improve the health of your internal organs and build your core. According to Livestrong, twists encourage the flow of oxygenated blood while eliminating toxins and metabolic wastes from your body. They also aid in bloating or digestive problems. Your shoulders, chest, back and spine have a chance to relax in twists and you will increase flexibility in your spine and waist muscles.

At first glance, twists appear chaotic. Any normal person knows a body should not be bending and twisting like that. That’s the beauty of a twist: a body gone wild! Don’t be fooled; to move into a twist from a standing position requires so much more. Your feet need to settle into the earth and your legs must draw strength from the stability of the feet. Your entire core or inner body  needs to lengthen. You must inhale from the bottom of your body to the top of your head, drawing a long deep breath by pulling up and out of your waist, chest, hips, spine. And when it is impossible to hold any more breath inside you, then you twist with a long exhalation. The breathing helps you twist better.

What I love about twists is that your insides get revitalized. As you stand firm with a solid foundation, you appear all tensed up and out of control but your core keeps you strong. Sometimes in our lives we get all twisted up too but God tells us to chill. Sometimes the knots are so twisted up we can easily forget that the God that breathed the stars into existence and turned water into wine can help us. Seriously, all we need to do is believe. Seems too easy, but God promised He would help us. In this yoga segment get twisted but let Him untwists all the  knots inside that are binding you now.

…”cast your worries on Him, because He cares for you. 1 peter 5:7

…Let your roots grow down into Him. Let your lives be built on Him. Colossians 2:7



1.) Chair Pose into Chair Pose Twist

Start by placing your feet together. Bend your knees and slightly bend back as if you were going to sit on a chair. Raise your arms up, then inhale and exhale 3-5 times long and deeply. You may stand up for a moment or continue in a chair pose for the twist.

In chair pose position, on your last inhale and exhale bring your palms together in prayer pose. Firmly press them together. Inhale deeply, lifting your entire upper body. Exhale deeply as you twist. Let your left elbow twist to the outside of your right leg. Hold the pose as long as you like or repeat on your other side.

Make it a flowing sequence of movement by always standing up before you bend into chair pose. Bend into chair pose with arms up and then into prayer pose. Stand up again and bend into chair pose before you twist to each side. Repeat the sequence once or maybe 3 times each side.

You may also widen your feet for better balance in chair pose and do not bend back too far. Always stand between each movement so your legs don’t get tired and slightly twist to each side.



2.) Chair Pose One Arm Stretch and Twist

From chair pose, twist to the right side, and simply lower your left arm down while extending your right arm upward. Hold the twisted stretch, then inhale and exhale long and deeply. Breathe into any tensions that may arise.



3.) Low Lunge Back Knee Bend into Reverse Twist

Step your left foot forward into a lunge pose. Sink your hips, placing your back knee on the ground. Inhale and exhale long and deeply for a minute, invigorating your body and mind while resting your attention on God.

For the twist, bend your right back leg and let your torso follow. Place your right hand directly below your right shoulder. Let your left arm twist your body as you look up. Inhale and exhale long and deeply for 3-10 counts if you like, or what ever feels good for you.

Make you lunge higher or simply stay on a bended back right knee if you find it too challenging. If your right hand does not make it to the floor, stay up. Do the twist by placing your right arm just outside your left thigh. Inhale and exhale long and deeply as long as you feel comfortable.



4.) Bended Knee Reverse Twist and Stretch

Step your right foot forward, bending your back left knee. Inhale long and deeply, lifting your entire upper body. Then as you exhale twist, placing your left hand on your right thigh. Raise your right arm for a deeper twist. Repeat on your other side for 3-10 long and deep twisted inhales and exhales, or as many as you like.




5.) Warrior II Pose into Side Angle Pose

Step your left foot forward, bending your knee. Keep your left back leg straight if possible. Sink your hips, raising your arms up and out to the sides. Inhale, pulling up and out of your belly, then lifting your chest. Keep your shoulders pressed down with an extended neck. Look out past your arms. Stand firm and let the quietness of your roots be the source of your strength.

Move from Warrior II position into Side Angle pose by lifting your right arm up and extending it up and over. Meanwhile bend your left arm, resting it on your left thigh. Stretch and inhale and exhale long and deeply 3-10 times. Repeat on your other side.

Walk your back leg in and slightly bend your front knee if you find it too challenging. Your hand may also rest anywhere that feels comfortable on your front leg.



6.) Side Angle Stretch and Twist

Once in a Side Angle position, lower your forward left hand to the floor and extend your right arm up. Inhale and exhale long and deeply 3-10 times.

You may come back to a standing position or come back to a Side Angle. Moving from a Side Angle, simply let your raised right arm fall behind. Then let your left arm slide under your left thigh and meet it. Grasp your fingers and look up. This will open your torso in new ways, stretching and strengthening your entire body. Inhale and exhale as best you can long and deeply.

Bring your right arm to your hip. Look up.


7.) Star Pose One Arm Stretch and Twist

Stretch your legs out to the sides at a distance comfortable for you. Bend forward, placing your hands on the ground. Inhale long and deeply and exhale long and deeply, extending and twisting your right arm upward. Repeat on the other side for 3-10 inhales and exhales on both sides. Inhale middle, exhale twisting up.

For a less vigorous approach, bend your knees and  lessen the distance between your legs. Bend over slightly. Let your twist come from placing your hands on the outside of each leg. The other arm can be placed on your hip. Inhale in the middle slightly bent and exhale as you twist to each side. Repeat 3-10 times each side.


8.) Eagle Pose

Stand with your legs and feet together. Raise your left leg, placing it over your right thigh. Try to tuck that leg behind the leg your standing on. If you can twirl it around the leg finishing at the inside of your right foot. Once steady, let your left arm go under your right elbow, twirling it up your arm until your palms meet. Inhale and exhale long and deep 2-4 times. Repeat on your other leg. Left leg twirls left arm goes under and twirls. Right leg twirls, right arm goes under and twirls. Try to keep your body, especially your hips facing forward.

For a less vigorous approach, I would suggest that you do these movements separately. Arms. Then do legs. Play around with each, and see where you end up. One side will feel easier, guaranteed!




9.) Squat Prayer Pose Into Side Twist

Let your legs be hip width apart then bend your knees. Sink your hips all the way to the ground. Press your palms together for a more intense stretch.

From Squat Pose, raise your left arm up then back extending it to your right hip. Stay here. For a more intense stretch, take your right arm out and over the outside of your right leg. Meet the hands, clasp them and stretch upward for 3-10 long and deep inhales and exhales.

For a less vigorous approach, place a rolled up or folded blanket under each heel. Gently begin moving your arms up and around your legs. Stop at a comfortable stretch for you. Inhale and exhale long and deeply.

Lie on your back for a few breaths to absorb the afterimage of each twist. Do you feel lighter? Does your body feel more buoyant? Do you feel more rooted and grounded, perhaps balanced and clear-headed? Enjoy this delightful state of peace and love.

Get Twisted and Yoga on




Can’t sleep? Your not alone. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention an estimated 50-70 million U.S. adults have a sleep disorder. Less sleep equals more stress, and at the physical level your body doesn’t get enough time to repair. A Harvard University study on yoga and sleep found that those participants who consistently practiced yoga for just 8 weeks enjoyed significantly better sleep in length and slumber. Combine yoga with a calming Bible verse before bed and you got a winning elixir for a sweet sleep!


Below you will find the yoga restorative pose, Legs Up a Wall. This pose will ease stress and calm your mind before bed. Stay in the pose for at least 10 minutes and inhale long and deeply and exhale long and deeply while you meditate on the Bible verse above. To begin, clear your mind by giving every care and worry to God. Then do not let those negative thoughts enter your brain. Instead, be still…



Inhale and focus on God. Exhale and feel your body releasing stress and tensions in the flow of your breath. Continue and don’t worry about a thing. Gently release and relax. Feel loved and have a sweet sleep!