Yoga is for everyone!

So, let’s use a chair in this gentle, but effective yoga sequence to stretch and strengthen your back, neck, shoulders and hips. By breathing deeply, we will enhance our posture, boost our energy, and circulate fresh oxygen to all parts of our body. We will focus on elongating our exhalations which sparks our parasympathetic nervous system (responsible for slowing down our heart rates). As we move and breathe through these yoga postures, our sympathetic nervous system will also calm down, thus reducing stress and anxiety. Make yoga a part of your daily life and chill out more often while boosting your brain power. Studies show that yogis have more brain cells in the part of their brain that controls stress!

While we’re moving and breathing, let’s set an intention to think healthy too. Science tells us that every thought we think releases brain chemicals. Thinking happy joyful thoughts decreases cortisol and produces serotonin, which creates a sense of well-being. Our all-knowing God knew the cares and worries of this life would pull us down; perhaps that is why He already had a heavenly prescription for us on how to live and what to think about to stay healthy and stress-free. That is why He tells us to:

Set our minds on things above.

Colossians 3:2

Whatever is true, honest, right, noble, excellent and worthy of praise, think on these things.

Philippians 4:8

You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you.

Isaiah 26:3

Take a moment to close your eyes and clear your mind of all thoughts but God’s amazing words. When you are ready, grab a chair, a mat and some water!

Remember to breathe steadily while moving in and out of each position. Always go at your own pace and always have fun!

1.) Arm Extension Breathing Warm-Up

  • Sit comfortably on your chair, having your feet well anchored to the ground.
  • Sit with your back erect, not leaning against the backrest.
  • Lift out of your hips, leaning slightly forward.
  • Place your hands on your thighs or press your palms together in a prayer pose.
  • Let your shoulders drop, your neck lengthen, and your face relax.
  • Go inward by closing your eyes, taking 5-10 deep breaths, and try to feel each breath.
  • When you are ready, inhale deeply, extending and lifting your arms up over your head.
  • Let your palms meet, lift your chest, and slightly arch your back. Hold this pose for a moment!
  • Exhale deeply as you release your arms to your thighs or back to prayer pose.
  • Repeat this 5-10 more times. Remember to breathe deeply, and don’t rush!

2.) Seated Pigeon Pose

  • Stay in the same sitting position described in the previous pose.
  • Begin by lifting your right leg over your left leg.
  • If you can, gently slide your right foot to lay sideways on your thigh.
  • Keep your hips squared.
  • Gently push your right knee down. If you feel pain, lift your knee up.
  • Breathe deeply here for 10 inhales and exhales.
  • Repeat with your left leg.

3.) Cat Pose/Cow Pose on Chair

  • Sit comfortably (again) with your feet anchored, back erect, leaning slightly forward and pulling up out of your hips.
  • Inhale deeply, slowly arching your head back. Keep your shoulders down, lift your chest, and relax your arms.
  • Exhale deeply, slowly lowering your head, rounding your shoulders, and pulling your stomach in.
  • Repeat for 10 deep breaths.

4.) Down Dog with Chair #1

  • Place your feet hip-width in front of your chair and lower to your knees.
  • Extend your arms forward, placing them on the seat of your chair.
  • Gently let your chest fall and feel your shoulders releasing.
  • Breathe deeply for 10 deep breaths.
  • To make it easier, you can roll up a towel. Place it between your feet and your sitting bones.

5.) Down Dog with Chair #2

  • In the same starting position as above, place your hands on the arms of your chair.
  • It’s okay if you can’t stretch your arms out; keep your hands on the seat.
  • Start the exercise on your knees for a deeper shoulder stretch and release.
  • Breathe deeply (again) for 10 counts.

6.) Down Dog with  Chair #3

  • Start at the back of your chair, with your feet together (or at hip width to make it easier).
  • Grasp the back of your chair.
  • Slowly walk your feet back while lowering your head and torso. Hold on to the chair!
  • You can make this more challenging by allowing your stomach to sink; it will create a deeper stretch. Be cautious though, since it can cause pain.
  • Breathe deeply for 10 counts.

7.) Legs Up a Chair Pose

  • Grab a towel or your mat and place it in front of your chair.
  • Place your feet upon the seat. Shimmy your hips to the legs of your chair while lying back.
  • Rest the back of your thighs on your chair. This offers gentle support that deepens the restorative benefits of this pose.

Now, treat yourself like the VIP that Heaven thinks you are! The soothing benefits of this pose grow deeper the longer you remain here. Try for 5 minutes and shoot for more if you have time. This pose will also get you ready for a great night’s sleep!

  • Close your eyes, exhale completely, and let your body melt into this pose.
  • Let each inhale draw upon God’s peace. Let each exhale dissolve your cares, worries, fears and doubts.
  • Now scan your body limb by limb, inviting any knots and grips of tension to dissolve away completely. Resolve to be fully present in this amazing moment in your life. Drain your brain by relinquishing any hold on obsessive worries and fears that may still linger. Grow easy and tranquil, grasping after nothing. Let everything you know about yourself dissolve too. Allow yourself to fall beneath the surface of life into God’s quiet stillness. Invite your breath to deepen. With each quiet exhalation and with every ounce of letting go, fall deeper. Linger in this soothing silence. Dwell here in the freedom of surrender-indulging in the tranquility and deep rest of letting go!

Because YOU matter!

This concludes my stress-free yoga chair sequence. I sure hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for stopping bye and may peace be with you where ever you may go!


It’s vacation time: a delightful stretch out of our comfort zones into warm and sunny new adventures. Why not sneak in a couple stretches to keep yourself loose?  Maintain that flexibility you worked so hard all year to achieve. No worries. I created the perfect yoga sequence to keep you stretched and flexed!

And the theme for this yoga class is: the shortest amount of time and the most effective yoga postures! Add some cool shades, pink lipstick and painted toe-nails and we are good to go!

As always sit quietly and breathe deeply before you begin. Stay here for a few moments. If you wish to take part in the meditation, move onto the next paragraph. If not, simply proceed to the first yoga posture, Butterfly Stretch!

To begin your meditation, close your eyes and extend your mind beyond yourself and your cares and worries. Stretch your mind to think higher thoughts, thoughts about God. Focus on the incredible love that He has for you. As you move into and out of these stretches, allow your thoughts be transformed. Don’t allow anything to prevent you from enjoying His mighty love for you. Remember, You are worth it. You are loved!

My love stretches to the heavens, and my faithfulness extends to the clouds.

Psalm 36:5

1.) The Butterfly Stretch: 

This stretch increases our hip and leg flexibility. This is the first step in preparing our body for the next position. With deep, conscious breathing, stress is more readily released. Remember that even the smallest of stretches benefits your body in so many ways, so stretch on!

  • Sit with equal weight on both of your sitting bones.
  • Bring your feet together (bring your feet closer to your body for a deeper stretch and forward for a less intense stretch).
  • With a big inhale, pull your stomach in, lift your chest, press your shoulders down, lengthen your neck, lift your chin, and stretch your head back.
  • With a big exhale, fold forward out and over your legs. Lean on your arms or hands, and pull your head to your heels if possible.
  • Repeat the stretch 5 times. On the 5th time, stay in the stretch with a normal breath for 20 seconds.

2.) Straddle Stretch:

Here, we take it a little deeper. Lowering your head to each knee stretches your thighs and hamstrings. Lowering your ear to each knee engages and opens up your sides.

  • Extend your legs out to your sides with your toes pointing up. Your sitting bones should be fully on your mat with equal weight on each. Try to maintain this throughout the exercise.
  • Pull up on your torso with a big inhale in the middle.
  • Exhale slowly while stretching over each leg 5 times (lower your head to your knee).
  • Repeat the stretch, but lower your ear to your knee instead; repeat this with 5 deep breaths on each leg.
  • Try to grasp your toes and look up.
  • Use your foot to gently pull your torso down for a deeper stretch.

3.) Wide Legged Straddle Stretch and Wrap:

Lately, I have become a huge fan of yoga wraps and binds. Afterward, I always feel much lighter, brighter, and calmer. Remember that even a little stretch, or a little bind, is a start. Your body will always benefit from even the smallest attempt!

  • Sit up straight on your sitting bones
  • Gently pull your right leg into your body as far as you can.
  • Dig you heel in to maintain the stretch. Breathe deeply and press your palms together for 10 deep breaths.
  • If you can, lean forward, stretching your arm out in front of you.
  • Now wrap that arm around your bent knee. Move your other arm behind your back.
  • Meet your palms together and stretch.
  • Sit up tall and hold this position for 10 deep breaths, then switch sides.
  • You may find it a bit easier by exhaling all your breath out as your wrap.

4.) Lying Leg Stretch:

This stretch really does the trick, but we have to be willing to pull our leg down and body up to accentuate the stretch. Try using workout cables or a towel to pull your leg closer to your head. I try to find a piece of furniture (like the bottom of my bed) to stabilize my foot so I can stretch farther.

  • Lie back, raise your leg, and gently pull it toward you.
  • Keep both legs straight. Your bottom leg may remain on the floor.
  • Pull your leg to your head, breathe deeply, and hold for 5 counts.
  • Switch legs and repeat the stretch.
  • Alternate each leg for a total of 10-20 more stretches.
  • Or you can simply hold the stretch and breathe deeply. Or do both!

5.)  Half Split: 

This is a terrific stretch all around, especially to maintain mobility and inner strength. This stretch is the predecessor for a full split.

  • Kneel and extend your right leg forward.
  • Lower your torso and lower your head to your knee.
  • Keep your arms out to your sides for support.
  • Breathe deeply.

6.) Low Lunge:

Try to stretch in this pose by extending your back knee farther out. Don’t let your front knee extend beyond your toes though.

  • From Half Split position, simply bend your forward leg.
  • Move your torso forward.
  • When you have gone as far as you can, breathe deeply.
  • If you are able to move from this position, go back to Half Split position a few times.
  • You may find that you will be able to stretch farther each time!

7.) Full Split:

For me,  I will attempt a Full Split even if I only fit in one of these stretches before it! It may not be the best way to attempt a full split, but when I’m short for time it works for me!

Positions 5,6, and 7 are meant to flow together with the same foot forward. Simply pick a leg as your forward leg and stick with it for all three positions before you switch legs. The picture has 2 different legs forward; that is why I am mentioning this.

  • From Half Split position slide each leg out and away from your body.
  • Your hips should be squared forward.
  • Your back knee should be tucked.
  • Try not to sit on your forward leg; maintain the hip position.
  • Stretch over your forward leg, as far as your arms can stretch.
  • Breathe deeply up for 10 breaths.
  • You may also try going in and coming out of this position a few times, if you want!

8.) Forward Fold: 

Stretch out your back and those tight hamstrings!

  • Sit with equal weight upon both your sitting bones.
  • Inhale deeply, lifting your arms up.
  • Exhale deeply as you fold over your legs.
  • Grasp your toes if you can, gently pulling your head to your legs. All stretching benefits your body, even a little!
  • Repeat inhaling up and exhaling over your legs 10 times.

9.) Forward Bend- Leg Bind:

This twist develops shoulder flexibility, tones your abdominal organs, and stimulates intestinal function. Your breath may shorten and feel more labored as you twist or bind. Simply try to maintain a steady breath.

  • Sit with both your sitting bones equally on your mat.
  • Bend your left knee and pull it towards you.
  • Lean slightly forward.
  • On the inhale, circle your left arm out in front of you while placing your right arm behind.
  • On the exhale, try to meet your palms together behind you.
  • Breathe steadily for 20 seconds to a minute – wherever the bind takes you!

10.) Table Top or Reverse Plank Pose:

These stretches act as counter poses after some intense forward bending.

  • Sit with your knees bent.
  • Place each palm behind each hip with fingers pointing toward your feet.
  • Slowly press through your heels and your palms and stretch up by lifting your hips and chest.
  • Also let your head fall back and lift your chin.
  • Your palms should be directly below your shoulders and heels slightly back from your knees.
  • Simply keep your legs straight as you lift your hips and chest up for more of a challenge.
  • Hold each pose 10-30 seconds or longer if you choose.
  • Don’t forget to maintain a normal breath.


I hope you enjoyed this quick stretch that I created, especially for you! Thanks for stretching and flexing with me. I hope you will come back and try a few more classes. We are a Christian yoga ministry after all, so we do not charge for our services. We are blessed to serve you and we are so happy that you stopped bye! Love and light and may peace always be with you!!



BASICS YOGA CHALLENGE FOR BEGINNER’S (gentle yoga to ease into moving with deep breathing)

With over 36 million people in the USA practicing yoga, why not start a yoga practice today in the comfort of your own home? Halleluyah Yoga is here to help you get started!

Join me as we practice some deep, conscious breathing and explore a few very basic Asanas. Asanas are the physical postures that make up yoga. They build our bodies, focus our minds, and challenge us both mentally and physically. They offer us practice at mastering our reactions under stressful conditions. What we learn about ourselves can then be taken off our mats and into our lives.

To wake up our bodies and refresh our minds, I have included some deep breathing in these Asanas. Awareness of your breath will draw your mind to this present moment. A few moments before you begin, clear your mind through deep breathing so that you may enjoy all the wonderful gifts that yoga has to offer!

Grab a mat, towel, and some water; step onto your mat!

1.) Sitting Cross Legged

  • Sit in a simple cross-legged position.
  • Become aware of your sitting bones in contact with your mat.
  • Try to adjust your weight on both of your sitting bones equally.
  • If you have trouble sitting comfortably, move your feet forward and slide your heels apart until you are more comfortable.
  • Try to lengthen your spine by pulling your stomach in.
  • Press your shoulders down while lifting your chin. Feel anchored, grounded and centered in this position.
  • Place your hands on your knees.
  • Now you are ready to just breathe.

A deep breathing tip: Picture yourself taking the biggest, deepest, slowest, and longest inhale imaginable! Start at the bottom of your stomach, and picture your inhale riding up your stomach, through your lungs, chest, neck, mouth, nose, and head. Feel your entire torso lift with this breath as it expands to make room for more breath. At the top of this breath, when there is no more room for any more oxygen, hold it all in for a second or two. Then, slowly let the oxygen release from your head down to your nose, mouth, neck, chest, lungs, and stomach. Give a gentle push out with your stomach at the end of the exhale. Relax for a few seconds and repeat the process again. Then do it a few more times!

2.) Cross-legged Twist

  • Sit up tall.
  • Inhale with a big inhale.
  • As you exhale, begin a slow, gentle twist from your hips to your right side.
  • The end of your exhale should end your twist.
  • You may deepen the twist by placing your left hand on your knee.
  • Relax your breath and come back to the center.
  • Repeat the entire process of breathing and twisting to the left side of the room.
  • Repeat a twist to both sides a few more times!
  • Remember that your exhales will provide more space for you to twist.

3.) Seated Baby Cobra Stretch

  • This exercise is a terrific warm-up for your spine, a shoulder stretch, and a chest opener.
  • Doing this exercise with deep inhales and exhales releases stress, and improves lung capacity and circulation.
  • Seated in your cross-legged position, please place each hand upon each shoulder.
  • Inhale as you lift your chin and stretch back.
  • Exhale, tucking your chin, rounding your back, and rolling your shoulders forward.
  • Repeat the process 5-10 times.

4.) Cross-Legged Side Stretch

  • Your sides need a little love too, so let’s stretch them!
  • Seated in your cross-legged position, please inhale deeply and slowly, extending and lifting your arms overhead.
  • Press your palms together for a second or two.
  • Slowly exhale, lowering your right arm to your mat while reaching over with your left arm.
  • Look forward and try to match your ear to your right shoulder and your left bicep to your ear.
  • Meet your palms together overhead, and then repeat the stretch on your left side.
  • Repeat the process on both sides 3-5 more times.

5.) Child’s Pose

  • Child’s pose is an essential pose in many yoga classes because it’s a retreat back to a safe resting place after practicing more difficult poses. Beginners, as well as advanced students, all benefit from striking this sanctuary of a pose!
  • Sitting on your heels with your knees together, fold forward over your thighs.
  • Rest your forehead to the floor. Extend your arms overhead.
  • Close your eyes and let go of any tension.
  • Enjoy the reassuring massage of your stomach pressing down into your thighs with each inhalation.
  • For high blood pressure, or if your sitting bones stay up too high in the air, rest your forehead on a pillow or towel. Even making fists with your hands and resting your head there will do!


6.) Cat/Cow Pose

  • These two poses will bring awareness and flexibility to the entire length of your spine. They provide a great way to activate your entire body and get your blood pumping!
  • Before we begin, on all fours check to ensure your hands are spread open wide and directly below your shoulders.
  • Your knees should be directly below your hips.
  • Inhale, pressing your palms into your mat, raising your chin, and lengthening your neck. This will provide an arch to your back, making your tailbone lift and stretch. Hold for a moment.
  • Slowly exhale, rounding your back by tucking your chin and your pelvis. Keep moving your chin toward your breastbone.
  • Repeat 10 more times, inhaling and arching your head up. Exhale and tuck inward.
  • Accentuate the stretch so it gets deeper each time.

7.) Seated Forward Fold

  • Stretch out your spine, your hamstrings, and your back in this pose and give your brain a boost by folding forward!
  • Sit with your legs forward.
  • Keep your knees and toes pointing to the sky.
  • Lengthen from your tailbone to the top of your head.
  • Keep equal weight on each sitting bone.
  • Inhale, extending your arms out to your sides and pressing your palms together overhead.
  • Exhale, folding forward over your legs. At first, you may not bend forward very far, but with time your flexibility will improve!
  • Repeat this stretch, inhaling up and exhaling as you bend forward up to 10 times.
  • After you have completed it, remain bending forward and breathing normally. After just a few moments, you may witness yourself bending deeper forward.


I hope you enjoyed this beginner class and may you have an awesome day or night, filled with love and peace. And may peace be with you wherever you may go! (John 20:19)

YOGA FOR STRETCHING AND DE-STRESSING CHALLENGE ( Quick yoga class to stretch and let go of tension)

Build core strength and shine from the inside out with these six quick stretches. Take each exercise slow while breathing deeply. You will invigorate each cell with fresh oxygen while improving circulation, respiration, strength, and flexibility. Lengthen your spine, tone your legs and open up your hips; unwind the knots from sitting at a desk all day!

Liken your body to a star. Stretch and lengthen the body in all directions from the strength of your core and illuminate everything around you. For God said,

“Let light shine out of darkness,” made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.

2 Corinthians 4:6

He counts the stars and calls them all by name.

Psalm 147:4

Billions of shattered diamonds radiate in the blackest of nights. God has perfect, distinct, and exact knowledge of each one, and calls them each by name. The Almighty has created, counts and hangs each one in the exact spot that He chooses. Some Bible scholars liken God’s children to these stars. He has perfect, distinct, and exact knowledge of each one, and calls each of us by name. Every one of us are placed by God in exactly the place He chooses. We shine in the darkness all around us because He gives us, His children, His divine light.

Before you begin, cast all your worries and cares upon Him. That way you can illuminate in your Star Pose stretches! When you are ready, grab a mat, towel, and let’s get started!

1.) Star Pose Stretch

  • Spread your legs out to your sides.
  • Tuck your sitting bones while pulling your belly in.
  • Lift your torso up out of your waist.
  • With a big inhale, lift your chest and gaze upward.
  • Let your palms meet while reaching upward, with your biceps at your ears and your shoulders down.
  • Exhale, release the stretch, and lower your arms.
  • Repeat the stretch up with a big inhale, and release the stretch down with a big exhale for 10 counts.
  • Bring your legs in for more support while you stretch!

2.) Star Pose Forward Fold

  • Lower your torso, folding over your legs.
  • Stretch your arms to your feet and hold your big toe.
  • You may place your head on your mat. Use a pillow, block, or chair for support.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 slow breaths.
  • Again, place your hands on your hips for more support!

3.) Star Pose Twist

  • Place both of your hands forward on your mat.
  • With straight arms, reach your right arm up with your left arm on the mat and palms spread wide.
  • Twist up from your waist.
  • Repeat the twist with your right arm on your mat.
  • Inhale deeply as you raise each arm, and exhale deeply as you lower each arm.
  • Alternate for 10-20 deep breaths.
  • Use a block, chair, pillow or stack some books for an easier version. Don’t forget your deep breathing!

4.) Star Pose Leg Stretch

  • With both your hands forward on your mat, walk them over to your right foot.
  • Inhale in the middle, and exhale as you stretch over your leg.
  • Repeat each side for 10 stretches on each side.
  • You can continue to use a block, chair or stack of books for each stretch.

5.) Wide Legged Star Pose Stretch

  • If possible, lower to your elbows
  • Keep your legs straight and stretch for 10 deep breaths!
  • You may use a block, chair and books for help as you stretch!

6.) Extended Leg Squat

  • Bend your right leg.
  • Stretch your left leg out to the side.
  • Breathe deeply for 10 breaths.
  • Place your hands in prayer pose if possible, or keep them in front of you on your mat for support.
  • If you can, wrap your right arm around your right leg while slipping your left arm in the back up to meet it.
  • Exhale; it will create more space for you to wrap.
  • Breathe deeply for 10 counts.
  • Repeat the Extended Side Squat using your left leg for support.

yoga on and shine!

PEACE AND FLEXIBILITY YOGA STRETCHING CHALLENGE ( A calm peaceful yoga class of deep stretching for flexibility)

The benefits of stretching our wonderfully made bodies can be pretty incredible. Muscles loosen, blood flows, circulation improves, and our range of motion gets better. Joints, ligaments and tendons become well lubricated, while chronic pain and arthritis can actually improve over time. Stretching offers a sense of well being too. Stretching deeply and breathing deeply while you stretch helps your body release pent up stress and tension. Less stress is more peace. Peace is more calm.

Yoga is definitely a great de-stresser. But for true heart and soul peace… God tells us that it is possible to have a peace that surpasses human understanding! (Philippians 4:7) And, if we keep our minds on Him, He says He will give us “perfect peace.”(Isaiah 26:3) Even in a raging storm we can still have peace. (Psalm 107:29) Belief in what God is saying to us enables us to have what He is saying. May peace be with you, as you stretch and flex!

The ten yoga stretches below, target big muscle groups for a deep release. Simply start your stretch at the place that is right for you and take it from there. Complete this yoga workout on a regular basis and your flexibility will greatly improve. Remember that detailed instruction is always provided for every Halleluyah yoga workout, whether you are a beginner or seasoned yogi master!

1.) Cross Legged Stretch 

Sit cross legged. Then inhale deeply, stretch your arms up, and press your palms together in a prayer pose. Slowly release your arms with a deep exhale, lowering them to your mat. Repeat 10 times. If you like, on your inhales breathe in God’s peace. On your exhales, release your care worries fears and doubts to God. Don’t rush; just breathe.

2.) Side Stretch

With a big inhale, stretch your arms up once again. This time, with a deep exhale, stretch your arm to the side. Try to let your elbow drop to your mat. Stay stretching and breathing for 5-10 deep breaths.

Continue stretching to the side and extend your leg to the side. Bending your extended leg is perfectly fine. Do what is best for you! Continue stretching to the side for another 10 deep breaths.

Come back to a cross legged position. Then repeat the process on your other side.

3.) Butterfly Stretch

Press the bottom of each foot together. Pull your feet as close to your body as possible. Stretch and breathe for a few counts. If the stretch is too intense, simply move your feet forward until it feels good.

Now inhale deeply, arch your back, lift your chest, and stretch your neck and head.

Now exhale deeply, round your shoulders and back forward while stretching over your feet. Try stretching your head to your feet. Repeat the process at least 10 times with deep breathing.




4.) Wide Legged Stretch

Extend your legs to each side. Lower your torso. If possible, stretch your arms out to the sides. Breath deeply and linger in this position, which will allow you to stretch deeper. You can always keep your knees bent and and legs out to the front more than the sides if you cannot extend your legs out all the way

Try walking your hands out or lean on your elbows. 1-3 minutes in this position will seriously improve your flexibility and bring a sweet calmness to your body. You may even realize after a few minutes in this position that you can stretch a little deeper!

After you linger, stretch to each side. Try to get your face to your knee and your hands behind the bottom of each foot. Now linger here with deep breaths and then switch sides. Continue switching sides and breathe for 10-20 stretches each side.

When you are finished, release your legs and shake them out.


5.) Seated Forward Fold

Sit with your legs extended forward, with palms together and index fingers sticking straight up. Inhale deeply, stretching over your extended legs. Try to lead with your chin. Exhale, grasping your feet if you can. Bend your legs if you can’t hold them straight. Repeat the process at least 10 times. After this, fold forward one more time and stay there for a few deep breaths.

6.) Body Hug

Lie back, pulling your knees to your chest. Wrap your arms around your legs and give your entire body a big hug.

You can release your body hug and stretch out on the floor with a deep inhale. Then exhale and pull your body in again, giving it a big hug! Repeat a few more times. Lift your head if you can. Roll around in this ball if it feels good, massaging your spine and back.

If you cannot hug your knees in, bend them into your chest as far as you can.

7.) Bridge Lifts

Lie flat and bend your knees. Pull them toward your back if you can. Grasp your ankles. Inhale deeply while lifting your sitting bones as high as possible. Even one inch is a great starting place! Exhale deeply and slowly lower your sitting bones. Repeat this 10-15 times. Go slow.

When you are finished, try one more time to lift your sitting bones up. Stay here for 10 deep breaths if possible.

8.) Happy Baby Pose

Lie flat and raise your feet. Try to grasp each one or grab your ankle or calf. Then pull them down from your heels as far as possible. Breathe deeply for 10 counts. Now have some fun by rolling around while holding your feet. It will also massage your spine and back.


9.) Reclining Split Stretches

Hug your knee into your chest as best you can. Breathe deeply for a few counts.

Grasp your leg where you can and pull your knee down.

If you can, pull your foot down. Lift your head to meet your knee. Breathe deeply for a few counts.

Do the whole process with your other leg.

Remember that your current ability to stretch is perfect for you. Just keep practicing, and with consistent stretching you will see your flexibility increase!

10.) Reclining Spinal Twist

Lie back and bend your knees. With a big inhale, let your knees fall to the side. Keep your shoulders on your mat with arms extended to the sides. Breathe deeply here about 5-10 times. Come back to the middle with knees up. Repeat on your other side.

I hope you enjoyed this stretch!

Peace be with you always!

TREE POSE EXPERIMENT MINI CHALLENGE ( 3 Tree pose postures for improving focus and balance both on and off the mat)

Approaching hard movements with ease on our mats enables us to take a calm approach to hard situations in life. Of course, there will always be stresses and challenges in life, but what matters most is how we respond to them. Then we can apply what we learn and move forward with grace and peace.

I have designed a quick and simple Tree Pose experiment to help each of us discover, in our own way, just how we measure up to the challenges of life. The experiment will also help us to focus, build strength, and help with better balance, enhancing our entire yoga practice as well as our daily life.

Below you will find 3 Tree Pose variations, all of which involve balancing on one leg without putting your foot down.

Remember to breathe. Also remember that:

Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you react to it.

Charles Swindoll


What consumes your mind controls your life.

Proverbs 4:23

For best results on and off our mat, let us focus on God and not our circumstances. Fixing our eyes on the prize will provide true, lasting health and wellness!

1.) Praying Tree Pose

Slide your left foot as high as you can up your right leg. Stand tall with your shoulders down, neck long, stomach pulled in and palms pressed together. Keep your head forward and your eyes locked on an object in front of you – it doesn’t matter what it is, just focus on it. Keep a steady breath and do not look to the sides. Hold this pose for 10-30 seconds, or 1-3 minutes for more advanced yogis.

To make all these exercises easier, place your foot on your ankle, calf, knee or lower thigh.

Do not move. Proceed to number two, High Praying Tree Pose.

2.) High Praying Tree Pose

Do not lower your leg. Once you feel comfortable, slide your hands up over your head. Hold this pose for 10-30 seconds, or 1-3 minutes for more advanced yogis. Do not move again. Proceed to number three, Eagle In a Tree Pose.

3.) Eagle In a Tree Pose

Once you have completed step 1 and 2, begin number 3 by holding your arms out in front of you with bent elbows. Now slide your left hand under your right elbow. Then swirl it up your arm until your palms meet (or as high as it will go). Hold this pose for 10-30 seconds, or 1-3 minutes for more advanced yogis.

A few questions we can ask yourselves once we have completed the experiment:

What did we focus on?

Where were our eyes?

Did we move our heads?

Did we move with ease or did we wobble, sway, lower our foot, or fall?

Did we keep a steady breath?

Did we hold our breath at any time? If we did, then when?

When we thought of moving to the next position, what happened?

Was it hard to be still?

Did we focus on how hard or easy it was?

Did we focus on everything around us?

If you enjoyed this experiment, up the challenge by doing it in the middle of busy places. Try to stand on rocks on the shore with waves flowing in and out. How about in the office, airport, church, library, party, sidewalk, or park? You choose! Perhaps you will see how you react to stress when it comes along.

keep calm

and yoga on!





Everybody can always use a good laugh!

Science is now proving that laughter is actually good for your health! So, get your giggles on, because laughter has many beneficial effects on the human body!

For starters, laughing may help you live longer, according to recent research published in the Archives of General Psychiatry. Optimistic elderly people who expect good things to happen were less likely too die sooner than most pessimistic people. In the study, the 65-85 year old participants who were the most optimistic were 55% less likely to die from all causes than pessimistic people.

Researchers also found that laughter actually boosts the immune system, increasing the number of antibody-producing T cells. When you laugh, you activate them. They are special immune systems cells that fight sickness and disease. After a good laugh, you should be far less tense and anxious as well because the level of at least four stress related hormones decreases.

Regular laughing is like getting a gym membership for your heart. Laughter has been found to benefit the way blood flows around the body, reducing the likelihood of heart disease and stroke. People who laugh regularly have lower blood pressure than the average person. 15 minutes of laughter a day is important for your heart as 30 minutes of exercise, 3 times a week. Laughing burns as much calories per hour as walking a slow to moderate pace!

A British study shows how just 15 minutes of laughter can increase pain tolerance by around 10% as a result of endorphins being released in the brain. Endorphins are the feel good chemicals. The effect is similar to morphine, only more powerful and there are no side effects.

You might not believe it, but laughing can torch calories. Laughing actually raises the heart rate and speeds up metabolism. A good belly laugh exercises the diaphragm, contracts the abs and even works out your shoulders, leaving muscles more relaxed. Laughing 100 times is the equivalent to 10 minutes on the rowing machine or 15 minutes on an exercise bike!

Laughter is contagious. Laugh more and make yourself and everyone around you happier and healthier!

After all, God did tell us in His Word that, “A merry heart is good medicine!” It’s found in the book of Proverbs, chapter 17, verse 22.

Laugh more and yoga on!

Lotsa Love, Penny xxoo


Just me, my grand nephew Cole and my little sister Kel at McDonald’s! Don’t you wear wax lips and do a selfie, evah?!


Join me in this quick stretch to loosen up your tense muscles and get a new perspective on stretching!

If we are willing, we can stretch ourselves to achieve great things – but God has better for every one of us!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding.

Proverbs 3:5-6

For with God nothing shall be impossible.

Luke 1:37

Do you remember? Peter walked on water. Sarah gave birth at age 90. Mary was a mother with out knowing a man. Jesus’ disciples fed over 5,000 people from one kid’s lunch. Moses parted the entire Red Sea for the Israelites to cross. Little boy David killed an armored giant with a stone. Daniel a slept all night in a den of lions. Deborah saved a nation. The list goes on!

Though the people of the Bible were just normal people, they did amazing things! But they had one thing in common: they were stretched! Day by day, year by year, little by little, God stretched their faith. At the point when they were fully able to rely on Him, God blessed them; they accomplished above and beyond what they could possibly imagine!

Now is your opportunity to go deeper in your yoga practice with these Asanas below. Remember to breathe deeply, this will relieve stress and tension, allowing you to stretch deeper. I know God is stretching me – where might God be stretching you?

1.) Standing Stretch

Start by standing tall with your abs pulled in, your butt tucked under, your chest lifted, your shoulders down and your neck lengthened. Lift your arms to the sides, inhale deeply, and stretch them up. Exhale deeply and lower your arms. Repeat 5-10 times, depending on how much time you have.

2.) Forward Bend

In this stance, when you exhale down, extend your torso over your legs. Whereever your hands land on your legs is the perfect place for you. Once you feel comfortable in the Forward Bending stretch, put your left hand near, in front of, or touching your right foot. Stretch your right arm up and gently twist. Repeat on your other side. Stretch each side 5-10 times.

To make it slightly easier, bend your knees. You can also play around with your legs by bending each one separately.

Do number 3-8 with your right leg forward. Then do number 3-8 with your left leg forward.

3.) Intense Pose Reverse Praying Hands

Extend your right leg to the side with your toes pointed. Slightly turn in your left toes. Press your palms behind your back in a praying positio,n lifting the palms as high up your back as you can go. Stretch your entire torso back with a deep inhale. With a deep long exhale, extend your torso out and over your front leg. Lead with your chin. Stretch as far as you can go in this position.

You can always step your back leg in to make it easier, or slightly bend both legs. You can also place your hands on your hips, or clasp your wrists in back instead of the reverse prayer hold.

4.) Intense Pose Stretch

Once you can no longer hold the Reverse Prayer Position, release you hands and stretch deeper over your leg. Try to get your head to touch your knee and breathe deeply, for up to 10 counts.

Step your back leg in for less intensity and slightly lean forward to make this pose less challenging.

5.) Deep Lunge Pose

Bend your right knee. Place your hands on your mat on each side of your foot. Step your back leg in for less intensity, or place your knee on your mat. Breathe deeply for up to 10 counts.

You can always bend your back leg for less intensity or place your hands on your thigh.

6.) Lunge Pose Twist

Raise your right arm and look up. Stretch that body. Hold for 5-10 deep breaths.

Bend your back knee if it becomes too challenging.


7.) Deep Lunge Stretch

Drop your back knee to the mat. Stay here and breathe deeply for up to 10 counts. If you can, grasp your foot; stretch and hold this position for 5-10 breaths.

Take it farther by lifting your forward arm up and pulling your foot to meet your sitting bones. Breath 10 long and deep breaths again!

8.) Bended Knee Prayer Position

Place both your hands on each side of your foot and slide your knee below your sitting bones to come out of the intense stretch. Then bring your palms together. You are ready to pray!

Sit and breathe for a few moments. Enjoy the rewards that any kind of stretching can bring!

Let me know how it goes…

yoga on



YOGA FOR A DEEPER SLEEP CHALLENGE BECAUSE YOU MATTER ( Yoga before bed to calm and restore your nervous system for a sweet sleep)

In need of a few Zzz?  Back aching? Feeling stressed? Perhaps you find yourself in an overwhelming situation. Don’t fret! Instead do something good for you. Because You matter, and you deserve to feel great! After all, you got status: you matter not only to your family and friends, but the King of the world! You believe that Jesus died for your sins, You are a “VIP ” according to Heaven! So today, let’s treat ourselves like the people that we really are! Let’s honor our King by celebrating His magnificent masterpiece: You!

In this Quick Fix Yoga Segment, we’ll do the soothing restorative yoga pose, “Legs Up a Wall!” It will calm your nervous system, ease muscle fatigue, drain tension, improve digestion, and move stuck or stagnant fluids. It also will trigger your relaxation response, thus slowing your heart, breath and brain waves, promoting a peaceful, blissful state. The soothing benefits of this yoga pose grow deeper the longer you can stay in it. Try for 5 minutes at first, but if you can go longer, by all means stay as long as you like!

To begin, shift your body near a wall and gently walk your legs up. Rest the backs of your thighs against the wall, which offers a gentle support that deepens the restorative benefits of the pose.

If your thighs cannot get there, then bend your legs and shimmy your hips a little closer to the wall. If you feel strained, come back down and lay before a chair with your legs resting comfortably upon it. If even that is too strenuous, simply lay down on your mat or lay on the floor with your knees bent.

Once you arrive at your perfect resting place position for Legs Up a Wall, you need only to close your eyes, exhale completely, and melt into the pose. Try to inhale and exhale through your nose. Let each inhale draw upon God’s peace. Let each exhale dissolve your cares, worries fears and doubts. Focus only on God’s peaceful and loving words in Isaiah 26:3:

You will keep in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee.

or Psalm 4:8 for a sweet night’s sleep,

When I go to bed, I sleep in peace because Lord, you keep me safe.


Now, scan your body limb by limb, inviting any knots and grips of tension to dissolve away completely. Let your brain drain, relinquishing its hold on obsessive worries and fears that may still linger.  Grow easy and tranquil, grasping after absolutely nothing. Let everything you know about yourself dissolve. Fall beneath the surface of life into God’s quiet stillness.

Invite your breath to deepen. With each quiet exhalation and with every ounce of letting go, fall deeper. Linger in the soothing silence. Dwell in the freedom of surrender and indulge in the tranquility and deep rest of letting go.

Because, You matter!!




Coming at ya from Horseshoe Bay!

There’s something about the beach that compels me to strike a yoga pose. Maybe it’s the sand, or the sun. Maybe the water? No, it’s definitely the gorgeous blue sky! How about it’s all of these things, wrapped up in the sensation that I feel unbounded and absolutely unrestricted. So free! So, why not offer you a yoga sequence that may ignite that “freedom feeling” in you? That is precisely the reason why I choose these yoga poses below: to induce that open, free and easy feeling. These poses will help you to open your heart center, activate your core, free your hip flexors and lengthen your hamstrings. Focus on your breath as you move through these yoga postures; it will increase the benefits of each pose. Your body will love you for it!

If you like, take it a step farther and enhance your yoga workout and your life with meditation upon God’s words.

For God says in His word that,

…if the son sets you free you will be free indeed.

John 8:36

I find the challenge is staying free. Seems everything and everyone wishes to control each of us. It’s usually not intentional, but most of the time routine, habits, culture and even people’s needs and expectations have a way of captivating and imprisoning us. Soon, we’re living for everything else but what really matters. These words from God are a great reminder to us that we are no longer bound by anything or anyone. We were captives once and Jesus came to set us free. And, if we believe Him, we will be free indeed!

Before you begin, take a moment to get into that “beachy” state of mind. Breathing deeply and thinking upon how free you are in this present moment will help. Try to stay present through out the segment and remind yourself daily that freedom is always yours, both on and off your mat!

1.) Intense Side Stretch Pose in Reverse Prayer Hands

It may be a challenge for you to try to get your palms to meet behind your back, but with practice you might do it! It will be worth your efforts too because your heart, back, shoulders, lungs, arms and more will begin to open and built up tension can then release. Remember, less tension boosts energy!

To begin, try to line up your heels with your right foot toes pointed forward and back foot angled slightly. If you feel unsteady, widen the width of your feet. Now, try and press your palms together at your back, and then take a huge breath in (your torso should lift as you inhale). Then, slowly release your breath as you fold over your forward leg. At the end of the stretch where you can go no further, release your hands and let them stretch over your leg.

Once you have arrived at maximum stretch, breath deeply through your nose for 5-10 breaths. Repeat a few more times and try with your left leg forward.

2.)  Lunge Pose

From Intense Pose, simply bend your forward leg and place your hands on your mat for support. Your right foot should be directly below your right knee, hands directly below your shoulders. You may deepen the stretch by extending your back foot away from your body. Breathe deeply through your nose for 5-10 counts. Try to stretch a little farther.

3.) Revolved Lunge Pose

After you have completed your breathing in Lunge Pose, simply lift your right arm up and look up at it. Stretch it as high as it will go and breathe deeply for 5-10 counts again.

4.) Extended Lizard Tail Pose

From Lunge Pose, simply and gently lower your elbows to your mat. Check to make sure your elbows are directly below your shoulders. In the picture, I went for a deeper stretch by extending my forward foot, but you don’t have to do this. You may also lower your back knee to the mat if holding that knee up up is too much of a challenge at first. Breathe through your nose while in the pose for 5-10 counts.

5.) Elbow Plank Pose

From Extended Lizard Tail Pose, pick up your forward foot and swing it around to Elbow Plank Pose.

Or, alternately, lay down and place your elbows on your mat with shoulders directly on top of them. Curl your toes under and lift your body up. Try to breathe deeply and steadily for 10, 30 or 60 seconds. Repeat the process a few more times if you like.


6.) Camel Pose

Come to your knees. Curl your toes under. Let your knees be directly below your hips. Place your hands on your hips. Slowly and gently lean back. If you feel you can go farther back, take it slow and lean back while pressing your hips forward. If you can, let your hands find your heels, but only if it is comfortable for you. Maybe touch one hand, then maybe come up and do touch the other one. Do whatever feels good and right for you! Any pain always means stop immediately!

If you are able to stretch farther, uncurl your toes and hold both heels while pressing your hips forward. Breathe deeply for however long that you can. Start with 3 breaths through your nose only and work up to more.

When you have completed each pose on each leg, lie down and let healing happen. Realize how truly free that you can be!


