Hi and welcome to this month’s “Yoga with Penny!”

With the uncertainty in the world and the touches of spring everywhere I thought a Child’s Pose might offer a way for us to sit still for a moment and just breathe. A comforting way to help us find some peace and quietness among the chaos that is upon us in these uncertain times. Who knows, we may bloom and come alive again!

Sometimes, our minds and our bodies could really benefit from logging out and shutting down. Focusing instead on positive thoughts and self care can prove extremely beneficial to our health and our well being during stressful times. Our Child Pose then comes to the rescue. Offering a quiet retreat from the world it nurtures us with it’s tension releasing neck, shoulders and back stretch. Adding a few deep inhales and exhales calms our nervous system, enhancing our immunity and providing a state of well-being. Perhaps it is these reasons it is practiced in mostly every yoga class, for it’s continual restoring and reviving properties proving useful for beginner’s and beyond!


Bending forward over our legs we can rest our head on our mats or a pillow for more support. A rolled up towel can also be placed on our heels. Our arms can be placed above or beside us, what ever which way is most comfortable.

Try to inhale deeply and slowly, beginning in our lower stomach area and up through our mouth. Let all our exhales slowly release back down to our stomach. We can remain in our Child Pose for a few minutes and up to five, ten or even twenty minutes. The point is to let our Child’s Pose work for us. For a deeper stretch in the lower back and hips we can spread our knees and lower our torso to our mat or rest it on a pillow.

Although Child Pose is a basic yoga beginner’s position it enables us to build upon, similar to the beginnings of spring when all the new life is silently growing all around us though we cannot see it. For resting in our Child Pose may silently be growing the seeds of all our future yoga poses which are awaiting their time to bloom!

May you be revived and find a little peace and quiet in your Child Pose!

Love and Blessings, Penny!



Go ahead. Indulge yourself. You deserve some “R&R!”

Dim the lights, its nighty night time!

You can practice this one as a whole and a prelude to a wonderful night’s rest.  You may also practice each position when ever you like for a dose of R&R whenever needed.

This Yoga sequence will help you to unravel from your day helping you to relieve built up stress and tension while activating your parasympathetic nervous system, your rest and relaxation state of being. A perfect set up for a wonderful night’s sleep. Oh, and don’t forget to put on something comfortable and perhaps light some candles or burn some incense…

Sweet dreams everyBODY! Pssst… Indulge yourself even more by placing pillows all around you!

Sit Cross-Legged

  • Grab your pillow and place it on your lap. Stretch your arms out and close your eyes.
  • With each inhale, inhale peace. With each exhale, let go of  all your cares, worries and anything that bothers or upsets you. This is your time to unwind. Let everything go. You deserve some peace.
  • Unwind. Relax. Soothe your soul and nurture your body with each breath.
  • Stay here inhaling and exhaling until you are ready. Remember, this is your time.

Stretch to each side

  • Inhale in the middle and then exhale while stretching to each side.
  • Repeat 10 times or so on each side.

An Easy Cross Legged Stretch Forward-for calm and ease.

  • Close your eyes and walk your hands forward and bend and stretch over your legs.
  • Breathe deeply for 10 long deep breaths.

A Forward Fold -with your pillow under your knees.

  • Place your pillow under your knees and gently bend forward. Settle gently into the fold still breathing deeply. Close your eyes thinking only calm and peaceful thoughts. Stay here as long as you like.

A Sweet Baby Pose- to show your body some love!

  • Lie on your back. You can place your pillow under your lower back or rest one on your stomach or wherever it feels best.
  • Now pull your body in and give it a great big hug and breathe deeply while you do.
  • You may find it to be a bit harder to breathe deeply here. But continue to inhale and exhale those deep breaths because you are doing your body a world of good!
  • Deep breathing to relieve stress is backed up by science and squeezing your knees to your chest has a few amazing health benefits as well!

The Amazing Spinal Twist… just say ahhhhh!!!!

  • Oh what a stretch this one is and you can practice it both ways and see which one suits you!
  • Your pillow can be placed under your knees.
  • Or your pillow can be placed to the side for your leg to rest upon.
  • Try to keep your arms stretched out to each side and both your hips facing upward. Once you establish this pick a knee up and let it fall gently to the side.
  • Close your eyes. Breathe. Rest. Relax and soften into the moment and feel the calm coming on. You deserve this time to yourself.
  • Don’t forget to show your other side you care.


Why only use one pillow? Try all three versions of  the comforting Child Pose here and see which one make you feel best while holding and breathing in the position.

  • Sit on your heels, close your eyes and fold over your knees.
  • Stay in the version you like best and breathe deeply for 10 long and deep counts or more.

Legs Up A Wall Pose.

This Yoga Pose is known for it’s calming effects and boasts many health benefits besides getting you ready for sweet dreams. Why not place a bunch of pillows all around you and really go for getting in the sleepy mood!

  • To begin, walk your legs up the headboard of your bed.
  • Or lie on the floor and place them on a chair or wall.
  • The point here is to scoot your behind as close to the wall as possible or comfortably on a chair. A pillow under your lower back may help.
  • Once you have established your perfect position, place a pillow under your head or sides if you like. The point is to get as comfortable as you possibly can.
  • Now just close your eyes, focusing on inhaling deeply and then exhaling deeply. Let go of  your cares and worries in each exhale and inhale peace and life into every cell of your being.
  • Your worth it you know. Your worth being in a calm and peaceful state before bed. Actually, you owe it to yourself. After all, if you don’t take care of you, who will?

I thank you for joining me!

“keep sleepy and yoga on”


The above yoga sequence should to the trick, but if you like, you may indulge and enhance your good nights sleep by thinking the higher thoughts below. For God wants us to sleep because sleep heals our body and God invented sleep and promised to give us a restful and peaceful nights sleep. Especially when we meditate on His peaceful remedy of sleep.

For He tells us…

He will keep us in perfect peace when we set our minds on Him. ( Isaiah 26:3)

And the peace He gives us won’t be like the peace of the world. (John 14:27)

And the peace He gives surpasses all human understanding. (Philippians 4:7)





Join me in this quick “Chair Yoga Challenge” intended to stretch out any stiffness from your joints and muscles and leave you feeling super relaxed in a calm state of mind. Best of all you can practice this Yoga Challenge right in your chair, anytime and anywhere!

Always try to remember to take a few moments to unwind and get your self ready to absorb all the healthy yoga goodness. Slow, deep breathing with your eyes closed will help loosen up your thoughts of the day and get your body relaxed.

I was thinking about Halleluyah Yoga while on our transatlantic cruise and remembering that Halleluyah Yoga can be practiced anytime and anywhere. This Yoga Challenge was shot in the beautiful vast Atlantic Ocean between Portugal and Fort Lauderdale, Florida!. Notice there were life boats just below us which I was very thankful for and of course practicing this sequence calmed my nerves!


1.) Knee to Chest

Pulling your leg in will help with digestion and moving things along!

  • Grab your knee or any part of your leg and pull it into your chest.
  • Breathing steady and slowly will actually help your muscles to relax which allows you to become more flexible, deepening your stretch.
  • Slowly inhale while pulling in your leg and then slowly while still holding it in, exhale and let go. Release those bottled up tensions, stresses, cares, fears and doubts in each of your exhales.
  • With your same leg repeat for 10 long inhales and exhales in your chair.
  • Stay with your same leg pulled in for the next position.

2.) Leg Stretch

  • If possible try to straighten that same leg as best as you can.
  • Even a bent leg is a starting place so be encouraged that  you are practicing yoga in the perfect position for you.
  • Hold your foot or hold anywhere on your leg.
  • Then breathe deeply for 10 long slow counts again, letting anything that bothers you to be released in each exhale.
  • Stay here with your same leg extended for the next position.

3.) Sit Cross Legged

  • Now simply take your same leg and sit cross legged.
  • Bet you didn’t realize that sitting cross legged is actually a chair yoga position beneficial to your health?
  • Sit comfortably here, breathing deeply for at least 10 long and deep inhales and exhales!

4.) Cross Leg Twist

A terrific hip, lower back and core strengthener!

  • Still sitting up tall in your Cross Legged position take a deep inhale in. Then exhale deeply while twisting to your left side.
  • Inhale again as you face forward then exhale as you twist to your right side.
  • Repeat inhaling while facing forward and then exhaling as you twist to each side for 10 twists on each side.

5.) Seated Pigeon Pose

This position will stretch your hips and may relieve back pain. Try to keep the leg on top parallel to the floor. It takes time but every effort along the way helps deepen your stretching, relieving stress and tension throughout your body.

  • With your right leg still crossed over your left leg, slide your right foot onto your left knee.
  • Slowly inhale and exhale deeply for 10 counts.
  • Pushing down on your knee will help you to stretch a little more but be gentle with yourself.
  • Stay here longer if it’s feeling good.

6.) Pigeon Twist

Yes! In Yoga, birds can twist too!

An amazing stretch for your hips and loosening up your lower back muscles that could be the cause of lower back and hip pain. Deep breathing will also help enormously!

  • Still sitting up tall in your Seated Pigeon Position, inhale slowly and deeply and then exhale slowly and deeply as you twist to your right side.
  • Repeat the inhale while facing forward and the exhale as you twist to each side for 10 deep breaths on each side that you twist.

Now it is time to repeat all 6 position using your left leg!

After you have completed all 6 position with each leg it is time to continue on!

7 .) Seated Chair Stretch and Forward Fold

  • With a big inhale interlock your fingers and stretch your arms up.
  • Looking up will also tone your chin. Also, arching your head back will open your chest and shoulders and stimulate your Lymphatic system, the system of bodily fluids that releases toxins stored in your body.
  • Now, with a big exhale fold your body over your legs and touch the floor if you can.
  • Repeat 10 times with inhaling up and exhaling and folding forward over your legs.


8.) Forward Bending Chair Twist

  • Inhale deeply in your fold forward.
  • Exhale, twist and lift your right arm.
  • Repeat the process lifting each arm, inhaling as your folding over and exhaling as your twisting up on each side.
  • Repeat twisting up on each side 10 times.


 9.) Seated Chair Stretch with a Praying Twist

  • With a big inhale stretch your arms up.
  • With a big exhale slowly bring your palms to your heart in a prayer position.
  • Continue pressing your palms together while inhaling again. Then with a big exhale twist to your left side.
  • Repeat inhaling up and then exhaling while twisting to your right side.
  • Continue the process of stretching up and then twisting to the left and then stretching up and twisting to the right for 10 times each side!


10.) Seated Chair Cobra Pose

  • Move forward to the front of your chair.
  • Try to grasp the back of your chair.
  • If you find it to be too challenging place your hands on the chair rest or your hips.
  • Look up as best as you can and breathe deeply for 10 long life giving breaths.
  • Repeat a few more times holding your chair and breathing deeply.


The answer to the above question is “life boats below!”

But hey, aren’t you thrilled that your lifeguard walks on water! John 6:16-20,  Matthew 6:45-56, and Mathew 14:22-36 are all powerful reminders that we need to have faith when we feel like we are drowning in the circumstances that life can sometimes bring. After all, God created the oceans and the seas. I think He’s a little bit bigger than the every and all of problems that could ever befall us.

Thank yourself for taking a moment out of your busy day for some self loving care. Remember to practice this Yoga Challenge anytime and anywhere.Your body will love you for it!

keep calm and yoga on!




Hello Friends and welcome to “Yoga with Penny!”

To begin the New Year, I’m going to teach you a yogic breathing technique called “Alternate Nostril Breathing.” It’s a meditative practice that switches our breath between our two nostrils helping us to manage the stresses of daily life and to become mindful of the present moment. In the book, “What Happened,” Hillary Clinton wrote that she used Alternate Nostril Breathing after her loss in the 2016 Presidential Election to help manage her stress and anxiety.

In studies, this breathing technique has shown to lower participants perceived levels of stress and was significant in lowering blood pressure, heart rate and the respiratory rate. It also improved the functioning of the lungs and the functioning of both sides of our brain. It had a positive effect on mental health by reducing anxiety which naturally promotes a state of well being.

Let’s begin by sitting comfortably anywhere you like. Please take a few moments to close your eyes. Try focusing on your inhales and exhales. For greater results practice this technique daily and for extended moments of time.

To begin:

Take your right hand and bend your forefinger and middle finger into your palm.

Take your right thumb and seal your right nostril.

Inhale deeply through your left nostril for 4 counts.

Seal your left nostril with your ring finger and hold your breath with both nostrils sealed for 4 counts.

Release your right thumb with an exhale of 4 counts.

Inhale deeply through your right nostril for 4 counts.

Seal your right nostril with your thumb and hold your breath with both nostrils sealed for 4 counts.

Release your ring finger and exhale for 4 counts.

Repeat the entire process by inhaling deeply through your left nostril for 4 counts to begin.

If you find holding your nostril with your ring finger is a little tough, simply use your pinkie finger.

If you find holding your breath for 4 counts is a little tough start with 2 or 3 counts and build from there.

Slowing your breath beyond the 4 seconds will slow your body down which will register a message to your brain to move from a stressed state to the calming tranquil relaxation response state.

Sealing the right nostril and breathing with just your left directs oxygen flow to the right brain hemisphere which  also turns on your paras

Thanks for joining me and I hope that the Alternate Nostril Breathing Technique helps you start the New Year calm, relaxed and ready for all the wonderful things the New Year may bring!

keep calm and yoga on!








Hello Friends!

Welcome to “Yoga with Penny!”

This Christmas, give yourself an amazing gift. The gift of Deep Breathing!

Christmas will soon be here and with the hustle and bustle of the season our stress levels tend to rise. I thought a deep breathing exercise may help as it is the fastest way to effectively combat stress. What is  ideal is that we can practice deep breathing any time we may feel a little stress or anxiety coming on right where we are. Not just on our yoga mats!

Deep Breathing is considered a Super Stress Buster because it triggers our parasympathetic nervous system. Our parasympathetic nervous system is the physical state of rest and relaxation. It is responsible for changing our physical and emotional responses to stress. When this state is active our breathing is steady and our body has a chance to relax and heal. Our heart rate also decreases, our blood pressure drops, muscle tensions release and fresh oxygen circulates throughout our body. Dr Herbert Benson, a cardiovascular specialist discovered and coined it, “The Relaxation Response.”

Deep breathing also improves the functioning of our lungs and our lung capacity. Practicing Deep Breathing regularly, can expand our diaphragm muscle and the air pockets within our lungs. Our lungs can then clear away toxins and deliver fresh oxygen to our blood at a greater rate. With this oxygen boost, our body gets the oxygen it needs for proper cell function, energy, and boosts a whole array of other bodily processes.

Let’s begin by sitting comfortably wherever we may find ourselves. Closing our eyes, let’s focus on our breath.

Imagine that from the bottom of our seat we are inhaling into our body, all the precious air that is around us. Let fresh oxygen fill and rise our stomach like a balloon filling with air. It may feel funny at first but continue inhaling, up from your stomach, lower lungs, upper lungs, into your neck and mouth. Feel as though you are inhaling peace, calm and healing. When you are full of air, slowly and quietly release your breath. Starting at your mouth down through your lungs and from your stomach let tensions, stress and negativity release out of your body in your exhale. Repeat the process at least five times and longer for better results.

Incorporating deep breathing a few times a day into your schedule will keep stress and anxiety away and you will soon discover, is the gift that keeps on giving!

Thanks for joining me and we’ll see you next month!


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Yoga contributes relief and healing to many ailments and diseases. Yoga may also contribute to healthier breasts. Although women can benefit, men can also enjoy the energizing and stretching effects of the “Bow Pose!”

I enjoy practicing Bow Pose for the heart and chest stretch. When we stretch our chests we aid our lungs in expanding and thus working more efficiently as they circulate oxygen throughout our bodies more efficiently. More oxygen into our bodies promotes better blood circulation which effects all areas of our bodies, including our Lymphatic System. The Lymphatic System is responsible for gathering and circulating toxins out of our body. It has no pump and relies on muscle movement and breathing to help it work.

According to there are clusters of lymph nodes under our arms, in our necks, as well as more nodes located across our chest, stomach and pelvis. Bow Pose is one little pose that will stretch it all!

Begin Bow Pose by lying on your stomach and then see if you can grab a foot. Start with one hand and then try both.

Now continue the stretch holding your other foot with one or two hands. In each position grab a few deep breaths. If your feeling it, try holding both feet. Give yourself as many deep breaths as possible here!

Remember that everyone starts somewhere. Even the slightest stretch in a Bow Pose will do your body good. With regular practice you will get stronger and begin to see results. You may not even be able to go a day with out a “Bow Pose” like me!

Thanks for joining me!

keep calm and yoga on

xxoo penny

The Peaceful Warrior Pose

Peaceful Warrior Pose. A paradox of peace and power. The perfect opportunity to experience and explore the magnificent strength and presence our bodies can evoke while offering us a chance to absorb the beauty and exhilaration of the present moment. The broad powerful stance of our legs offers a rooted, earthy feel, where the sweeping arm stretching upward provides an uplifting, luminous feeling. Surely a positive way to begin or end any day!

Once you have arrived in your perfect Peaceful Warrior Pose linger a while focusing on your deep breaths. Allow those breaths to calm your body and mind as your parasympathetic nervous system, your rest and relaxation response, kicks in. This lowers your blood pressure thus improving circulation and sending fresh oxygen and happy peaceful hormones through out your body which kick starts the healing process. Be good to yourself and let this luxurious stretch nourish and comfort your body like a warm, bubbly bubble bath or a comfy, soft easy chair.

When you feel all calm and peaceful switch sides. Practice a few more times on each side if you like. Remember, you can always step your back leg in as much as needed for more support.

You can also give your cares or anxieties to the Lord as you practice this pose for deeper, truer, inner peace and wellness. For Paul the Apostle, tells us in the Bible to “give all your cares and worries to God for He cares for you!” (1 Peter 5:7)

I hope you enjoy your “Peaceful Warrior Pose” remember you can do it anywhere and more importantly you can give your cares and worries away to God, any time, anywhere and any place. He’s waiting for you.

see ya next time,


SEATED WIDE ANGLE MINI CHALLENGE( stretch your comfort zone! )

The Seated Wide Angel Posture can be pretty intimidating. I’m positive most people look and think no, not for me.  Yet, it’s considered a beginner’s posture in the world of yoga and pretty easy to do with some terrific health benefits. After a long day of sitting at our desk, car or plane it provides a gentle way to stretch and strengthen our hips, spine and our lower back. Relieving tired over worked legs, it also does a good job easing arthritis pain in our lower body and helps with pain for those who suffer from sciatica.

This posture can also be a mind game. It invites us to stretch ourselves beyond our known potential. It helps us  develop persistence as we commit to stretch each day and patience because it takes time to see results. We may feel vulnerable and exposed at first but as we trust the process we gain confidence in our stretching capabilities. Perhaps it will help us to see that we are capable of more when we step out of our comfort zone. Who knows, maybe we will discover along the way that greater potential was always there contained within us.

While stretching our body, maybe we can stretch our brains around this…

…God has more in store for you than you can even imagine. Ephesians 3:20.


Where ever your stretch takes you, is your perfect starting place. If your body is willing, stretch your legs out to 90 degrees and hang out somewhere around there. Try to keep your knee caps looking upwards rather than letting them roll forward. Check to ensure your sitting bones are firmly on the ground and sit up tall, pulling your belly in. Lift your chin slightly while trying to hold your shoulders down and try to relax your face. Point your toes upward or out to the sides. You can lean forward and rest your elbows on your mat for a deeper stretch.

Try and remain in this pose for 30 seconds to 1-3 minutes for a good strengthening stretch, remembering to breathe deeply. If you would like to stretch a little bit more, below are a few exercises you can practice for deeper stretching. Completed on a regular basis you will gain flexibility!


Now that you are in position inhale deeply while stretching your right arm upward. Exhale slowly, folding your torso over your left leg. Try to get your left ear to your left knee.  Repeat on the other side. Shoot for 10 repetitions on each side with deep inhales in the middle and deep exhales to the sides.


While positioned in your Seated Wide Angle Pose walk your hands forward or stretch them out until you feel a good stretch. Try to lift your torso out of your hips and keep your legs grounded on the floor. Inhale and exhale long and deeply for 30 seconds to 1 minute. As you stay in the pose you may feel your muscles releasing from the pull of the stretch.

Now it’s time to lay down and relax your body. Inhale and imagine your potential is as limitless as the God that created the world. Exhale your restrictions, limitations, boundaries, fears, doubts, and disbelief. Breathe. Trust. Know that You are capable of amazing things yet to be discovered!

thanks for joining me,


Camel Pose ( inner and outer heart opener)

Considered a back-bending pose in the world of yoga Camel Pose bends over backwards offering up serious health benefits. Stretching our entire body it opens up our chest area and expands our rib cage. As we breath deeply into this pose we send a fresh supply of oxygen to all parts of our body releasing pent up stress and tension. Our nervous system enters a state of calm, our minds are cleared and blood gets pumping. A drop in blood pressure may even result.  Energy spent on battling stress is now able to flow to other areas in our bodies and our mood instantly improves.

Camel Pose also stretches our insides too by exposing the part of our bodies we try so hard to protect, our hearts. To move into a Camel one has to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. Leaving one’s comfort zone is never easy. It takes courage to leave the known for the unknown. But you know the saying, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” That’s called faith!




1.) To begin…Start in a kneeling position. Align your hips over your knees. Place your hands on your hips. Now gently and slowly lean backwards by pressing your thighs, knees, and feet to your mat. Lift your chest by squeezing your thighs together, which will create length in your lower back and hips. Place your hands on your back hips. Keep your inner elbows pressing toward one another and downward. This will encourage your chest to lift and open. Remain here and breath deeply. When you are ready slowly come forward by rounding your shoulders and sitting back on your legs. Breath deeply again to absorb all the healthy Camel goodness.

2.) If you are able to continue…slowly reach back by running your hand down your leg. If you feel any discomfort, stop immediately. But, if you are able, rest a hand on your heel as you extend your other arm up over your head. Breathe deeply here for a few counts then rest your other hand on your heel extending your other arm.

3.) As you go for the full Camel Pose…Gently release both hands to rest on your heels by drawing the inner elbows toward each other and rolling your shoulders back. Try to keep a steady breath as it will relax you and then you will be able to go deeper in the stretch. Invite your heart to rise upward. Press your entire body out in all directions. Breathe, melt, surrender. Open up into Camel Pose and let your body sing “Halleluyah!”

thanks for joining me

keep calm and yoga on



The beautiful and elegant Triangle Pose, captivating us with it’s clean lines and raw simplicity. Yet moving into this posture we find that simple can be hard and clean can be messy. Mainly because the stress and tension of living in this fast paced modern day world, expresses itself through our rigid and tensed up bodies. Is it any wonder that more than  75% of all doctor office visits are stress related ailments and complaints and that chronic stress is linked to the six leading causes of death? Fortunately, yoga provides a moment for our body to speak, revealing tensions we are holding through our muscles. If our minds are willing we can then release those tensions and let it go. On good days we bring that mindset to our mats. Other days we forget. Sometimes all we do is struggle. But we know when yoga is working when some days we let things go in our daily lives!

Of course letting go and letting God take the reins of our lives is the ultimate stress reliever. It’s hard to give up control though. And scarey. Too many “what ifs” pop up in our heads. But the Creator of everything who calls Himself our Father must know what is best for us.

He tells us in Isaiah 26:3 that…  He will keep us in perfect peace when we remain focused on Him.

Do something good for you. Sit quietly and close your eyes. Know that you are here in this present moment with no worries. Just breathe. When you are ready do a Triangle Pose, directions below!



Extend your arms out to your sides. Stretch your legs out to the sides with each foot directly under each hand. Turn your right foot slightly in and move your left foot toes to face the right side.

Inhale deeply from the bottom of your stomach pulling your torso upward. Exhale deeply extending your torso out and over your forward left leg.

Place your left hand on your mat next to your foot on either side. You may also place it on your thigh, knee or ankle for a less challenging approach or on a chair.

Stretch your right arm up. Try to look up at your hand. You may feel your chest, shoulders and collar bone open up. Breath deeply for 10 seconds to 1 minute. Try to maintain this position thinking only of your inhales and exhales. You may then feel your body stretching deeper as tension and stress release.

Repeat on your right side.

You may also bend your forward knee slightly if it feels too tight. Or step your back leg in a little. Use a chair, table or a counter for added balance and support.

peace and love
