The threat of Alzheimer’s Disease sometimes creeps around in my head. More and more people are being diagnosed with it and we hear more about it with each passing day. Multiply all that with the fact that my Dad and his two sisters suffered with the disease for many years, and one can’t help but shiver. That’s probably the reason why the brain is so fascinating to me. Though as small as a grapefruit, it stores all the information of what makes You, You! That’s why we gotta keep our brains in tip top shape. Eating, moving, thinking, and exercising all have a part in promoting a healthy brain. However, Scientists are discovering that yoga can help too.

It turns out that the happiness we feel after yoga class isn’t just in our head. Using brain scans, scientists can now prove that yoga actually changes our brain chemistry. Sat Bir Singh Khalsa, Ph.D., an assistant professor at Harvard Medical School, has spent more than a decade gathering research on yoga and its scientific effects on the mind. In his book, Your Brain on Yoga, he outlines what really happens in that head of yours after an hour of a Vinyasa flow.

1.) Your brain gets flooded with feel-good chemicals.

During yoga, your levels of gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA) spike up significantly. After three studies, they found the chemical GABA rose in the yogis by 27%. This chemical is associated with decreasing anxiety and improving moods.You also get dopamine and serotonin, chemicals that help you feel more relaxed and ready to handle stressful situations.

2.) Your cortisol levels drop.

Cortisol is the VIP  hormone that helps your body respond to stress. When you are stressed, it activates the brain amygdala, also known as the fear center, and shrinks the pre-frontal cortex, which manages self control and discipline. After a comprehensive test in Germany, scientists discovered that even the subject’s saliva contained less cortisol after just one yoga class. The hormone cortisol is also responsible for regulating a wide range of processes through your body, so it is imperative that it stays in check.

3.) Your brain even grows in size.

It’s safe to say that your brain has alot to gain from bending and stretching. Using MRI scans and control groups found that with yoga practiced during the week, certain areas of the brain were enlarged. The mental map of your body, the somatosensory cotex (stress) and the hippocampus (the anxiety and stress reliever) were both larger in the heads of yogis compared to those that did not hit the mat. Other areas, which help you concentrate and enhance a greater self image, grew in size as well.

4.) The gray matter density in your brain changes.

The gray matter in your brain is part of your nervous system. It’s main duties are taking care of muscle control and sensory perception like hearing, seeing, and remembering. After a 2 month long test, using a combination of yoga and meditation at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard researchers determined that the part of your brain that lowers stress had a much denser gray matter. These changes in gray matter they stated, encouraged people to relax more and be able to enjoy life in general.

5.) Improves your neural processing or sharpens your memory.

Cortical folding, known in the medical community as gyrification, occurs in the cerebral cortex when you meditate and do yoga on a regular basis. The more folds you have, the better your neural processing is. Researchers found that gyrification might even offset age-related cortical thinning. That means you could keep a youthful brain much longer. Sharper and a more youthful brain by just doing yoga? I’m in!

6.) Your parasympathetic nervous system is activated. This chills, calms and relaxes you!

The parasympathetic nervous system is the “rest and digest” part of your body. Activated, it relaxes your brain and sends you into a “chill out” mode. Blood is directed toward endocrine glands, digestive organs, and lymphatic circulation, while your heart rate and blood pressure are lowered. It is the opposite of the flight or fight (sympathetic) nervous system response.

Even more fascinating than our brains on yoga is the one who actually created our brains. Though doctors and scientists have been studying the brain for a long time, much of the brain still remains incomprehensible. However, our Heavenly Father knows everything about us because He created us. He didn’t just leave us to figure out how to maintain the best possible lifestyle either. He gave us verses of Scripture in maintaining our health from the inside out, with all of His Power and strength from Heaven above.

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb.

Psalm 139:13

What ever is true, what ever is noble, what ever is honest, what ever is just, what ever is pure, what ever is lovely, what ever is commendable, what ever is excellent…if  anything is worthy of praise, think on these things.

Philippians 4:8

Haven’t you known?

Haven’t you heard.

The everlasting God, The Lord, The Creator of the ends of the world, doesn’t faint.

He isn’t weary.

His understanding is unsearchable.

He gives power to the weak.

He increases the strength of him or her who has no might!

Isaiah 40:28-29










BREATHING WARM UP YOGA CHALLENGE (Seated breathing exercises to begin each yoga class or for a quick pick-me-up/stress buster)

Join me for a quick pick me up/stress reliever. Or take 5-10 minutes before each Yoga Challenge to complete this. It will fire up your body, boost your energy, relieve stress, and get you focused and ready for your workout!

Below you will find 9 basic exercises with focused deep breathing. Breathing with movement will improve your circulation, remove toxins from your body, and keep your body running on optimal!

You can also fill your lungs with the peace of God as you breathe and soar above circumstances that may be weighing you down. Let go and enjoy the ride, for God says that,

…those that hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles.

Isaiah 40:31

Eagles fly the strongest, swiftest and highest of all birds. They are also dependent upon storms and high winds – it’s what makes them soar!

1.) Cross Legged Breathing Meditation

Try to surrender all thoughts. Give up your cares, worries, doubts and fears.

Meditate on the Bible verse as you inhale and exhale slowly, deeply and deliberately.

Focus and breathe for 5-10 long deep breaths. Have fun and really try to remember to inhale and exhale, deep, strong and long!

When you are ready, proceed to the next exercise.

2.) Neck Stretch

Sit up tall.

Make sure your hips are on top of your sitting bones with your stomach pulled in, face relaxed, neck long and shoulders pressed down.

Take it slow and inhale like you are pulling all the air around you into your lungs.

Exhale slowly, turning your head to the right.

Repeat on each side, slowly inhaling in the middle and slowly exhaling as you turn your head for 5-10 times each side.


3.) Arm and Upper Body Stretch

Deeply inhale, lifting your arms slowly up from your sides.

Look up for a deeper stretch. Hold it for a few moments.

Slowly exhale, gently releasing your arms to the mat.

Repeat for 5-10 long, deep, slow breaths.

4.) Seated Side Stretch

Inhale slowly lifting your arms up from the sides, just like #3 above.

Exhale, gently leaning over to the side.

Repeat for 5-10 deep, slow breaths on each side.


5.) Neck, Shoulder, Heart Opener

With hands clasped behind your head, inhale deeply.

Exhale deeply, folding forward. Round your torso as you fold.

For a deeper stretch, inhale again and slightly lean back. Push your chest forward while your elbows back, and look up.

Repeat with the inhales, stretching up and back with the exhales rounding forward. Repeat the process for 10-25 deep breaths. Try it 1-3 minutes and see how you feel! Go slow and stretch!

6.) Neck and Shoulder Side Stretch

With hands clasped, inhale deeply while stretching up.

Exhale deeply, folding gently to alternating knees for 10-25 or longer deep breaths.

7.) Intense Side Stretch

With hands clasped, inhale and stretch up like #5 again.

Exhale, lean over to your side, and touch your elbow to your knee, if possible.

Repeat with big inhales in the middle and big exhales out to the sides for 10-20 deep breaths each side.

8.) Seated Eagle Arm Stretch

Bend both elbows out in front of you.

With a normal breath, slide your left hand under your right elbow. Let that hand continue sliding up and around your right arm. Your palms should meet.

Hold for 5 long inhales and exhales. Remember to keep your shoulders down, neck long and back straight.

Repeat with right hand sliding under your left elbow and circling your arm.

9.) Cross Legged Forward Stretch

Inhale deeply, keeping your back straight, shoulders down, neck long, and your stomach pulled in.

Exhale, slowly folding forward. For a deeper stretch, lead with your chin as you fold, keeping your back straight.

Slowly, and with deep inhales and exhales, repeat the process up to 10 times.

You can walk your hands out and lower your head for an even deeper stretch!

Breathe deeply and yoga on!





Join me in this quick stretch to loosen up your tense muscles and get a new perspective on stretching!

If we are willing, we can stretch ourselves to achieve great things – but God has better for every one of us!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding.

Proverbs 3:5-6

For with God nothing shall be impossible.

Luke 1:37

Do you remember? Peter walked on water. Sarah gave birth at age 90. Mary was a mother with out knowing a man. Jesus’ disciples fed over 5,000 people from one kid’s lunch. Moses parted the entire Red Sea for the Israelites to cross. Little boy David killed an armored giant with a stone. Daniel a slept all night in a den of lions. Deborah saved a nation. The list goes on!

Though the people of the Bible were just normal people, they did amazing things! But they had one thing in common: they were stretched! Day by day, year by year, little by little, God stretched their faith. At the point when they were fully able to rely on Him, God blessed them; they accomplished above and beyond what they could possibly imagine!

Now is your opportunity to go deeper in your yoga practice with these Asanas below. Remember to breathe deeply, this will relieve stress and tension, allowing you to stretch deeper. I know God is stretching me – where might God be stretching you?

1.) Standing Stretch

Start by standing tall with your abs pulled in, your butt tucked under, your chest lifted, your shoulders down and your neck lengthened. Lift your arms to the sides, inhale deeply, and stretch them up. Exhale deeply and lower your arms. Repeat 5-10 times, depending on how much time you have.

2.) Forward Bend

In this stance, when you exhale down, extend your torso over your legs. Whereever your hands land on your legs is the perfect place for you. Once you feel comfortable in the Forward Bending stretch, put your left hand near, in front of, or touching your right foot. Stretch your right arm up and gently twist. Repeat on your other side. Stretch each side 5-10 times.

To make it slightly easier, bend your knees. You can also play around with your legs by bending each one separately.

Do number 3-8 with your right leg forward. Then do number 3-8 with your left leg forward.

3.) Intense Pose Reverse Praying Hands

Extend your right leg to the side with your toes pointed. Slightly turn in your left toes. Press your palms behind your back in a praying positio,n lifting the palms as high up your back as you can go. Stretch your entire torso back with a deep inhale. With a deep long exhale, extend your torso out and over your front leg. Lead with your chin. Stretch as far as you can go in this position.

You can always step your back leg in to make it easier, or slightly bend both legs. You can also place your hands on your hips, or clasp your wrists in back instead of the reverse prayer hold.

4.) Intense Pose Stretch

Once you can no longer hold the Reverse Prayer Position, release you hands and stretch deeper over your leg. Try to get your head to touch your knee and breathe deeply, for up to 10 counts.

Step your back leg in for less intensity and slightly lean forward to make this pose less challenging.

5.) Deep Lunge Pose

Bend your right knee. Place your hands on your mat on each side of your foot. Step your back leg in for less intensity, or place your knee on your mat. Breathe deeply for up to 10 counts.

You can always bend your back leg for less intensity or place your hands on your thigh.

6.) Lunge Pose Twist

Raise your right arm and look up. Stretch that body. Hold for 5-10 deep breaths.

Bend your back knee if it becomes too challenging.


7.) Deep Lunge Stretch

Drop your back knee to the mat. Stay here and breathe deeply for up to 10 counts. If you can, grasp your foot; stretch and hold this position for 5-10 breaths.

Take it farther by lifting your forward arm up and pulling your foot to meet your sitting bones. Breath 10 long and deep breaths again!

8.) Bended Knee Prayer Position

Place both your hands on each side of your foot and slide your knee below your sitting bones to come out of the intense stretch. Then bring your palms together. You are ready to pray!

Sit and breathe for a few moments. Enjoy the rewards that any kind of stretching can bring!

Let me know how it goes…

yoga on




The world is all stressed out! But you can still have peace!

The American Psychological Association states that chronic stress is linked to six leading causes of death and disease: heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis of the liver and suicide. They also state that 75% of all doctor visits are stress related ailments and complaints. The American Medical Association has noted that stress is the basic cause of more than 60% of all human illness and disease. In this chaotic world, how can we not have stress?

What actually happens to our body when we are stressed? It defends itself, of course!Amazingly, God has created us with an entire defense system that turns on as soon as we become stressed. Esther Sternberg, physician and author of several books on stress and healing, explains how it works.

Immediately, our heart rate speeds up and diverts blood away from our guts and to our muscles so we can run away. The pupils of our eyes constrict, so we can keenly focus on our attacker. The bronchii of our lungs increase blood oxygenation and convert energy stored in the liver into fuel for strength and stamina. She also states that if we are stressed for too long, our body starts to release stress hormones and nerve chemicals that we do not want floating around in our body. It is these stress hormones that are so dangerous to our overall health. That is why it’s important to our health to chill out as soon as possible. Perhaps God designed our bodies with that in mind: that we might trust in Him for help.

God’s remedy for stress:

Don’t worry about anything, but pray about everything. With thankful hearts offer up your prayers and requests to God. Then, God will bless you with peace that no one can completely understand. And this peace will control the way you think and feel.

Philippians 4;6-7

Next time you feel stress coming on, give yourself a “Halleluyah Moment!” Drop and give yourself 10 long and deep breaths while meditating on the above verse of Scripture and just breathe… let God take care of it all. Let, “Peace be with you!”



Do you feel it too? All tensed up and nothing to help you?

Sometimes in life your going along and – pow! – you are all tensed up. Well, that’s me today. Actually that’s me all last week. I’m sitting here with achy shoulders that won’t stay down. They disobey my command to relax and quietly try to climb up into my neck all day. Then the neck becomes strained from holding the shoulders up. Tension then rides down my back and takes up space in other places. Sometimes, my ears ring and I feel my face all crinkled up from holding all my body’s tension. My mood is not kind, and fatigue sets in despite my efforts to get a good night sleep. I wonder how I got this way. I can’t imagine why, because I did yoga last week and yoga is my little stress reliever. Thinking upon God while I stretch and flex is my way of breaking up with stress before it becomes a problem. But today is a culmination of a week’s worth of unreleased tension, and I have been trying to analyze why it’s happening to me.

Bing! The light bulb goes on! “I think I know why,” I exclaim to myself… and now to you, because although my body engaged in the yoga I did everyday, my mind did not join me. I rushed through the yoga poses without being fully there. I did not come to the yoga party fully dressed! It’s not that our minds need to be on the mat at all times, but we do need to let our thoughts arise, whatever they may be, so that we can let go of them. Letting each thought that arises go, in the flow of your breath, lets tensions release. Once we let go of any stress in our minds, our stress will disappear in our bodies. That’s the gift of yoga. Our outer world shifts to reflect our new perspective.

We can enhance the gift of yoga by handing over all our cares, worries, fears and doubts to God and really break up with stress. Then make it your practice within your yoga to hand it over to the care and responsibility of Almighty God. Proverbs 4:23, tells us to,

Be careful what you think because your thoughts run your life.

Medical research is just catching up with God’s words from thousands of years ago. Studies and medical research are increasingly proving that you become what you think. I’m thinking that me and stress, yeah, we’re gonna break up!

How about you?


SHOULDER STAND MINI YOGA CHALLENGE (drop the weight from your shoulders)

Shoulder Stand or Sarvangasana. In Sanskrit, Sava means “all” or “entire” and anga means “organ” or “body part”. Thus, you have full body pose. No wonder why it’s touted in the Yoga community as the ”mother of all poses.”

I personally like Shoulder Stand for its health benefits and there are many. Inversions are always extremely beneficial to our heart, lungs, brain, lymph system for starters, but hanging out in one has a deep soothing effect on our nerves too. Plus, it helps digestion and supplies fresh blood to our brains. It also improves our complexion and over time may even reduce our wrinkles. Who can’t use those benefits? It also strengthens and improves many other bodily systems and body parts; the list goes on…

Be very gentle with yourself if you are new to this pose. Go slow and if something doesn’t feel right, stop immediately. Taking Shoulder Stand step by step, as with any yoga pose, will enable you to come back tomorrow.

If you are ready, then let’s begin!

Lie on the floor, with your heels toward your sitting bones and your arms to your sides, palms down.

Inhale, then as you exhale,  press your hands into the floor and lift your hips off the floor, swinging your legs toward your head.

Inhale and then as you exhale, bend your arms, bringing your forearms vertical. Bring your inner elbows as close together as possible. Gently release your hips into your hands.

Press your upper arms into the floor and away from your shoulders. Press your inner elbows toward each other.

Try not to sink your throat and head into the mat to get your hips up. Better to relax your legs and let them release to a comfortable position while working on the motion of raising your hips first for a few tries.

If you are able lift your legs to a comfortable height, press your inner thighs together and flex your feet. Breath deeply here for 30 seconds. As you become more comfortable with this pose, hang out for 1-3 minutes if you can. They say 15 minutes is best. I have never tried it. 4 or 5 minutes seems to work for me.

To lift our body up over our heads for any amount of time is actually quite a feat! Other parts of our bodies reap the rewards of this inverted pose, but our shoulders are the ones that bear all of our weight. I don’t know about you, but my shoulders bear my tension and stress in my life. Sometimes it feels like my shoulders are holding up an elephant! Sometimes it takes days to even realize it. But God never intended us to bear the weight of our stress alone. In fact He says for us to

Give all your worries to God for He cares for you.

1 Peter 5:7




Lie down and relax for a few moments so that your body can absorb all the physical benefits of this pose. Give your cares and worries to God and let Him heal you from the inside out!

Peace and Blessings Always!




What happens to our body when we are stressed? It defends itself, of course!

Amazingly, God has created us with an entire defense system that turns on as soon as we become stressed. Dr. Herbert Benson, a cardiovascular specialist at Harvard Medical School coined it “The Relaxation Response.”  Esther Sternberg, physician and author of several books on stress and healing, explains how it works.


Immediately, our heart rate speeds up and diverts blood away from our guts and to our muscles so we can run away. The pupils of our eyes constrict, so we can keenly focus on our attacker. The bronchii of our lungs increase blood oxygenation and convert energy stored in the liver into fuel for strength and stamina.  She also states that if we are stressed for too long, our body starts to release stress hormones and nerve chemicals that we do not want floating around in our body. That is why it’s important to our health to chill out as soon as possible. Perhaps God designed our breathing system with that in mind: that we might trust in Him for help.

Next time you feel stress coming on, drop and give yourself 10 long and deep breaths. Chill and meditate on this verse of Scripture and just breathe… let God take care of it all!

More ” Halleluyah Moments ” please!



Can’t sleep? Your not alone. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention an estimated 50-70 million U.S. adults have a sleep disorder. Less sleep equals more stress, and at the physical level your body doesn’t get enough time to repair. A Harvard University study on yoga and sleep found that those participants who consistently practiced yoga for just 8 weeks enjoyed significantly better sleep in length and slumber. Combine yoga with a calming Bible verse before bed and you got a winning elixir for a sweet sleep!


Below you will find the yoga restorative pose, Legs Up a Wall. This pose will ease stress and calm your mind before bed. Stay in the pose for at least 10 minutes and inhale long and deeply and exhale long and deeply while you meditate on the Bible verse above. To begin, clear your mind by giving every care and worry to God. Then do not let those negative thoughts enter your brain. Instead, be still…



Inhale and focus on God. Exhale and feel your body releasing stress and tensions in the flow of your breath. Continue and don’t worry about a thing. Gently release and relax. Feel loved and have a sweet sleep!