As we grow older, every decade we live we loose 3-5% muscle mass. Most men will loose 30% over their life time. What can we do to maintain or prevent muscle loss? Exercise of course. While all exercise is great, studies show that yoga is a very beneficial in not only building and maintaining muscle mass but reducing the effects of stress from every day living as well as aging. Since stress is linked to the six leading causes of death, yoga can be a terrific anti-aging elixir in maintaining our muscles for life and for aging well!
Begin by sitting quietly and take a few deep breaths. Inhale peace and release your cares worries fears and doubts in your exhales. Stay as long as you wish. This is your time to be good to yourself. You deserve a few moments of self love! How else will you love your neighbor as yourself, if you first don’t love yourself?
Relax and let go. You know that God has got your back! What else is there to worry about?
If God is for us…who can be against us? Romans 8:31
1.) Cat/Cow Stretch
- Start with your palms directly below shoulders and knees directly below hips.
- Slowly tuck your chin and round your back while inhaling pulling your stomach in.
- Then
- Slowly look up arching your back and letting your stomach sink as you slowly exhale.
- Repeat the Cat with a deep inhale and then the Cow with a deep exhale for 10 counts each position.
2.) Wrist Stretch One
- Pick up your hands and face your fingers to the sides.
- Move around a bit stretching both wrists.
3.) Wrist Stretch 2
- Place your fingers so they look at your knees.
- Move around a bit and stretch them.
4.) Wrist Stretch 3
- Make fists and position your fingers so you could look at them.
- Press lightly until you feel a stretch.
- Hold the stretch for a bit.
5.) Tiger Stretch
- Position your body so that hands are below your shoulders and your knees are below your hips.
- Spread your palms wide.
- Gently lift your right leg up behind you.
- Try to keep both your hips equally facing forward.
- Lower and lift your leg 5-10 times.
- Now switch legs.
6.) Plank
- Start with both your knees on the mat.
- Try curling your toes under and lift your hips.
- Breathe deeply for 10 counts to a minute.
- Stay on your knees if it feels too challenging and breathe deeply here for 10 counts up to a minute.
- Ensure your palms are spread wide and directly below your shoulders.
7.) Running Planks
- Try this when you can hold a Plank for a few breaths.
- Simply bring a knee to your chest then alternate legs like you are running.
- If you can, challenge yourself and do 10 or more each leg.
8.) Downward Dog
- Start with your hands directly below your shoulders and knees directly below your hips.
- Curl your toes under and then lift your hips.
- Lower and lift your hips a few times.
- Practice regularly and you will be building strong arms, shoulders, wrists and back.
- If you find you cannot lift your hips right away simply keep trying a little bit everyday and soon one day, it may happen!
9.) Table Top Pose
- Sit with your knees bent and feet on your mat.
- Position your hands behind your hips.
- Gently lift your hips.
- Ensure your hands are directly below your shoulders.
- Arch your head back.
- Inhale as you lift and exhale as you lower a few times.
- Then hold and breathe for 10 deep breaths.
- If you find Table Top to be challenging at first, simply continue to lift and lower your hips because you are still building arm strength even with the tiniest lift!
10.) Tricep Dips
- Once you can hold a Table Top position, simply lower and lift your hips, bending your elbows as you lower and then straightening them as you come up!
- Shoot for 10-20 repetitions but…2 or 3 to start out as well as being able to do 50 reps is awesome!
11.) Body Hug
- Lie on your mat, bring your knees in, wrap your arms around your knees and give your body a great big hug!
I hope you enjoyed giving your body the gift of yoga!
keep calm and yoga on!
xxoo penny