Here are a few tips to help you get started:
- You may find that keeping your eyes fixed upon an object in front of you will help you stay focused.
- You can use a wall or a chair for support.
- You can bend both knees before lifting one leg
- Keeping your knee bent will also make it easier.
- You can put extra weight on the outer edge of your standing foot.
- You can spread your toes and the ball of your standing foot to enhance equilibrium.
- You can use your arms to balance and help stabilize your body like a tight rope walker.
- To increase your strength in each pose, try holding each pose for long periods of time and repeat a few times.
- Taking what you learn in a yoga class off the mat and into your life is what yoga is all about. Add words of wisdom from our Creator and we have a recipe for lasting peace. For God says, don’t dwell on the past. (Isaiah, 43:18-19.) Don’t worry about the future.( Matthew 6:34.) To find soul strength and stability just believe, “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases.” Lamentations 3:22.
1.) Star Stretch
- Extend your legs to your sides to a place that is comfortable for you.
- With a big inhale, extend your arms out to the sides, letting them meet overhead.
- Go slow as you breathe deeply 3-5 more times, inhaling as you extend up and exhaling as you lower your arms.
- On your last exhale, when your arms are extended but at your sides, gently twist and fold over your right leg. Breathe deeply for 3 counts, then come up.
- Repeat the exercise, twisting over your left leg for 3 deep breaths.
- Twist over each leg a total of 3-5 times each breath.
- Pivot your right toes to face your right side.
- Slightly turn your back toes in.
- Keep your heels on the same line if possible.
- Your legs should be straight, but you may bend them for more support.
- The distance between your legs should about two and a half feet.
- If you feel wobbly, find the position where you feel more balanced. The perfect place for you IS the perfect place to start the Triangle Stretch.
- Stretch over your forward right leg with 5 deep breaths.
- Use a table, chair, or wall for support if necessary.
3.) Warrior III
- Stay in Triangle Stretch if you are just starting yoga.
- If you can, lift your back leg off the floor. Even one inch is a great starting place!
- Make sure that both your hips are squared forward.
- Press your palms together. Hold and breathe 5 deep breaths.
- Use a chair, table or a wall for support if necessary.
4.) Warrior II Variation
- Lower your back leg while bending your forward knee.
- Don’t allow your knee to extend beyond your toes.
- The toes of your back leg should turn in slightly.
- Try to get both your hip bones to look forward.
- Extend your arms out to your sides.
- Breathe deeply for 10 counts.
- Lift your forward heel and give your foot a workout!
- Step your back leg if you need more support.
5.) Strong Peaceful Warrior
- Remain in Warrior II Pose.
- Make tight fists.
- Bring your left elbow back as far as you can.
- Extend your right arm up and back. Follow it with your eyes.
- Gazing upward, hold this position for 5-10 deep breaths.
- Put your right leg forward; put your back heel up off the ground.
- Both sets of your toes should face to your right side.
- Clasp your fingers together, with index fingers pointing upward.
- Inhale deeply, then exhale slowly, lowering or dipping your back leg to your mat.
- Inhale as you come up; exhale as you lower for a total of 10 dips.
- Step in for more support and do a quick dip if you can’t do the full dip.
- Step your back leg out, arch your back, and go real slow with many repetitions for more of a challenge.
- For Down Dog, start on all fours. Put your hands below your shoulders, with your knees directly below your hips.
- Slowly press into your hands while lifting your sitting bones up.
- Keep your gaze on your knees.
- You may come down and breathe deeply on all fours if the above is too difficult.
- Walk your legs back, allowing your heels to touch your mat. Bend each leg and breath here for a few counts.
- For Upward Dog, slowly lower your sitting bones while lifting your chin up.
- Try not to let your shoulders and neck sag into one another. Lift your chin and push your shoulders down. Press through the palms of your hands. Keep your arms directly below your hands.
- Move into Up Dog again. Repeat both exercises 3-5 times.
8.) Down Dog Side to Side
- From Down Dog, squeeze your sitting bones.
- Twist from side to side, with legs clasped together, for 10 counts.
9.) Elbow Leg Lifts
- Start on all fours. with your hands directly below your shoulders and your knees directly below your hips.
- Lower to your elbows if you can!
- Lift and lower your left leg 10-20 times.
- Repeat with your right leg.
- Even a lift of 1 inch is a fantastic place to start!
10.) Three Legged Dog Into Half Moon Pose
- Straighten your right leg.
- Extend your left leg up behind you.
- Use a chair, table or wall for support.
- Walk your right hand about one foot beyond your toes.
- If you can, open your left hand and lift it up.
- Your arms should extend directly out from your shoulders.
- Breathe deeply for 10 counts.
11.) Half Moon Stretch
- From your Half Moon Pose, grab your foot (if you can; this is difficult).
- Stretch and breathe here for 10 counts.
- You may always use support if needed.
- Raise your leg just a bit each time when you first start doing this. Over time, you will notice yourself getting stronger and more flexible over time.
12.) Extended Side Angle
- Lower your back leg while bending your forward leg.
- Extend over your forward knee.
- Breathe deeply for 10 deep breaths.
- Step your back leg in for more support.
13.) Forward Bending Stretch
- Shake out your legs
- With feet hip distance apart stretch arms up over your head with a deep slow breath.
- Lace your fingers together.
- Exhale, slowly lowering your arms out in front of you.
- Breathe in again and stretch up and lower again for 5-10 deep breaths.
14.) Tree Pose
- Spread your toes wide while placing your right foot on your mat.
- Place your left foot on your ankle.
- Raise your arms and press your palms together. If this is too difficult, place your hands on your hips instead.
- If you can, raise your left foot up your leg. Resting it on your inner thigh as high as you can.
- Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
15.) Hand to Toe Forward Stretch
- With your left hand, hold your left foot.
- Stretch your leg out in front of you.
- Place your right hand on your hip.
- Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
- Place your hands on your hips and lift your leg forward and breathe.
- Keep your knees bent, or use a wall for support.
16.) Hand to Toe Side Stretch
- Slowly move your leg from the previous position, and out to the side.
- Place your right hand on your hip.
- Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
- Use a wall for support – this is supremely difficult, so don’t expect to get it on a first try. Practice!
17.) Repeat all 16 exercise on your other side.
- Your left leg will be forward this time and you will balance on your left leg.
- You may find each leg will be different, but that’s natural.
Thanks for taking a stand with me. Go forth in strength, balance, and stability!
May peace always be with you!