
Can’t sleep? Your not alone. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention an estimated 50-70 million U.S. adults have a sleep disorder. Less sleep equals more stress, and at the physical level your body doesn’t get enough time to repair. A Harvard University study on yoga and sleep found that those participants who consistently practiced yoga for just 8 weeks enjoyed significantly better sleep in length and slumber. Combine yoga with a calming Bible verse before bed and you got a winning elixir for a sweet sleep!


Below you will find the yoga restorative pose, Legs Up a Wall. This pose will ease stress and calm your mind before bed. Stay in the pose for at least 10 minutes and inhale long and deeply and exhale long and deeply while you meditate on the Bible verse above. To begin, clear your mind by giving every care and worry to God. Then do not let those negative thoughts enter your brain. Instead, be still…



Inhale and focus on God. Exhale and feel your body releasing stress and tensions in the flow of your breath. Continue and don’t worry about a thing. Gently release and relax. Feel loved and have a sweet sleep!