Praise God Do Yoga!

What better way to start our day than praising, praying, moving, stretching, breathing and focusing on what is really important. This mini-yoga challenge will do it all and more… including less challenging and more challenging ways to get our yoga praise on!

Perhaps, you don’t know where to start …start in the Psalms!

The Psalms is know as the Book of Praises for the Book records more verses of praise than any other book of the Bible and in almost every Psalm there is at least one note of praise. Since God tells us to give Him thanks in everything, ( 1 Thessalonians 5:18 ) it can be only fitting that not only our praise but our thanks to God is also a form of worship as well. In fact everything we do can become an act of worship not just yoga. The choice is up to us.

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God! 1 Corinthians 10:30

It’s amazing that when we take the time to praise Him we are automatically blessed back in ways that will astound us, just read a few Psalms! Below are a few good reasons to praise God.

To praise God is to put our focus on Him and not our problems, worries, care, and doubts. Which then shrinks our perspective on all our earthly concerns and magnifies the greatness of God’s power in overcoming them. This helps us to trust God more and grow our faith.

To praise God is to seriously humble ourselves. When we acknowledge that we are not strong enough and cannot do it alone, our pride and ego is eliminated and we gain a healthy self-image based on God’s view of us. This also may strengthen us  against temptation.

To praise God is also to reveal our devotion to Him. When He has first priority in our life, we easily honor, worship and thank Him for everything. Gratitude then becomes a habit and a response to the little and all the big things that pop into our lives.

To praise God is to be blessed with almost instant joy! For discouragement, anxiety, depression, down in the dumps kind of emotions cannot thrive in a heart full of joy! However, we are not talking about earthly joy, but heavenly joy!

  • Please take a moment to breathe deeply before you begin. Concentrate on your breath to ease your tensions and your stress. When you feel ready simply begin.


A Forward Bend with our fingers interlocked opens up our heart and chest area. An open heart is ready and able to receive the love of God!

…above all fear the Lord and worship Him faithfully with all your heart. (1 Samuel 12:24)

1.) Forward Bending Stretch

  • Stand hip width.
  • Place your hands on your hips, back, or interlock your fingers behind your back.
  • With a big inhale lift your hands behind you and look to Heaven.
  • With a big exhale bow forward in gratitude.
  • Repeat the process 5-10 times.


Sitting back in your invisible chair is like faith!

…faith is being certain of what we do not see. (Hebrew’s 11:1)

2.) Chair Pose/Twist

  • Place your feet hip width apart for more support or together for more of a challenge.
  • With a big inhale slowly extend your arms to the sides and sweep them up to Heaven.
  • With a big exhale slowly bend your knees sitting back into your invisible chair.
  • Keep your knees behind your feet for safety.
  • Hold your Chair Pose for 5-10 deep breaths.
  • Then, stand up bringing your hands together in a praying position at your heart.
  • Inhale deeply.
  • Then exhale as you sit back in your chair.
  • Inhale again and then exhale while placing your left elbow over your right thigh or knee.
  • Stand up and then repeat the process with right elbow over left knee or thigh.
  • (Try to remember to inhale in the middle then exhale and twist. This will give you more twisting room.)


Star Pose into Warrior II Pose…a knight in shining armor!

Let your light shine clothed in the glorious full armor of God. (Ephesians 6:10-20)

3.) Star Pose into Warrior II

  • Stand tall.
  • Bend both knees.
  • Gently walk each foot out to your sides.
  • Find a comfortable distance between both legs and straighten them.
  • Ensure both toes are facing forward.
  • With a big slow long inhale, extend both arms out and up.
  • Interlock your fingers and look up.
  • With a big, long, slow exhale, lower your arms while ensuring they are extended out from your shoulders.
  • Then, point your left toes to the side and bend your left leg.
  • Ensure your bent knee is directly above your foot.
  • Slightly turn your back toes in.
  • Repeat the process from inhaling in Star Pose to exhaling in Warrior II, 10 times or more.


Warrior Pose with a prayer for strength that will lift your soul so you can zero in on what is important with lazer-like focus, just like an eagle in your eagle arms!

Focus on the Prize! Hebrews 12:1-3

4.) Warrior I Pose with Eagle Arms

  • Take a step forward with your right leg from your Warrior II Pose.
  • Ensure your hips are both facing forward equally.
  • Bend that forward right knee ensuring it stays directly above your foot.
  • For an added leg, foot and ankle stretch, lift your heel.
  • Now, stretch your arms out. Bend your elbows with both palms facing you.
  • Slide your left palm under your right elbow. Then try to wrap your left arm around your right arm.
  • Where ever you find your arms is your perfect place for now.
  • If possible clasp them or interlock your fingers like the picture above.
  • Now lift them both up and lift your chin, focus on the prize!
  • Breathe deeply for 10 long, slow, and generous breaths.



Drop a knee and bow your head!

Humble yourselves before the Lord and He will lift you up! James 4:10

5.) Low Lunge Stretch

  • Bend both knees to your mat.
  • Extend tour right leg forward.
  • Bow your head to your knee like the first picture.
  • Take three long, deep, and slow breaths.
  • Now, bend your right knee and lean forward into it as best as you can like picture two.
  • Take three deep breaths again.
  • Repeat on the same right leg forward, extended and straight and a bow to your knee and then bending that knee leaning forward into a Lunge Pose. Be as a back and forth wave for 5 more times.
  • With right leg still forward tand leaning into your Low Lunge, try to extend your arms out to the sides with a huge inhale.
  • Lift them up and press both palms together over head and then breathe deeply and send up a prayer of praise!
  • Now you may repeat the entire process using your other leg!

I sure hope you enjoyed this praise and worship, mini -yoga -stretching -workout!

Getting our praise on is a glorious way to start any day!

Halleluyah everyBODY!


Stretch into Star Pose, and do your body good! According to Dr. Andrew Weil, MD you may even see a reduction in your blood pressure as a 2012 published study revealed in The Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies.

For your benefit, we will be in a version of Star Pose in most of the stretches in this segment. Undoubtedly, Star Pose will strengthen and stretch your inner leg muscles while decompressing your spine. Your neck, back, arms, legs, and hips will also benefit and your brain will calm. Your headaches, fatigue, mild depression and anxiety may be relieved and you may find your digestion improving. All this from one little pose. No wonder the ancients yogis named it Star Pose.

While we are on the subject of stars, I thought I might indulge in a few amazing facts about them. Astronomers estimate that there are 170 billion galaxies in the observable universe, stretching out into a region of space 13.8 billion light years away from us in all directions. That is the number 1, followed by 24 zeros! Top that off with the incredible truth that the hands that made the stars is holding your heart!

Psalms 147:4 says “He counts the stars and calls them all by name.

Stretch your thoughts while stretching your body in this segment, and wrap your brain around that!

Let’s come standing and warm up a little!


1.) Standing Back Arch Stretch

Stand tall with feet together. Inhale deeply, raising your arms up from your sides. Slightly arch back as your hands meet in prayer pose over head. Pull up and out of your waist, hips, belly and legs. Try to keep your shoulders pressed down with a lengthened neck and lifted chest. Keep inhaling until you no longer can and exhale slowly, lowering your arms to a standing relaxed position. Repeat 3-10 times with deep inhales and exhales.

Widen your feet to hip width for better balance. Also, it may be more comfortable for you to look forward and not upward.



2.) Standing Forward Bend/Big Toe Stretch

With feet together stand tall, extend your arms overhead and fold forward. If you experience tightness in your legs simply bend them. Grab your big toes and inhale, looking up and forward. Take a moment to feel the back of your legs releasing to the stretch, as well as your hamstrings, glutes, back, spine and neck. Exhale, rounding your back and bringing your head to your knees. You may continue stretching, inhaling, exhaling for 3-10 times. After you have completed the movements, you may also have some fun just folding forward, feeling all the stretching sensations in your leg muscles and spine.

You may also place your palms on your thighs instead of your big toes, or hold onto a sturdy chair/counter.


3.) Standing Star Pose Stretch

Widen your feet to your sides and keep your legs straight. Each person’s Star Pose width will be different. As long as your entire foot is on the floor and you feel balanced with no pain, continue on. Move your feet inward slightly if you feel uncomfortable. Once your feeling balanced, interlock your fingers and stretch upward, index fingers straight and pointing. Inhale and exhale deeply, stretching up and out of your waist, belly, chest and hips. Hold Star Pose for  3-10 long, slow, and deep inhales and exhales.


4.) Big Toe Star Pose Stretch

After completing standing Star Pose, simply fold forward and grab your big toes. Inhale, looking up and forward. Go slow so that you may release the backs of your legs. Then exhale, rounding your back and pulling your head to your knees. Inhale and exhale long and deep up to 10 times, looking up and stretching your head to your knees.

If this pose is too uncomfortable for you, try bending your legs or place your hands on your thighs instead of your big toes. You can still try inhaling looking up and forward. Then exhaling rounding your back and pulling your head to your body. Do whatever works for you.


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5.) Standing Star Pose Twist

Stand slightly wider than hip distance apart. Stand tall, stretching your arms to your sides. Bend you knees slightly for improved balance. Remember that your legs and hips will always face forward, even when you twist. As you begin your twist, make sure that you are pulled up from your waist, belly, hips, back and spine. The twist comes from your upper body, not your legs and waist! Go slow at first. Inhale, twist left, and exhale twist right for a total of 10-30 inhales and exhales or 1-3 minutes. As you pick up speed, inhale and exhale quickly and powerfully as you twist. You will be giving your lungs a terrific workout!

Bend your knees, and place your hands on your hips or thighs if you find it too challenging. Take it slower and inhale and exhale deeper as you twist rather than quick powerful breaths. Go for slow and deep.


6.) Forward Bending Star Pose With Hands Clasped

With legs in a Star Pose that is comfortable for you, clasp your hands behind your back and stretch your arms up. Inhale and stretch your upper body. Lift your chest, stretch your neck and look upwards. Exhale, slowly folding over. Repeat 10-20 inhales and exhales.

Walk your legs in and bend them if you find it too challenging. Fold over slightly and place your hands or your waist, thighs or knees.



7.) Forward Bending Star Pose With Arm Twist

Once you are folded over in Star Pose, place your palms on your mat. Move your left hand so that it is directly below your head. Inhale, twisting your torso, stretching your right arm up while looking up. Exhale, placing your right arm directly below your head and raise your left arm. Inhale while placing your arm up, and exhale as you lower it. Repeat this 10-30 times or 1-3 minutes.

You may also place your hands behind your head and twist by moving your head left to right. Walk your legs in and bend them and place your hands anywhere that is comfortable for you to feel a little stretch as you twist.


7.) Forward Bending Star Pose On Elbows

With Star Pose, fold over and place your forearms on your mat. Inhale and exhale long and deeply 3-10 times. If you can, remain in this pose for 1-3 minutes for added benefits. As you linger here, let the benefit of the pose seep deeply into your core. Stretch your legs and allow striving and effort to drain from your brain. Let knots of tension that arise in your body untie themselves.

For a less vigorous approach, grab your nearest wall, table or back of a sturdy chair. Move into Star Pose, while bending over and stretching. You may also bend your legs if the stretch becomes too intense. Linger and let all tensions and effort dissolve.


8.) Squat In Prayer Pose

Stand with legs hip width apart and toes slightly pointed out. Lower your body and let your torso sink. Bring your hands in prayer pose. Inhale and exhale long and deeply 3-10 times, or for up to 3 minutes for added health benefits.

Simply lower to a cross legged position and pray if you find Squat Pose to be to challenging.  Inhale and exhale long and deep. You may also place two towels under your heels for support to try to get into a Squat Pose and see what happens. The point is your still stretching and doing your body good.

Lie down and let the hard spaces within you melt away with each breath. Let each breath soothe and calm your brain.  Let God soothe and calm your heart, rinsing it clean. Offer up your Halleluyahs. Sparkle and shine!

Praise be to God!