Hi Friends! Welcome to “Yoga with Penny!”

This month, I will teach you a variation of Half Moon Pose that requires balance and back-bending. It can be difficult to master, yet the focus, stamina and perseverance we experience from our efforts is proof that we don’t have to be perfectly whole in order to shine. Let’s focus on progress, not perfection!You should attempt this after practicing Half Moon Pose, but sometimes it’s just plain fun to try! However, always progress at your own pace and listen to your body.

The position of your arms legs and feet are the same as in the Half Moon. Once we establish a sturdy Half Moon, we then simply grab the raised foot and pull it outward from our body while our body tries pulls it inward. Basically, we will be holding on by letting go. Quite ironically, that is where true balance really does occur in this yoga posture!

To begin:

  • Stand with your feet facing forward.
  • Turn your right foot directly to the right side, including your toes and knees.
  • Bend your knees slightly.
  • Lean to the side while slowly straightening your standing leg.
  • Slowly lift your back leg up, keeping your back knee facing forward.
  • Use a chair, wall, table or yoga block to help with support.
  • If possible, grab your foot while lowering your hand to the floor.
  • Make sure your leaning hand stays below your shoulder.
  • Keep on looking forward, pressing your foot into your hand and pointing your foot behind you as far as possible.


  • Breathe steady while moving into the pose, and focus on an object directly in front of you. This will help with your balance.
  • Press that back foot into your hand, stretching it back behind you for a deep stretch
  • Your entire body, head and lifted leg faces forward; your standing leg, toes and knee are facing the right side.
  • Once you have found the perfect position for your body, hold the position with deep inhales and exhales.
  • Remember that with regular practice, you will get stronger and your balance will improve with every effort that you make.
  • Always try to remember that yoga is a process, and you are always exactly where you need to be.
  • Enjoy your yoga practice. Remember progress is more important than perfection. Keep calm and yoga on!

The benefits of this posture are of course, an overall stronger body, improved focus, determination, concentration, balance, spatial awareness and stretching our heart, chest and lung for improved circulation and lung capacity.

Thanks for joining me today!



Have a seat and learn more about Chair Pose.

Chair Pose being a full body pose is working and strengthening your entire body. It also stimulates your heart, diaphragm, abdominal organs and helps to improve digestion. As well, the stance strengthens your arms, feet ankles, calves, knees, thighs, butt, back, and spine.

To me, just the simple act of leaning back into a Chair Pose is the perfect picture of faith because it asks me to trust in the chair that I cannot see. As I sit back, it invites me to delight in the mystery of faith and the immense beauty of things unseen. I then realize yoga can be far more profound than simply striking a pose.

2 Corinthians 4:18 …” For what is seen is temporary, what is unseen is eternal.”


Quick tips to make this chair fit your needs:

Sit back more to challenge yourself and hold this pose for 1-3 minutes or longer to intensify the pose.

If this pose feels too vigorous, lean back and bend your knees only slightly and place your hands on your thighs or hips.You can also inhale as you lean back quickly and exhale coming up quickly for10 counts. This will build leg strength and you will still gain physical stamina from the pose. You can also use a wall for support in front of you or a chair behind you if needed.

thanks for joining me

keep calm and yoga on