Recently blessed with the wonderful opportunity of spending time with my son and my sister in DC, we also spent time at Awaken the Dawn. This was the second year a gathering of Christians met on The National Mall, worshipping God and praying for America. I’m honored to have taken part in this God centered celebration. Is it just me or is there not nearly enough celebrating of God these days? And I’m also in love with the fact that nothing was bought or sold there and no company, no person, no ministry and no church was highlighted there. Just God. Just praise. All to the glory of Him!

During our stay, I had to stop and strike a pose in front of The Capitol Building. Soon I found myself surrounded by large group of Chinese tourists. It wasn’t long before they wanted in on our pics! One of the women assumed leadership of the group and soon she was weaving her Chinese friends in and out of our pics. About 8 pics in, our camera would not work; however, the camera clicks continued on. Our new Chinese friends went home with many of my smiling praying tree poses and they managed to get my sister in some of the pics too. My heart smiles, remembering that after they decided they were done with me, speaking in bare- bones English, they told me I was most welcome in China, anytime!

Yoga proved it’s universal power of connecting and uniting people in those few moments that day. Perhaps even to open doors that might be closed in other ways. As the tourists continued on in the direction of the Awaken The Dawn gatherings, hopefully God used those posing moments to open the tourists hearts. Then again, isn’t it always the simplest things that go unnoticed here on earth that God uses in the most amazing ways?  Perhaps, something as simple as a Chinese tour in DC, maybe a smile and a camera, possibly even a basic yoga tree pose!

To that I say, “Halleluyah





After twelve years my middle or, mid sis I call her, were able to share Thanksgiving together this year. Our families were with us which made it even better. It was a fabulous day. It stirred wonderfully comforting and soul satisfying emotions in me to be with my middle sister again. It was so good to smile with her and give up big belly laughs together. We even found ourselves terribly amused at teasing others in our families. Just like old times I guess. But three days of non stop telling one another about our live as we mingled with our families was precious to us. So much to tell and so much to say. We also shared the tears too, like sisters do. It was all so perfect. Just the way it should be and we thank God we are sisters! And, it is to God that we are thankful we were able to get together. Praise God for this wonderful family Thanksgiving in FLA in 2016!

By my sister’s beautiful pool we did yoga poses. It was a beautiful Halleluyah moment! Though we could not keep a straight face I hope these pictures reveal our grateful and loving hearts to each other and to our wonderful God!

To our God we give the glory!

Yoga on mid sis!





I thank God for giving me yoga, a fit and able body to practice it, a mind to comprehend it, and a sister to laugh and experience it, the resources to learn about it, and the desire to share it with you!

My sister and I try to meet once a week for coffee and catching up on life. We discuss many things, especially now that she is a grandmother, but we always have something to share about yoga. It may be something we learned or something we have discovered about ourselves. We used to get together to only do yoga. Then we discovered it’s more fun sharing our discoveries with one another. It’s funny though, we don’t just do yoga. We are more “borderline obsessed” with it. Thank God for Google because we have discovered amazing things about how it can help us physically, medically, spiritually and more! I know only God is responsible for our health and fitness, but I would say that He is working in mysterious ways through yoga because we feel great!  We are in our fifties and we feel even better than when we were in our forties. Halleluyah!

Today, while talking,  my sister said precisely what I have come to believe, “Yoga is like this big secret that I have. I do it and feel so awesome after. I could be having a miserable day and there, right there after I do yoga, I feel so much better.” Well, she let the secret out! There is so much more to yoga than meets the eye. It’s not simply an exercise system. It’s also a health enhancer, an energy giver and an ailment reliever. It’s a God finder and a you improver and a journey waiting for you to explore!

Everyone knows that sisters can’t keep secrets. Yet, the secret remains true. There is more to yoga than what you can see. Won’t you give it a try?