This month, I will teach you how to shine in Half Moon Pose.
Balancing on one leg appears very intimidating for a beginner yogi. Yet, just like the moon has phases, working to full extension with our Half Moon Pose also takes time. At the beginning, use a chair or a wall for support. Because yoga is about being kind and loving to ourselves it is perfectly acceptable to use props to help us get into and out of certain postures. And because the Half Moon Pose is very beneficial to our over all health and well being, it is a yoga posture worth our time and effort.
Practiced on a regular basis, this posture will greatly improve our proprioception. This is the medical term for how our body knows what position we are in. It also informs our body when unanticipated events happen. For example, if we are walking on rocks and we feel unstable, our foot and ankle will send this info to our brain. Our body will then respond immediately by extending our arms to balance. Our eyes will then quickly find a new rock ahead to regain stability. Keeping our proprioception activated will help us to live stable, injury-free lives, especially as we age.
The Half Moon Pose
Place a chair on your right side for support.
Place your feet hip width apart.
Turn your right foot to the right side.
Bend your forward right knee and lift your back leg.
Try to keep both hips facing forward.
You can place your right hand on the chair or mat for support. Keep your hands directly below your shoulders.
Lift your left hand up or place it on your hips.
Turn your head forward.
Try to breathe deeply for 10 deep breaths. If you fall, try again.
You may feel a tendency to fall backward. Even so, try to align your entire body directly over your standing leg.
You may only be able to lift your leg an inch. That’s the perfect place for you to start!
Try a few times on the right leg, then repeat and balance on your left leg.
Practice often. You will see and feel results. Know that every time you shoot for the moon, you will be doing your body a world of good!
Thanks for joining me.
peace and love,