I could drown in the amazing beauty of nature. From fiery sunsets to fields of gold to a vast array of colors of flowers and rainbows, to giant sturdy animals and intricate tiny bugs, it’s all so incredible. Even more astounding is realizing that God created this awesome world just for you and I! It’s the Creator’s signature of how mighty He is and how great His love is toward us – He give us eyes to see it, hands to feel it, and minds to study it. We feel it in the wind, hear it in the thunder, and taste it too! And, if we are willing to look real closely, sometimes nature reveals great truths.
The journey of the Butterfly is one of those truths. The creature turns from ugly caterpillar, crawling on dirt and clinging to trees all of its life, to a gorgeous butterfly, so beautifully taken to the skies. The entire process from caterpillar to butterfly can be a revelation of our changed lives after we choose to put our faith and love in Jesus. On the spot, we become a new creation. Everything before our new creation is gone in God’s eyes. We are now beautiful creations living life above, enjoying the sweet nectar of life through God’s Word!
…and then there is a Butterfly Pose in Yoga. I thought as we practice this pose we might think on the truth of this verse of Scripture. Let Butterfly pose help you remember the “new” you!
How to perform butterfly pose.
1.) Sit with your spine erect, belly pulled in and legs spread straight out.
2.) Bend your knees and bring your feet towards your pelvis. Make an effort to bring your heels closer. The soles of your feet should touch one another.
3.) Sit up tall. Hold your feet with your hands and inhale long and deep. Exhale long and deep, pressing your thighs and knees downward towards the floor. With your arms gently make an effort to press your legs down a bit more. Continue this process a few times and stretch your wings!
4.) Bring your torso up with a big inhale. Exhale folding over your legs. Slowly walk your hands out. Feel the stretch in your inner thighs. Continue in your own breathing and remain in this pose for 30-90 seconds for a full stretch. Try not to grip and hold on. Instead, let your muscles release. Just as the caterpillar released and became a new creation, the beautiful butterfly, you can do the same!
Go forth and be “new”
God Bless!