According to an article published in Relevant Magazine, scientists have been looking for a spot in our brains that corresponds with God. They know there are places in our brains responsible for vision, language, memory and anger. Why not a “God Spot”?

Brain research in the last decade is much more sophisticated, with a corresponding increase in new tools to image living brains. Machines now let scientists watch living brains in 3D, without surgery or autopsy. Brain scientists are able also to study believers as they pray, meditate, worship and experience God. Unfortunately, the research shows that there is no “God Spot”. God does not simply move into a spot in our brains. But they have discovered something more incredible -God redecorates! Yep, believers have a complex, rich network in their brains for God. They say that for the devout, God is not just an idea, but a tapestry of feeling and experiences. This network affects how our brains work at fundamental levels.

Their findings? People who regularly focus on God’s love through prayer and meditation change. They also experience less stress and even experience a reduction in blood pressure. Their prefrontal cortex, the part of their brain associated with focus and attention, becomes more active over time, helping them avoid distraction and be more intentional.

Believers also have more activity in their anterior cingulate cotex. That’s the part of our brains associated with love, compassion and empathy. Focusing on God’s love makes us more loving and less angry. Some people don’t see God as loving though – more like angry and vindictive. When we focus on God’s anger at us or others, different things happen in our brains. Our limbic system becomes more active. Ultimately, dwelling on God’s anger increases our stress levels and makes us fearful of others. We have trouble forgiving ourselves and others. Thank God for new technology because neuroscience shows us that God’s love is better for us than God’s wrath.

As Relevant Magazine states: “Teach us, Lord, to maximize the neurological benefits of belief!”






God designed us with everything we need to live happy, productive lives. Scientists are now discovering that each of us is equipped with everything necessary for our survival. They discovered that our brain has a wellspring of self-producing neurochemicals that turn the pursuits and struggles of life into pleasure, and makes us happy when we achieve them. Problem is, in this digital age our biology is short-circuiting. We are prone to depression, anxiety and malcontent. Pharmaceutical companies are eager to readjust this imbalance with a pill. Doctors are prescribing more and more pills just to make us feel good again. Psychology Today and an article in the Huffington Post, ” Hack into your Happiness Chemicals,” says that simple lifestyle choices and changes in behavior can improve our brain chemistry, make us feel better and motivate us to maximize our full human potential.

Below is a short description of the Neurochemical and the simple changes that you can make to alter your happiness for good!

Dopamine:” The Reward Molecule” Dopamine is responsible for reward driven behavior and pleasure seeking. Every type of reward seeking behavior that has been studied increases the level of dopamine transmission to the brain. Want a hit of dopamine? Set a goal and achieve it! There is evidence that extraverted, uninhibited personality types tend to have high levels of dopamine than those who are more introverted. Try and be a go-getter and flood your brain naturally!

Serotonin: “The Confidence Molecule” Scientist say that Serotonin plays many different roles in our bodies. Serotonin flows when you feel significant or important. Ultimately, the link between higher serotonin and a lack of rejection sensitivity allows people to put themselves in situations that will bolster self esteem, increase feelings of worthiness and create a sense of belonging. To increase serotonin, challenge yourself regularly and pursue things that reinforce a sense of purpose, meaning and accomplishment. Being able to say “I did it!” will produce a feedback loop that will reinforce behaviors that build self esteem and make you feel less insecure and create an upward spiral of more and more serotonin. You can also get an easy boost of serotonin by getting out into the sun for 20 minutes. It promotes serotonin and vitamin D.

Oxytocin: “The Bonding Molecule” Oxytocin is a hormone directly linked to human bonding and increasing trust and loyalty. Some studies proved romantic attachment produced high levels of oxytocin. In 2003, a study showed that even cuddling with your dog increases your levels of oxytocin. In this cyber world where we are often alone, it is more than ever important to maintain face to face intimate human bonding. Put your phones away and imagine the many ways you can increase this bonding hormone. You can immediately take the time to dine and converse with your family. Workout with a friend. Get a pet and cuddle. Hug more and do more yoga!

Endorphin: “The Pain-Killing Molecule” The name endorphin translates into “self-produced morphine.” Endorphins resemble opiates in their chemical structure and have analgesic properties. Endorphins are produced by the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus during strenuous physical exertion. The Huffington Post  states that laughter increases it as well. Make it a point to physically exert yourself regularly and laugh while you do it! The smell of vanilla and lavender is linked to increased levels; studies have also shown that dark chocolate and spicy foods can lead to a quick endorphin boost!

One has to admit that this scientific research is amazing! After all, we are masterpieces created by God Himself. The will of God for us is to prosper in every way: spiritually, emotionally, physically, relationally and financially. That is why He has given us His Word, the Bible, His awesome prescription for a better life. When we read it and choose to live by it everyday, our lives will have no reason not to improve for the better in every way! Oh yes, as we try we will fail, and often. I do everyday. But I have discovered that God’s love for me is greater than my failures. He just wants me to get back up and try again. I have learned that we all are not our failures, we are so much more! And that we are loved by God infinitely, faithfully, and eternally. Go ahead, tap into your feel good chemicals. After all, God made them for you!

Feel loved, be happy and yoga on!


Fearfully and Wonderfully Made!


The Psalmist sums it up beautifully in Psalms, 139, 14-16, “I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well. My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret, And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in your book they all were written, The days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them.”

Go ahead, take a moment. Notice your body. It was divinely created. We are all wearing a reflection of God’s wonderful works!

Mathew Henry’s commentary on this verse of Scripture states that,”…the wonderfulness of the human mechanism is so great that, if realized, it produces a sensation of fear. It has also been said that, if we could see one-half of what is going on inside us, we should not dare to move!

It has been said that nothing in nature compares to our bodies. Scientists have tried, but cannot duplicate the human body. What amazes me is not what we can do for our bodies but what our bodies are doing for us. At this very moment they are working around the clock for us: breathing, cleansing, pumping blood, regenerating,  flushing out toxins, and a whole lot more! The wisdom God bestowed upon our bodies to automatically keep us going is staggering. With over 600 muscles, 206 bones, and 7 miles of nerve fibers, our bodies continually work for us even as we sleep. As you are reading this, our hearts are pumping blood to our blood vessels. By the end of today, our hearts will have pumped over 19,000 miles. That is four times the distance across the US from coast to coast. Did you know that each of our ears has over 24,000 tissues so we can hear? Our eyes have 100 million receptors so we can see the world. In our brains live more than 100 billion cells. Approximately, each one of us has more brain cells in our brains than the number of stars in the Milky Way galaxy. Fortunately for us, our lungs were designed to breath for us.

Did you notice? Our bodies are also striving to be fit. They know how. We are a totally self cleansing, self healing and self maintaining masterpiece!