I practice this posture every day. The best part is you don’t have to be a stretchy gumby person to reap it’s benefits. Just a little bend forward for a few minutes is all you need. You may find the longer you bend forward the deeper your body will allow you to stretch. You may even feel the moment when your legs release pent up stress which can be pretty fascinating. The simple movement of bending forward stretches our body while stretching our minds to focus on the windshield in front of us instead of the rear-view mirror behind us. It invites us to inhale the future, exhale the past and not to look back- because we are not going that way!
…keep moving forward. Philippians 3:14
1.) Sit on your mat with both legs stretched out in front of you. Sit up tall with shoulders down, neck stretched, and your stomach pulled in. Bent legs are perfectly okay.
2.) Keep your torso long and stretch your arms high above your head. Feel like you could sprout another vertebrae. Inhale long and deep leaning forward from your hips and not your waist. Lengthen your tailbone away from the back of your pelvis. Stretch forward until a small amount of tension arises then try and grasp your toes. Exhale and release a little more into the forward bend. Stretch up again and repeat 3-10 times with deep breathing stretching up and out over your legs.
3.) Once you have completed the above exercises, bend forward to your maximum tension spot that is comfortable for you. Remain and breathe deeply for 1-3 minutes.
You may also grab a pillow to rest your head on and you can also rest your head on a chair seat with your legs stretched out forward underneath.
~keep in mind that difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations but only if we keep moving forward~
keep calm and bend forward often