…Not a full split… yet!

As a gymnast way back when, we met our challenges with unceasing effort. We would grunt, groan, push and wiggle our way into all sorts of positions until we could do a move we so much longed for. Then we would practice that position over and over again until with ease, our bodies would flow right into it. Achieving beautiful moves in gymnastics made us feel invincible, at least for a moment. Yet the rewards of achieving because one did not give up, extends beyond any full split or leap from the high bar.

Enter yoga. It meets you where you are on the mat. You then can stay where you are or keep trying to get better. Yes, the yoga positions are totally what yoga is about. How beneficial they are to the body, how they improve one’s health and how they can effect an overall wellness of the mind. Yet it is what we do with the positions. That is key. Do we embrace what yoga is teaching us on the mat and then apply that into our lives?

Enter God. He also meets us where we are in life. He already knows that every one of us is not perfect. Yet He loves each one of us enough to die for us. He also cares too much about us to leave us as less than what He knows we could become. He already sees what we could be. And if we could catch perhaps just a glimpse of what He sees, well, I’m sure we would drop everything and anything that would hold us back, for a chance to be all that He created us to be!

I’m in. How about you?
