Today we’ll practice Sphinx Pose, right in the Port of Havana, Cuba!
Why not counteract all the sitting we do with a few moments of deep breathing in this pose? It will invigorate our bodies while soothing our nervous systems. This pose will strengthen and lengthen our backs, and expand our lung capacity. Putting light pressure on our stomachs stimulates our kidneys and digestive organs too!
- Lie face down with your arms at your sides.
- Press your pubic bone into the mat while rolling your outer thighs slightly towards the floor. Let your hips fall.
- Relieve tension by letting your tongue go limp. This loosens up the jaw, helping to bring the parasympathetic nervous system online that tells our bodies to rest and restore.
- Hold the pose for 5-10 deep breaths. Add a few more each time you do this pose.
- To make it more challenging, you may inhale deeply and lift, then exhale deeply and lowerr to the starting position. Pause, and repeat the motion 5-10 times.
Thanks for doing yoga with me. I hope this gem of a yoga pose leaves you feeling refreshed and revived! As you go forth through your day I pray this for you:
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him.
Romans 15:13