DSCN2461Paschimohanasana, or more commonly known as Seated Forward Bend.

Seated forward bend is a full body stretching yoga pose. It lengthens the entire spine and massages internal organs and enhances digestion. Constipated? Practice this pose! The seated forward bending pose also stimulates the reproductive and urinary systems. It will calm the mind and improve concentration too.

For me, the seated forward bend is more a forward reaching meditation that I practice with my body as I strive to touch my toes. It doesn’t allow me to fumble backwards in my thoughts or my body. It keeps me focused on the windshield in front of me instead of the rear-view mirror behind.

As with all stretching, whether it be body, mind, or soul, resistance is bound to flare up. This pose invites you to find out how you will react –  how is that reaction useful in your daily life? Fall forward and let this pose help you realize that the essential aspect of the forward bend is not how close your head comes to your legs, but how completely you abandon yourself to the pose.

Dwell on these words in seated forward bend and stretch on!

…keep moving forward.” Philippians 3:14



1.) Sit on floor with both legs stretched out in front of you. Press your legs firmly into the ground , especially your knees. Try to actively press through your heels. Sit up tall with shoulders down, neck stretched, and belly pulled in.

2.) Keep your torso long and stretch your arms high above your head. Feel like you could sprout another vertebrae. Inhale long and deep, leaning forward from your hips and not your waist. Lengthen your tailbone away from the back of your pelvis. Stretch forward until a small amount of tension arises. Try and grasp your toes. Exhale and release a little more into the forward bend. Stretch up again and repeat 3-10 times, inhaling and exhaling, stretching up, out and over your legs.



1.) Once you have arrived at the maximum tension spot that is comfortable for you, inhale long and deeply 3-10 times while in this pose. Work up to 3 minutes in this pose for the best stretching results.

Be patient and courageous, continually looking forward and letting go. Let God move you to places unexplored, worlds unimagined, and mysterious landscapes of peace and joy!