Fear is a powerful human emotion. It can also cause us to react quickly with out thought or paralyze us from taking any action and keep us in a state of constant fear and worry. Fear can even stop us from turning to God our Rescuer who knows every world disruption we will face and how afraid and powerless we feel inside. Yet, His timeless Word, the Bible, has all the answers and antidotes to keep us calm, cool and collected. The great Physician has a prescription for all of our body, our minds and our souls needs.
He assures us, “So, do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (Isaiah 41:10)
Of course we want to trust God but there are times when peace eludes us. We’re worried and anxious. we don’t want to be brave this time. Then God reminds us,
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you may go.” (Joshua 1:9)
It’s all easier said than done, right? This trust God and you will be peaceful and you will just automatically be strong like our Savior said. Yet He is the one that turned water into wine. The One and only One that calmed the sea and walks on it because He created it! He can feed over 5,000 people with 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread. He’s continually placing each star in it’s place. He knows every tear you’ve ever cried and will cry. He knew you before you were born, created you with a purpose and thinks about you more often then if you could count every grain of sand in the entire world! He even knows precisely the moment that you will step into Eternity with Him! On top of all of that, He provides a guideline and prescription to living an abundant, successful and healthy life of peace, joy, love and hope, found only in His Holy Bible. Which He testifies that He breathed His Words into the ordinary men and women who wrote the Bible and chose them to give us His guidelines to abundant living!
He asks from each of us is to believe what He has said. To pray about everything all the time. To follow His ways and trust His guidance. That it’s okay to be weak, afraid, uncertain and powerless. Because He holds the power to make us strong, completely confident and utterly fearless! He’s actually waiting for us to come to those horrible moments of helplessness because it is then and only then He can help us! And He promises that He will help us. All we have to to is ask and sit still and wait. The power of Heaven’s Help is only a silent heartfelt prayer away. Only Heavenly peace can truly replace all our fear and panic. Today if we will ask and tomorrow and this very moment and every moment after! You can be sure. You can trust God! Because He promises He will always answer us and always provide!
“I will keep in perfect peace whose mind is fixed on Thee!” Isaiah 26:3
Keep calm and yoga on because peace is on it’s way…
…Pray~Believe~Trust~Be Still…
Isn’t it amazing?
God made a way for us to do just that, it’s called Covid 19