We’re getting a work-out while getting our yoga praise on to the “Glory of God in the Highest” in this yoga segment!
We shall also pray for peace to fill our hearts, love to light our way and that we will pursue goodwill toward our fellow human beings, this Christmas and always!
As the angel of the Lord proclaimed to the shepherds that starry night,
Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
Luke 2:14
To begin, take a moment to clear your head by breathing slowly and deeply. Savor each life giving inhale. Let stress melt away with every exhale. Allow yourself to have peace, as God intended that you have.
Move slowly into each posture. Try to look up at the maximum point of your stretch. This will magnify your posture into praise, like an exclamation mark at the end of an exciting sentence (like this one)!
Designed for everyBODY, instructions are included with each posture below. An easier way of doing each pose is also included. The praise part of this segment is most important, so try to remember to look up in each posture!
I hope you will enjoy this segment of healthy yoga goodness as you celebrate this most wonderful time of year!

1.) Standing Cobra Forward Fold
With feet together and hands clasped behind you, inhale, raising your arms and eyes upward. Hold for a moment and get your praise on! Exhale, folding forward. Repeat this 5-10 times.
Bend your knees and widen the distance between your feet for better balance.
Place your hands on your hips if you cannot clasp them.
Try to look up!

2.) Warrior I Variation
Step out with your right foot. Place your hands in prayer position. Raise your right heel, and hold this position with 5 deep breaths while looking up. Then, lower your heel and raise your arms over head. Clasp your hands with your index fingers pointing up. Look up at the same time for 5 more deep breaths.
Step out farther for a more difficult stretch, and step in for more support and balance. Hold the posture. Look up. Breathe 5-10 deep breaths.

3.) Warrior III
Lift your back left leg. Stretch your arms out in front of you. Keep your hips and shoulders squared. Look up while breathing deeply 5-10 times.
If you fall over, try again! Maybe try lifting your leg a couple inches off your mat or bend your supported leg a bit. If necessary, keep your hands on your hips as you begin this posture or use a wall for support. Most importantly, remember at the top of your stretch to look up!

4.) Down Dog/Three Legged Dog
Place your hands on your mat from Warrior III position. You can also start this posture by moving into Down Dog from your hands and knees on the ground. Your deepest stretch will be when you can’t keep your heels on the ground. Try to look at your knees, but position your biceps at your ears. Hold the posture, breathing 5-10 deep breaths.
If you are able, lift your leg up behind you and hold the position.
Stay on your hands and knees if you find this position to difficult. You can also extend your leg to the back while on your hands and knees!

5.) Upward Dog
Slowly lower your torso from Upward Dog by curling your toes under you, dipping your head low, and pressing through your arms and up through your shoulders. Then, arch your head back, straighten your arms and look up! At this point your toes should be face down on your mat and your hands should be directly below your shoulders.
Repeat the transition from Downward Dog to Upward Dog a few more times. Inhale as you come to Upward Dog and exhale as you come to Down Dog. Look up with each arch back!
For an easier version lower your torso on the mat. Come up on your elbows, if possible, and arch your head back. Breathe and look up!

6.) Low Lunge Stretch Variation
Bring your right leg forward with bent knee. Lower your back leg onto your knee. Your hands should be directly on the mat below your shoulders. For a deeper stretch, extend your forward leg farther. Hold for a moment. Now, begin to sit on your back leg, keeping your forward leg straight. Lower your head to your knee. Repeat this process 3-5 times, inhaling as you lunge forward and exhaling as you sit back. On your fifth repetition, press your palms together and look up! Hold the posture for 10 full breaths.
For an easier version of the same exercise, try keeping your legs closer as you go forward and back. Just a bent knee with palms pressed together, a few breaths, and a look up will do!

7.) Supported Split
Repeat the Lunge Stretch variation again. This time, extend your legs wider for a deeper stretch. Breathe for 3-5 counts. To try a Split, simply slide your forward leg forward. Keep your left hand on the mat for support and stretch your right arm up. Breathe and look up!

8.) Pigeon Pose
Bend your forward leg in. It is extremely important to keep your hips and shoulders squared. Use your arms to support you in this position. Breathe 5-10 deep breaths, looking up if possible!
As long as you do not experience pain, continue stretching as best as you can in this position. Keep your hips and shoulders squared. Don’t forget to breathe!

8.1) Pigeon Pose Variation
While keeping your hips and shoulders squared, try bending your back leg. If possible, grab your back leg with one or two hands. Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts while holding onto your back leg.
Lower your head to your mat with arms extended forward. Stay squared over your forward leg. Hold and breathe deeply, this time looking down! Do what you can do!

9.) Low Lunge Variation
Come up on bent knee. Extend your forward leg as far forward as you comfortably can. Clasp your hands behind you; breath and look up for 3-5 counts!
Release and open your arms wide as you inhale deeply. Exhale as you press your palms together in prayer position. Repeat the process for 5-10 counts looking up!

10.) Seated Forward Fold
Come to a seated position with legs extended straight out and forward. Inhale, stretching up with hands clasped and index fingers pointing up. Look up! Exhale, folding forward. Touch your head to your knees if you can. Repeat the process 5-10 times.
Bend your knees for a lighter version, still looking up and folding forward!

11.) Seated Prayer and Stretch
Sit cross legged. Extend straight arms slowly up from your sides with a deep slow inhale. Clasp your hands in prayer position above your head, looking up with a deep exhale!
Repeat the process 5-10 times, breathing and looking up!
Lie down on your mat and get ready for your other side.
Once you have completed numbers 1-11, it is time now to repeat numbers 1-11 with your left leg forward!
After you have completed each posture twice using each leg as the forward leg, your Halleluyah Christmas Yoga Segment is complete! Have a peaceful and most wonderful Christmas…
…and yoga on!
