Did you know? Just a 20 minute yoga workout will definitely improve the blood flow to your brain, according to a study published in the journal of Physical Activity and Health. Researchers had 30 female college age students spend 20 minutes practicing yoga and 20 minutes doing aerobic exercise. Researchers gave participants a cognitive assessment test after both the yoga session and the aerobic session. Amazingly, they found test scores to be significantly superior on tests that were taken after the yoga session.
Below is a simple yoga pose called “Padahastasana,” or Forward Bend. It is a great brain booster because it involves bending over. When you bend over blood rushes to your brain. As you progress in this pose, your head may eventually touch your knees. More importantly, your memory will be improving!
Stand tall with your feet together. Spread them apart if you need to for better balance. With your hands up over your head inhale deeply. Exhale as you fold over your legs. You may bend your legs if need be and work up to straightening them. The most important thing is the bending over. Even if you can only touch your knees and your knees are bended, this pose will still increase the flow of blood to your head.
To begin, inhale long and deep and stretch up to the sky with arms over head. Exhale and slowly fold over your legs. Repeat 5-10 times. Try and stretch and release your brain from all thought. Once you have completed the stretching up and down, remain folded over like the picture above. Inhale and exhale for 30 seconds to 1 minute and let Heaven fill your brain with Heavenly thoughts.
This pose also tones your abs and can relieve bloating, constipation, indigestion and other gastric troubles. The circulation of blood throughout your body is improved too. Your brain will be getting a boost with blood flow and, hopefully, heavenly thoughts too!