YOGA CHALLENGE IN THE PORT OF HAVANA, CUBA (be blessed with less stress)

Welcome to beautiful and elegant Veendam, a ship of Holland America Line! On this lovely day, we docked at the magical port of Havana, Cuba. Join me for this hip, shoulder and heart opening yoga challenge with poses that will boost your core, soothe your spine, and build strength in your legs.

Let this time be for you to unwind, relax and release your cares and worries.

Enhance the stress-relieving benefits of this yoga challenge by turning any worries that you have into prayers.

Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything!

Philippians 4:6

If you would like before we get started join me in this prayer.

Dear God,

My mind can hardly fathom the depth of your love for me.

You know every hair on my head.

You flung the stars into place.

You plan every step that I take.

When my anxieties overwhelm me, You tell me to relinquish my cares into your hand.

The hand that created the stars.

The hand that created the hair on my head.

The hand that holds my future.

I can now trust that all that causes me stress you will take care of. I now place all my stress into your mighty loving All-powerful hands!

In your name I pray, Amen!

What is important here is to concentrate through-out this challenge on your inhales and your exhales as you move in and out of each position. If you like, each time you press your palms together offer up a prayer of thanks.

When you are ready, grab a mat and a towel – let’s get started!


1.) Standing Prayer Stretch

  • Lengthen your body by pulling your belly in. Push your shoulders down and tuck your tailbone in.
  • Keep your feet together.
  • Inhale, extending your arms out to your sides and pressing your palms together in prayer position over your head.
  • Exhale, bringing your praying hands to your heart.
  • Repeat this up to 10 times with deep breaths.

2.) Goddess Prayer Pose

  • Extend your legs to your sides (approximately 3-4 feet wide), and bend your knees.
  • Slightly turn your toes outward.
  • Inhale, straightening your legs and extending your arms out to your sides. Press your palms together.
  • Exhale, bending your knees while bringing your praying hands to your heart.
  • Repeat up to 10 times.

3.) Tip Toe Extended Leg Squat

  • Shift your weight onto your left leg while extending your right leg out to the side.
  • Use your hands for support.
  • Press your palms together in prayer pose.
  • Breathe deeply for 5 deep breaths.
  • Say a prayer if you like.
  • Repeat with your other leg.

4.) Squat Pose Variation

  • Stand with your feet directly below your hips.
  • Bend both your knees while gently lowering your body.
  • Keep your elbows pressed on the inside of your thighs.
  • Press your palms into a praying position.
  • Breathe deeply for up to 10 counts.
  • Extend your right arm up and breathe deeply 5 times.
  • Bend your torso forward while wrapping your right arm around your right leg.
  • Clasp your hands behind your back and breathe deeply for 5 counts.
  • Repeat this, wrapping your arms around your other leg and breathing deeply.

5.) Sphinx Pose with a Half Frog 

  • Lie face down.
  • Gently raise your chest and chin up; extend your head back.
  • Press your elbows into the mat and keep them directly below your shoulders.
  • Press the tops of your feet into the mat.
  • Breathe deeply while holding this position for up to 10 counts.
  • Now bend your right leg and breathe deeply for p to 10 counts.
  • If possible, gently stretch your thigh by wrapping your elbow around your foot.
  • Stay here while breathing deeply, up to 10 times.

6.) Down Dog/ Three Legged Dog

  • Start on your hands and knees.
  • Place your hands below your shoulders and your knees below your hips.
  • Tuck your toes, press your palms into your mat and lift your sitting bones.
  • Press your front thighs back into your calves while pressing your heels evenly into your mat.
  • Roll your biceps upward to create space between your shoulders and your ears.
  • Resist the urge to look forward and keep your neck relaxed.
  • Breathe deeply for 10 counts.
  • Lift each leg into Three Legged Dog, inhaling as you raise each one up and exhaling as you lower each one for a total of 5-10 times on each leg.
  • For an easier version, simply remain on all fours extending each leg out behind you for a modified Three Legged Dog.

7.) Warrior I With Eagle Arms

  • Step forward 2-3 feet, with your left foot. The longer the step, the more difficult the pose will be! That also applies to the width between your legs; hip width is optimal.
  • Turn your back heel out slightly.
  • Do not extend your knee beyond your toes.
  • Keep your torso and hips facing forward.
  • Keep your back straight and pull your stomach in.
  • Extend your arms forward. Place your left arm under your right elbow. Continue wrapping your left arm up and around your right arm.
  • When your palms meet, lift this hand position and arch your head back, breathing deeply for up to 10 counts.
  • Repeat with your right leg forward. Then, place your right arm under your left elbow. Continue wrapping your right arm up and around your left arm. Also breathe deeply up to 10 counts.

8.) Low Lunge Shoulder Stretch

  • Lower your left knee down from a Warrior I position.
  • Keep your knee above your toes.
  • Place your hands behind your back and clasp them.
  • Look up and arch your head back, breathing deeply for up to 10 counts.
  • If possible, lift your arms up behind you and breathe deeply here for 10 counts.
  • Repeat with your right leg forward.

9.) Lizard Pose

  • From Lunge Position (like #8, above), lower your hands and then your elbows to your mat on the inside of your thigh.
  • Keep your forward knee on top of your foot.
  • You may widen this stance for a deeper stretch.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
  • Lower your back knee down if it becomes too challenging.
  • Stay on your hands if lowering to your elbows is too challenging.

10.) Camel Pose

  • Be on your knees, about hip width apart.
  • Place your hands on your hips behind you.
  • Pull your belly in, lift your chest, and gently lift your chin.
  • Slowly arch your back. Don’t expect to do this immediately; take it slow if you are just beginning to try Camel Pose. Be gentle with yourself.
  • Place a hand on a heel. Stay here and breathe deeply for 3-5 counts.
  • Place your other hand on your other heel and breathe deeply 3-5 times.
  • For a bigger challenge, gently place both hands on your heels and breathe deeply for 5 counts.
  • Be sure to slowly come out of this pose.

11.) Butterfly Pose into Seated Forward Fold

  • With both sitting bones on your mat, bring the bottom of your feet close together.
  • The farther forward your feet are in front of you, the easier this position becomes.
  • Inhale, lengthening your back, lifting your chin, and pressing your chest forward.
  • Exhale, releasing your feet while extending your legs and folding forward.
  • Repeat for up to 10 counts.

12.) Seated Twist

  • Sit with your legs extended in front of you.
  • Bend your left knee and pull it close to your torso.
  • Breathe deeply for 5 counts.
  • Pick up your left foot and place it over your right thigh.
  • Sit up tall, hugging your left leg with your right arm.
  • Twist to your left side and raise your right arm while breathing deeply for up to 10 counts.
  • Repeat with your right leg over your left thigh.
  • Wave to Cuba if you’re feeling it!

You did wonderful! Take a few moments to lie back on your mat and savor these moments of pure relaxation. Linger in the deep satisfying joy of letting go!


WARRIOR II POSE MINI CHALLENGE (unleash your inner warrior while building outer strength)

Hold your head high and confidently, unleashing your inner warrior as you stand in Warrior II Pose!

1.) Spread your feet approximately three to four feet apart, keeping them on the same line.

2.) Press down in all four corners of your feet, pushing into the outer edge of your back foot for stability.

3.) Keep pressing your extended arms back for a deeper stretch while extending your arms out to the sides.

4.) Gaze over your your middle finger with both palms facing down.

5.) Stand strong and breathe deeply for 10 deep breaths as you celebrate the power of the warrior!

6.) Step your back leg in for more support.

Step into Warrior II Pose. Build inner and outer strength while developing balance and stability. Cultivate grace and ease while building stamina and concentration. Stretch and strengthen your hips, legs, arms, chest, back, and feet while energizing your tired limbs. Stimulate your abdominal organs too all while improving your circulation and respiration.

Remember that God says you are MORE than a conqueror. ( Romans 8:37) Go forth and be all that He created you to be…strong, mighty, and victorious! For the Lord is with you like a “Mighty Warrior.” (Jeremiah 20:11.)

keep calm and conqueror on!

thanks for joining me and may love guide you where you may go…