Yoga contributes relief and healing to many ailments and diseases. Yoga may also contribute to healthier breasts. Although women can benefit, men can also enjoy the energizing and stretching effects of the “Bow Pose!”

I enjoy practicing Bow Pose for the heart and chest stretch. When we stretch our chests we aid our lungs in expanding and thus working more efficiently as they circulate oxygen throughout our bodies more efficiently. More oxygen into our bodies promotes better blood circulation which effects all areas of our bodies, including our Lymphatic System. The Lymphatic System is responsible for gathering and circulating toxins out of our body. It has no pump and relies on muscle movement and breathing to help it work.

According to there are clusters of lymph nodes under our arms, in our necks, as well as more nodes located across our chest, stomach and pelvis. Bow Pose is one little pose that will stretch it all!

Begin Bow Pose by lying on your stomach and then see if you can grab a foot. Start with one hand and then try both.

Now continue the stretch holding your other foot with one or two hands. In each position grab a few deep breaths. If your feeling it, try holding both feet. Give yourself as many deep breaths as possible here!

Remember that everyone starts somewhere. Even the slightest stretch in a Bow Pose will do your body good. With regular practice you will get stronger and begin to see results. You may not even be able to go a day with out a “Bow Pose” like me!

Thanks for joining me!

keep calm and yoga on

xxoo penny


Hi friends! I invite you to stretch with me in this energizing mini yoga challenge. Pull up a chair, grab a towel or pillow and you can begin right where you are!

This mini challenge will energize, yet relax you with the heart and lung stretching and strengthening. Breathing deeply through out each exercise supplies your cells with fresh oxygen which transforms into energy. Of course, any yoga position that involves our backs is wise to take it slow and gently. You will find that this yoga challenge starts slow and progresses with you!

Below are simpler yoga exercises to begin with, which then progresses into more challenging positions. Start and see where they each one takes you!


1.) Sitting on Legs

  • Sit on your legs then close your eyes.
  • Take a moment to inhale and exhale as deeply as you can up to 10 counts.
  • Flood your body and every cell with deep energizing life giving breaths.
  • It’s the perfect opportunity to release your cares, worries, fears and doubts to the One that is willing and can handle them.
  • Stay in this position as long as you like.

2.) Cat Stretch 

  • Lean forward, arms out in front of you onto both your wrists and knees.
  • Ensure your shoulders are directly above your palms.
  • Ensure your hips are directly above your knees.
  • With a deep breath drop your chin, round your shoulders and pull your navel in as much as you are able.
  • Onto your Cow Stretch below.

3.) Cow Stretch

  • From your Cat Stretch, lower your stomach and arch your back by lifting your chin.
  • Continue stretching your chin up.
  • Repeat the Cat Stretch with a big inhale then repeat the Cow Stretch with a big exhale.
  • Continue for 10-20 Cat into Cow Stretches.

4.) Knee to Child Pose Stretch 

  • Come up onto your knees.
  • Place your hands on your hips or behind your back.
  • If possible, interlock your fingers behind your back, lift your chin and lift your hands up behind you with a big inhale.
  • With a big exhale round your shoulders forward and slowly lean forward onto your mat.
  • Use your hands to help lower your body or place a pillow there for support.
  • If possible, continue stretching your hands up as high as they will go while your head rests on your pillow or your mat.
  • Continue this exercise with the deep breaths for 5-10 counts going up and down on your knees.

5.) Half Camel Stretch 

  • Come to your knees.
  • Ensure your knees are hip width.
  • Place a chair before you for more support to hold onto.
  • Curl your toes under for more support.
  • Place both hands on your chair for support.
  • If you are able, lift both arms up, leaning back slightly.
  • Stay which ever position that is comfortable and breath deeply up to 10 counts.
  • If possible lower a hand back behind you. Place it on your heel if you can.
  • Now breathe deeply up to 10 counts if you can.
  • Be gentle with yourself and move slowly while coming out of this stretch.

6.) Full Camel Stretch

  • Approach this Stretch once you have completed the Half Camel Stretch with no problems or discomfort.
  • Use the chair in front of you for support to feel if you are ready to lean back onto your heels.
  • If you feel ready, slowly place one hand and then the other.
  • If possible, breathe deeply for 3-5 breaths and up to 10 deep breaths if your feeling good stretching back.

7.) Child’s Pose Stretch

  • Once you come up from your Camel Stretch round forward onto the mat or your pillow.
  • Rest your hands stretched out in front of you.
  • Breathe deeply for 10 long counts.

8.) Seated Forward Bending Stretch

  • Bending forward compliments the Camel arching so it is wise to end this mini challenge this way!
  • Sit with your legs stretched out in front of you.
  • Lean forward where you feel a good stretch with no discomfort.
  • Breathe deeply for 10 counts.

Lay back on your mat absorbing all that healthy yoga goodness you infused into your body!

keep calm and yoga on!


Hello Friends!

It’s February, the month of love! Love is in the air, and certain yoga poses can help us open, stretch and strengthen our heart and chest area for health benefits you will fall in love with!

Modern day living unintentionally creates an array of health problems. Sitting hunched over at our desks for long periods of time caves our chest inward, leading to digestion problems along with neck, shoulder and back pain. This also affects our breathing, which means our circulation decreases, and our hearts and lungs don’t have a chance to work properly. We may find we have no energy and tire more often; we may even get foggy-headed due to lack of oxygen in our bodies and to our brains.

Can one little yoga pose fix all these things? It can certainly help! The best part? Yoga can be practiced by everyBODY. Each yoga pose can basically be modified to fit each person’s needs, so that every person that practices yoga can reap all of yoga’s healthy goodness.

This is Bridge Pose. Lay on your mat, or the floor, and lets get started!

1.) Place your feet at hip distance apart.

2.) Bring your heels toward your buttocks.

3.) Place your arms by your sides, with palms down.

4.) Inhale deeply; as you exhale, slowly press your feet and arms into the floor. Gradually lift your hips from the floor.

5.) Lift your hips as high as is comfortable for your lower back.

6.) Try to pull your navel to your spine to protect your lower back. Push from your heels and use your entire foot to maintain holding Bridge Pose. Keep your face and neck relaxed.

9.) After a few deep breaths, bring the backs of your arms closer together and interlace your fingers. Press the upper arms to the floor, which encourages your sternum to lift a little higher.

10.) Hold Bridge Pose for 1-3 minutes, or inhale as you lift your Bridge and exhale as you lower your Bridge for 10-20 deep inhales and exhales. Do whatever suits your needs.

10.) If you feel Bridge Pose is too strenuous, lower for a few moments and then lift again. If you lift your back off the floor even an inch or two, you are beginning at the place that is right for your body and reaping the benefits of Bridge Pose. With practice, you will be able to lift your bridge higher as you build strength.

Bridge Pose is a mild inversion which puts your heart above your head for improved circulation, building strength, and stretches ab organs, spine, chest, rib cage, back, shoulders, buttocks, and the entire leg. Practiced regularly, this pose will increase your lung capacity, improve digestion, and increase metabolism by stimulating the thyroid gland in your neck. Now that’s a yoga pose to fall in love with, don’t you think?

Thanks for joining me and have a great February!


FISH POSE MINI CHALLENGE (boost your metabolism)

I welcome you to the all inclusive” Fish Pose.” Practiced on a regular basis it can provide you with a host of heavenly benefits!

One of the most effective benefits of Fish Pose is that it can improve our thyroid function. Our thyroid gland is responsible for the health and function of our metabolism. Our metabolism is responsible for converting food to energy which affects every cell in our body.  Practiced regularly, this pose can also boost oxygen and blood flow to our lungs, improving overall circulation. It can also help to fight respiratory ailments while increasing our lung capacity.

Why not dim the lights and try Fish Pose before bed with deep breathing?  It may aid you in a restful night’s sleep!

To begin, sit with your legs extended in front of you.

Place your hands on your mat behind you with your fingers tucked under or at your sides.

Lower your elbows to your mat and lean backward.

Align your shoulders with your elbows.

Gently drop your head back as far as it feels comfortable with the aim of touching the crown of your head to your mat.

Keep your chest lifted and open-imagine a string pulling it up.

Keep your throat soft and ensure that your head is comfortable.

Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.

Slowly and gently come out of it.

Repeat the process a few more times.

When you have completed Fish Pose a few times lie down and relax to absorb all the wonderful benefits of this amazing pose.

Fish Pose will also strengthen your upper back, neck, and spine, and it can relieve tension in your neck and shoulders too. You may also experience a throat, chest, ab, hip, and neck stretch. It is also said that if you perform this pose in water, you will be able to float like a fish!

Thanks for joining me…

may peace always be with you!





Happy fall everyBODY!

My Burning Bush is gorgeous this year and just begged me to pose in front of it. Soon, my pumpkins rolled into the picture, and with the sun beaming down upon us the beautiful peach-salmon colored yoga outfit I was wearing was left without color. Oh well! At least the Burning Bush was burning – and my thighs too! Low Lunge Pose is one of my favorite yoga poses. It really stretches our entire body and we will certainly feel an energy buzz. As an added bonus, if we keep looking up, we will tone our neck!


Arching our back in Low Lunge Pose will certainly fire up our core, stretch and strengthen our legs, get our hearts pumping, our circulation flowing, our lungs working, and stimulate the thyroid gland located in our neck for a metabolism boost. Add deep inhales with exhales that are a few counts longer, and we can also encourage our parasympathetic nervous system to kick in leaving us feeling great!

As we look up, we can also thank God for this beautiful time of year!

“This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24


til next time…

…love and blessings for a beautiful day!



Down Dog, the ultimate total body strengthening and energizing stretch!

1.) Begin on your hands and knees, with your hands below your shoulders and feet below your hips.

2.) Gently push your hips up while pressing your palms into your mat. Look at your knees to protect your neck and shoulders. If this is too challenging, come down to your hands and knees to rest. Try again in a few moments!

3.) It is perfectly fine if your heels keep trying to come up off your mat. Simply roll a towel and place it under each heel for support.

3.) Play around in this position by bending each knee or lengthening your neck more, pressing into your shoulders, or pressing each heel down until it feels like a good stretch.

4.) Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts and try a few more times!

With your heart below your head, Down Dog flips the gravitational norm, encouraging the circulatory system to pump fresh blood through your body. Dr. Rachna Shal, MD, an allergist says that any inversions like Down Dog can help open up sinuses and allow the flow of mucus. Breathing deeply in this posture improves stuffiness and asthma symptoms. Some specialists agree that Down Dog is vital for preventing or helping to mange osteoporosis. Specifically, it aids bones through loading the shoulders, engaging the rotator cuff, and getting the arms over head while bearing weight. Rebecca Tung, MD dermatologist states the added blood to your face and brain can add a boost of youthful glow and a calmer expression if done on a regular basis. The ankle and calf stretch in Down Dog strengthens and stabilizes lots of small muscles, tendons, and ligaments in your feet, while your entire body is infused with all the healthy yoga goodness you could ever need all from one little Down Dog Pose!

YOGA FOR YOUR HEART CHALLENGE (For everyone with modifications)

This heart opening yoga class is for everyBODY! A less challenging explanation is always included with instructions. Remember that where you find yourself in each position is YOUR perfect place to start!

These exercises below will open our heart area, energize our entire bodies, expand our chest, increase our lung capacity, improve circulation, build strength, work every muscle and de-stress us- all in about 30 minutes! Breathing deeply with continuous movement will activate a relaxed state, resulting in lower blood pressure and increased blood flow to the rest of our body. Meditation may improve cellular metabolism, which can yield major benefits such as blocking degenerative genetic disorders and lengthening the life of DNA cells, according to a Harvard University study.

A heart at peace gives life to the body. Proverbs 14:30

 Although we all have problems and daily struggles God says that if we meditate on Him, our hearts can be soaked in peace and serenity even in the midst of all we face. It is only through Christ that we can have this comforting peace with God. (Romans 5:1)  But it’s not just any peace, it’s Heavenly peace! (Colossians 3:15.)   

And the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7

When you are focused and ready to begin, grab your mat, water and let’s get started!


1.) Chair Pose/Forward Bend

  • Stand up tall with your legs and feet together
  • Inhale, sitting back into an imaginary chair. Your knees should not extend beyond your toes.
  • Exhale, straighten your legs and bend forward.
  • Rise up to a standing position.
  • Repeat this process 10 times.
  • This exercise will awaken your body, warm up your legs, and improve your circulation!

2.) Chair Pose Twist into Lunge Twist

  • Press your palms together in Chair Pose
  • With a big inhal,e twist to your right.
  • Try to place your lower elbow beyond your right leg.
  • Hold the position for 3 deep breaths.
  • From your Chair Pose Twist position, step your left leg back into Lunge position
  • Breathe deeply, up to 10 counts.
  • Come out of the twist if it is too difficult.
  • Step your back leg in for better balance.
  • Big breaths before you twist allow more room for a deeper twist!
  • Twist are amazing for your entire mid section, inside and outside!

3.) Warrior I Pose

  • Position your back leg’s heel on your mat.
  • Do not extend your knee over ankle on your forward leg.
  • Meet your palms together over your head. Your pointer fingers can be extended up.
  • Arch back and breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
  • Warrior I Pose is a great picture taking pose!

4.) Bowing Warrior

  • Clasp your hands behind your back while lifting them up.
  • Arch back and sink deep into the pose.
  • Bend or bow forward with your ear close to your calf.
  • Keep your arms up behind you as high as possible.
  • Repeat this 5 times, back and then forward.
  • Now bow forward, hold the bow and breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.

5.) Chair Pose

  • Return to Chair Pose
  • Repeat the Chair Pose Twist to your left side this time.
  • Step back into Lunge Twist with your right leg.
  • Complete Warrior I and Bowing Warrior with your left leg forward.

6.) Down Dog To Upward Dog

  • From a Lunge position, lower both your hands to each side of your forward foot.
  • Check that your palms are directly below your shoulders.
  • Step your forward leg back into Downward Dog.
  • Breathe deeply for 5 counts.
  • Lower your sitting bones into Upward Dog.
  • Arch your head back.
  • Breathe deeply for 5 counts.
  • Repeat the process 3 more times.
  • You may also do this on your hands and knees to build up strength.
  • You may also bend your elbows and arch your head back for a less intense version of Upward Dog!

7.) Half Bow Pose to Full Bow Pose

  • Clasp your hands behind your back.
  • Lift them up, arching your head back.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
  • Try grasping your feet and arch back into Full Bow Pose.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
  • Are you feeling your chest and heart area opening up yet?

8.) One Legged Forward Bend

  • Sit with your legs extended in front of you.
  • Bend your right leg, bringing it to your inner thigh or knee.
  • Inhale, stretching your arms overhead.
  • Exhale, folding over your leg. Hold this for 3 deep breaths.
  • Repeat this 5-10 times, then switch legs.
  • It’s always a good thing to bend forward after bending backwards!

9.) Half Camel To Full Camel Pose

  • Start with your knees bent.
  • With your hands on your waist and arching your back, breathe deeply for 3 counts.
  • Slowly lower your right arm to your foot. Breathe deeply for 3 counts.
  • Slowly lower the other arm to your other foot. Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
  • Never exceed the pose beyond a slight stretch. Go slow and build strength. When your body is ready, it will ease into this pose.

10.) Leg Overhead/Inner Thigh Stretch

  • Lie back and raise your legs. Relax your head, neck, shoulders and arms. Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
  • Inhale deeply. With a big exhale, lower your legs to the sides. Point your toes.
  • With a big inhale, slowly pull your legs up from the sides. Lead the pull up with your heels.
  • Repeat this 10-20 times, breathing deeply each time.
  • A terrific exercise for your inner thighs, abs, core, legs and hips!

11.) Bridge Pose

  • Lie down with knees bent.
  • Clasp your palms together.
  • Lift your sitting bones up with a deep inhale.
  • Lower your sitting bones with a big exhale.
  • You should try to keep your feet directly below your knees. I am always going for the deeper stretch and moved them in. You can too! Most importantly, listen to your body; it will tell you when it is ready!

12.) Wheel Pose

  • Lie down with your knees directly over your feet and hands at your ears. Your wrists are facing out.
  • Now see if you can start pushing up evenly with your arms and legs.
  • Let the push up come from your palms and feet.
  • Push them into your mat as you lift your torso.
  • You may only be able to raise your body a few inches at first.
  • This pose really takes time. Your whole back side is engaged as well as your upper body. You may need to build up back side strength. I did for a long time. If you consistently practice, your body may surprise you! Mine sure did here!

13.) Body Hug

  • You did great!
  • It’s body hugging time!

14.) Child’s Pose

  • Sit on your knees and fold forward.
  • Let your body relax into Child’s Pose.
  • Child’s Pose is a great pose to end a class, as it releases all muscle tension and stretches the neck, shoulders, and upper back.
  • Stay here and breathe deeply as long as you like!

yoga on!


It’s called, “Fierce Pose” in Sanskrit, “Chair Pose” in English and “Squatting” in Body Building. This pose gets its name because it’s based on where and how we perform it. Isn’t that kind of like love? We love one other based on “something” like emotions, feelings or desires.

Fortunately for us God is Love and the Creator of love. He loves with a pure and holy love that surpasses all human comprehension. Not only has He always loved each of us unconditionally, He also extends His love for each of us for all of eternity!

Give yourself a daily dose of Fierce Pose and based on nothing you can do or not do, be loved today, tomorrow and for all eternity!

God says,

I have loved you with an everlasting love.

Jeremiah 31:3


Don’t be afraid of it’s name. Fierce Pose is an approachable full body pose that builds leg strength, stabilizes your core, improves lung capacity, stretches your shoulders and opens your heart and back. Breathing deeply while holding this pose will help you enjoy its invigorating qualities. Below are four variations of a Fierce Pose. Enjoy the health benefits and know you are loved, as you practice this short but powerful yoga sequence!

1.) Fierce Pose

Stand tall with your feet together, back straight, shoulders pressed down, neck long, and face relaxed. With a deep inhale, slowly sit back like you are sitting on a chair. Lead with your sitting bones and raise your arms. Do not let your knees extend beyond your toes. Hold this position for 10-30 seconds while breathing deeply. Repeat this 5 times.

For an easier version, sit back just a little. Spread your feet apart for even more support.

2.) Praying Fierce Pose

Come back to a standing position. Sit back into Fierce Pose with a deep breath. This time, pressing your palms together in prayer position. Hold for another 10-30 seconds while breathing deeply. Extend your prayer pose to the floor by lowering your head and straightening your legs. Go to a standing position, then repeat the process 3 times more.


3.) Praying Fierce Pose Twist

Go to standing position – then, inhale and exhale, twisting to the right. The inhale lifts you up and provides room to twist, and the exhale lets you twist deeper. Your left elbow should extend beyond your right thigh. Press your palms together while trying to look up! Hold the position and breathe deeply for a few seconds, then repeat on your other side.

4.) One Legged Flying Fierce Pose 

Stand tall. Place your left leg over your right thigh, inhaling deeply. Exhale, lean back, and lift your arms back behind you. A longer exhale allows for a deeper stretch. Hold the position for 10-30 breaths. Repeat with your left leg on the ground.

…always remember that somebody loves you at this moment and every moment in the future. No conditions necessary!




BREATHING WARM UP YOGA CHALLENGE (Seated breathing exercises to begin each yoga class or for a quick pick-me-up/stress buster)

Join me for a quick pick me up/stress reliever. Or take 5-10 minutes before each Yoga Challenge to complete this. It will fire up your body, boost your energy, relieve stress, and get you focused and ready for your workout!

Below you will find 9 basic exercises with focused deep breathing. Breathing with movement will improve your circulation, remove toxins from your body, and keep your body running on optimal!

You can also fill your lungs with the peace of God as you breathe and soar above circumstances that may be weighing you down. Let go and enjoy the ride, for God says that,

…those that hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles.

Isaiah 40:31

Eagles fly the strongest, swiftest and highest of all birds. They are also dependent upon storms and high winds – it’s what makes them soar!

1.) Cross Legged Breathing Meditation

Try to surrender all thoughts. Give up your cares, worries, doubts and fears.

Meditate on the Bible verse as you inhale and exhale slowly, deeply and deliberately.

Focus and breathe for 5-10 long deep breaths. Have fun and really try to remember to inhale and exhale, deep, strong and long!

When you are ready, proceed to the next exercise.

2.) Neck Stretch

Sit up tall.

Make sure your hips are on top of your sitting bones with your stomach pulled in, face relaxed, neck long and shoulders pressed down.

Take it slow and inhale like you are pulling all the air around you into your lungs.

Exhale slowly, turning your head to the right.

Repeat on each side, slowly inhaling in the middle and slowly exhaling as you turn your head for 5-10 times each side.


3.) Arm and Upper Body Stretch

Deeply inhale, lifting your arms slowly up from your sides.

Look up for a deeper stretch. Hold it for a few moments.

Slowly exhale, gently releasing your arms to the mat.

Repeat for 5-10 long, deep, slow breaths.

4.) Seated Side Stretch

Inhale slowly lifting your arms up from the sides, just like #3 above.

Exhale, gently leaning over to the side.

Repeat for 5-10 deep, slow breaths on each side.


5.) Neck, Shoulder, Heart Opener

With hands clasped behind your head, inhale deeply.

Exhale deeply, folding forward. Round your torso as you fold.

For a deeper stretch, inhale again and slightly lean back. Push your chest forward while your elbows back, and look up.

Repeat with the inhales, stretching up and back with the exhales rounding forward. Repeat the process for 10-25 deep breaths. Try it 1-3 minutes and see how you feel! Go slow and stretch!

6.) Neck and Shoulder Side Stretch

With hands clasped, inhale deeply while stretching up.

Exhale deeply, folding gently to alternating knees for 10-25 or longer deep breaths.

7.) Intense Side Stretch

With hands clasped, inhale and stretch up like #5 again.

Exhale, lean over to your side, and touch your elbow to your knee, if possible.

Repeat with big inhales in the middle and big exhales out to the sides for 10-20 deep breaths each side.

8.) Seated Eagle Arm Stretch

Bend both elbows out in front of you.

With a normal breath, slide your left hand under your right elbow. Let that hand continue sliding up and around your right arm. Your palms should meet.

Hold for 5 long inhales and exhales. Remember to keep your shoulders down, neck long and back straight.

Repeat with right hand sliding under your left elbow and circling your arm.

9.) Cross Legged Forward Stretch

Inhale deeply, keeping your back straight, shoulders down, neck long, and your stomach pulled in.

Exhale, slowly folding forward. For a deeper stretch, lead with your chin as you fold, keeping your back straight.

Slowly, and with deep inhales and exhales, repeat the process up to 10 times.

You can walk your hands out and lower your head for an even deeper stretch!

Breathe deeply and yoga on!





The world is all stressed out! But you can still have peace!

The American Psychological Association states that chronic stress is linked to six leading causes of death and disease: heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis of the liver and suicide. They also state that 75% of all doctor visits are stress related ailments and complaints. The American Medical Association has noted that stress is the basic cause of more than 60% of all human illness and disease. In this chaotic world, how can we not have stress?

What actually happens to our body when we are stressed? It defends itself, of course!Amazingly, God has created us with an entire defense system that turns on as soon as we become stressed. Esther Sternberg, physician and author of several books on stress and healing, explains how it works.

Immediately, our heart rate speeds up and diverts blood away from our guts and to our muscles so we can run away. The pupils of our eyes constrict, so we can keenly focus on our attacker. The bronchii of our lungs increase blood oxygenation and convert energy stored in the liver into fuel for strength and stamina. She also states that if we are stressed for too long, our body starts to release stress hormones and nerve chemicals that we do not want floating around in our body. It is these stress hormones that are so dangerous to our overall health. That is why it’s important to our health to chill out as soon as possible. Perhaps God designed our bodies with that in mind: that we might trust in Him for help.

God’s remedy for stress:

Don’t worry about anything, but pray about everything. With thankful hearts offer up your prayers and requests to God. Then, God will bless you with peace that no one can completely understand. And this peace will control the way you think and feel.

Philippians 4;6-7

Next time you feel stress coming on, give yourself a “Halleluyah Moment!” Drop and give yourself 10 long and deep breaths while meditating on the above verse of Scripture and just breathe… let God take care of it all. Let, “Peace be with you!”
