Join me for a quick pick me up/stress reliever. Or take 5-10 minutes before each Yoga Challenge to complete this. It will fire up your body, boost your energy, relieve stress, and get you focused and ready for your workout!
Below you will find 9 basic exercises with focused deep breathing. Breathing with movement will improve your circulation, remove toxins from your body, and keep your body running on optimal!
You can also fill your lungs with the peace of God as you breathe and soar above circumstances that may be weighing you down. Let go and enjoy the ride, for God says that,
…those that hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles.
Isaiah 40:31
Eagles fly the strongest, swiftest and highest of all birds. They are also dependent upon storms and high winds – it’s what makes them soar!

1.) Cross Legged Breathing Meditation
Try to surrender all thoughts. Give up your cares, worries, doubts and fears.
Meditate on the Bible verse as you inhale and exhale slowly, deeply and deliberately.
Focus and breathe for 5-10 long deep breaths. Have fun and really try to remember to inhale and exhale, deep, strong and long!
When you are ready, proceed to the next exercise.

2.) Neck Stretch
Sit up tall.
Make sure your hips are on top of your sitting bones with your stomach pulled in, face relaxed, neck long and shoulders pressed down.
Take it slow and inhale like you are pulling all the air around you into your lungs.
Exhale slowly, turning your head to the right.
Repeat on each side, slowly inhaling in the middle and slowly exhaling as you turn your head for 5-10 times each side.

3.) Arm and Upper Body Stretch
Deeply inhale, lifting your arms slowly up from your sides.
Look up for a deeper stretch. Hold it for a few moments.
Slowly exhale, gently releasing your arms to the mat.
Repeat for 5-10 long, deep, slow breaths.

4.) Seated Side Stretch
Inhale slowly lifting your arms up from the sides, just like #3 above.
Exhale, gently leaning over to the side.
Repeat for 5-10 deep, slow breaths on each side.

5.) Neck, Shoulder, Heart Opener
With hands clasped behind your head, inhale deeply.
Exhale deeply, folding forward. Round your torso as you fold.
For a deeper stretch, inhale again and slightly lean back. Push your chest forward while your elbows back, and look up.
Repeat with the inhales, stretching up and back with the exhales rounding forward. Repeat the process for 10-25 deep breaths. Try it 1-3 minutes and see how you feel! Go slow and stretch!

6.) Neck and Shoulder Side Stretch
With hands clasped, inhale deeply while stretching up.
Exhale deeply, folding gently to alternating knees for 10-25 or longer deep breaths.

7.) Intense Side Stretch
With hands clasped, inhale and stretch up like #5 again.
Exhale, lean over to your side, and touch your elbow to your knee, if possible.
Repeat with big inhales in the middle and big exhales out to the sides for 10-20 deep breaths each side.

8.) Seated Eagle Arm Stretch
Bend both elbows out in front of you.
With a normal breath, slide your left hand under your right elbow. Let that hand continue sliding up and around your right arm. Your palms should meet.
Hold for 5 long inhales and exhales. Remember to keep your shoulders down, neck long and back straight.
Repeat with right hand sliding under your left elbow and circling your arm.
9.) Cross Legged Forward Stretch
Inhale deeply, keeping your back straight, shoulders down, neck long, and your stomach pulled in.
Exhale, slowly folding forward. For a deeper stretch, lead with your chin as you fold, keeping your back straight.
Slowly, and with deep inhales and exhales, repeat the process up to 10 times.
You can walk your hands out and lower your head for an even deeper stretch!
Breathe deeply and yoga on!