THE LIZARD POSE MINI CHALLENGE ( hip stretcher and opener)

Welcome to “Yoga with Penny!”

This month, we will take on the Lizard Pose! Be forewarned, the Lizard does require patience and dedication but well worth our efforts. Also, don’t worry if the Lizard appears too intimidating. Every yoga posture is a work in progress and can be adapted to fit our bodies and our fitness level so try not to fear the Lizard!

Most styles of yoga include this posture to help open the hips and strengthen and lengthen them as well. Many yoga teachers and yogi experts view the hips as a point for storing negative emotions and stress. With regular practice  Lizard Pose provides stress relief while helping to strengthen our core, legs, hips, shoulders, arms and back. It’s a terrific stretch for athletes to ensure the hips stay strong and flexible.

The Lizard Pose also provides relief for people who tend to sit for long periods of time or those suffer from lower back discomfort and dysfunction, which usually manifests itself as Iliopsoas Syndrome. Iliopsoas Syndrome happens when two connecting muscle groups located in the hip area, important for stabilizing our back and hips shorten, thus placing stress on our spine and lower back. Opening and stretching the hips regularly helps to counteract this process and provide balance within the hips. That’s the magic of the Lizard Pose and it’s no wonder why it continues to be a popular and worthwhile posture in the world of yoga and beyond.


Start by stepping forward into a lunge position with your right leg forward and your hands on your hips.

Keep your back left heel up.

Walk your back leg in if you need more support.

Stay in this position for a few breaths.

If possible, gently lower your hands to your mat.

If possible, gently slide your forward foot to the outside of your mat.

If possible, lower to your elbows on the inside of your forward leg.

Keep your spine, neck and head in a straight line.

You may rest your back leg on your mat if you find this position too challenging.

You may also use a yoga block or a folded blanket to rest your hands or elbows on.

Remain in your Lizard Pose and breathe deeply for 10 breaths.

Slowly come out of your Lizard Pose and begin the process with your left leg forward.

I hope you enjoyed doing “Lizard Pose” with me!




Hi Friends!

This month “Yoga with Penny” features moving forward into the New Year with Lunge Pose!

In this New Year, let’s give ourselves permission to let go of whatever does not serve us. Let us dedicate these precious few moments to free ourselves from what weighs us down and holds us back. Let Lunge Pose serve as a symbol of our willingness to let go of the past and move forward into 2019.

Physically, a Lunge Pose can help us counteract the effects of desk-sitting. Sitting for long periods of time stresses our spine, hips and back. We may also notice our shoulders rounding forward and our chests caving in, which affects the way we breathe. Taking just five minutes for a few Lunge Poses (while breathing deeply) will help to revive us with energy and relieve stress. Deep breathing activates our parasympathetic nervous system, which slows our heart rate and helps us to relax. And, of course, Lunge Pose help us to build strong muscles in our legs, back and spine.

If you find Lunge Pose too challenging, simply lower your back knee to the ground. For more support, stretch your legs wider than hip distance. Try it out, and do what works for you. Yoga is also about you being good, to you!


Lunge Pose:

1.) Stand at hip width, bend both knees, and step your right foot forward.

2,) Keep both your hips facing forward throughout the position.

3.) Be sure your forward knee is directly over your foot.

4.) The further forward you step, the more challenging the pose becomes.

5.) Bend forward; use your hands for support, placing them on the inside of your forward leg.

6.) Keep your arms straight, relax your shoulders, soften your collar bone, and let your hips sink.

7.) Once you feel comfortable in a Lunge Pose, inhale peace and exhale your stress, breathing deeply for 10 counts.

8.) Step forward with your left foot into Lunge Pose, and breathe deeply for 5-10 counts again.

9.) Repeat moving forward in Lunge Pose on each leg a few more times.

As you work on your Lunge Pose, let it remind you to stop taking time from your life by looking in the rear view mirror. Instead, live in the present moment, fully alive, fully aware, and moving ever forward!

Thanks for Lunge Posing with me.

God Bless you as we Lunge into the next year!




LUNGE POSE MINI CHALLENGE (quick stress reliever from sitting at a desk)

Hi Friends!

Today we will be practicing “Lunge Pose.”

Lunge Pose helps us counteract the effects of what I call “Modern Day Sitting Syndrome”!

The beauty of each yoga pose is that if you find that a pose is too challenging for you there is always an easier way to practice it. Lunge Pose is no exception. If you find it is too challenging for you, simply lower your back knee to the ground. For more support stretch your legs wider than hip distance. Try it out. Do what works for you.Yoga is about being good to yourself. This may be your first decision to be good to yourself. As you progress in your practice you may find that what you discover on your mat may spill over into your daily life. Making a decision that’s best for you while doing yoga is the first step in making your yoga practice your own.

Lunge Pose Tips:

1.) Stand hip width, bending both knees and stepping your right foot forward.

2.) The further forward you step, the more challenging the pose.

3.) Bending forward; use your hands for support.

4.) Keep your arms straight, relax your shoulders, soften your collar bone, and let your hips sink.

5.) Inhale deeply all Try to let go of all thoughts, past and present Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.

6.) Step forward with your left foot into Lunge Pose and breathe deeply for 5-10 counts again.

Sitting at a desk all day stresses our spine, hips, and back. Our chest caves in, our shoulders round forward and soon our breathing is affected too. Taking just five minutes for a few Lunge Poses with deep breathing energizes our bodies while also giving them a chance to rest and relax. Deep breathing activates our parasympathetic nervous system, which slows our heart rate and helps us relax, while lunges builds strong muscles in our legs, back, and spine.

As you work on your Lunge Pose, let it remind you to stop taking up time from your life by looking in the rear view mirror of your past life. Instead, live in the present moment, fully alive, fully aware and ready to move forward. As you go forward may you realize along the way how very much that God loves you!

May you love and be loved and may peace be with you!

see you next month!

LUNGE POSE CHALLENGE (first step of faith)

Anjaneysana, or more commonly called Lunge Pose.

Lunge pose is an approachable yoga pose. It stretches and builds strong sculpted legs, releasing tension in the hips. Practice Lunge Pose regularly and you may be able to raise your arms up and arch your back, engaging your entire upper body for a full body pose.

Sometimes in life, the only available form of transportation is a leap of faith. But soon the doubters appear to shut us down and freeze us up. “It’s impossible!”, screams pride. “It’s risky!”, declares experience. “It’s pointless!”, offers reason. And somewhere in the deep and mysterious chambers of our heart, a teenie tiny voice rises and whispers softly, “Give it a try”

God tells us…

…”do not fear for I am with you” Isaiah 41:10

As we lunge forward in Lunge Pose, let it be the outer expression of our heart’s willingness to take that first step of faith.




Step forward with your right foot and gently bend over it. Lower your hands or fingertips to your mat for balance and support. Keep your forward knee directly over your foot while straightening your back leg. Sink your hips, relax your shoulders and soften your collarbones. Inhale and exhale long and deeply for 1 minute. Then, try your other leg.

For a more intense stretch, lower your back knee and the top of your foot to your mat. Inhale long and deeply, remaining in Lunge Pose for 1-3 minutes. You may also stretch your arms up and arch backwards, also inhaling and exhalinh long and deeply.

Lay down, relax and breathe long and deeply. Where might you be leaping forward in your life?

