We still do!

How did it happen? In my realm of reality…I really don’t know. My husband and I were just doing life. Ya know, falling in love, getting married, having kids, kids growing up with college and careers. One day you take a breath, sit back and say, WOW! Actually, I always thought old people stayed married that long – not me. I’m not that old! Well, it’s hard to admit you’re that old! I have been married for 35 wonderful years that sped by like a rocket! Although it is an astonishing feat, one I can’t say is all because of me, I can still think it’s pretty awesome that my husband and I can say, “We Still Do!!”

I sure hope to inspire you too. To let you know that you CAN do it. You can be married a long time and you can have a great marriage! Sure, it won’t always be easy, but it does change as you age. And if you’re willing, you can learn to be more of everything: more content, patient, kind, compassionate, and loving. The older you get, you realize your time here on earth is expiring. What do you want people to remember about you? Don’t you want each moment to be the most awesome it can be with all the people that you love, especially your spouse? He or she is the one you made vows with before Almighty God. You both own the marriage. It is a duel responsibility to make it work. They say a happy marriage is the union of two great forgivers, that a happy marriage requires falling in love with the same person many times, that when you love your spouse you are loving yourself because the two of you are literally one.

Recently, my husband and I had the opportunity to celebrate our anniversary by cruising to Bermuda. We took our kids too. It was a grand celebration! I was also under the impression that our Bermuda cruise was our anniversary gift to each other. Well, I was wrong. He showed up with 7 anniversary gifts, one for me to open each night. I of course, had nothing. Each gift was wrapped beautifully with a bow and a small humorous/romantic note attached. It is by far the most thoughtful, romantic, unbelievable surprise I have ever received from him! And, probably nothing he does in the future will match it! But the best he can and has given me all these years is the best gift of all, himself! He is mine and I am his….til death we do part! It sure doesn’t get any better than that. To be the most special person on earth to someone is by far totally incomprehensible to me, but most wonderful!

Here’s the gifts and the notes which are just too romantic not to include!

The sunglasses…“To see me in a different light”

The perfume with an atomizer, of course, because…” Marriage is a blast”

The “We Still Do” Christmas ornament because… “Every Holiday is better with you”

The Betsy Johnston watch because…“To keep track of the next 35 years”

The black diamond earrings because…“Even when times are dark you shine”

The rose-gold diamond and black diamond earrings because…“Beautiful as Rose, Brilliant as a gem

The coach leather pocket book because…” Loverweave Backpack Level 1000 to carry all your loot!!!!!!

(pocketbook not included in the picture, but my husband is a crafter of bags of all levels for our characters in World of WarCraft. To carry all our loot of course!)

…and then on our last evening, the Filipino waitress sings us a song with her beautiful voice. I am overwhelmed with emotion of the magnitude of our special milestone!

…and then just when things don’t get any better than this, Jesus pops in my head. In the Scriptures it says that,” I am His and He is mine. “(Song of Solomon 6:3) Can we even grasp the depth of these word’s written for us by God so that we might know that Jesus is yours and He is also mine? 2 Timothy 3:16 says” …all Scripture is God -breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.” No, I don’t think we can grasp such Heavenly things. It’s probably why Jesus tells us to believe them instead. “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!”1John 3:1.

Moody Stuart states how God is mine and I am his the best:

God is mine to look upon, to lean upon, to dwell with; mine to bear my burdens, discharge my all my debts, mine to answer all my accusers, mine to conquer all my foes; mine to deliver me from hell, mine to prepare a place for me in Heaven; mine in absence, mine in presence, mine in life, mine in death, mine in the grave, mine in judgement, and mine in the marriage of the lamb!

He laid down His life for me so that Him and I can have all of this…

God demonstrates His own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Romans 5:8

My heart stirs with deep gratitude and love for my awesome hubby! To be loved is the greatest gift a human being can possess. Yes, my husband and I can say, “We Still Do!” And I am deeply honored. But there has not been a moment since God created me that He has not been doing all the things above, for me! And, He is also doing them for you too! Essentially, there is not a moment that passes by where God is not doing something for you and me too. God is always doing because ” God always does!” Most definitely my hubby and I can say, “We still do because God always does!”


love and blessings!


YOGA TO BUILD BALANCE YOGA CHALLENGE (on your mat and in your life)

This segment challenges our balance while building a solid support system for our bodies to live in. Each Yoga posture here will enhance our way of standing and walking in this world, as well as how we perform our everyday activities. Building strong sturdy muscles, core power, agility and coordination will help us keep balanced throughout our lives, thus preventing falls and injuries.

The rigor and demand of these poses compels us subconsciously to summon our minds and bodies to connect in order to stay centered and balanced.  To balance in any of these poses, full resolution is required. That is all of you, body mind and soul active and present in the pose. As in real life, holding yourself up day after day in the storms and situations of life gets real hard sometimes. We can easily lose our balance. We even fall! But a new calm can be upon us. Being fully present for every problem and situation provides us choice. We can choose rather than react. Thus the storms of life, as in these poses, will not be able to easily pull us off balance anymore.

As you begin this Yoga segment workout, try giving it your full resolution and see what happens. If you would like to take it a step farther, and find true lasting peace and balance in your life, reflect upon these verses of Scripture. There is a firm solid rock waiting for you to step on. Jesus wants you to see Him as your solid immoveable rock for your life. Practice standing on His Words He wrote in His book, just for you and I. He understands. He does not fail. He is as solid as a rock, today, yesterday and tomorrow!

…and the Bible says, “Everyone who hears my words and obeys them is like a wise man who build his house on a rock, “Matthew 7:24

…and it also says, “On Christ the solid rock I stand, ” Psalms 62:6

To that I say, “Rock Your Asanas!”

1.) Chair Pose and Twist

Stand with your legs and feet together. Lean back, letting your sitting bones lead, and bend your knees. Keep an eye on your knees. Do not let them bend beyond your toes. Stay here for 3-5 big breaths.

Inhale deeply while pressing your palms together and lowering your arms. Exhale, twisting to the side. Try to place your left elbow on the outside of your right leg. Keep pressing your palms together while looking up and behind you for a few more breaths. Raise your arms and repeat on the other side. Do this 3-5 times each side.

After you twist, open your arms up and twist a little farther. Widen the space between your feet and do not sit as low into the chair for a less intense version.

2.) Intense Pose Variations

Your heels should be on the same line, which makes this pose a little more challenging. Widen the space between your legs if you are just starting out. Your legs should be straight, but you may bend them too. Your left toes should face sideways, with your right toes slightly forward and angled as in the picture.

With legs all lined up, clasp your hands behind your back or place your hands on your hips. Inhale deeply while gently folding up over your forward left leg. Lead with your chin and really hold your arms up behind you. When you can stretch no farther, stay there and breath deeply for 3-5 counts. Repeat with your right leg forward.

In the same starting position with your left leg forward and with both heels on the same line, raise your arms up with a big inhale. Exhale, folding over your leg with arms stretched out. Try to lead with your chin; it will help you lengthen your back. Keep both your hip bones facing where your forward legs toes are pointed. Hold this position for a few big breaths, then fold over your leg for a few more breaths. Repeat with your other leg forward.


3.) Triangle and Triangle Twist

With heels on the same line again, and left leg toes pointing forward, gently push your hips back. Inhale and gently fold down your leg. Raise your back arm up and look at it. Open and  stretch here for a few big breaths.

Drop your raised arm to your mat. Raise your lowered arm up (Simply reverse your arms.) Then twist. Hang out here for a few deep breaths. Repeat with your other leg forward.

If you find your hand does not make it to the floor, simply rest it on whatever part of your leg it feels good on and work from there.

4.) Tip Toe Extended Leg Squat into Half Moon Pose

Stand hip width. Bend your knees and lower your torso. Extend your left leg to the side. Stay here for a few deep breaths. Repeat and extend your right leg for a few deep breaths.

With left leg extended, again place your hands for support on your mat in front of you. Gently shift all of your weight to your left leg. As you do, pivot your foot so that your toes face the left side. Walk your hands on the mat and place one palm on each side of your forward foot. Lift off by straightening your forward left leg and raising your back right leg. If you feel balanced, circle your right  arm up. This will cause your body to open up sideways into Half Moon Pose.

Push through the heel of your raised foot and try to straighten your standing leg. This will balance out your body in the pose.

5.) Half Moon Hand to Foot Balancing Pose

Move into Half Moon Pose. From here, bend your raised leg and grasp it with your raised hand. Try to keep that knee up in the back and gently push into that leg. Push like you are trying to straighten the leg. This will stretch you and improve your balance on that leg. Hold for a few deep breaths. Should you lose your balance, simply try a few more times.

To switch legs, start by turning your right shoulder over and down, facing your mat, by lowering your hands to the floor. At this point, both shoulders should be looking the floor. Lower your raised leg and raise your other leg; all that you are doing is switching your hands and legs here. Stretch by pushing through this leg for a few deep breaths. Repeat each side a few more times with a few deep breaths on each side.

6.) Down Dog into Three Legged Dog Crunches

Seated upon your heels, rise up to all fours. Tucking your toes and lifting your sitting bones, straighten your legs and arms. Arms and legs should be both shoulder and hip width apart. Press your hands widely into the mat while pressing your heels down to the mat. You should be able to look at your knees. Soften your neck while keeping your biceps close to your ears. Hang out here for a few breaths.

When you feel ready, lift your left leg. Hold for 10 breaths. Then bend and lower it. Aim for moving your knee to your head. That is one crunch. Repeat for 5-10 more crunches, then switch legs.

7.) Knee Hug into Hand Foot Extension into Tree Asana Variation

Stand tall like a mountain. Spread your left standing leg toes. Slowly raise your right leg. Bring your knee into your chest. Hold for a few deep breaths. Now let your right hand find your right foot. Focus on an object directly in front of you and remain calm. Straighten that leg by pushing your foot into your palm. Hold for a few deep breaths.

Practice this pose near a wall, steady chair, or countertop to maintain balance on your first try.

When you are ready, gently let go and let your right foot slide onto your left thigh. Lift your arms, breathe deeply, and hang out!

Repeat the entire process while standing on your right leg.

8.) The King’s Asana

Stand tall. Focus on an object in front of you. Slowly lift your left leg. Grasp your foot and lean forward. Press the bottom portion of your lifted leg into your hand. This will provide stability and allow your torso to lean forward for a deeper stretch. Stay for 10-30 seconds.

Repeat standing on your left leg.

9. Warrior II Sweeping Arms into Eagle Warrior

Step forward with your right leg. Both legs should be straight. Extend both arms up. Lean back and look up with a big inhale.

With a deep exhale, slowly release into Warrior I by bending your forward leg. Let your arms be straight and slowly lower them, moving them behind and up as far as they will go.

Inhale up with straight legs and arms overhead. Exhale and bend your forward knee as you release your arms back behind you. Repeat on the same leg 10-15 times.

After sweeping your arms with your right leg forward, remain in Warrior I. Bend your elbows and bring your arms up to shoulder height for  Eagle Warrior. Take your left arm and slide it under your right arm; let your wrist and hand keep sliding up over the outside of your right arm. Keep sliding until your palms meet. Clasp them and continue pressing them outward for a deeper stretch. Hold for 10 deep breaths.

Repeat the entire process with your other leg forward. For Eagle Warrior with your left leg forward, let your right arm slide under your left arm and continue sliding it up the outside of your left arm.

10.) Praying Warrior III Asana

Standing tall and steady. Slowly lift your left leg up behind you, toes pointing downward. Press your palms together in a prayer pose and breath deeply 10 times.

Repeat standing on your left leg.

After you have completed this segment, relax for a few moments on your back in Corpse Pose. Breath deeply. Know that you can have a balanced life. Rock Your Asanas and rock your life!

May balance and peace be yours!



Bridge Pose or Setu Bandasana. Setu in Sanskrit means ‘bridge,” sarva means “all” and anga means “limb.”

All bridges are important tools for connecting. The Yoga Bridge Pose is no exception. It is one of the best back-bending poses for beginners. Both dynamic and versatile, it helps to open your body up and build strength at the same time. It tones your upper body and legs, lengthens your hip flexors, opens your chest muscles and improves breathing, circulation, digestion, and thyroid functions. It calms the brain and eases anxiety, thus promoting overall relaxation. Bridge Pose does not disappoint. You will reap the benefits from building a strong bridge. All your limbs will be working in Bridge Pose to construct a bridge with your body, while also connecting your practice to other poses.

As you lift your body into a bridge, remember the most famous bridge of all, Jesus! When Jesus stretched out His hands upon the cross to die for mankind, He was the greatest bridge ever created: the one and only bridge that God constructed that connects us to God and leads us to Heaven. We simply need to believe in Jesus as our bridge. When we do, we have crossed over from death in our sins to eternal life with God, forever!

For there is One God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Jesus Christ.

1 Timothy 2: 5-6.

Bridge Pose

Lay flat on your mat. Bend your knees and bring your heels closer to your sitting bones. Place your arms by your sides, palms down. Lift your hips from the mat by pressing your feet and arms firmly to your mat. Your knees should stay in line with your hips. You should only lift your hips as high as what is comfortable for you. Hang out here for a few deep breaths.

As you progress in Bridge Pose, you will want to bring the backs of your arms closer together and interlace your fingers. Keep your upper arms pressed firmly into the mat. This will allow your hips to lift a little higher. Hang out here for a few more deep breaths, maintaining the pressing of your arms and legs into your mat. Hold this pose between 1 and 2 minutes.

You may want to continue to build strength in your legs and back. If so, hold your ankles while inhaling, lift your hips while exhaling, then lower your hips for a few counts. Try to do this 10 times and progress up to 30-50 hip lifts.

When you are ready, lower your hips and lay flat. Relax here. Soften and let long held tensions unravel in God’s deep love for you!


Peace and Joy


YOGA FOR PRAISING GOD CHALLENGE (Basic yoga postures that praise God)

Halleluyah is the Hebrew word for ‘Praise the Lord.” Asana is the Sanskrit word for “posture” or “pose”. And this Yoga Segment is the Praise the Lord Poses Segment!

Offer up praise to God in each Asana and watch Him bless your workout, fashioning it into an inner and outer total body workout! Emerge with joy in your heart, love in your soul and a peace that passes all understanding!

In these postures, you will challenge every muscle. Breathing deeply and steadily will enhance your efforts and soak up all the health benefits. Being attentive in each movement will give you the opportunity to feel how magnificently your body was made. Let God love you with a Heavenly love as you meditate upon these incredible Bible verses!

But God demonstrated His love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Romans 5:8

This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down His life for us.

1 John 3:16

Before you begin, take a few moments to quiet your mind and body by inhaling and exhaling long and deeply. Accept and believe that God loves you so much that He died in your place. As you position into each Asana, or when your palms meet, pause and offer up your Halleluyah’s!

1.) Seated Side Stretch:

Come in a cross-legged position or whatever is a comfortable position for you! Take a deep breath while raising your arms up from your sides into a praying position and pause. Exhale deeply, leaning to the left side. Try to place your forearm on the mat and really stretch your other arm over. Pause at the end of your exhale. Bring your arms up with a big inhale again. Pause and exhale over to your right side. Repeat for 5-10 times each side.

2.) Reverse Forward Bend:

From a cross-legged position, gently come to all fours. Place all your weight upon your feet. Tuck your hands under your toes and give yourself a deep stretch. From here, slowly rise, one vertabre at a time with your head and arms coming up together with a big inhale. Your hands should meet in a prayer position. Try to gaze upward and pause before releasing back down. Repeat this 3-10 times.

Maybe your hands just don’t go under your toes. Maybe your ankles, calves or knees are a better place for you. Simply do Reverse Forward Bend from your starting point. Always modify any position that challenges you, or you do not feel comfortable doing.

3.) Star Asana and Twist Stretch:

With your legs stretched out wide to the sides, inhale deeply, slowly lifting your arms straight up from your sides. Pause when your palms meet. Exhale and slowly release your arms. Let your right hand touch your left foot and stretch. Inhale it all back up and exhale over to your right leg with your left hand. Repeat, alternating sides, for 5 -10 counts each side.

Maybe your hands don’t make it into a praying position. Just lift them up then. Or maybe your legs will not extend to the sides comfortably. Walk them in a little, or more if you must. Always make it safe for your body by doing only what feels comfortable for you!

4.) Warrior II Asana:

This time we will be doing the same Star Asana to begin, and then stretch into Warrior II from there. So, with feet extended out to the sides, inhale deeply as you also extend your arms out to the sides. Lift your arms up into a praying position. Pause. Then slowly release into Warrior II by lowering your arms to shoulder height while pointing your right foot toes to the right side; bend that knee. Exhale slowly as you release.

Pause for a moment in Warrior II Asana. Pressing your palms together, take another big inhale and exhale in prayer position, pausing again.

Now, take another deep inhale, raising your praying palms while your legs straighten. Your feet face forward while your head gazes upwards. Pause. Then lower to Warrior II position again, and repeat the same process. Do this on each side 5 times.

Again, do each pose the way that feels good for your body. Your hands do not have to meet in prayer pose and your legs can be bent and not so wide. Do try to breathe deeply though!

5.) Intense Stretch Prayer Asana into Triangle Asana:

Come back to your comfortable Star Asana. Gently meet your fingers behind your back. Lift your hands up, following your spine and press your palms together into a Prayer Asana behind your back. Now, rotate your right foot to the right while your left foot rotates slightly. Each of your heels should be on a straight line if possible. Your legs should be straight as well. Take a few good deep breaths, then pause. Release your hands and straighten your arms with your right hand on your mat and your left hand up. Pause and take a few good deep breaths again. Come back to your Star Asana. Repeat with your left leg forward. Do this on each side 1-3 times.

If you find your fingers do not meet behind your back, place your hands wide with palms up on your lower back or hips. Or place them where they feel comfortable behind your back. You may even press your palms into Prayer Asana in the front of your body. You may also need to bend your legs a little and place your hands on your hips or thighs, calves, or ankles to begin, and progress from there.

6.) Praying Lunge Asana:

Turn to your right side with your right foot forward. Bend your legs and place your left knee on your mat. Inhale deeply and stretch your arms up from the sides. Pause. Exhale deeply into a prayer asana. Pause. Repeat on the same leg 3-5 times. Then do it with your left leg forward.

For a deeper lunge, if you are able from the above asana, step your forward leg out about 3-6 inches. Move slowly and stretch into a deeper lunge by stretching your back leg out. With a deep inhale, lift your arms up from your sides. If you are able, press your palms together. I find I can stretch my arms up higher by interlacing my fingers. Pointer fingers are kept straight. Look up. Pause. Exhale, releasing your arms down. Press your palms into prayer asana. Repeat the process of inhaling up, pausing, then exhaling down and pausing, 3-5 times with each leg forward. Always be in Prayer Asana during the pauses if you can!

7.) Praying Chair Asana With Twist:

With feet no wider than hip width, sit back as if you were going to sit in a chair. Lead with your sitting bones, inhaling deeply while lifting your arms out from the sides. Pause. With a big exhale, lower your arms and press your palms together into prayer asana. Inhale deeply, making space in your body for the incoming twist. Then exhale, twisting the prayer asana to the left side. Try to get your opposite elbow to the outside of your opposite leg. Pause. Inhale, going back to the middle with arms up. Exhale and twist to your other side. Alternate each side with an inhale arms up in the middle and an exhale hands pressed in Prayer Asana on each side. Repeat each side 5-10 times.

You may find your thighs muscles burning if you’re sitting too low. You may always stand up in the middle and bend into Chair Asana with each twist. Let your Prayer Asana fall where it may. With consistent practice, you will sit lower and twist more.

8.) Knee Hug into Hand/Toe Asana:

For additional benefits, pull your knees into your chest before getting into Hand/Toe Asana. Breath deeply for 10 counts with each knee pulled in.

After you have completed Knee Hug, take your right foot and straighten it out to the side. Hold and pause with continuous breathing up to 10 counts. Repeat with your left leg. Alternate each leg for a total of 3-5 times. Include the Knee Hug before each Hand/Toe if you like. Also, you may uses a sturdy chair, wall or countertop for support as you learn this asana.

9.) Knee Hug into Warrior III Asana:

Again, for additional benefits pull your knee into your chest before each Warrior III Asana. Hold for 10 counts of deep breathing!

After your last inhale, pause, and then exhale while releasing the Knee Hug.  Let your leg straighten as it moves behind you. Try not to lower it to the mat. Try to keep your leg lifted behind you. Try to also keep your front body, torso and hips facing your mat. Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts. At this point, you may go back to a knee hug and do a few more Warrior III Asanas. Bring your right knee into a Knee Hug and do the sequence with your other leg.

You may also use a chair, table or wall for support. Don’t forget to breathe too!

10.) The King’s Asana:

Grab your knee again and give it a hug! Once you have held it for 10 counts of deep breathing, slowly move your hand to your foot as you move your leg behind you. I find holding my ankle really stretches me and provides support as I lean forward with my torso. Slightly bend your standing leg and don’t be afraid to lean forward. Just let go of your leg if you are on the verge of falling. If you can, hold The King’s Asana with continuous breathing as long as you can. Offer up your Halleluyah’s!

Use support for your forward arm. Don’t lean if you don’t need to do so; stand tall and build leg strength while standing on one leg. Try the pose and fall a few times. It’s a learning process. Do whatever suits you. There is no wrong way. Enjoy, have fun and praise God while you do!

…and that’s how you Halleluyah your Asanas!



Think you have loved someone more than life itself? Think someone has shown you love beyond your wildest dreams? Meditate on this. There is not a second that you are not on God’s mind. His love surpasses all! For God loves you in a moment more than anyone could in a lifetime.

God says, “My thoughts toward you outnumber the grains of sand on the seashore”…Psalms 139: 17-18

As we begin this yoga challenge, let us take a moment to think about all the grains of sand in the world. Then let us bow forward in devotion and gratitude at the sheer notion of being loved by God without measure.

Remember, the more you breathe into each position, the deeper you can stretch and release stress. Try to keep steady inhales and exhales amid all the effort you will be putting forth. That way when stressful situations arise in your daily life, you will trust in God and automatically keep a steady breath while coming away less stressed. God gave you your breath – use it to free up tension in your life!


Come with your legs and feet together. Inhaling, bring straight arms up from your sides. Exhale, bowing forward. Repeat in a continuous flow of inhaling up and exhaling down for 10-20 times.


Once you complete all your Forward Bows, stay bended and hold onto your toes or your knees, thighs or ankles. With continuous breathing, bend each leg for a moment. It will enable you to stretch a little deeper. Then, while inhaling, look up. While exhaling, lower your head to your knees. Repeat with a continuous flow of inhaling with your head up and exhaling while pulling your head to your knees 10-15 times.


Widen your feet to a place that is comfortable for you. Bring your arms up from your sides, clasp them, and look up to Heaven. Inhale and exhale continuously in this position for 10-20 counts.


From a Star Stretch position inhale and then exhale. Bend your right knee and foot to the side. Open your arms wide out to the sides. Your torso should be looking forward. Be gentle and go slow. Inhale to Star Stretch and exhale to Warrior II for 10 counts. Then repeat on your other side.


From a Star Stretch position, lower your arms but stretch them out to your sides. Inhale, twisting your torso to the left side. Exhale, bending your torso to meet your thigh, knee, ankle or foot. Lead the bend with your chin stretching out and over your leg to reap the stretching benefits. Raise your torso and come to the middle. Repeat on your other side. Try for 10-15 times each side.


From a Star Stretch position with extended arms out to your sides, turn your right foot to the side, bending your right knee. As you bend, your left arms comes up over your head and your right arm leans on your bended knee. Drop your right arm on the floor for support. Gently twist, lookin up. For a less vigorous approach, simply bend both knees or bring your back leg in closer. Breath continuously for 10 counts.  Move on to the next exercise, Lunge Twist, before moving to the other side. Then repeat both Side Lunge and Lunge Twist on your other side.


From a Side Lunge position, simply twist your torso to the other side. To do this simply place your other hand on the floor and gently twist, looking up. For a less vigorous approach bend your back knee on the floor and twist, looking up. Slightly bending your forward knee; twisting with your hand on your knee or thigh is good too!


From a Side Lunge with your right leg forward, lower both hands to the floor. You are now in a Deep Lunge position. You may drop your back knee to the floor for more balance and support. Or you may keep it up for more strength and stretching benefits. From both positions, wiggle your right foot to the right a few inches and slowly lower to your elbows. Stay here for a continuous flow of breathing up to 10 counts.


From a Deep Lunge or Pigeon Position, straighten your arms and lower your back knee if it is not lowered already. Wiggle and scoot your right foot,  lowering your torso. Use your arms for support getting into this position – go slow and gently. If you experience any discomfort, immediately stop, sit and breath. Take control of your breath rather than letting it control you. If your body allows you to safely move into Pigeon Position stay here and breath continuously up to 10 counts. Keep your hands on the ground for better support or place them in a praying position. Repeat on your other side. Sometimes, one side will feel better getting into positions than the other – that’s normal!

10.) HALLELUYAH POSE (modification)

I have chosen this as the official, Halleluyah Yoga Pose! Why? First, because it is awesome. Second, because I aspire to get into one! Third, because at the age of 57 and able to keep up with a yoga practice, I possess no words but  praise to God! Fourth, because Halleluyah is the Hebrew word which means, “praise be to God”! It’s the Praise be to God Pose!

From Pigeon Position with right leg forward, place your right hand behind you for support. Slowly grasp your left foot, slowly pulling your leg in. If you can pull that foot into your elbow, locking it there. Reach up and let your hands clasp. Breath continuously for up to 10 counts then repeat on your other leg.

Below, Zach gets into a Halleluyah Pose beautifully!

Lie back and relax. Keep the innumerable grains of sand in your mind. Embrace God’s love and know that you are always on God’s mind!

Halleluyah! Yoga on!

YOGA FOR VITALITY CHALLENGE ( Yoga with a twist for everyBODY)

This yoga segment is designed for most fitness levels.  Enhance your twisting with a couple verses of Scripture provided below and twist for your mind, body, and soul!

Get Twisted and improve the health of your internal organs and build your core. According to Livestrong, twists encourage the flow of oxygenated blood while eliminating toxins and metabolic wastes from your body. They also aid in bloating or digestive problems. Your shoulders, chest, back and spine have a chance to relax in twists and you will increase flexibility in your spine and waist muscles.

At first glance, twists appear chaotic. Any normal person knows a body should not be bending and twisting like that. That’s the beauty of a twist: a body gone wild! Don’t be fooled; to move into a twist from a standing position requires so much more. Your feet need to settle into the earth and your legs must draw strength from the stability of the feet. Your entire core or inner body  needs to lengthen. You must inhale from the bottom of your body to the top of your head, drawing a long deep breath by pulling up and out of your waist, chest, hips, spine. And when it is impossible to hold any more breath inside you, then you twist with a long exhalation. The breathing helps you twist better.

What I love about twists is that your insides get revitalized. As you stand firm with a solid foundation, you appear all tensed up and out of control but your core keeps you strong. Sometimes in our lives we get all twisted up too but God tells us to chill. Sometimes the knots are so twisted up we can easily forget that the God that breathed the stars into existence and turned water into wine can help us. Seriously, all we need to do is believe. Seems too easy, but God promised He would help us. In this yoga segment get twisted but let Him untwists all the  knots inside that are binding you now.

…”cast your worries on Him, because He cares for you. 1 peter 5:7

…Let your roots grow down into Him. Let your lives be built on Him. Colossians 2:7



1.) Chair Pose into Chair Pose Twist

Start by placing your feet together. Bend your knees and slightly bend back as if you were going to sit on a chair. Raise your arms up, then inhale and exhale 3-5 times long and deeply. You may stand up for a moment or continue in a chair pose for the twist.

In chair pose position, on your last inhale and exhale bring your palms together in prayer pose. Firmly press them together. Inhale deeply, lifting your entire upper body. Exhale deeply as you twist. Let your left elbow twist to the outside of your right leg. Hold the pose as long as you like or repeat on your other side.

Make it a flowing sequence of movement by always standing up before you bend into chair pose. Bend into chair pose with arms up and then into prayer pose. Stand up again and bend into chair pose before you twist to each side. Repeat the sequence once or maybe 3 times each side.

You may also widen your feet for better balance in chair pose and do not bend back too far. Always stand between each movement so your legs don’t get tired and slightly twist to each side.



2.) Chair Pose One Arm Stretch and Twist

From chair pose, twist to the right side, and simply lower your left arm down while extending your right arm upward. Hold the twisted stretch, then inhale and exhale long and deeply. Breathe into any tensions that may arise.



3.) Low Lunge Back Knee Bend into Reverse Twist

Step your left foot forward into a lunge pose. Sink your hips, placing your back knee on the ground. Inhale and exhale long and deeply for a minute, invigorating your body and mind while resting your attention on God.

For the twist, bend your right back leg and let your torso follow. Place your right hand directly below your right shoulder. Let your left arm twist your body as you look up. Inhale and exhale long and deeply for 3-10 counts if you like, or what ever feels good for you.

Make you lunge higher or simply stay on a bended back right knee if you find it too challenging. If your right hand does not make it to the floor, stay up. Do the twist by placing your right arm just outside your left thigh. Inhale and exhale long and deeply as long as you feel comfortable.



4.) Bended Knee Reverse Twist and Stretch

Step your right foot forward, bending your back left knee. Inhale long and deeply, lifting your entire upper body. Then as you exhale twist, placing your left hand on your right thigh. Raise your right arm for a deeper twist. Repeat on your other side for 3-10 long and deep twisted inhales and exhales, or as many as you like.




5.) Warrior II Pose into Side Angle Pose

Step your left foot forward, bending your knee. Keep your left back leg straight if possible. Sink your hips, raising your arms up and out to the sides. Inhale, pulling up and out of your belly, then lifting your chest. Keep your shoulders pressed down with an extended neck. Look out past your arms. Stand firm and let the quietness of your roots be the source of your strength.

Move from Warrior II position into Side Angle pose by lifting your right arm up and extending it up and over. Meanwhile bend your left arm, resting it on your left thigh. Stretch and inhale and exhale long and deeply 3-10 times. Repeat on your other side.

Walk your back leg in and slightly bend your front knee if you find it too challenging. Your hand may also rest anywhere that feels comfortable on your front leg.



6.) Side Angle Stretch and Twist

Once in a Side Angle position, lower your forward left hand to the floor and extend your right arm up. Inhale and exhale long and deeply 3-10 times.

You may come back to a standing position or come back to a Side Angle. Moving from a Side Angle, simply let your raised right arm fall behind. Then let your left arm slide under your left thigh and meet it. Grasp your fingers and look up. This will open your torso in new ways, stretching and strengthening your entire body. Inhale and exhale as best you can long and deeply.

Bring your right arm to your hip. Look up.


7.) Star Pose One Arm Stretch and Twist

Stretch your legs out to the sides at a distance comfortable for you. Bend forward, placing your hands on the ground. Inhale long and deeply and exhale long and deeply, extending and twisting your right arm upward. Repeat on the other side for 3-10 inhales and exhales on both sides. Inhale middle, exhale twisting up.

For a less vigorous approach, bend your knees and  lessen the distance between your legs. Bend over slightly. Let your twist come from placing your hands on the outside of each leg. The other arm can be placed on your hip. Inhale in the middle slightly bent and exhale as you twist to each side. Repeat 3-10 times each side.


8.) Eagle Pose

Stand with your legs and feet together. Raise your left leg, placing it over your right thigh. Try to tuck that leg behind the leg your standing on. If you can twirl it around the leg finishing at the inside of your right foot. Once steady, let your left arm go under your right elbow, twirling it up your arm until your palms meet. Inhale and exhale long and deep 2-4 times. Repeat on your other leg. Left leg twirls left arm goes under and twirls. Right leg twirls, right arm goes under and twirls. Try to keep your body, especially your hips facing forward.

For a less vigorous approach, I would suggest that you do these movements separately. Arms. Then do legs. Play around with each, and see where you end up. One side will feel easier, guaranteed!




9.) Squat Prayer Pose Into Side Twist

Let your legs be hip width apart then bend your knees. Sink your hips all the way to the ground. Press your palms together for a more intense stretch.

From Squat Pose, raise your left arm up then back extending it to your right hip. Stay here. For a more intense stretch, take your right arm out and over the outside of your right leg. Meet the hands, clasp them and stretch upward for 3-10 long and deep inhales and exhales.

For a less vigorous approach, place a rolled up or folded blanket under each heel. Gently begin moving your arms up and around your legs. Stop at a comfortable stretch for you. Inhale and exhale long and deeply.

Lie on your back for a few breaths to absorb the afterimage of each twist. Do you feel lighter? Does your body feel more buoyant? Do you feel more rooted and grounded, perhaps balanced and clear-headed? Enjoy this delightful state of peace and love.

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