I am swept away by the green of the ocean, the softness of the sand, the and shadows of the palms dancing on the shore. Perhaps the beauty of the water, the sky, and the horizon, exists to transform us. Call it wonder, but maybe God in His omnipotence knew that we need it. We often need to be brought back to that peaceful state of being where God can work His magic again,

…leading us besides still waters and restoring our souls.

Psalms 23: 2-3

Come sitting and cross your legs. Close your eyes. Just breathe. No matter where you may find yourself in the present moment, imagine still waters in your mind.  Invite them into your heart. Move slowly into each position below, keeping a steady flow of breathing that’s neither fast or slow, hard or soft. Just breathe in and out like the gentle waves on the shore. Let your inhalations absorb God’s peace and love. Let your exhalations feel as settling and soothing as one sigh of relief after another. Linger here in your heart and mind and let the pure cleansing waters make you new again.

The key here is to maintain a steady breath while your moving. That way when life throws you a punch, you don’t tense up, hold your breath, and get all stressed out. Better to trust God and own your breath. Trust God and use what He gave you to remain calm and peaceful.


In a cross-legged position, extend your arms out to the sides with a steady breath. Raise them up overhead into prayer position. Repeat 10 times.


Simply lower your left arm. Stretch your right arm to the side. Repeat on each side 5-10 times with a steady breath.


Come to all fours. Spread your fingers wide. With a steady breath, tuck your toes and straighten your arms and legs. Lift your hips up and press your shoulders to the floor, but keep your neck relaxed. Press your heels to the floor. Walk your legs in if your heels do not touch. Stretch and breathe. Lower to all fours and try again a few times.


Come to all fours again, tuck your toes under, and straighten your legs. Move into one horizontal line. Reach the backs of your legs up. Make sure your hands are under your shoulders and palms are spread wide. Let your arms be straight, but make sure your elbows not locked. Keep a steady breath while you hold this position. Bend your knees to come down and sit back on your heels for a few moments before trying again. Try for 5 and work up to 10, always coming back to sit on your heels.


Come to all fours. At the same time raise your left arm and leg. Hold for 10-30 seconds. Keep a steady breath and repeat on the other side. Alternate 3-10 times.


Come to all fours. Raise your left side and grasp your foot. Hold there with a steady breath for 5-10 seconds. Repeat on your other side.


Come to all fours. Spread your fingers wide. With a steady breath, tuck your toes and straighten your arms and legs. Lift your hips up and press your shoulders to the floor, but keep your neck relaxed. Press your heels to the floor. Walk your legs in if your heels do not touch. Stretch and breathe. Lower to all fours and try again a few times.


To begin, come in a steady and solid Down Dog. Stay here or try to raise your left leg and hold it up a few seconds. Then try your other leg. Alternate each leg 3-10 times. Hang out between leg raises in Down Dog for a bit or sit back on your heels after each one to refresh your body.


From Three Legged Dog, bend your elbows while keeping your leg raised. You can always lower your leg and sit back on your heels if you find this position too challenging. Or stay in Down Dog or on all fours. This will build strength in your arms legs and core. Keep a steady breath! Repeat on each leg 5-10 times.

Lie back and relax on your mat. Try to keep the still waters in your mind and heart. Linger here in peace and tranquility for as long as you like.

Go forth and keep a steady breath in all you do!



Time on your mat invites you to stretch not only your body, but your emotional, mental, and spiritual self as well. Let yoga serve as an exploration, so that God can use to move you ever closer to that lovely state of balance where you feel alive and awakened, energized yet relaxed, refreshed and rejoicing, peaceful and loved… all in the same moment!

Being physically flexible is not just about being able to get into into pretzel like positions as in yoga. Actually, flexibility is the ability to move muscles and joints through their complete range of motion. Increasing flexibility improves and stretches your range of motion, thus enhancing daily life in a multitude of ways. Flexing and stretching improves circulation by increasing blood flow and nourishing muscle tissue. Frequent flexing and stretching helps reduce tightness in muscles and allows you to maintain better posture. Flexing and stretching also relieves tension, enhances coordination and balance, increases energy levels, aids in pain relief and improves your sense of well being. Flexing and stretching can also be an attitude that invests and transforms the mind. Flexible minded persons are able to take advantage of opportunities, flourishing and growing in the process. It challenges us to leave our comfort zones and offers us new ways of experiencing God, ourselves, and the world.

Researchers at the University of California, at Berkley, introduced an amoeba into a perfect, stress free environment (the amoeba is a single-celled organism that lives in marine environments). The temperature, moisture level and food supply were all perfect for the amoebas survival. The amoeba needed to make no adjustments to improve its life. One would think that the amoeba simply lived the good life, right? Unfortunately for the amoeba, it died. The saying “you’re either green and growing or ripe and rotting” is quite true here. The amoeba needed challenge in order to multiply and grow. Without challenge in life, it could not survive.

In the Bible, God used example after example of men and women who left their comfort zones and were able to accomplish amazing things. Moses, David, Joshua, Ruth, Debra, Paul, Mary and Jesus are just a few! Think about their lives and the way they allowed themselves to be flexible before God.

Some people say the moment you leave your comfort zone is when life really begins. I don’t know about you, but I call that faith!



…” I came that you may have life and live it more abundantly”-

John 10:10