Liken your body to a star. Stretch and lengthen the body in all directions from the strength of your core and illuminate everything around you. For God said,
“Let light shine out of darkness,” made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.
2 Corinthians 4:6
He counts the stars and calls them all by name.
Psalm 147:4
Billions of shattered diamonds radiate in the blackest of nights. God has perfect, distinct, and exact knowledge of each one, and calls them each by name. The Almighty has created, counts and hangs each one in the exact spot that He chooses. Some Bible scholars liken God’s children to these stars. He has perfect, distinct, and exact knowledge of each one, and calls each of us by name. Every one of us are placed by God in exactly the place He chooses. We shine in the darkness all around us because He gives us, His children, His divine light.
Before you begin, cast all your worries and cares upon Him. That way you can illuminate in your Star Pose stretches! When you are ready, grab a mat, towel, and let’s get started!
1.) Star Pose Stretch
- Spread your legs out to your sides.
- Tuck your sitting bones while pulling your belly in.
- Lift your torso up out of your waist.
- With a big inhale, lift your chest and gaze upward.
- Let your palms meet while reaching upward, with your biceps at your ears and your shoulders down.
- Exhale, release the stretch, and lower your arms.
- Repeat the stretch up with a big inhale, and release the stretch down with a big exhale for 10 counts.
- Bring your legs in for more support while you stretch!
2.) Star Pose Forward Fold
- Lower your torso, folding over your legs.
- Stretch your arms to your feet and hold your big toe.
- You may place your head on your mat. Use a pillow, block, or chair for support.
- Breathe deeply for 5-10 slow breaths.
- Again, place your hands on your hips for more support!
- Place both of your hands forward on your mat.
- With straight arms, reach your right arm up with your left arm on the mat and palms spread wide.
- Twist up from your waist.
- Repeat the twist with your right arm on your mat.
- Inhale deeply as you raise each arm, and exhale deeply as you lower each arm.
- Alternate for 10-20 deep breaths.
- Use a block, chair, pillow or stack some books for an easier version. Don’t forget your deep breathing!
4.) Star Pose Leg Stretch
- With both your hands forward on your mat, walk them over to your right foot.
- Inhale in the middle, and exhale as you stretch over your leg.
- Repeat each side for 10 stretches on each side.
- You can continue to use a block, chair or stack of books for each stretch.
5.) Wide Legged Star Pose Stretch
- If possible, lower to your elbows
- Keep your legs straight and stretch for 10 deep breaths!
- You may use a block, chair and books for help as you stretch!
- Bend your right leg.
- Stretch your left leg out to the side.
- Breathe deeply for 10 breaths.
- Place your hands in prayer pose if possible, or keep them in front of you on your mat for support.
- If you can, wrap your right arm around your right leg while slipping your left arm in the back up to meet it.
- Exhale; it will create more space for you to wrap.
- Breathe deeply for 10 counts.
- Repeat the Extended Side Squat using your left leg for support.
yoga on and shine!