YOGA FOR STRETCHING AND DE-STRESSING CHALLENGE ( Quick yoga class to stretch and let go of tension)

Build core strength and shine from the inside out with these six quick stretches. Take each exercise slow while breathing deeply. You will invigorate each cell with fresh oxygen while improving circulation, respiration, strength, and flexibility. Lengthen your spine, tone your legs and open up your hips; unwind the knots from sitting at a desk all day!

Liken your body to a star. Stretch and lengthen the body in all directions from the strength of your core and illuminate everything around you. For God said,

“Let light shine out of darkness,” made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.

2 Corinthians 4:6

He counts the stars and calls them all by name.

Psalm 147:4

Billions of shattered diamonds radiate in the blackest of nights. God has perfect, distinct, and exact knowledge of each one, and calls them each by name. The Almighty has created, counts and hangs each one in the exact spot that He chooses. Some Bible scholars liken God’s children to these stars. He has perfect, distinct, and exact knowledge of each one, and calls each of us by name. Every one of us are placed by God in exactly the place He chooses. We shine in the darkness all around us because He gives us, His children, His divine light.

Before you begin, cast all your worries and cares upon Him. That way you can illuminate in your Star Pose stretches! When you are ready, grab a mat, towel, and let’s get started!

1.) Star Pose Stretch

  • Spread your legs out to your sides.
  • Tuck your sitting bones while pulling your belly in.
  • Lift your torso up out of your waist.
  • With a big inhale, lift your chest and gaze upward.
  • Let your palms meet while reaching upward, with your biceps at your ears and your shoulders down.
  • Exhale, release the stretch, and lower your arms.
  • Repeat the stretch up with a big inhale, and release the stretch down with a big exhale for 10 counts.
  • Bring your legs in for more support while you stretch!

2.) Star Pose Forward Fold

  • Lower your torso, folding over your legs.
  • Stretch your arms to your feet and hold your big toe.
  • You may place your head on your mat. Use a pillow, block, or chair for support.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 slow breaths.
  • Again, place your hands on your hips for more support!

3.) Star Pose Twist

  • Place both of your hands forward on your mat.
  • With straight arms, reach your right arm up with your left arm on the mat and palms spread wide.
  • Twist up from your waist.
  • Repeat the twist with your right arm on your mat.
  • Inhale deeply as you raise each arm, and exhale deeply as you lower each arm.
  • Alternate for 10-20 deep breaths.
  • Use a block, chair, pillow or stack some books for an easier version. Don’t forget your deep breathing!

4.) Star Pose Leg Stretch

  • With both your hands forward on your mat, walk them over to your right foot.
  • Inhale in the middle, and exhale as you stretch over your leg.
  • Repeat each side for 10 stretches on each side.
  • You can continue to use a block, chair or stack of books for each stretch.

5.) Wide Legged Star Pose Stretch

  • If possible, lower to your elbows
  • Keep your legs straight and stretch for 10 deep breaths!
  • You may use a block, chair and books for help as you stretch!

6.) Extended Leg Squat

  • Bend your right leg.
  • Stretch your left leg out to the side.
  • Breathe deeply for 10 breaths.
  • Place your hands in prayer pose if possible, or keep them in front of you on your mat for support.
  • If you can, wrap your right arm around your right leg while slipping your left arm in the back up to meet it.
  • Exhale; it will create more space for you to wrap.
  • Breathe deeply for 10 counts.
  • Repeat the Extended Side Squat using your left leg for support.

yoga on and shine!

YOGA FOR HEALTHY HIPS +HAMSTRINGS CHALLENGE ( relieve pent up stress in legs and hips)

Keep calm and relieve pent up tension in your hamstrings and hips. This will enable you to unleash your inner sparkle, so you can shine all day. Hamstring health is vital. Your hamstrings connect two very important joints: your hips and knees. Relieving them with stretches will feel immensely relaxing. These yoga poses will release, strengthen, and send fresh oxygen to all those muscles, tendons, and joints in your hip, hamstring and lower back area. Developing length and strength in your hamstrings is key to moving into more difficult poses as you progress in your yoga practice.

Focus on these words of wisdom so you can shine from the inside out. For God says,

…those who look to him are radiant.

Psalm 34:5

…Arise, shine; for your light has come, the Lord’s glory has shone upon you.

Isaiah 60:1

Relax and breathe deeply for a few moments before we begin. As always, every yoga class at Halleluyah Yoga is for  everybody. I hope you enjoy this yoga class and may your day overflow with peace and love.

1.) Seated Hamstring Stretch and Breathe

  • Sit tall with your legs stretched out. Keep your back straight and chest lifted throughout these stretches.
  • Lift your right leg, straighten it, and pull it close to your body. Breathe deeply for 5 counts.
  • Bend your right leg across your chest or body. Cradle it, rock it in your arms, and breathe for 5 counts.
  • Pick your right leg up and place it over your left leg. Hold your knee and gently twist by looking over your right shoulder. Hold and breathe for 5 counts.
  • Let your right leg relax over your left leg. Bend forward and breathe for 5 -10 counts. Stay here longer for a deeper release.
  • Repeat all 4 stretches with your left leg.

2.) Reclining Leg Stretch

  • Lie back. Bring your left leg into your chest or as close to your chest as possible.
  • Move your leg around to loosen up your hips.
  • Breathe deeply for 5 counts. Remain here for another 5 deep breathes.
  • If you can, hold anywhere on your leg and stretch your leg out by straightening it.
  • If you can, bring your head up to touch your knee. Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
  • Repeat with your right leg.

3.) One Legged Seated Forward Bend

  • Sit tall with your legs stretched out.
  • Bend your right leg, place your right foot on your inner thigh or wherever you can.
  • Stretch up tall, inhaling deeply and exhale deeply while bending forward.
  • Repeat this 5-10 times. Then bend forward and hold for a few deep breaths.
  • Now, place your left leg on your inner thigh and repeat the same process.

4.) Hero Shoulder Stretch

  • Sit on your heels. Stretch your arms behind you. Let each hand hold the opposite elbow. Breathe deeply for 5 counts.
  • Press your palms together behind your back. Breathe deeply for 5 counts. Stay here and breathe again for 5 counts.
  • If you can, sit between your legs. Go slow and be gentle. Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.

5.) Reclining Half Hero Pose

  • Lie flat on your back.
  • Bend and bring your right leg back. Your right foot should be near your right hip area. You may find your back arches. You may lean on your hands or elbows. Stay at the position where you feel a gentle stretch.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
  • Repeat on your other leg.

6.) Full Hero Stretch

  • Lean on your elbows while gently and slowly bringing one foot, then the other foot, next to each hip area.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
  • If you are able, lie back fully. Your chest should pop up.
  • Breathe deeply 5-10 times!

Take a moment to lie back and breathe deeply. Linger in the deep release. Breathe deeply.

Words of wisdom…eat glitter for breakfast and get your glow on.

( …do Halleluyah yoga everyday for health and to focus on words from your Heavenly Father. It will be like glitter to your soul so you can shine all day!)


You can ease an achy back, enhance your posture and improve spinal mobility with these seven simple yoga poses. When your back muscles are well conditioned, back pain can be greatly reduced. Breathing through your nose will enhance all the benefits of the poses, encouraging strong circulation and relaxation. Try to maintain a strong steady breath, as it will allow you to go deeper in the stretch, This releases tension in your muscles and improves your flexibility. Always be gentle with yourself. Go slow and keep a steady breath for maximum results. Gradually increase the intensity of this segment by holding each posture longer.

A relaxed state will always up the results of all your efforts. The Psalmist pens,

You are my place of quiet rest I wait for your word to renew me.

Psalm 119:114

1.) Easy Forward Bend

Stand comfortably, preferably with your feet at hip width for better balance. Let your hands clasp your elbows. Bend your knees. Now gently fold forward. Stop where it feels most comfortable. Take 5-10 long and deep breaths. Stay long enough for your back and spine to release (you’ll feel it) if you can. Slowly come back up. Repeat again or move on to the next yoga exercise.

Many people who suffer with lower back pain have tight, short hamstrings. This pose will lengthen your hamstrings and release your lower back.
2.) Cat Pose

Slowly and gently lower yourself to your mat or the floor. Come on to your knees. Spread your palms out in front of you. Place your knees directly below your hips. Place your palms directly below your shoulders. Inhale slowly as you gently round your back and lower your head. Exhale slowly as you come back to the starting position. Repeat the process 5-10 times.

3.) Cow Pose

Come to your hands and knees. Cow Pose begins in the same position as Cat Pose. The only difference is that your head goes up and back. As your head goes up, your back will arch, so take it slow. Inhale slowly as you gently raise your head. Exhale slowly as you lower your head. Repeat the process 5-10 times.

Cat and Cow Poses can also be done together, inhaling in Cat Pose and exhaling into Cow Pose. A good exercise for strengthening your back, spine and neck too. I especially like how Cow Pose tightens and tones the neck area!

4.) Easy Seated Forward Bend (a favorite of mine for an achy back)

Gently sit on your mat or the floor. Extend your legs directly out in front of you. Take time to sit up tall on your sitting bones. Let your weight be even on each side. Leading with your chin, extend your torso out over your legs. Slide your hands down your leg. Stop when you feel a good stretch. Bending your knees as you extend will ease you into the stretch. You may keep them bent or try to straighten them as you build flexibility. Also, staying in this pose for a minute while breathing slowly and deeply will allow you to go deeper into the stretch.

5.) Lying Leg Stretch

Lie flat. Take time to relax here a moment. Then, without tensing up, adjust your body by trying to get it flat on the floor. When you’re ready, bend your right leg. It does not matter where you bend it to. What matters is that it is able to support your body when you raise your left leg. Feel free to explore what feels good for you! Raise the left leg slowly and bring it close to your torso. Breathe deeply here 5-10 times. Then repeat the process on the other leg.

6.) Baby Pose

Lie flat on your mat or the floor. Adjust your body and try to relax before starting this pose. When you are ready, slowly and gently bring your knees into your torso. If you can, give them a big hug! If you can, raise your head too. Slowly breathe deeply here for 3-5 counts and repeat again a few more times. At first you may not be able to hug your knees or lift your head. Do what you can here, because even a little bit goes a long way. Never think because you can’t do these exercises optimally that they aren’t doing anything. Your body will benefit from all your efforts every time!

7.) Lying Double Leg Twist ( another really good release in back, neck and shoulders that my back takes delight in!)

Lie flat on the floor. Adjust yourself so that you are spread out evenly on the floor. Extend your arms directly out to the sides. When ready, gently bend your knees and bring them into your chest (or as close as you can). At first, maybe you can only bend them and your feet are still on the floor. No problems! Simply begin the exercise from whereever you find yourself. Now, take a big inhale. Exhale slowly as you release your legs to the right side. Slowly turn your head to the left side or keep it in the middle. Take a few deep breaths here and stay as long as you like. Then repeat the process on your left side.

Peace and blessings!
