Camel Pose. A heart opening yoga pose which bends over backwards offering up some serious health benefits for all ages. Especially helpful in keeping us older souls vibrant and full of zest and energy!

Considered a back bending pose in the world of yoga our Camel Poses will stretch our entire bodies even in places we have not stretched in a few or more years. Our Camels will also open up our chest area, especially our hearts. With consistent practice it will also expand our rib cages thus improve our lung capacity as well. As we breathe deeply into our Camel stretches we are sending a fresh supply of oxygen to all parts of our bodies. More oxygen intake releases pent up stress and tension which helps our nervous system slide into a state of calm and our mood instantly improves.We may even experience a drop in blood pressure as our Camels get our blood pumping which of course provides energy and vitality!

I’m pretty much addicted to Camel Pose for all these really terrific health benefits but also as an added beauty benefit I love that it helps tone our chins. I know that I desperately need it. How about you?

So that you can have a chance to warm up, I started the Camel pose below with a few quick yoga stretches to warm up our backs and our spine. Please remember to take it slow and be gentle with yourself. That way you can come back and practice your Camel love everyday, whenever you need some energy and and at the same time whenever you need to unwind and calm down!

Enjoy and know that you are doing your body a world of good!

Child’s Pose

Start by resting on your heels and bend forward as best you can and inhale and exhale deeply for 10 counts. You can always rest your hands on the seat of a chair or use a pillow and also put a rolled up blanket under your butt if needed.

Puppy Pose

From a Child’s Pose you can slowly and gently walk your hands forward (even an inch will help) for an added stretch and neck toning and feel how Puppy Pose opens your shoulders. Include deep breathing and help your neck and shoulder tension take a hike!

Remember,  use a chair or a pillow if you need to get into this position and try to let your chest drop for deep stretching of your neck, chin, shoulders, upper back and glutes, knees, hamstring and thighs.

Child’s Pose Stretch

From your Child’s Pose, if possible, place hands on your lower back. Even one hand to start is great. If possible interlock them behind while letting them fall forward as much as possible.

Come up to your knees and try it too. Remember to use a pillow or a towel or blanket under your knees for support.

In both positions breathe deeply for 10 counts.

Stretch back continuing to lift your hands up behind you.

Or have your hands on your hips during this stretch.

Do this sitting too. Whatever way works for you.

For the complete exercise, rise up on your knees with hands interlocked with a deep inhale. Then lower your body and try to touch your head to your mat as you exhale deeply or let your head come down to a pillow and rest it there.

Continue rising up with a deep inhale and lowering down with a deep exhale for 3-5 times or longer if it suits you.

Supported Camel Pose

Once your knees are in a comfortable position slowly arch your body back. Your hands can be on your hips at first. When you feel comfortable try lowering a hand to your heel. Breathe deeply here as long as you can.

Don’t forget to try the other hand. And don’t forget to breathe, that part is essential.

Full Camel Pose

Once you can place each hand on a heel go for placing both at the same time!

Breathe deeply and infuse you body with healthy yoga goodness!

keep calm and thanks for joining me!







Hi friends! I invite you to stretch with me in this energizing mini yoga challenge. Pull up a chair, grab a towel or pillow and you can begin right where you are!

This mini challenge will energize, yet relax you with the heart and lung stretching and strengthening. Breathing deeply through out each exercise supplies your cells with fresh oxygen which transforms into energy. Of course, any yoga position that involves our backs is wise to take it slow and gently. You will find that this yoga challenge starts slow and progresses with you!

Below are simpler yoga exercises to begin with, which then progresses into more challenging positions. Start and see where they each one takes you!


1.) Sitting on Legs

  • Sit on your legs then close your eyes.
  • Take a moment to inhale and exhale as deeply as you can up to 10 counts.
  • Flood your body and every cell with deep energizing life giving breaths.
  • It’s the perfect opportunity to release your cares, worries, fears and doubts to the One that is willing and can handle them.
  • Stay in this position as long as you like.

2.) Cat Stretch 

  • Lean forward, arms out in front of you onto both your wrists and knees.
  • Ensure your shoulders are directly above your palms.
  • Ensure your hips are directly above your knees.
  • With a deep breath drop your chin, round your shoulders and pull your navel in as much as you are able.
  • Onto your Cow Stretch below.

3.) Cow Stretch

  • From your Cat Stretch, lower your stomach and arch your back by lifting your chin.
  • Continue stretching your chin up.
  • Repeat the Cat Stretch with a big inhale then repeat the Cow Stretch with a big exhale.
  • Continue for 10-20 Cat into Cow Stretches.

4.) Knee to Child Pose Stretch 

  • Come up onto your knees.
  • Place your hands on your hips or behind your back.
  • If possible, interlock your fingers behind your back, lift your chin and lift your hands up behind you with a big inhale.
  • With a big exhale round your shoulders forward and slowly lean forward onto your mat.
  • Use your hands to help lower your body or place a pillow there for support.
  • If possible, continue stretching your hands up as high as they will go while your head rests on your pillow or your mat.
  • Continue this exercise with the deep breaths for 5-10 counts going up and down on your knees.

5.) Half Camel Stretch 

  • Come to your knees.
  • Ensure your knees are hip width.
  • Place a chair before you for more support to hold onto.
  • Curl your toes under for more support.
  • Place both hands on your chair for support.
  • If you are able, lift both arms up, leaning back slightly.
  • Stay which ever position that is comfortable and breath deeply up to 10 counts.
  • If possible lower a hand back behind you. Place it on your heel if you can.
  • Now breathe deeply up to 10 counts if you can.
  • Be gentle with yourself and move slowly while coming out of this stretch.

6.) Full Camel Stretch

  • Approach this Stretch once you have completed the Half Camel Stretch with no problems or discomfort.
  • Use the chair in front of you for support to feel if you are ready to lean back onto your heels.
  • If you feel ready, slowly place one hand and then the other.
  • If possible, breathe deeply for 3-5 breaths and up to 10 deep breaths if your feeling good stretching back.

7.) Child’s Pose Stretch

  • Once you come up from your Camel Stretch round forward onto the mat or your pillow.
  • Rest your hands stretched out in front of you.
  • Breathe deeply for 10 long counts.

8.) Seated Forward Bending Stretch

  • Bending forward compliments the Camel arching so it is wise to end this mini challenge this way!
  • Sit with your legs stretched out in front of you.
  • Lean forward where you feel a good stretch with no discomfort.
  • Breathe deeply for 10 counts.

Lay back on your mat absorbing all that healthy yoga goodness you infused into your body!

keep calm and yoga on!


Hi Friends! Welcome to “Yoga with Penny!”

This month, I will teach you a variation of Half Moon Pose that requires balance and back-bending. It can be difficult to master, yet the focus, stamina and perseverance we experience from our efforts is proof that we don’t have to be perfectly whole in order to shine. Let’s focus on progress, not perfection!You should attempt this after practicing Half Moon Pose, but sometimes it’s just plain fun to try! However, always progress at your own pace and listen to your body.

The position of your arms legs and feet are the same as in the Half Moon. Once we establish a sturdy Half Moon, we then simply grab the raised foot and pull it outward from our body while our body tries pulls it inward. Basically, we will be holding on by letting go. Quite ironically, that is where true balance really does occur in this yoga posture!

To begin:

  • Stand with your feet facing forward.
  • Turn your right foot directly to the right side, including your toes and knees.
  • Bend your knees slightly.
  • Lean to the side while slowly straightening your standing leg.
  • Slowly lift your back leg up, keeping your back knee facing forward.
  • Use a chair, wall, table or yoga block to help with support.
  • If possible, grab your foot while lowering your hand to the floor.
  • Make sure your leaning hand stays below your shoulder.
  • Keep on looking forward, pressing your foot into your hand and pointing your foot behind you as far as possible.


  • Breathe steady while moving into the pose, and focus on an object directly in front of you. This will help with your balance.
  • Press that back foot into your hand, stretching it back behind you for a deep stretch
  • Your entire body, head and lifted leg faces forward; your standing leg, toes and knee are facing the right side.
  • Once you have found the perfect position for your body, hold the position with deep inhales and exhales.
  • Remember that with regular practice, you will get stronger and your balance will improve with every effort that you make.
  • Always try to remember that yoga is a process, and you are always exactly where you need to be.
  • Enjoy your yoga practice. Remember progress is more important than perfection. Keep calm and yoga on!

The benefits of this posture are of course, an overall stronger body, improved focus, determination, concentration, balance, spatial awareness and stretching our heart, chest and lung for improved circulation and lung capacity.

Thanks for joining me today!



The eagle is seated in a meditative state, proud and high upon it’s rocky ledge, eyes penetrating the ground for prey far below. Puffy clouds like dirty popcorn are rolling in, blackening the skies. The wind howls, the trees are swaying while their leaves dance and swirl. The eagle begins to open his wings. Suddenly the storm worsens but suddenly the eagle leans forward into the air. With openness and grace the eagle soars peacefully into the stormy clouds. With unwavering faith in the wind he’s flying high above the storm.

Below stands the Eagle Pose, designed to twist you up and make you wobble. But you won’t give in, right? You will focus, hold on and have faith won’t you? Actually, the purpose here is to help you to learn the Eagle Pose. Below are the 10 steps to help guide you. Of course you will wobble as we all do. Balancing on one leg is pretty challenging but hang in there. Every yoga pose is always a “work in progress.” It’s far more important what we take away from each pose that helps us live a richer, calmer and more productive, stress-free life.

What might we learn from the Eagle Pose while we practice it? When we get all twisted up and anxious to sit still. Focus on inhaling and exhaling consistently. Consistent steady breaths in any situation will immediately calm our nervous system down. Balancing poses are meant to bring on the chaos in our minds and bodies simply by trying to hold them up. But isn’t that a little bit like life? Trying to hold ourselves up yet the heavy load of stress weighs us down and tires us out. Chaos will always be around it’s simply how we react to it that matters.

What we really want to do is not stress out and respond in a calm peaceful manner. But we all over react sometimes. That’s because we are hardly put in situations where we do have a choice to react in a different way. That is where yoga can help. It offers us a better way to handle stressful situations through the challenge of practicing each pose. We realize there is a better, more positive choice to handle our stress. Then all we have to do is release what weighs us down and have faith that God will not only give us His strength but we can soar as well, high above the drama and chaos of our very own storms in our personal world.

Besides the above benefits the physical benefits are:

Increases overall leg strength especially, feet, ankles, calves, knees and hips.

Improves flexibility in our shoulders, hips and thighs while stretching our upper back, hips and thighs.

Opens back lungs increases breathing capabilities and is helpful to asthma suffers.

Improves focus and brain power while offering a sense of balance, coordination, body awareness and enhances our  mind/body connection.


Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles. Isaiah 40:31

Cast your anxiety on Him because He cares for you! ! Peter 5:7

keep calm and yoga on!

A BEGINNER YOGA CHALLENGE ( gentle yoga to help you begin a yoga practice at home)

This gentle sequence will help you to take baby steps into the big, wide world of yoga. Even better it will help you to cultivate a yoga practice that you can do in the comfort of your own home. Halleluyah Yoga helps you customize your yoga practice with a library of  pre-set-classes designed for all levels of fitness. We have everything from stretching, to strengthening, flexing to focus, balance and stability, stamina and more. Each class also delivers healthy yoga benefits backed up by science. With mini classes as short as five minutes and longer thirty-plus minutes, you can mix and match classes to fit your needs and your time frame. We also include in most classes a little encouragement and inspiration from the Bible for confidence, peace, strength, and well-being! This is  Halleluyah Yoga.Yoga for everyBODY-beginners and beyond!

Before we get started take a moment to sit quietly to clear your mind of your daily cares and worries. Inhale and exhale deeply, focusing on these breaths for a few moments. This is a new year with new beginnings. Let us set an intention to let go of the past that tends to weigh us down and determine to start fresh, looking forward each and every new day. Let this yoga class remind us of God, the author of new beginnings, who does not look at you or I by what each of us has done or did not do in our lives but by what each of us could become.

For,”His mercies are new every morning!” Lamentations 3:23




1.) Cross-Legged Stretch

  • Sit cross-legged.
  • With a big inhale stretch your arms out to your sides and press your palms together in a praying posture over your head.
  • With a big exhale lower your praying palms to your heart.
  • Repeat with 10 deep inhales and exhales.

2.) Cross Legged Side Stretch

  • With a big inhale stretch your arms out to your sides and press your palms together over head.
  • With a big exhale stretch your right arm over your head and lean to the left side.
  • With a big inhale stretch your arms out to your sides then up over your head.
  • With a big exhale stretch your left arm up overhead and lean to your right side.
  • Repeat 5-10 times on each side.



3.) Cross Legged Stretch and Twist

  • Place your hands behind your head.
  • With a big inhale stretch your head back.
  • With a big exhale lower your hands and twist to your left side.
  • Repeat with hands behind your head with a big inhale and twisting to each side with a big exhale.
  • Repeat 5-10 times.
  •  Exhaling deeply will help you to go deeper in the stretch.


4.) Seated Forward Bend

  • Stretch both legs out in front of you.
  • Inhale stretching your arms up from your sides.
  • Meet your palms, clasping them with your index finger pointing up and stretch up.
  • With a big exhale release the hold while folding over your legs.
  • Repeat 5-10 times.



5.) Seated Leg Stretch and Twist

  • Grab your right foot with both hands and stretch it out as best you can.
  • If possible hold your right foot with your left arm and open up your right arm.
  • Breathe deeply for 5 counts.
  • Now place your right foot over your left thigh or knee or any where on your leg.
  • Hold your knee and if you can, twist to your right side.
  • Breathe deeply for 10 counts.


6.) Cat/Cow Warm-up 

  • Come to your hands and knees.
  • Place your knees directly below your hips.
  • Place your palms directly below your shoulders.
  • Inhale deeply rounding your back, pulling your belly in and lowering your head.
  • Exhale deeply letting your belly sink while lifting your head and stretching your chin up and back.
  • Repeat for 10 Cat/Cow warm-ups.


7.) Low Lunge Stretch

  • Step your right foot forward.
  • The longer your step the deeper your stretch.
  • Be sure to have your right foot directly below your right knee.
  • Breathe deeply for 5 counts.
  • Now, let your hips move backward as you bend over your forward right leg.
  • Use your hands for support.
  • Repeat lunging forward with a big inhale and then exhaling as you move backward.
  • Repeat 5-10 times.

8.) Low Lunge Stretch

  • Step forward into a lunge pose again- stay here and breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
  • If possible, extend your arms out to your sides and up with a big inhale.
  • Repeat for 5 counts.

9.) Forward Bend

Please remember where you end up as you fold forward is your perfect place to do this pose.

  • Stand tall with your legs hip distance apart.
  • Inhale stretch your arms up from your sides.
  • Exhale, folding forward over your legs.
  • Repeat 5-10 times inhaling up and stretching and exhaling as you fold forward.


8.) Forward Bend into Chair Pose

  • With feet together lift your arms up as high as possible with a big inhale.
  • With a big exhale move your hips back.
  • Feel as though you are going to sit back on a chair, bending your knees and then holding this position for a moment.
  • Come back to a standing position.
  • Repeat 5 times trying to get a little lower each time.

Lay down on your back for a few moments inhaling and exhaling as deeply as you can to absorb all that healthy yoga goodness!

Try to repeat this yoga sequence three times a week for best results.

I sure hope you enjoyed this yoga class and are eager to step into the yoga world.  I invite you to try all our yoga challenges to meet all your yoga at- home needs!

If you have any questions or concerns please message me on our Halleluyahyoga FaceBook Page.






Down Dog, the ultimate total body strengthening and energizing stretch!

1.) Begin on your hands and knees, with your hands below your shoulders and feet below your hips.

2.) Gently push your hips up while pressing your palms into your mat. Look at your knees to protect your neck and shoulders. If this is too challenging, come down to your hands and knees to rest. Try again in a few moments!

3.) It is perfectly fine if your heels keep trying to come up off your mat. Simply roll a towel and place it under each heel for support.

3.) Play around in this position by bending each knee or lengthening your neck more, pressing into your shoulders, or pressing each heel down until it feels like a good stretch.

4.) Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts and try a few more times!

With your heart below your head, Down Dog flips the gravitational norm, encouraging the circulatory system to pump fresh blood through your body. Dr. Rachna Shal, MD, an allergist says that any inversions like Down Dog can help open up sinuses and allow the flow of mucus. Breathing deeply in this posture improves stuffiness and asthma symptoms. Some specialists agree that Down Dog is vital for preventing or helping to mange osteoporosis. Specifically, it aids bones through loading the shoulders, engaging the rotator cuff, and getting the arms over head while bearing weight. Rebecca Tung, MD dermatologist states the added blood to your face and brain can add a boost of youthful glow and a calmer expression if done on a regular basis. The ankle and calf stretch in Down Dog strengthens and stabilizes lots of small muscles, tendons, and ligaments in your feet, while your entire body is infused with all the healthy yoga goodness you could ever need all from one little Down Dog Pose!


Join me and together we will boost our brain power!

Did you know? Just a 20 minute yoga workout will definitely improve the blood flow to your brain, according to a study published in the journal of Physical Activity and Health. Researchers had 30 female college age students spend 20 minutes practicing yoga and 20 minutes doing aerobic exercise. Researchers gave participants a cognitive assessment test after both the yoga session and the aerobic session. Amazingly, they found test scores to be significantly superior on tests that were taken after the yoga session.

Below is a simple yoga pose called “Padahastasana,” or Forward Bend. It is a great brain booster because it involves bending over. When you bend over blood rushes to your brain. As you progress in this pose, your head may eventually touch your knees. More importantly, your memory will be improving!


Stand tall with your feet together. Spread them apart if you need to for better balance. With your hands up over your head inhale deeply. Exhale as you fold over your legs. You may bend your legs if need be and work up to straightening them. The most important thing is the bending over. Even if you can only touch your knees and your knees are bended, this pose will still increase the flow of blood to your head.

To begin, inhale long and deep and stretch up to the sky with arms over head. Exhale and slowly fold over your legs. Repeat 5-10 times. Try and stretch and release your brain from all thought. Once you have completed the stretching up and down, remain folded over like the picture above. Inhale and exhale for 30 seconds to 1 minute and let Heaven fill your brain with Heavenly thoughts.

This pose also tones your abs and can relieve bloating, constipation, indigestion and other gastric troubles. The circulation of blood throughout your body is improved too. Your brain will be getting a boost with blood flow and, hopefully, heavenly thoughts too!

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YOGA FOR PRAISING GOD CHALLENGE (Basic yoga postures that praise God)

Halleluyah is the Hebrew word for ‘Praise the Lord.” Asana is the Sanskrit word for “posture” or “pose”. And this Yoga Segment is the Praise the Lord Poses Segment!

Offer up praise to God in each Asana and watch Him bless your workout, fashioning it into an inner and outer total body workout! Emerge with joy in your heart, love in your soul and a peace that passes all understanding!

In these postures, you will challenge every muscle. Breathing deeply and steadily will enhance your efforts and soak up all the health benefits. Being attentive in each movement will give you the opportunity to feel how magnificently your body was made. Let God love you with a Heavenly love as you meditate upon these incredible Bible verses!

But God demonstrated His love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Romans 5:8

This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down His life for us.

1 John 3:16

Before you begin, take a few moments to quiet your mind and body by inhaling and exhaling long and deeply. Accept and believe that God loves you so much that He died in your place. As you position into each Asana, or when your palms meet, pause and offer up your Halleluyah’s!

1.) Seated Side Stretch:

Come in a cross-legged position or whatever is a comfortable position for you! Take a deep breath while raising your arms up from your sides into a praying position and pause. Exhale deeply, leaning to the left side. Try to place your forearm on the mat and really stretch your other arm over. Pause at the end of your exhale. Bring your arms up with a big inhale again. Pause and exhale over to your right side. Repeat for 5-10 times each side.

2.) Reverse Forward Bend:

From a cross-legged position, gently come to all fours. Place all your weight upon your feet. Tuck your hands under your toes and give yourself a deep stretch. From here, slowly rise, one vertabre at a time with your head and arms coming up together with a big inhale. Your hands should meet in a prayer position. Try to gaze upward and pause before releasing back down. Repeat this 3-10 times.

Maybe your hands just don’t go under your toes. Maybe your ankles, calves or knees are a better place for you. Simply do Reverse Forward Bend from your starting point. Always modify any position that challenges you, or you do not feel comfortable doing.

3.) Star Asana and Twist Stretch:

With your legs stretched out wide to the sides, inhale deeply, slowly lifting your arms straight up from your sides. Pause when your palms meet. Exhale and slowly release your arms. Let your right hand touch your left foot and stretch. Inhale it all back up and exhale over to your right leg with your left hand. Repeat, alternating sides, for 5 -10 counts each side.

Maybe your hands don’t make it into a praying position. Just lift them up then. Or maybe your legs will not extend to the sides comfortably. Walk them in a little, or more if you must. Always make it safe for your body by doing only what feels comfortable for you!

4.) Warrior II Asana:

This time we will be doing the same Star Asana to begin, and then stretch into Warrior II from there. So, with feet extended out to the sides, inhale deeply as you also extend your arms out to the sides. Lift your arms up into a praying position. Pause. Then slowly release into Warrior II by lowering your arms to shoulder height while pointing your right foot toes to the right side; bend that knee. Exhale slowly as you release.

Pause for a moment in Warrior II Asana. Pressing your palms together, take another big inhale and exhale in prayer position, pausing again.

Now, take another deep inhale, raising your praying palms while your legs straighten. Your feet face forward while your head gazes upwards. Pause. Then lower to Warrior II position again, and repeat the same process. Do this on each side 5 times.

Again, do each pose the way that feels good for your body. Your hands do not have to meet in prayer pose and your legs can be bent and not so wide. Do try to breathe deeply though!

5.) Intense Stretch Prayer Asana into Triangle Asana:

Come back to your comfortable Star Asana. Gently meet your fingers behind your back. Lift your hands up, following your spine and press your palms together into a Prayer Asana behind your back. Now, rotate your right foot to the right while your left foot rotates slightly. Each of your heels should be on a straight line if possible. Your legs should be straight as well. Take a few good deep breaths, then pause. Release your hands and straighten your arms with your right hand on your mat and your left hand up. Pause and take a few good deep breaths again. Come back to your Star Asana. Repeat with your left leg forward. Do this on each side 1-3 times.

If you find your fingers do not meet behind your back, place your hands wide with palms up on your lower back or hips. Or place them where they feel comfortable behind your back. You may even press your palms into Prayer Asana in the front of your body. You may also need to bend your legs a little and place your hands on your hips or thighs, calves, or ankles to begin, and progress from there.

6.) Praying Lunge Asana:

Turn to your right side with your right foot forward. Bend your legs and place your left knee on your mat. Inhale deeply and stretch your arms up from the sides. Pause. Exhale deeply into a prayer asana. Pause. Repeat on the same leg 3-5 times. Then do it with your left leg forward.

For a deeper lunge, if you are able from the above asana, step your forward leg out about 3-6 inches. Move slowly and stretch into a deeper lunge by stretching your back leg out. With a deep inhale, lift your arms up from your sides. If you are able, press your palms together. I find I can stretch my arms up higher by interlacing my fingers. Pointer fingers are kept straight. Look up. Pause. Exhale, releasing your arms down. Press your palms into prayer asana. Repeat the process of inhaling up, pausing, then exhaling down and pausing, 3-5 times with each leg forward. Always be in Prayer Asana during the pauses if you can!

7.) Praying Chair Asana With Twist:

With feet no wider than hip width, sit back as if you were going to sit in a chair. Lead with your sitting bones, inhaling deeply while lifting your arms out from the sides. Pause. With a big exhale, lower your arms and press your palms together into prayer asana. Inhale deeply, making space in your body for the incoming twist. Then exhale, twisting the prayer asana to the left side. Try to get your opposite elbow to the outside of your opposite leg. Pause. Inhale, going back to the middle with arms up. Exhale and twist to your other side. Alternate each side with an inhale arms up in the middle and an exhale hands pressed in Prayer Asana on each side. Repeat each side 5-10 times.

You may find your thighs muscles burning if you’re sitting too low. You may always stand up in the middle and bend into Chair Asana with each twist. Let your Prayer Asana fall where it may. With consistent practice, you will sit lower and twist more.

8.) Knee Hug into Hand/Toe Asana:

For additional benefits, pull your knees into your chest before getting into Hand/Toe Asana. Breath deeply for 10 counts with each knee pulled in.

After you have completed Knee Hug, take your right foot and straighten it out to the side. Hold and pause with continuous breathing up to 10 counts. Repeat with your left leg. Alternate each leg for a total of 3-5 times. Include the Knee Hug before each Hand/Toe if you like. Also, you may uses a sturdy chair, wall or countertop for support as you learn this asana.

9.) Knee Hug into Warrior III Asana:

Again, for additional benefits pull your knee into your chest before each Warrior III Asana. Hold for 10 counts of deep breathing!

After your last inhale, pause, and then exhale while releasing the Knee Hug.  Let your leg straighten as it moves behind you. Try not to lower it to the mat. Try to keep your leg lifted behind you. Try to also keep your front body, torso and hips facing your mat. Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts. At this point, you may go back to a knee hug and do a few more Warrior III Asanas. Bring your right knee into a Knee Hug and do the sequence with your other leg.

You may also use a chair, table or wall for support. Don’t forget to breathe too!

10.) The King’s Asana:

Grab your knee again and give it a hug! Once you have held it for 10 counts of deep breathing, slowly move your hand to your foot as you move your leg behind you. I find holding my ankle really stretches me and provides support as I lean forward with my torso. Slightly bend your standing leg and don’t be afraid to lean forward. Just let go of your leg if you are on the verge of falling. If you can, hold The King’s Asana with continuous breathing as long as you can. Offer up your Halleluyah’s!

Use support for your forward arm. Don’t lean if you don’t need to do so; stand tall and build leg strength while standing on one leg. Try the pose and fall a few times. It’s a learning process. Do whatever suits you. There is no wrong way. Enjoy, have fun and praise God while you do!

…and that’s how you Halleluyah your Asanas!



The Halleluyah Yoga Beginner series is about maintaining a healthy range of mobility while building strength and balance in your body. These segments should challenge you to get to know your body, especially finding out what you can do physically. Then you can easily expand upon that. Forget about the goal and effort of the poses. Resist the temptation to push and grip, thus creating and holding tension in your body. Rather, concentrate on the process of moving and praising. Let your inhales lift you and expand your body. Let your exhales move you a little farther physically. Let this Yoga segment be your daily devotion of praise. Allow God to transform you from the inside out. Let joy and peace overwhelm you as you soak up all the benefits of praising God!

Below are a few praises from God’s word that speak directly from us to our God!

“I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name forever and ever!” Psalm 145:1

” Praise the Lord, O my soul!While I live I will praise the Lord; I will sing praises to my God while I have my being. Psalm 146:1-2

” Bless the Lord, O my soul; And all that is within me,bless His holy name!” Psalm 103:1

Sit on your heels and let’s begin. Place a small pillow or rolled up towel between your legs and your sitting bones if sitting on your heels is a bit challenging for you.





Extend your arms straight up from your sides as you inhale. Gently arch back if you can. Exhale, leaning to your left side. Look up. Repeat each side for 3 -10 times each side. Inhale and lift your arms up. Exhale and lean to the sides.




Gently rise to your knees. Clasp your hands behind your back. Inhale and arch slightly back. Exhale and bend forward. Repeat 3-10 times slowly and gently.



Step your right knee forward. Take a big inhale. Exhale while twisting to the right. Place your left arm on the outside of your leg as you twist. Repeat 3-5 times and try your other leg.






With hands in Prayer Pose, breathe deeply for a few counts. Widen your legs and stretch your arms out to the sides. Inhale while twisting to the left. Exhale while twisting to the right. Repeat 10-20 times.




Face to your left. Extend your left leg with toes pointing to the left. Your right leg toes are slightly turned out. Gently fold forward. Inhale and exhale 3-10 times. Repeat on your right side.




From Star Pose, inhale and extend your arms straight over your head. Exhale and open your arms into Warrior II Pose by bending your forward knee. Your left toes should be facing the left side, and your right toes should be slightly turned out. Repeat for 3-5 counts. Then try on your other leg.




From Warrior II Pose, simply face the left side of the room. Gently lower your hands to your mat. Bend your back leg. Gently rest your knee on the mat. Place your hands in Prayer Pose. Breath deeply for 3-10 counts. Repeat the process on the right side of the room.




Slowly bring your feet together. Lean back like you are going to sit in a chair. Raise your arms towards Heaven. Breathe deeply for a few counts. Bring your hands in a prayer position. Inhale deeply and exhale deeply, twisting to your left. Try to position your left elbow on the right side of your right leg. Repeat the process. Inhale in the middle in Chair Pose with arms up and exhale in Prayer Pose while twisting to your sides.



Stand tall. Inhale deeply, raising your right knee. If possible, hug it into your chest. Exhale deeply, lowering your knee. Alternate legs with deep breathing for 3-10 counts each leg.



Stand tall in Prayer Pose with both feet on the ground. Raise your left foot. Gently place your heel on your standing leg’s ankle. Breath deeply 3-10 counts. Repeat on your other leg.

Praise God and Yoga on!





Since prayer is the Christian’s most deadliest weapon, may we always be poised for victory, for we never know when we may have to fight a battle!

This segment will stretch, strengthen and flex our back and lower body muscles making it easier for us to stay on our knees and pray!

Complete each pose on the same leg during the sequence then switch to your other leg after you have completed all 6 postures.



1.) Bended Knee Praying Position

With bended knees and hands in a praying position, sit on your heels. Inhale long and deep and exhale long and deep up to 10 times while dwelling on this verse of Scripture.

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2.) Rising Knee /Arm Stretch

Inhale long and deep with hands clasped behind your back as you rise up on your bended knees. Look up. Arch back. Pause and pull your stomach in. Exhale long and deep as you slowly come down to your heels. Let your head rest on your mat and try to lift your arms upwards behind you.

For a less vigorous approach breath long and deep and do the arm movements from the seated position.



3.) Deep Lunge

Rise up from your heels and step forward and bend your left leg. Place your arms on the ground for support. Inhale long and deep, up to 10 inhales and exhales.

For more intensity bend your right leg and sink your hips. Stretch your arms overhead or place them in a prayer position.

For a less vigorous approach bend your back leg.



4.) One Knee Forward Stretch

From a lunge position move your body slowly backwards. Try to straighten your left leg out in front of you. Extend over your straight leg. Inhale and exhale long and deep for 3-10 times.

You can also move into lunge pose with a long and deep inhale then exhale, moving back to a one knee forward stretch. Repeat up to ten times.



5.) Deep Lunge/Back Leg Bend

Slowly step your left foot forward, letting your hips sink. Be gentle with your knee as you bend it, picking up your right foot. If you can, lift and stretch your left arm up. Inhale and exhale 3-5 times long and deeply.

For more intensity really let your hips sink.

For a less vigorous approach don’t sink your hips and don’t lean forward. Also, you can place your left arm on your hips or forward leg.




6.) Full Body Bow

With hands in praying position, slide them forward, letting your head follow. Let your entire body be in a praying pose before God. Try and do 10 long and deep inhales and exhales. Stay as long as you like.

Lie back and relax, inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply.

Go forth and be a person who is always ready and poised for victory!