Don’t let the drama and the chaos that life certainly throws at you trip you up, get you down or make you feel smaller. You, my dearly beloved, are a “Mighty Warrior!”


Judges 6:1-18  tells us the story of Gideon, a “Mighty Man of Valor.” But he didn’t start out that way. Gideon was a young man in the land of Israel. During this time God’s people were forced to hide in caves along the hill side because the Midianites were terribly oppressive to them. For seven years they cried out to God but God did not help them. Gideon thought that the Lord had forgotten all about him, his family and the Israelites.  But it was actually the the people who turned their backs on God when they chose to worship idols.

One day an Angel of the Lord spoke to Gideon and told him,” The Lord is with you, Mighty Man of Valor!” Gideon was so surprised he thought the Angel had the wrong man. Gideon reminded the Angel that his people were weak and that he was the weakest. Full of doubt and unworthiness to be called a man of valor, Gideon asked the Angel for signs that this was true. Imagine asking an Angel for a sign? But then again, I’m guessing you, like I, would want a sign to know when things are true. We are not unlike Gideon sometimes. Thankfully, God doesn’t depend on our level of faith or our circumstances to get things done on our behalf. God depends on Himself and His own character to accomplish His Will.

And in the Mighty Hands of God, Gideon would soon become a “Mighty Man of Valor.” Of course, not because of who he was but because of who God Is!

Which leads me to believe that God is not into calling the qualified. Instead, He qualifies who He calls. I know God is building my faith and qualifying me at this very moment. How about you?

Know that we can all be Mighty Warriors in every aspect of our lives. We simply must “let go” of what holds us back to become what God knows we can be in His Strength!




WARRIOR POSE (Slay your hunched over shoulders)

Got a few moments? Can you join me for 5 minutes of Warrior training to counter the effects of sitting at a desk all day? We will stretch and strengthen our entire body with the all-inclusive ” Warrior Pose.” With a simple clasping of hands behind our backs, we optimize the pose by opening our hearts, chest, and lungs, reversing the hunched back posture.  Add a bow forward, and we up our training by causing our core to kick in to help keep our body up!

1.) Warrior Pose

Step to the side. Keep your heels on the same line and your back toes slightly turned in. Your hips should face forward. Step in with your back leg if the pose grows challenging. Bend your right knee. Place your hands in a praying position. Breathe deeply through your nose for 5-10 counts. Surrender your thoughts and be present for these few moments.

Your inhales should be long and deep through your nose as you go back. Your exhales should be long and slow as you bow. Hold the breath in at the top of the stretch. Hold your breath out at the bottom of the bow. This will enhance the effects of the pose.

Just a quick reminder to all the warriors out there….

Stand tall and be proud that you are a warrior in God’s army, for He thinks you are a mighty warrior! He says it many times in His word. Below is just one example. Best part? You already “own” the victory, when you placed your life in God’s hands!

The Lord is with you mighty warrior.

Judges 6:12

2.) Peaceful Warrior Pose

Clasp your hands behind your back. Look up. Inhale deeply and hold it.

3.) Humble Warrior Pose

Keep tension in the clasping. Bow forward. Lead with your chin. Exhale slowly. Extend up and over your forward leg. Hold the bow and the exhale.

Inhale and slowly come up back to Peaceful Warrior Pose. Repeat the process 5-10 times and try it with your left leg forward.

With God at your side you can do mighty things.

Be the Warrior He created you to be!

Yoga on!

