Go ahead. Indulge yourself. You deserve some “R&R!”

Dim the lights, its nighty night time!

You can practice this one as a whole and a prelude to a wonderful night’s rest.  You may also practice each position when ever you like for a dose of R&R whenever needed.

This Yoga sequence will help you to unravel from your day helping you to relieve built up stress and tension while activating your parasympathetic nervous system, your rest and relaxation state of being. A perfect set up for a wonderful night’s sleep. Oh, and don’t forget to put on something comfortable and perhaps light some candles or burn some incense…

Sweet dreams everyBODY! Pssst… Indulge yourself even more by placing pillows all around you!

Sit Cross-Legged

  • Grab your pillow and place it on your lap. Stretch your arms out and close your eyes.
  • With each inhale, inhale peace. With each exhale, let go of  all your cares, worries and anything that bothers or upsets you. This is your time to unwind. Let everything go. You deserve some peace.
  • Unwind. Relax. Soothe your soul and nurture your body with each breath.
  • Stay here inhaling and exhaling until you are ready. Remember, this is your time.

Stretch to each side

  • Inhale in the middle and then exhale while stretching to each side.
  • Repeat 10 times or so on each side.

An Easy Cross Legged Stretch Forward-for calm and ease.

  • Close your eyes and walk your hands forward and bend and stretch over your legs.
  • Breathe deeply for 10 long deep breaths.

A Forward Fold -with your pillow under your knees.

  • Place your pillow under your knees and gently bend forward. Settle gently into the fold still breathing deeply. Close your eyes thinking only calm and peaceful thoughts. Stay here as long as you like.

A Sweet Baby Pose- to show your body some love!

  • Lie on your back. You can place your pillow under your lower back or rest one on your stomach or wherever it feels best.
  • Now pull your body in and give it a great big hug and breathe deeply while you do.
  • You may find it to be a bit harder to breathe deeply here. But continue to inhale and exhale those deep breaths because you are doing your body a world of good!
  • Deep breathing to relieve stress is backed up by science and squeezing your knees to your chest has a few amazing health benefits as well!

The Amazing Spinal Twist… just say ahhhhh!!!!

  • Oh what a stretch this one is and you can practice it both ways and see which one suits you!
  • Your pillow can be placed under your knees.
  • Or your pillow can be placed to the side for your leg to rest upon.
  • Try to keep your arms stretched out to each side and both your hips facing upward. Once you establish this pick a knee up and let it fall gently to the side.
  • Close your eyes. Breathe. Rest. Relax and soften into the moment and feel the calm coming on. You deserve this time to yourself.
  • Don’t forget to show your other side you care.


Why only use one pillow? Try all three versions of  the comforting Child Pose here and see which one make you feel best while holding and breathing in the position.

  • Sit on your heels, close your eyes and fold over your knees.
  • Stay in the version you like best and breathe deeply for 10 long and deep counts or more.

Legs Up A Wall Pose.

This Yoga Pose is known for it’s calming effects and boasts many health benefits besides getting you ready for sweet dreams. Why not place a bunch of pillows all around you and really go for getting in the sleepy mood!

  • To begin, walk your legs up the headboard of your bed.
  • Or lie on the floor and place them on a chair or wall.
  • The point here is to scoot your behind as close to the wall as possible or comfortably on a chair. A pillow under your lower back may help.
  • Once you have established your perfect position, place a pillow under your head or sides if you like. The point is to get as comfortable as you possibly can.
  • Now just close your eyes, focusing on inhaling deeply and then exhaling deeply. Let go of  your cares and worries in each exhale and inhale peace and life into every cell of your being.
  • Your worth it you know. Your worth being in a calm and peaceful state before bed. Actually, you owe it to yourself. After all, if you don’t take care of you, who will?

I thank you for joining me!

“keep sleepy and yoga on”


The above yoga sequence should to the trick, but if you like, you may indulge and enhance your good nights sleep by thinking the higher thoughts below. For God wants us to sleep because sleep heals our body and God invented sleep and promised to give us a restful and peaceful nights sleep. Especially when we meditate on His peaceful remedy of sleep.

For He tells us…

He will keep us in perfect peace when we set our minds on Him. ( Isaiah 26:3)

And the peace He gives us won’t be like the peace of the world. (John 14:27)

And the peace He gives surpasses all human understanding. (Philippians 4:7)





The beautiful and elegant Triangle Pose, captivating us with it’s clean lines and raw simplicity. Yet moving into this posture we find that simple can be hard and clean can be messy. Mainly because the stress and tension of living in this fast paced modern day world, expresses itself through our rigid and tensed up bodies. Is it any wonder that more than  75% of all doctor office visits are stress related ailments and complaints and that chronic stress is linked to the six leading causes of death? Fortunately, yoga provides a moment for our body to speak, revealing tensions we are holding through our muscles. If our minds are willing we can then release those tensions and let it go. On good days we bring that mindset to our mats. Other days we forget. Sometimes all we do is struggle. But we know when yoga is working when some days we let things go in our daily lives!

Of course letting go and letting God take the reins of our lives is the ultimate stress reliever. It’s hard to give up control though. And scarey. Too many “what ifs” pop up in our heads. But the Creator of everything who calls Himself our Father must know what is best for us.

He tells us in Isaiah 26:3 that…  He will keep us in perfect peace when we remain focused on Him.

Do something good for you. Sit quietly and close your eyes. Know that you are here in this present moment with no worries. Just breathe. When you are ready do a Triangle Pose, directions below!



Extend your arms out to your sides. Stretch your legs out to the sides with each foot directly under each hand. Turn your right foot slightly in and move your left foot toes to face the right side.

Inhale deeply from the bottom of your stomach pulling your torso upward. Exhale deeply extending your torso out and over your forward left leg.

Place your left hand on your mat next to your foot on either side. You may also place it on your thigh, knee or ankle for a less challenging approach or on a chair.

Stretch your right arm up. Try to look up at your hand. You may feel your chest, shoulders and collar bone open up. Breath deeply for 10 seconds to 1 minute. Try to maintain this position thinking only of your inhales and exhales. You may then feel your body stretching deeper as tension and stress release.

Repeat on your right side.

You may also bend your forward knee slightly if it feels too tight. Or step your back leg in a little. Use a chair, table or a counter for added balance and support.

peace and love




YOGA FOR A DEEPER SLEEP CHALLENGE BECAUSE YOU MATTER ( Yoga before bed to calm and restore your nervous system for a sweet sleep)

In need of a few Zzz?  Back aching? Feeling stressed? Perhaps you find yourself in an overwhelming situation. Don’t fret! Instead do something good for you. Because You matter, and you deserve to feel great! After all, you got status: you matter not only to your family and friends, but the King of the world! You believe that Jesus died for your sins, You are a “VIP ” according to Heaven! So today, let’s treat ourselves like the people that we really are! Let’s honor our King by celebrating His magnificent masterpiece: You!

In this Quick Fix Yoga Segment, we’ll do the soothing restorative yoga pose, “Legs Up a Wall!” It will calm your nervous system, ease muscle fatigue, drain tension, improve digestion, and move stuck or stagnant fluids. It also will trigger your relaxation response, thus slowing your heart, breath and brain waves, promoting a peaceful, blissful state. The soothing benefits of this yoga pose grow deeper the longer you can stay in it. Try for 5 minutes at first, but if you can go longer, by all means stay as long as you like!

To begin, shift your body near a wall and gently walk your legs up. Rest the backs of your thighs against the wall, which offers a gentle support that deepens the restorative benefits of the pose.

If your thighs cannot get there, then bend your legs and shimmy your hips a little closer to the wall. If you feel strained, come back down and lay before a chair with your legs resting comfortably upon it. If even that is too strenuous, simply lay down on your mat or lay on the floor with your knees bent.

Once you arrive at your perfect resting place position for Legs Up a Wall, you need only to close your eyes, exhale completely, and melt into the pose. Try to inhale and exhale through your nose. Let each inhale draw upon God’s peace. Let each exhale dissolve your cares, worries fears and doubts. Focus only on God’s peaceful and loving words in Isaiah 26:3:

You will keep in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee.

or Psalm 4:8 for a sweet night’s sleep,

When I go to bed, I sleep in peace because Lord, you keep me safe.


Now, scan your body limb by limb, inviting any knots and grips of tension to dissolve away completely. Let your brain drain, relinquishing its hold on obsessive worries and fears that may still linger.  Grow easy and tranquil, grasping after absolutely nothing. Let everything you know about yourself dissolve. Fall beneath the surface of life into God’s quiet stillness.

Invite your breath to deepen. With each quiet exhalation and with every ounce of letting go, fall deeper. Linger in the soothing silence. Dwell in the freedom of surrender and indulge in the tranquility and deep rest of letting go.

Because, You matter!!

