Welcome to “Yoga with Penny.” This month I present to you the simple yet elegant, Praying Tree Pose!

Although this position is a very basic yoga position, a Praying Tree Pose offers an array of vibrant healthy benefits. Best of all it is a yoga position that can easily be approached and when you are ready it can progress into a very challenging position. Where ever you may find yourself in this pose you will be continually strengthening your feet, ankles, calves, knees, thighs, hips, spine and core. With simple props like a chair, table or a wall that you can use for support, even beginners will be building a firm foundation while improving balance and coordination and focus too.

Tree Pose Directions:

  • Stand with your feet hip width apart and your feet firmly on your mat with your toes spread wide.
  • Find an object or piece of a wall directly in front of you to focus on.
  • Place your hands on your hips.
  • Lift your left foot and place it on your right ankle.
  • Stay here and balance, breathing deeply for three counts.
  • Now if possible, lift your foot up your leg as high as possible.
  • Let your knee extend out to the side like a branch.
  • Press your palms together at your heart center and breathe deeply for ten counts.
  • Send up a prayer of thanks if you like.
  • Remember to make a tree with your other leg.
  • While balancing, ensure your shoulders and hips face forward equally.
  • Also ensure your shoulders are pressed down and your is chin up.
  • Try to maintain a straight back as much as possible.
  • If you fall over simply get back up.
  • Remember that you can always hold onto a wall, chair or table for support.

Being a “Tree” also boosts our brain power. Our feet contain thousands of nerve endings that send signals to our brain. Balancing on one leg creates new neural pathways that establish stability for balancing on one leg.

A Praying Tree is good for our heart. Sending up prayers to Heaven helps to regulate our heartbeat by allowing it to be less stressed. Less stress helps our bodies to heal faster and gives us hope which naturally relieves stress. Since stress is linked to the six leading causes of death it is worth the effort!

I hope you enjoyed being a “Tree” with me and that you practice this position everyday to maintain good balance, stability, strength and a happy hopeful heart!



THREE LEGGED DOG MINI CHALLENGE (a challenging pose for down dog lovers)

Hi! Welcome to “Yoga with Penny!”

Now that we’ve had some time to practice Downward Dog, prepare yourself for Fire Hydrant Dog – more commonly called “Three Legged Dog”. The Dog just grows an extra leg, and that extension provides even more healthy benefits like stretching, strengthening and challenging our entire body both inside and out.

Finding stability as you begin to extend one leg is important. Ensure your shoulders are in line with your hips, to help with your balance.  Keep your hips squared or level with one another and we are good to go!

To begin, let’s move into Downward Dog Pose.

Align your hands directly below your shoulders and your knees directly below your hips.

Spread your fingers and press firmly through your palms and knuckles, especially your index fingers.

Try to distribute weight evenly across your hands while tucking your toes. Now, lift your knees off the mat.

Gently straighten your legs. Imagine your hips, thighs, and legs are being pulled backward.

Align your ears with your biceps, keeping your neck relaxed.

Don’t worry if your heels are coming up; instead, try to remain squared with your shoulders and your hips.

Now you’re in Downward Dog!

To progress into Three Legged Dog:

Remain in a sturdy Downward Dog. Without moving your hands, arms, shoulders, hips, or legs, lift a leg off the floor. This is difficult, so don’t worry if you can’t do it the first time!

Remember that it doesn’t matter how high your leg extends, but it does matter that your knee faces the floor. This will help keep your body aligned properly and ensure stability throughout the pose.

Inhale and exhale for a few counts; release your leg and try the other leg.

You can also stay in Downward Dog while lifting alternating legs, inhaling as you lift and exhaling as you lower.

The beauty of yoga is that it meets you where you are, and offers ways in which you can progress. Be a good dog by practicing Downward Dog until you feel comfortable physically to take on Three Legged Dog. It offers the same health benefits with an added hip and side opener. It will also create space for better organ functioning while increasing overall muscle strength.

Thanks for joining me!



THE LIZARD POSE MINI CHALLENGE ( hip stretcher and opener)

Welcome to “Yoga with Penny!”

This month, we will take on the Lizard Pose! Be forewarned, the Lizard does require patience and dedication but well worth our efforts. Also, don’t worry if the Lizard appears too intimidating. Every yoga posture is a work in progress and can be adapted to fit our bodies and our fitness level so try not to fear the Lizard!

Most styles of yoga include this posture to help open the hips and strengthen and lengthen them as well. Many yoga teachers and yogi experts view the hips as a point for storing negative emotions and stress. With regular practice  Lizard Pose provides stress relief while helping to strengthen our core, legs, hips, shoulders, arms and back. It’s a terrific stretch for athletes to ensure the hips stay strong and flexible.

The Lizard Pose also provides relief for people who tend to sit for long periods of time or those suffer from lower back discomfort and dysfunction, which usually manifests itself as Iliopsoas Syndrome. Iliopsoas Syndrome happens when two connecting muscle groups located in the hip area, important for stabilizing our back and hips shorten, thus placing stress on our spine and lower back. Opening and stretching the hips regularly helps to counteract this process and provide balance within the hips. That’s the magic of the Lizard Pose and it’s no wonder why it continues to be a popular and worthwhile posture in the world of yoga and beyond.


Start by stepping forward into a lunge position with your right leg forward and your hands on your hips.

Keep your back left heel up.

Walk your back leg in if you need more support.

Stay in this position for a few breaths.

If possible, gently lower your hands to your mat.

If possible, gently slide your forward foot to the outside of your mat.

If possible, lower to your elbows on the inside of your forward leg.

Keep your spine, neck and head in a straight line.

You may rest your back leg on your mat if you find this position too challenging.

You may also use a yoga block or a folded blanket to rest your hands or elbows on.

Remain in your Lizard Pose and breathe deeply for 10 breaths.

Slowly come out of your Lizard Pose and begin the process with your left leg forward.

I hope you enjoyed doing “Lizard Pose” with me!



SEATED WIDE ANGLE MINI CHALLENGE( stretch your comfort zone! )

The Seated Wide Angel Posture can be pretty intimidating. I’m positive most people look and think no, not for me.  Yet, it’s considered a beginner’s posture in the world of yoga and pretty easy to do with some terrific health benefits. After a long day of sitting at our desk, car or plane it provides a gentle way to stretch and strengthen our hips, spine and our lower back. Relieving tired over worked legs, it also does a good job easing arthritis pain in our lower body and helps with pain for those who suffer from sciatica.

This posture can also be a mind game. It invites us to stretch ourselves beyond our known potential. It helps us  develop persistence as we commit to stretch each day and patience because it takes time to see results. We may feel vulnerable and exposed at first but as we trust the process we gain confidence in our stretching capabilities. Perhaps it will help us to see that we are capable of more when we step out of our comfort zone. Who knows, maybe we will discover along the way that greater potential was always there contained within us.

While stretching our body, maybe we can stretch our brains around this…

…God has more in store for you than you can even imagine. Ephesians 3:20.


Where ever your stretch takes you, is your perfect starting place. If your body is willing, stretch your legs out to 90 degrees and hang out somewhere around there. Try to keep your knee caps looking upwards rather than letting them roll forward. Check to ensure your sitting bones are firmly on the ground and sit up tall, pulling your belly in. Lift your chin slightly while trying to hold your shoulders down and try to relax your face. Point your toes upward or out to the sides. You can lean forward and rest your elbows on your mat for a deeper stretch.

Try and remain in this pose for 30 seconds to 1-3 minutes for a good strengthening stretch, remembering to breathe deeply. If you would like to stretch a little bit more, below are a few exercises you can practice for deeper stretching. Completed on a regular basis you will gain flexibility!


Now that you are in position inhale deeply while stretching your right arm upward. Exhale slowly, folding your torso over your left leg. Try to get your left ear to your left knee.  Repeat on the other side. Shoot for 10 repetitions on each side with deep inhales in the middle and deep exhales to the sides.


While positioned in your Seated Wide Angle Pose walk your hands forward or stretch them out until you feel a good stretch. Try to lift your torso out of your hips and keep your legs grounded on the floor. Inhale and exhale long and deeply for 30 seconds to 1 minute. As you stay in the pose you may feel your muscles releasing from the pull of the stretch.

Now it’s time to lay down and relax your body. Inhale and imagine your potential is as limitless as the God that created the world. Exhale your restrictions, limitations, boundaries, fears, doubts, and disbelief. Breathe. Trust. Know that You are capable of amazing things yet to be discovered!

thanks for joining me,



Science has established that negative thinking produces more negative thinking. Sadly, it soon bleeds into what we do, how we live, and who we are. Stress, even imagined stress, triggers the release of the hormone cortisol, which can damage our brains and weaken our cardiovascular/immune systems over time. What can we do to help ourselves? Make yoga a part of our daily life. Yoga reduces anxiety by calming the sympathetic nervous system. People who practice yoga on a regular basis have more brain cells in the part of their brain that regulates stress. Elongating your exhalations sparks your parasympathetic nervous system, which will slow down your heart rate. Meditation helps with letting negative thoughts go.

We can also focus on the Heavenly prescription of what to think about to stay healthy. Perhaps God knew the cares and worries of this world would pull us down and eventually suck the life out of us. That is why He tells us to think upon Heavenly things:

What ever things are true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and worthy of praise, think on these things.

Phillippians 4:8

We also hold a lot of stress in our hips. We tighten and clench our hips subconsciously. As we get into a daily yoga practice, we start to feel that release. Many yoga classes include hip opening poses for this precise reason. That is why I have created an entire yoga class dedicated to the most effective hip openers out there. Breathing deeply and elongating your exhales will enhance every exercise below. Focusing on Heavenly thoughts while you move through these poses will enhance not just your yoga practice, but everything about yourself and they way you live in this world.

Do the entire challenge below with your right leg forward. Then do the entire challenge with your left leg forward. Put on some uplifting music and get into the stress free zone!

Always keep calm and yoga on!

1.) Eagle Warrior

  • Step forward with your right foot, bending your knee.
  • Be careful to keep both your heels on a straight line.
  • Be careful not to let your knee pass beyond your foot.
  • Be careful to keep both hips forward.
  • Try to pull up out of your waist area.
  • Slide your left arm under your right elbow. Stay here in this position.
  • If you can, twirl your left arm around your right arm. Clasp your hands if you can.
  • Tilt your head back; lead the tilt by lifting your chest.
  • Breathe deeply, holding here for 5-10 deep breaths.
  • Step in your back leg for better balance if you find the position too challenging.

2.) Low Lunge

  • You may lower your back knee to the mat or keep it straight.
  • Lower a hand to each side of your forward leg.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.

3.) Wrap and Burn

  • From Low Lunge with your knee up or with back knee on your mat, simply slide your right arm under your leg and on top of your forward foot.
  • Place your left hand also on top of your foot. Clasp both hands together if you can.
  • Hold here for 5-10 deep breaths.
  • You may bend your back left knee at any time if this position becomes too challenging.

4.) Lizard Pose

  • Slowly lower to your elbows from Wrap and Burn position.
  • Your elbows should be directly below your shoulders.
  • Your foot should be directly below your knee.
  • Place your back knee on the mat if you find it too challenging.
  • Widen the distance between your legs for a deeper stretch.
  • Release and try sliding your forward leg over to the edge of your mat for a more challenging stretch.
  • Hold the position that fits you and breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.

5.) Pigeon Pose

  • Keep both hips forward.
  • Bend your forward leg across your mat as best you can.
  • Keep your back leg straight with your knee on your mat. Place your hands on your mat for support.
  • Stretch your head back by gently lifting your chest.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 deep breaths.
  • To increase the challenge, stretch your torso over your forward leg by leading with your chin. Walk your hands forward. Still keep both your hips facing forward.
  • Gently lower your head. Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.

6.) Pigeon Pose Hamstring Stretch

  • In the same Pigeon Pose, grasp your back foot with both hands.
  • Keep both your hips forward.
  • Keep your forward leg extended across your mat.
  • Lift your chest arch and your head back.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 deep breaths.

7.) Half Split/Low Lunge

  • Release both arms from Pigeon Pose.
  • Extend your forward leg and lean over it.
  • Breathe deeply for 3 deep breaths.
  • Gently move forward into Low Lunge by bending your forward foot.
  • You may keep your hands on each side of your forward foot, or place them on your thigh or hips.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 deep breaths.
  • If you wish to stretch deeper, clasp your hands behind your back and lift them.
  • Sink deeper into the stretch and breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
  • Continue the back and forth stretch from Half Split to Low Lunge for a total of 5 times.
  • Inhale in Half Split, Exhale into Low Lunge.

8.) Full Split

  • Place your hands on each side of your foot for support.
  • Slowly extend your forward leg.
  • Be careful to keep both hips forward facing.
  • Stretch into a Full Split.
  • It takes a lot of time to do this; be patient, practice a few times a week, and you will see yourself going deeper into Full Split over time!

9.) Seated Forward Bend

  • Sit with both legs stretched forward.
  • Inhale deeply, lifting up and out of your waist area as best as you can.
  • Stretch up with your arms and clasp your fingers together, inhaling deeply.
  • Exhale deeply, extending up and over your legs.
  • Repeat 10 times with deep breaths.

10.) Wide Legged Angle 

  • Extend both legs out to your sides.
  • Keep your sitting bones on your mat.
  • Stretch up and over your left leg.
  • Breathe deeply for 10 counts and then stretch over your right leg for 10 deep breaths.
  • Stretch forward and breathe deeply for 10 counts.
  • Lean on your elbows or lower your head to the mat for a deeper stretch.
  • Where ever you find yourself is the perfect place to begin this exercise. In time you will be able to stretch farther!


yoga on!

YOGA FOR HEALTHY HIPS +HAMSTRINGS CHALLENGE ( relieve pent up stress in legs and hips)

Keep calm and relieve pent up tension in your hamstrings and hips. This will enable you to unleash your inner sparkle, so you can shine all day. Hamstring health is vital. Your hamstrings connect two very important joints: your hips and knees. Relieving them with stretches will feel immensely relaxing. These yoga poses will release, strengthen, and send fresh oxygen to all those muscles, tendons, and joints in your hip, hamstring and lower back area. Developing length and strength in your hamstrings is key to moving into more difficult poses as you progress in your yoga practice.

Focus on these words of wisdom so you can shine from the inside out. For God says,

…those who look to him are radiant.

Psalm 34:5

…Arise, shine; for your light has come, the Lord’s glory has shone upon you.

Isaiah 60:1

Relax and breathe deeply for a few moments before we begin. As always, every yoga class at Halleluyah Yoga is for  everybody. I hope you enjoy this yoga class and may your day overflow with peace and love.

1.) Seated Hamstring Stretch and Breathe

  • Sit tall with your legs stretched out. Keep your back straight and chest lifted throughout these stretches.
  • Lift your right leg, straighten it, and pull it close to your body. Breathe deeply for 5 counts.
  • Bend your right leg across your chest or body. Cradle it, rock it in your arms, and breathe for 5 counts.
  • Pick your right leg up and place it over your left leg. Hold your knee and gently twist by looking over your right shoulder. Hold and breathe for 5 counts.
  • Let your right leg relax over your left leg. Bend forward and breathe for 5 -10 counts. Stay here longer for a deeper release.
  • Repeat all 4 stretches with your left leg.

2.) Reclining Leg Stretch

  • Lie back. Bring your left leg into your chest or as close to your chest as possible.
  • Move your leg around to loosen up your hips.
  • Breathe deeply for 5 counts. Remain here for another 5 deep breathes.
  • If you can, hold anywhere on your leg and stretch your leg out by straightening it.
  • If you can, bring your head up to touch your knee. Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
  • Repeat with your right leg.

3.) One Legged Seated Forward Bend

  • Sit tall with your legs stretched out.
  • Bend your right leg, place your right foot on your inner thigh or wherever you can.
  • Stretch up tall, inhaling deeply and exhale deeply while bending forward.
  • Repeat this 5-10 times. Then bend forward and hold for a few deep breaths.
  • Now, place your left leg on your inner thigh and repeat the same process.

4.) Hero Shoulder Stretch

  • Sit on your heels. Stretch your arms behind you. Let each hand hold the opposite elbow. Breathe deeply for 5 counts.
  • Press your palms together behind your back. Breathe deeply for 5 counts. Stay here and breathe again for 5 counts.
  • If you can, sit between your legs. Go slow and be gentle. Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.

5.) Reclining Half Hero Pose

  • Lie flat on your back.
  • Bend and bring your right leg back. Your right foot should be near your right hip area. You may find your back arches. You may lean on your hands or elbows. Stay at the position where you feel a gentle stretch.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
  • Repeat on your other leg.

6.) Full Hero Stretch

  • Lean on your elbows while gently and slowly bringing one foot, then the other foot, next to each hip area.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
  • If you are able, lie back fully. Your chest should pop up.
  • Breathe deeply 5-10 times!

Take a moment to lie back and breathe deeply. Linger in the deep release. Breathe deeply.

Words of wisdom…eat glitter for breakfast and get your glow on.

( …do Halleluyah yoga everyday for health and to focus on words from your Heavenly Father. It will be like glitter to your soul so you can shine all day!)

SHOULDER STAND MINI YOGA CHALLENGE (drop the weight from your shoulders)

Shoulder Stand or Sarvangasana. In Sanskrit, Sava means “all” or “entire” and anga means “organ” or “body part”. Thus, you have full body pose. No wonder why it’s touted in the Yoga community as the ”mother of all poses.”

I personally like Shoulder Stand for its health benefits and there are many. Inversions are always extremely beneficial to our heart, lungs, brain, lymph system for starters, but hanging out in one has a deep soothing effect on our nerves too. Plus, it helps digestion and supplies fresh blood to our brains. It also improves our complexion and over time may even reduce our wrinkles. Who can’t use those benefits? It also strengthens and improves many other bodily systems and body parts; the list goes on…

Be very gentle with yourself if you are new to this pose. Go slow and if something doesn’t feel right, stop immediately. Taking Shoulder Stand step by step, as with any yoga pose, will enable you to come back tomorrow.

If you are ready, then let’s begin!

Lie on the floor, with your heels toward your sitting bones and your arms to your sides, palms down.

Inhale, then as you exhale,  press your hands into the floor and lift your hips off the floor, swinging your legs toward your head.

Inhale and then as you exhale, bend your arms, bringing your forearms vertical. Bring your inner elbows as close together as possible. Gently release your hips into your hands.

Press your upper arms into the floor and away from your shoulders. Press your inner elbows toward each other.

Try not to sink your throat and head into the mat to get your hips up. Better to relax your legs and let them release to a comfortable position while working on the motion of raising your hips first for a few tries.

If you are able lift your legs to a comfortable height, press your inner thighs together and flex your feet. Breath deeply here for 30 seconds. As you become more comfortable with this pose, hang out for 1-3 minutes if you can. They say 15 minutes is best. I have never tried it. 4 or 5 minutes seems to work for me.

To lift our body up over our heads for any amount of time is actually quite a feat! Other parts of our bodies reap the rewards of this inverted pose, but our shoulders are the ones that bear all of our weight. I don’t know about you, but my shoulders bear my tension and stress in my life. Sometimes it feels like my shoulders are holding up an elephant! Sometimes it takes days to even realize it. But God never intended us to bear the weight of our stress alone. In fact He says for us to

Give all your worries to God for He cares for you.

1 Peter 5:7




Lie down and relax for a few moments so that your body can absorb all the physical benefits of this pose. Give your cares and worries to God and let Him heal you from the inside out!

Peace and Blessings Always!
