This picture says it all. It’s funny because it is just that: a picture. In real life, it hurts to feel invisible to other people. The worst part is, people probably don’t realize they are doing it to us. And if they do it, says more about them then it does us. Lately, it’s been happening to me a lot. For example, the other day I had a a ten minute in-depth discussion with my postman in the Post Office about golfing. You know the moment when you both discover you have a love for something. You walk away feeling like you have connected. Well, we talked up a storm that day; a week later I started the golf conversation, and it was like we never discussed a word about it before. Hopefully, the postman didn’t see my chin hang down the whole time he did my postage!

How about the “one-sided conversation”? You ask about their  lives, then they talk on and on about themselves?  How about the spell-bound look they give you when you ask them a question while they have been staring at their phone for the past 5 minutes?

Well, don’t lose hope. You are not invisible:

… for God sees and hears you…The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and His ears are attentive to their cry. Psalm 34:15

… for God is listening intimately and intently to you… God is able to hear us even when we are silent. Romans 8:26

… for God is ready to help you… Don’t panic I’m with you there’s no need to fear for I’m your God. I’ll give you strength and I’ll help you. I’ll hold you steady and keep a firm grip on you. Isaiah 41:10

… for God is thinking about you all the time… My thoughts toward you are countless as the sand on the seashore. Psalm 139:17

… for God thinks the world of you...even the hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid. You are worth more than many sparrows. Matthew 10:31

… for God made you a “one of a kind person”…You are a blessing! The Lord made you in an amazing and wonderful way. Psalm 139:14

… for God thinks your gorgeous…The King is enthralled with your beauty. Psalm 45:11

… for you must hold your head high, God gave you dignity…You have dignity. Proverbs 31:25

… for you can ask and you will get real answers…Call to me and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things which you do not know. Jeremiah 33:3

…for you simply cannot be invisible if God is always with you…I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Matthew 28:20

…for how can you be invisible if you are constantly loved?…You are love forever. Romans 8:38-39

You may feel invisible to the world at times but to God, you are being loved moment by moment beyond measure! Gosh, I feel better now.  I hope you do too!

yoga on







The world is all stressed out! But you can still have peace!

The American Psychological Association states that chronic stress is linked to six leading causes of death and disease: heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis of the liver and suicide. They also state that 75% of all doctor visits are stress related ailments and complaints. The American Medical Association has noted that stress is the basic cause of more than 60% of all human illness and disease. In this chaotic world, how can we not have stress?

What actually happens to our body when we are stressed? It defends itself, of course!Amazingly, God has created us with an entire defense system that turns on as soon as we become stressed. Esther Sternberg, physician and author of several books on stress and healing, explains how it works.

Immediately, our heart rate speeds up and diverts blood away from our guts and to our muscles so we can run away. The pupils of our eyes constrict, so we can keenly focus on our attacker. The bronchii of our lungs increase blood oxygenation and convert energy stored in the liver into fuel for strength and stamina. She also states that if we are stressed for too long, our body starts to release stress hormones and nerve chemicals that we do not want floating around in our body. It is these stress hormones that are so dangerous to our overall health. That is why it’s important to our health to chill out as soon as possible. Perhaps God designed our bodies with that in mind: that we might trust in Him for help.

God’s remedy for stress:

Don’t worry about anything, but pray about everything. With thankful hearts offer up your prayers and requests to God. Then, God will bless you with peace that no one can completely understand. And this peace will control the way you think and feel.

Philippians 4;6-7

Next time you feel stress coming on, give yourself a “Halleluyah Moment!” Drop and give yourself 10 long and deep breaths while meditating on the above verse of Scripture and just breathe… let God take care of it all. Let, “Peace be with you!”




What happens to our body when we are stressed? It defends itself, of course!

Amazingly, God has created us with an entire defense system that turns on as soon as we become stressed. Dr. Herbert Benson, a cardiovascular specialist at Harvard Medical School coined it “The Relaxation Response.”  Esther Sternberg, physician and author of several books on stress and healing, explains how it works.


Immediately, our heart rate speeds up and diverts blood away from our guts and to our muscles so we can run away. The pupils of our eyes constrict, so we can keenly focus on our attacker. The bronchii of our lungs increase blood oxygenation and convert energy stored in the liver into fuel for strength and stamina.  She also states that if we are stressed for too long, our body starts to release stress hormones and nerve chemicals that we do not want floating around in our body. That is why it’s important to our health to chill out as soon as possible. Perhaps God designed our breathing system with that in mind: that we might trust in Him for help.

Next time you feel stress coming on, drop and give yourself 10 long and deep breaths. Chill and meditate on this verse of Scripture and just breathe… let God take care of it all!

More ” Halleluyah Moments ” please!