Camel Pose. A heart opening yoga pose which bends over backwards offering up some serious health benefits for all ages. Especially helpful in keeping us older souls vibrant and full of zest and energy!

Considered a back bending pose in the world of yoga our Camel Poses will stretch our entire bodies even in places we have not stretched in a few or more years. Our Camels will also open up our chest area, especially our hearts. With consistent practice it will also expand our rib cages thus improve our lung capacity as well. As we breathe deeply into our Camel stretches we are sending a fresh supply of oxygen to all parts of our bodies. More oxygen intake releases pent up stress and tension which helps our nervous system slide into a state of calm and our mood instantly improves.We may even experience a drop in blood pressure as our Camels get our blood pumping which of course provides energy and vitality!

I’m pretty much addicted to Camel Pose for all these really terrific health benefits but also as an added beauty benefit I love that it helps tone our chins. I know that I desperately need it. How about you?

So that you can have a chance to warm up, I started the Camel pose below with a few quick yoga stretches to warm up our backs and our spine. Please remember to take it slow and be gentle with yourself. That way you can come back and practice your Camel love everyday, whenever you need some energy and and at the same time whenever you need to unwind and calm down!

Enjoy and know that you are doing your body a world of good!

Child’s Pose

Start by resting on your heels and bend forward as best you can and inhale and exhale deeply for 10 counts. You can always rest your hands on the seat of a chair or use a pillow and also put a rolled up blanket under your butt if needed.

Puppy Pose

From a Child’s Pose you can slowly and gently walk your hands forward (even an inch will help) for an added stretch and neck toning and feel how Puppy Pose opens your shoulders. Include deep breathing and help your neck and shoulder tension take a hike!

Remember,  use a chair or a pillow if you need to get into this position and try to let your chest drop for deep stretching of your neck, chin, shoulders, upper back and glutes, knees, hamstring and thighs.

Child’s Pose Stretch

From your Child’s Pose, if possible, place hands on your lower back. Even one hand to start is great. If possible interlock them behind while letting them fall forward as much as possible.

Come up to your knees and try it too. Remember to use a pillow or a towel or blanket under your knees for support.

In both positions breathe deeply for 10 counts.

Stretch back continuing to lift your hands up behind you.

Or have your hands on your hips during this stretch.

Do this sitting too. Whatever way works for you.

For the complete exercise, rise up on your knees with hands interlocked with a deep inhale. Then lower your body and try to touch your head to your mat as you exhale deeply or let your head come down to a pillow and rest it there.

Continue rising up with a deep inhale and lowering down with a deep exhale for 3-5 times or longer if it suits you.

Supported Camel Pose

Once your knees are in a comfortable position slowly arch your body back. Your hands can be on your hips at first. When you feel comfortable try lowering a hand to your heel. Breathe deeply here as long as you can.

Don’t forget to try the other hand. And don’t forget to breathe, that part is essential.

Full Camel Pose

Once you can place each hand on a heel go for placing both at the same time!

Breathe deeply and infuse you body with healthy yoga goodness!

keep calm and thanks for joining me!







Yoga contributes relief and healing to many ailments and diseases. Yoga may also contribute to healthier breasts. Although women can benefit, men can also enjoy the energizing and stretching effects of the “Bow Pose!”

I enjoy practicing Bow Pose for the heart and chest stretch. When we stretch our chests we aid our lungs in expanding and thus working more efficiently as they circulate oxygen throughout our bodies more efficiently. More oxygen into our bodies promotes better blood circulation which effects all areas of our bodies, including our Lymphatic System. The Lymphatic System is responsible for gathering and circulating toxins out of our body. It has no pump and relies on muscle movement and breathing to help it work.

According to there are clusters of lymph nodes under our arms, in our necks, as well as more nodes located across our chest, stomach and pelvis. Bow Pose is one little pose that will stretch it all!

Begin Bow Pose by lying on your stomach and then see if you can grab a foot. Start with one hand and then try both.

Now continue the stretch holding your other foot with one or two hands. In each position grab a few deep breaths. If your feeling it, try holding both feet. Give yourself as many deep breaths as possible here!

Remember that everyone starts somewhere. Even the slightest stretch in a Bow Pose will do your body good. With regular practice you will get stronger and begin to see results. You may not even be able to go a day with out a “Bow Pose” like me!

Thanks for joining me!

keep calm and yoga on

xxoo penny


Welcome to “Yoga with Penny.” This month I present to you the simple yet elegant, Praying Tree Pose!

Although this position is a very basic yoga position, a Praying Tree Pose offers an array of vibrant healthy benefits. Best of all it is a yoga position that can easily be approached and when you are ready it can progress into a very challenging position. Where ever you may find yourself in this pose you will be continually strengthening your feet, ankles, calves, knees, thighs, hips, spine and core. With simple props like a chair, table or a wall that you can use for support, even beginners will be building a firm foundation while improving balance and coordination and focus too.

Tree Pose Directions:

  • Stand with your feet hip width apart and your feet firmly on your mat with your toes spread wide.
  • Find an object or piece of a wall directly in front of you to focus on.
  • Place your hands on your hips.
  • Lift your left foot and place it on your right ankle.
  • Stay here and balance, breathing deeply for three counts.
  • Now if possible, lift your foot up your leg as high as possible.
  • Let your knee extend out to the side like a branch.
  • Press your palms together at your heart center and breathe deeply for ten counts.
  • Send up a prayer of thanks if you like.
  • Remember to make a tree with your other leg.
  • While balancing, ensure your shoulders and hips face forward equally.
  • Also ensure your shoulders are pressed down and your is chin up.
  • Try to maintain a straight back as much as possible.
  • If you fall over simply get back up.
  • Remember that you can always hold onto a wall, chair or table for support.

Being a “Tree” also boosts our brain power. Our feet contain thousands of nerve endings that send signals to our brain. Balancing on one leg creates new neural pathways that establish stability for balancing on one leg.

A Praying Tree is good for our heart. Sending up prayers to Heaven helps to regulate our heartbeat by allowing it to be less stressed. Less stress helps our bodies to heal faster and gives us hope which naturally relieves stress. Since stress is linked to the six leading causes of death it is worth the effort!

I hope you enjoyed being a “Tree” with me and that you practice this position everyday to maintain good balance, stability, strength and a happy hopeful heart!



Camel Pose ( inner and outer heart opener)

Considered a back-bending pose in the world of yoga Camel Pose bends over backwards offering up serious health benefits. Stretching our entire body it opens up our chest area and expands our rib cage. As we breath deeply into this pose we send a fresh supply of oxygen to all parts of our body releasing pent up stress and tension. Our nervous system enters a state of calm, our minds are cleared and blood gets pumping. A drop in blood pressure may even result.  Energy spent on battling stress is now able to flow to other areas in our bodies and our mood instantly improves.

Camel Pose also stretches our insides too by exposing the part of our bodies we try so hard to protect, our hearts. To move into a Camel one has to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. Leaving one’s comfort zone is never easy. It takes courage to leave the known for the unknown. But you know the saying, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” That’s called faith!




1.) To begin…Start in a kneeling position. Align your hips over your knees. Place your hands on your hips. Now gently and slowly lean backwards by pressing your thighs, knees, and feet to your mat. Lift your chest by squeezing your thighs together, which will create length in your lower back and hips. Place your hands on your back hips. Keep your inner elbows pressing toward one another and downward. This will encourage your chest to lift and open. Remain here and breath deeply. When you are ready slowly come forward by rounding your shoulders and sitting back on your legs. Breath deeply again to absorb all the healthy Camel goodness.

2.) If you are able to continue…slowly reach back by running your hand down your leg. If you feel any discomfort, stop immediately. But, if you are able, rest a hand on your heel as you extend your other arm up over your head. Breathe deeply here for a few counts then rest your other hand on your heel extending your other arm.

3.) As you go for the full Camel Pose…Gently release both hands to rest on your heels by drawing the inner elbows toward each other and rolling your shoulders back. Try to keep a steady breath as it will relax you and then you will be able to go deeper in the stretch. Invite your heart to rise upward. Press your entire body out in all directions. Breathe, melt, surrender. Open up into Camel Pose and let your body sing “Halleluyah!”

thanks for joining me

keep calm and yoga on



Have a seat and learn more about Chair Pose.

Chair Pose being a full body pose is working and strengthening your entire body. It also stimulates your heart, diaphragm, abdominal organs and helps to improve digestion. As well, the stance strengthens your arms, feet ankles, calves, knees, thighs, butt, back, and spine.

To me, just the simple act of leaning back into a Chair Pose is the perfect picture of faith because it asks me to trust in the chair that I cannot see. As I sit back, it invites me to delight in the mystery of faith and the immense beauty of things unseen. I then realize yoga can be far more profound than simply striking a pose.

2 Corinthians 4:18 …” For what is seen is temporary, what is unseen is eternal.”


Quick tips to make this chair fit your needs:

Sit back more to challenge yourself and hold this pose for 1-3 minutes or longer to intensify the pose.

If this pose feels too vigorous, lean back and bend your knees only slightly and place your hands on your thighs or hips.You can also inhale as you lean back quickly and exhale coming up quickly for10 counts. This will build leg strength and you will still gain physical stamina from the pose. You can also use a wall for support in front of you or a chair behind you if needed.

thanks for joining me

keep calm and yoga on





Yoga promotes health and happiness, helps us lose weight, burn calories, boost metabolism, and reduce stress. Twisting yoga positions stimulate our metabolism which helps our brain, heart, and kidneys to function smoothly. Back-bending yoga positions improve our breathing encouraging fat burning capabilities. Inverted positions stimulate our circulatory system while encouraging blood flow and oxygen intake throughout our vital organs and our entire bodies.

Chronically elevated levels of stress can cause weight gain – when we are stressed, our adrenal gland secretes the hormone cortisol. Cortisol is good for us, however too much cortisol flowing through our bodies can mess with our metabolism, causing us to be irritable, depressed, and unable to lose weight. Generally, yoga reduces stress. Studies also show that prayer and meditation help to reduce stress as well. As you practice this yoga challenge try to maintain a meditative state by refusing to let your mind focus on anything negative. Perhaps theses comforting words from our Heavenly Father may help!

Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.

Philippians 4:6

Try to relax by breathing deeply in a seated position. When you feel you are ready, grab a mat, water and let’s get started!

1.) Forward Bend

  • Stand hip width.
  • Extend your arms out to the sides with a big inhale.
  • Press your palms together overhead.
  • Release your palms and slowly lower your arms with a big exhale.
  • Repeat 10 times.

2.) Forward Bending Twist

  • Lower your torso as far as you can, whether on your knee or on the mat.
  • Inhale deeply. Exhale deeply, extending your right hand up – if possible, bend your right knee.
  • Repeat, extending your left arm up while bending your left knee.
  • Alternate each arm and leg for a total of 5-10 repetitions.

3.) Lunge Pose Twist Variation

  • Lower your left knee directly below your hip.
  • Keep your right forward toes directly below your knee.
  • Take your left elbow and place it to the outside of your forward knee.
  • Let your palms meet and press them together.
  • It may be beneficial to inhale before you twist, and exhale as you twist. This creates more room for the twist!
  • If you can, tuck your back toes and lift your right knee off your mat.
  • Breathe deeply up to 10 times then switch legs.

4.) Warrior I with Eagle Arms

  • With your right foot, step to the top of your mat with your toes pointed forward and directly below your knee.
  • The longer you step, the more challenging this pose will be.
  • Both your heels should be on the same line, if possible.
  • Sink your hips and pull your torso up and out of your waist.
  • With both elbows extended and bent in front of you, slide your right arm under your left elbow. Continue to snake that hand around your arm until both palms meet.
  • Lift your Eagle Arms and look up to the heavens.
  • Breathe deeply up to 10 counts and switch legs and arms.

5.) Star Pose Twist

  • Come to the middle of your mat and extend both your legs to the sides.
  • If you find you cannot lower your torso to the mat, stay where you are. Place your hands on your legs and breathe deeply for 3 counts.
  • Lower both hands to your mat. Make sure your hands are directly below your shoulders. Inhale deeply. Extend your left arm up with a deep exhale.
  • Repeat inhaling deeply with both hands on your mat and exhaling deeply as you extend each arm up for a total of 10 times with each arm.

6.) Seated Spinal Twist

  • Sit with both legs extended in front of you.
  • Lift your left leg, taking a moment to stretch it.
  • When ready, inhale deeply and exhale deeply while extending your left foot over your right thigh.
  • Your exhales give you more space to twist, so try to remember to exhale as you practice each twist.
  • Sit up tall and hug your knee to your chest and breathe deeply for 10 counts.
  • Repeat on the other side by extending your right leg over your left thigh.

7.) Bridge Lifts

  • With your feet hip width below your knees, inhale deeply while lifting your hips up.
  • Exhale deeply as you slowly release your hips to your mat.
  • Repeat this 10-20 times.

8.) Camel Pose

  • You may want to roll up a towel and place it under your knees for comfort and protection.
  • You may keep your toes tucked for an easier version, or let your toes lie on your mat.
  • With your legs hip width and hands on your hips, inhale deeply and gently stretch back.
  • If you feel comfortable, release a hand to your foot. Then alternate reaching each hand back.
  • If you continue to feel comfortable, reach both hands back at the same time with a normal breath.
  • Stay in the pose for 5 to 10 counts.

9.) Seated Forward Bend

  • With legs stretched out in front of you, inhale deeply with arms extended out to the sides, then overhead.
  • Exhale deeply, releasing your arms while gently folding forward over your legs.
  • Repeat 10 times. Then stay folded over your legs with deep breathing for 10 counts.

10.) Low Lunge Twist and Stretch

  • Come up to your knees.
  • Extend your left foot forward, with your knee directly over your foot.
  • Let your hips sink forward.
  • Inhale deeply, then exhale deeply, gently twisting over your forward left thigh.
  • Hold the twist with 5-10 deep breaths, then release.
  • Clasp your hands behind your back. Gently lift them up and hold them there with 5-10 deep breaths.
  • Looking up will help your back arch. You may  place your hands on the back of your hips as well.
  • Repeat both positions with your right leg forward.

Lay down for a few minutes and let all that work you did for your body work for you now!

Try to complete this yoga sequence a few times a week for best results and thanks for joining me!

May peace always be with you!

til next time

Love, Penny



Down Dog, the ultimate total body strengthening and energizing stretch!

1.) Begin on your hands and knees, with your hands below your shoulders and feet below your hips.

2.) Gently push your hips up while pressing your palms into your mat. Look at your knees to protect your neck and shoulders. If this is too challenging, come down to your hands and knees to rest. Try again in a few moments!

3.) It is perfectly fine if your heels keep trying to come up off your mat. Simply roll a towel and place it under each heel for support.

3.) Play around in this position by bending each knee or lengthening your neck more, pressing into your shoulders, or pressing each heel down until it feels like a good stretch.

4.) Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts and try a few more times!

With your heart below your head, Down Dog flips the gravitational norm, encouraging the circulatory system to pump fresh blood through your body. Dr. Rachna Shal, MD, an allergist says that any inversions like Down Dog can help open up sinuses and allow the flow of mucus. Breathing deeply in this posture improves stuffiness and asthma symptoms. Some specialists agree that Down Dog is vital for preventing or helping to mange osteoporosis. Specifically, it aids bones through loading the shoulders, engaging the rotator cuff, and getting the arms over head while bearing weight. Rebecca Tung, MD dermatologist states the added blood to your face and brain can add a boost of youthful glow and a calmer expression if done on a regular basis. The ankle and calf stretch in Down Dog strengthens and stabilizes lots of small muscles, tendons, and ligaments in your feet, while your entire body is infused with all the healthy yoga goodness you could ever need all from one little Down Dog Pose!



Go ahead, turn the corners of your mouth up into a smile. Give up a belly laugh, a titter or a tee-hee. It’s no joke, science has discovered that laughing is beneficial to your health. Laughter actually sets off a chain reaction in our bodies that promotes physical and mental well-being. Giggling strengthens our immune system, relaxes our nervous system, protects our vital organs, reduces pain, increases blood flow and enhances our oxygen intake. It may even help us live longer. Keep up the lol-ing because a joyful heart is good medicine and it is just what the doctor ordered! (Proverbs 17:22)

Start this sequence off  with a smile in Warrior II position. It will set your intention for joy. All the yoga postures were chosen as a quick body stretch/stress reliever as a gift to you this Mother’s Day!


When you are, ready grab a mat, some water and let’s get started!

1.) Warrior II

  • Smile!
  • Step forward while bending your knee into Warrior II.
  • Your hips should face forward, your stomach should be pulled in, and your arms should be extended out from your shoulders.
  • Your back foot should also be turned slightly in.
  • Breathe ten, and slow, deep breaths.
  • For better balance and support, simply step your back leg in.

2.) Side Angle Stretch

  • Relax and enjoy this stretch!
  • With same foot position as Warrior II, inhale as you stretch up and exhale as you stretch over your thigh.
  • Breathe deeply for ten counts.
  • Again, you can step your back leg in for better support.

3.) Triangle

  • Move slowly, be gentle, and be fully present!
  • Straighten your forward leg.
  • Position your hand lower to the floor, or your ankle, knee, or thigh.
  • Once you have found the position that is right for you, extend your other arm up and gaze upward.
  • Breathe ten deep breaths.

4.) Revolved Triangle

  • Turn the other cheek!
  • Switch your hands.
  • Keep your forward leg straight.
  • Keep pressing your shoulder open too!

5.) Warrior II

  • Keep smiling!
  • Step into Warrior II Pose again.
  • Breathe deeply for another 10 counts.

6.) Punching Warrior I

  • Punch out all negativity!
  • Pivot your back foot, so that your toes are all pointing the same way. This will turn your hips forward and square them off. Your shoulders will then be squared as well sitting on top of your hips.
  • Pull your belly in, lift your chest, and press your shoulders down. Hold this position.
  • Inhale deeply while pulling your right fist back by your elbow.
  • Meanwhile, stretch your left arm (hand in fist) forward with an exhale.
  • Inhale as you bring each fist back, and exhale as you finish the forward arm punch.
  • Hold the body position as you continue alternating punches, 25 times each with each hand for a total of 50 punches!
  • If you’re feeling it, do 2 more sets of 25 punches or opt for just a few more!

7.) Forward Fold Stretch

  • See things from a new perspective!
  • With your feet together, clasp your hands behind your back.
  • Pull your hands and gaze upward with a big inhale.
  • Exhale while folding forward.
  • Bend your knees and place your hands on your hips. For an easier stretch, do not keep your feet together.
  • Repeat numbers 1-6 with your right foot as your forward foot.
  • Do 7 again if you wish!

8.) Punching Fierce Pose

  • Ensure that all your negativity is gone, punch again in Fierce Pose. Be fiercely joyful!
  • With your feet together, sit back like you are going to sit in a chair.
  • Lead with your sitting bones. Don’t let your knees extend beyond your toes.
  • Bend your elbows and make fists. Hold your arms in front of your body.
  • Lower your right wrist, straightening your arm but keeping a fist position.
  • The baby finger part of your fist leads the way behind you.
  • Once it is extended beyond your body, bring it back to starting position.
  • Repeat with your left fist. Alternate 25 times on each side for a total of 50 Fierce Pose punches!
  • Do more if your having fun!

9.) Fierce Pose Twist

  • Do the twist!
  • With a big inhale, extend and lift your arms up from your sides.
  • With a big exhale, press your palms together while extending your left elbow over your right thigh.
  • Your big exhale is the key to creating more space for you to do the twist. Don’t skimp with your exhale!
  • Extending your arms and lifting up with a big inhale sets you up for the other side.
  • Repeat 3-5 times on each side.

10.) Bridge Variation

  • Open your heart and get more joy!
  • Lying down, bend your knees.
  • Inhale, lifting your hips by pressing into your feet, especially your heels.
  • Exhale, lowering your torso, repeating  this sequence 10 times with deep breaths.
  • Even a small hip lift is a perfect starting place.
  • Once you have completed this, lift again, clasp your hands and stretch up for 10 deep breaths.

11.) Camel Pose Variation

  • A deep heart opening position, this position increases lung capacity so you can breathe more good stuff in!
  • Position yourself on your knees. Place a towel or a pillow under your knees for support if you need it.
  • Curl your toes for a lighter challenge.
  • Place your hands on your hips to begin. Keep them here, but if you can, stretch back.
  • If it feels good, place your right hand on your right heel and stretch your left one back.
  • Repeat this with your left arm for a total of 3 times on each arm.
  • If the position still feels, good stretch both arms back and place them on your heels.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.

12.) Forward Bending Stretch

  • Determine to go forward with joy!
  • Sit with your legs forward.
  • Raise your arms up from your sides with a big inhale.
  • Slowly exhale as you fold forward.
  • Wherever you find yourself is the perfect forward fold for you!
  • You may bend your knees for a lighter version.
  • Repeat the process for 5-10 deep breaths.

13.) Seated Spinal Twist

  • Get twisted and smile!
  • Bend your left knee.
  • Place your right knee over your left knee.
  • If you can, wrap your left arm around your right knee.
  • Press both palms together breathe deeply for 5-10 deep breaths.
  • Place your hands on your knee to make it easier.
  • Switch legs.

Be present. Lay back for a few moments, letting joy envelope your soul.

When you are ready, go forth and have a very joyous Mother’s Day!

YOGA FOR YOUR HEART CHALLENGE (For everyone with modifications)

This heart opening yoga class is for everyBODY! A less challenging explanation is always included with instructions. Remember that where you find yourself in each position is YOUR perfect place to start!

These exercises below will open our heart area, energize our entire bodies, expand our chest, increase our lung capacity, improve circulation, build strength, work every muscle and de-stress us- all in about 30 minutes! Breathing deeply with continuous movement will activate a relaxed state, resulting in lower blood pressure and increased blood flow to the rest of our body. Meditation may improve cellular metabolism, which can yield major benefits such as blocking degenerative genetic disorders and lengthening the life of DNA cells, according to a Harvard University study.

A heart at peace gives life to the body. Proverbs 14:30

 Although we all have problems and daily struggles God says that if we meditate on Him, our hearts can be soaked in peace and serenity even in the midst of all we face. It is only through Christ that we can have this comforting peace with God. (Romans 5:1)  But it’s not just any peace, it’s Heavenly peace! (Colossians 3:15.)   

And the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7

When you are focused and ready to begin, grab your mat, water and let’s get started!


1.) Chair Pose/Forward Bend

  • Stand up tall with your legs and feet together
  • Inhale, sitting back into an imaginary chair. Your knees should not extend beyond your toes.
  • Exhale, straighten your legs and bend forward.
  • Rise up to a standing position.
  • Repeat this process 10 times.
  • This exercise will awaken your body, warm up your legs, and improve your circulation!

2.) Chair Pose Twist into Lunge Twist

  • Press your palms together in Chair Pose
  • With a big inhal,e twist to your right.
  • Try to place your lower elbow beyond your right leg.
  • Hold the position for 3 deep breaths.
  • From your Chair Pose Twist position, step your left leg back into Lunge position
  • Breathe deeply, up to 10 counts.
  • Come out of the twist if it is too difficult.
  • Step your back leg in for better balance.
  • Big breaths before you twist allow more room for a deeper twist!
  • Twist are amazing for your entire mid section, inside and outside!

3.) Warrior I Pose

  • Position your back leg’s heel on your mat.
  • Do not extend your knee over ankle on your forward leg.
  • Meet your palms together over your head. Your pointer fingers can be extended up.
  • Arch back and breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
  • Warrior I Pose is a great picture taking pose!

4.) Bowing Warrior

  • Clasp your hands behind your back while lifting them up.
  • Arch back and sink deep into the pose.
  • Bend or bow forward with your ear close to your calf.
  • Keep your arms up behind you as high as possible.
  • Repeat this 5 times, back and then forward.
  • Now bow forward, hold the bow and breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.

5.) Chair Pose

  • Return to Chair Pose
  • Repeat the Chair Pose Twist to your left side this time.
  • Step back into Lunge Twist with your right leg.
  • Complete Warrior I and Bowing Warrior with your left leg forward.

6.) Down Dog To Upward Dog

  • From a Lunge position, lower both your hands to each side of your forward foot.
  • Check that your palms are directly below your shoulders.
  • Step your forward leg back into Downward Dog.
  • Breathe deeply for 5 counts.
  • Lower your sitting bones into Upward Dog.
  • Arch your head back.
  • Breathe deeply for 5 counts.
  • Repeat the process 3 more times.
  • You may also do this on your hands and knees to build up strength.
  • You may also bend your elbows and arch your head back for a less intense version of Upward Dog!

7.) Half Bow Pose to Full Bow Pose

  • Clasp your hands behind your back.
  • Lift them up, arching your head back.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
  • Try grasping your feet and arch back into Full Bow Pose.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
  • Are you feeling your chest and heart area opening up yet?

8.) One Legged Forward Bend

  • Sit with your legs extended in front of you.
  • Bend your right leg, bringing it to your inner thigh or knee.
  • Inhale, stretching your arms overhead.
  • Exhale, folding over your leg. Hold this for 3 deep breaths.
  • Repeat this 5-10 times, then switch legs.
  • It’s always a good thing to bend forward after bending backwards!

9.) Half Camel To Full Camel Pose

  • Start with your knees bent.
  • With your hands on your waist and arching your back, breathe deeply for 3 counts.
  • Slowly lower your right arm to your foot. Breathe deeply for 3 counts.
  • Slowly lower the other arm to your other foot. Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
  • Never exceed the pose beyond a slight stretch. Go slow and build strength. When your body is ready, it will ease into this pose.

10.) Leg Overhead/Inner Thigh Stretch

  • Lie back and raise your legs. Relax your head, neck, shoulders and arms. Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
  • Inhale deeply. With a big exhale, lower your legs to the sides. Point your toes.
  • With a big inhale, slowly pull your legs up from the sides. Lead the pull up with your heels.
  • Repeat this 10-20 times, breathing deeply each time.
  • A terrific exercise for your inner thighs, abs, core, legs and hips!

11.) Bridge Pose

  • Lie down with knees bent.
  • Clasp your palms together.
  • Lift your sitting bones up with a deep inhale.
  • Lower your sitting bones with a big exhale.
  • You should try to keep your feet directly below your knees. I am always going for the deeper stretch and moved them in. You can too! Most importantly, listen to your body; it will tell you when it is ready!

12.) Wheel Pose

  • Lie down with your knees directly over your feet and hands at your ears. Your wrists are facing out.
  • Now see if you can start pushing up evenly with your arms and legs.
  • Let the push up come from your palms and feet.
  • Push them into your mat as you lift your torso.
  • You may only be able to raise your body a few inches at first.
  • This pose really takes time. Your whole back side is engaged as well as your upper body. You may need to build up back side strength. I did for a long time. If you consistently practice, your body may surprise you! Mine sure did here!

13.) Body Hug

  • You did great!
  • It’s body hugging time!

14.) Child’s Pose

  • Sit on your knees and fold forward.
  • Let your body relax into Child’s Pose.
  • Child’s Pose is a great pose to end a class, as it releases all muscle tension and stretches the neck, shoulders, and upper back.
  • Stay here and breathe deeply as long as you like!

yoga on!

PEACE AND FLEXIBILITY YOGA STRETCHING CHALLENGE ( A calm peaceful yoga class of deep stretching for flexibility)

The benefits of stretching our wonderfully made bodies can be pretty incredible. Muscles loosen, blood flows, circulation improves, and our range of motion gets better. Joints, ligaments and tendons become well lubricated, while chronic pain and arthritis can actually improve over time. Stretching offers a sense of well being too. Stretching deeply and breathing deeply while you stretch helps your body release pent up stress and tension. Less stress is more peace. Peace is more calm.

Yoga is definitely a great de-stresser. But for true heart and soul peace… God tells us that it is possible to have a peace that surpasses human understanding! (Philippians 4:7) And, if we keep our minds on Him, He says He will give us “perfect peace.”(Isaiah 26:3) Even in a raging storm we can still have peace. (Psalm 107:29) Belief in what God is saying to us enables us to have what He is saying. May peace be with you, as you stretch and flex!

The ten yoga stretches below, target big muscle groups for a deep release. Simply start your stretch at the place that is right for you and take it from there. Complete this yoga workout on a regular basis and your flexibility will greatly improve. Remember that detailed instruction is always provided for every Halleluyah yoga workout, whether you are a beginner or seasoned yogi master!

1.) Cross Legged Stretch 

Sit cross legged. Then inhale deeply, stretch your arms up, and press your palms together in a prayer pose. Slowly release your arms with a deep exhale, lowering them to your mat. Repeat 10 times. If you like, on your inhales breathe in God’s peace. On your exhales, release your care worries fears and doubts to God. Don’t rush; just breathe.

2.) Side Stretch

With a big inhale, stretch your arms up once again. This time, with a deep exhale, stretch your arm to the side. Try to let your elbow drop to your mat. Stay stretching and breathing for 5-10 deep breaths.

Continue stretching to the side and extend your leg to the side. Bending your extended leg is perfectly fine. Do what is best for you! Continue stretching to the side for another 10 deep breaths.

Come back to a cross legged position. Then repeat the process on your other side.

3.) Butterfly Stretch

Press the bottom of each foot together. Pull your feet as close to your body as possible. Stretch and breathe for a few counts. If the stretch is too intense, simply move your feet forward until it feels good.

Now inhale deeply, arch your back, lift your chest, and stretch your neck and head.

Now exhale deeply, round your shoulders and back forward while stretching over your feet. Try stretching your head to your feet. Repeat the process at least 10 times with deep breathing.




4.) Wide Legged Stretch

Extend your legs to each side. Lower your torso. If possible, stretch your arms out to the sides. Breath deeply and linger in this position, which will allow you to stretch deeper. You can always keep your knees bent and and legs out to the front more than the sides if you cannot extend your legs out all the way

Try walking your hands out or lean on your elbows. 1-3 minutes in this position will seriously improve your flexibility and bring a sweet calmness to your body. You may even realize after a few minutes in this position that you can stretch a little deeper!

After you linger, stretch to each side. Try to get your face to your knee and your hands behind the bottom of each foot. Now linger here with deep breaths and then switch sides. Continue switching sides and breathe for 10-20 stretches each side.

When you are finished, release your legs and shake them out.


5.) Seated Forward Fold

Sit with your legs extended forward, with palms together and index fingers sticking straight up. Inhale deeply, stretching over your extended legs. Try to lead with your chin. Exhale, grasping your feet if you can. Bend your legs if you can’t hold them straight. Repeat the process at least 10 times. After this, fold forward one more time and stay there for a few deep breaths.

6.) Body Hug

Lie back, pulling your knees to your chest. Wrap your arms around your legs and give your entire body a big hug.

You can release your body hug and stretch out on the floor with a deep inhale. Then exhale and pull your body in again, giving it a big hug! Repeat a few more times. Lift your head if you can. Roll around in this ball if it feels good, massaging your spine and back.

If you cannot hug your knees in, bend them into your chest as far as you can.

7.) Bridge Lifts

Lie flat and bend your knees. Pull them toward your back if you can. Grasp your ankles. Inhale deeply while lifting your sitting bones as high as possible. Even one inch is a great starting place! Exhale deeply and slowly lower your sitting bones. Repeat this 10-15 times. Go slow.

When you are finished, try one more time to lift your sitting bones up. Stay here for 10 deep breaths if possible.

8.) Happy Baby Pose

Lie flat and raise your feet. Try to grasp each one or grab your ankle or calf. Then pull them down from your heels as far as possible. Breathe deeply for 10 counts. Now have some fun by rolling around while holding your feet. It will also massage your spine and back.


9.) Reclining Split Stretches

Hug your knee into your chest as best you can. Breathe deeply for a few counts.

Grasp your leg where you can and pull your knee down.

If you can, pull your foot down. Lift your head to meet your knee. Breathe deeply for a few counts.

Do the whole process with your other leg.

Remember that your current ability to stretch is perfect for you. Just keep practicing, and with consistent stretching you will see your flexibility increase!

10.) Reclining Spinal Twist

Lie back and bend your knees. With a big inhale, let your knees fall to the side. Keep your shoulders on your mat with arms extended to the sides. Breathe deeply here about 5-10 times. Come back to the middle with knees up. Repeat on your other side.

I hope you enjoyed this stretch!

Peace be with you always!