When Yoga Meets Biblical Health and Wellness


Everybody knows by now that the practices of yoga are beneficial to our health and science continues to reveal it’s many healthy benefits. It’s wonderful that every year there is a significant rise in people hitting their mats. However, the world seems more stressed out than ever. I get it that all the world has been in a pandemic for a couple years now but isn’t time on our mats suppose to chill us out and lower our stress? Chronic stress was a growing health related problem before the pandemic and continues to get worse with each passing year. It sends more people to the doctor’s office every year and more people rely on prescriptions rather than yoga to deal with their stress related conditions. It’s also very scary that the six leading causes of death are all linked to stress.

My friends, do not fear! As healthy as yoga can prove to be for us there is a better solution. As a yoga teacher with a Biblical perspective on health and wellness I’ve come to realize that true and lasting health and wellness practices are deeply rooted in aligning ourselves with what Our Creator has to say about health and wellness. Trusting our Creator by putting into practice His ways written for us from His Holy Bible, rewards us with many healthy benefits. He cares for each of us individually and desires that we live healthy purposeful lives. And He has given us the ultimate prescription for a healthy life style! It begins by by reading and listening to His wisdom and then putting into practice His ways. It is the one true and only lasting path leading to a stress less, strong and balanced, peaceful and joyous lifestyle, complete with abundant energy, continual strength and deep unfailing love! now, who doesn’t want that?? Is it not the reason why any of hit our mats each day?

My prayer for you is that you would start your journey to true and lasting health and wellness this very moment! Begin by acknowledging that God sent His Son Jesus into this world to die for your every sin and invite Him to be your Savior and miraculously, all the above is freely given to you!

Training the body has some value but being Godly has value in every way! 1 timothy 4:8

Beloved I pray in all respects that you will prosper and be in good health, even as your soul prospers! 1 John 2-3


Love Penny

Chill Out In The Happy Corpse Pose

Who knew something so simple as laying back in a Corpse Pose could make us healthier and more beautiful?

In the Yoga community Corpse Pose is known as a huge stress-reducer, a great method of meditation and the perfect  position to focus our gaze on higher thoughts.

Simply lay back, let your feet spread, place your arms by your sides with palms up and try to keep your shoulders away from your ears. Then give yourself ten or more big inhales and exhales. If your feeling it stay here longer and really give yourself a chance to unwind!

I personally have a hard time staying here. I wanna go go go! If I do relax for a moment though all the things I must do seem to flood my mind. Hopefully your not like me and will be able to reap all the healthy benefits of acting like your dead on the ground here. You can always pretend your sunbathing, too!

Corpse Pose is also a perfect position to…

Set your mind on things above and not things of the earth.

Colossians 3:2

And also a perfect position to focus upon goodness & positivity!

Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable and praiseworthy, think about such things.

Philippians 4:8

After reaping the healthy benefits of these applied Bible verses know that…

Those who look to Him are radiant, Their faces are never covered with shame!

Psalm 34:5

keep calm & yoga on







Camel Pose ( inner and outer heart opener)

Considered a back-bending pose in the world of yoga Camel Pose bends over backwards offering up serious health benefits. Stretching our entire body it opens up our chest area and expands our rib cage. As we breath deeply into this pose we send a fresh supply of oxygen to all parts of our body releasing pent up stress and tension. Our nervous system enters a state of calm, our minds are cleared and blood gets pumping. A drop in blood pressure may even result.  Energy spent on battling stress is now able to flow to other areas in our bodies and our mood instantly improves.

Camel Pose also stretches our insides too by exposing the part of our bodies we try so hard to protect, our hearts. To move into a Camel one has to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. Leaving one’s comfort zone is never easy. It takes courage to leave the known for the unknown. But you know the saying, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” That’s called faith!




1.) To begin…Start in a kneeling position. Align your hips over your knees. Place your hands on your hips. Now gently and slowly lean backwards by pressing your thighs, knees, and feet to your mat. Lift your chest by squeezing your thighs together, which will create length in your lower back and hips. Place your hands on your back hips. Keep your inner elbows pressing toward one another and downward. This will encourage your chest to lift and open. Remain here and breath deeply. When you are ready slowly come forward by rounding your shoulders and sitting back on your legs. Breath deeply again to absorb all the healthy Camel goodness.

2.) If you are able to continue…slowly reach back by running your hand down your leg. If you feel any discomfort, stop immediately. But, if you are able, rest a hand on your heel as you extend your other arm up over your head. Breathe deeply here for a few counts then rest your other hand on your heel extending your other arm.

3.) As you go for the full Camel Pose…Gently release both hands to rest on your heels by drawing the inner elbows toward each other and rolling your shoulders back. Try to keep a steady breath as it will relax you and then you will be able to go deeper in the stretch. Invite your heart to rise upward. Press your entire body out in all directions. Breathe, melt, surrender. Open up into Camel Pose and let your body sing “Halleluyah!”

thanks for joining me

keep calm and yoga on


A BEGINNER YOGA CHALLENGE ( gentle yoga to help you begin a yoga practice at home)

This gentle sequence will help you to take baby steps into the big, wide world of yoga. Even better it will help you to cultivate a yoga practice that you can do in the comfort of your own home. Halleluyah Yoga helps you customize your yoga practice with a library of  pre-set-classes designed for all levels of fitness. We have everything from stretching, to strengthening, flexing to focus, balance and stability, stamina and more. Each class also delivers healthy yoga benefits backed up by science. With mini classes as short as five minutes and longer thirty-plus minutes, you can mix and match classes to fit your needs and your time frame. We also include in most classes a little encouragement and inspiration from the Bible for confidence, peace, strength, and well-being! This is  Halleluyah Yoga.Yoga for everyBODY-beginners and beyond!

Before we get started take a moment to sit quietly to clear your mind of your daily cares and worries. Inhale and exhale deeply, focusing on these breaths for a few moments. This is a new year with new beginnings. Let us set an intention to let go of the past that tends to weigh us down and determine to start fresh, looking forward each and every new day. Let this yoga class remind us of God, the author of new beginnings, who does not look at you or I by what each of us has done or did not do in our lives but by what each of us could become.

For,”His mercies are new every morning!” Lamentations 3:23




1.) Cross-Legged Stretch

  • Sit cross-legged.
  • With a big inhale stretch your arms out to your sides and press your palms together in a praying posture over your head.
  • With a big exhale lower your praying palms to your heart.
  • Repeat with 10 deep inhales and exhales.

2.) Cross Legged Side Stretch

  • With a big inhale stretch your arms out to your sides and press your palms together over head.
  • With a big exhale stretch your right arm over your head and lean to the left side.
  • With a big inhale stretch your arms out to your sides then up over your head.
  • With a big exhale stretch your left arm up overhead and lean to your right side.
  • Repeat 5-10 times on each side.



3.) Cross Legged Stretch and Twist

  • Place your hands behind your head.
  • With a big inhale stretch your head back.
  • With a big exhale lower your hands and twist to your left side.
  • Repeat with hands behind your head with a big inhale and twisting to each side with a big exhale.
  • Repeat 5-10 times.
  •  Exhaling deeply will help you to go deeper in the stretch.


4.) Seated Forward Bend

  • Stretch both legs out in front of you.
  • Inhale stretching your arms up from your sides.
  • Meet your palms, clasping them with your index finger pointing up and stretch up.
  • With a big exhale release the hold while folding over your legs.
  • Repeat 5-10 times.



5.) Seated Leg Stretch and Twist

  • Grab your right foot with both hands and stretch it out as best you can.
  • If possible hold your right foot with your left arm and open up your right arm.
  • Breathe deeply for 5 counts.
  • Now place your right foot over your left thigh or knee or any where on your leg.
  • Hold your knee and if you can, twist to your right side.
  • Breathe deeply for 10 counts.


6.) Cat/Cow Warm-up 

  • Come to your hands and knees.
  • Place your knees directly below your hips.
  • Place your palms directly below your shoulders.
  • Inhale deeply rounding your back, pulling your belly in and lowering your head.
  • Exhale deeply letting your belly sink while lifting your head and stretching your chin up and back.
  • Repeat for 10 Cat/Cow warm-ups.


7.) Low Lunge Stretch

  • Step your right foot forward.
  • The longer your step the deeper your stretch.
  • Be sure to have your right foot directly below your right knee.
  • Breathe deeply for 5 counts.
  • Now, let your hips move backward as you bend over your forward right leg.
  • Use your hands for support.
  • Repeat lunging forward with a big inhale and then exhaling as you move backward.
  • Repeat 5-10 times.

8.) Low Lunge Stretch

  • Step forward into a lunge pose again- stay here and breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
  • If possible, extend your arms out to your sides and up with a big inhale.
  • Repeat for 5 counts.

9.) Forward Bend

Please remember where you end up as you fold forward is your perfect place to do this pose.

  • Stand tall with your legs hip distance apart.
  • Inhale stretch your arms up from your sides.
  • Exhale, folding forward over your legs.
  • Repeat 5-10 times inhaling up and stretching and exhaling as you fold forward.


8.) Forward Bend into Chair Pose

  • With feet together lift your arms up as high as possible with a big inhale.
  • With a big exhale move your hips back.
  • Feel as though you are going to sit back on a chair, bending your knees and then holding this position for a moment.
  • Come back to a standing position.
  • Repeat 5 times trying to get a little lower each time.

Lay down on your back for a few moments inhaling and exhaling as deeply as you can to absorb all that healthy yoga goodness!

Try to repeat this yoga sequence three times a week for best results.

I sure hope you enjoyed this yoga class and are eager to step into the yoga world.  I invite you to try all our yoga challenges to meet all your yoga at- home needs!

If you have any questions or concerns please message me on our Halleluyahyoga FaceBook Page.







Go ahead, turn the corners of your mouth up into a smile. Give up a belly laugh, a titter or a tee-hee. It’s no joke, science has discovered that laughing is beneficial to your health. Laughter actually sets off a chain reaction in our bodies that promotes physical and mental well-being. Giggling strengthens our immune system, relaxes our nervous system, protects our vital organs, reduces pain, increases blood flow and enhances our oxygen intake. It may even help us live longer. Keep up the lol-ing because a joyful heart is good medicine and it is just what the doctor ordered! (Proverbs 17:22)

Start this sequence off  with a smile in Warrior II position. It will set your intention for joy. All the yoga postures were chosen as a quick body stretch/stress reliever as a gift to you this Mother’s Day!


When you are, ready grab a mat, some water and let’s get started!

1.) Warrior II

  • Smile!
  • Step forward while bending your knee into Warrior II.
  • Your hips should face forward, your stomach should be pulled in, and your arms should be extended out from your shoulders.
  • Your back foot should also be turned slightly in.
  • Breathe ten, and slow, deep breaths.
  • For better balance and support, simply step your back leg in.

2.) Side Angle Stretch

  • Relax and enjoy this stretch!
  • With same foot position as Warrior II, inhale as you stretch up and exhale as you stretch over your thigh.
  • Breathe deeply for ten counts.
  • Again, you can step your back leg in for better support.

3.) Triangle

  • Move slowly, be gentle, and be fully present!
  • Straighten your forward leg.
  • Position your hand lower to the floor, or your ankle, knee, or thigh.
  • Once you have found the position that is right for you, extend your other arm up and gaze upward.
  • Breathe ten deep breaths.

4.) Revolved Triangle

  • Turn the other cheek!
  • Switch your hands.
  • Keep your forward leg straight.
  • Keep pressing your shoulder open too!

5.) Warrior II

  • Keep smiling!
  • Step into Warrior II Pose again.
  • Breathe deeply for another 10 counts.

6.) Punching Warrior I

  • Punch out all negativity!
  • Pivot your back foot, so that your toes are all pointing the same way. This will turn your hips forward and square them off. Your shoulders will then be squared as well sitting on top of your hips.
  • Pull your belly in, lift your chest, and press your shoulders down. Hold this position.
  • Inhale deeply while pulling your right fist back by your elbow.
  • Meanwhile, stretch your left arm (hand in fist) forward with an exhale.
  • Inhale as you bring each fist back, and exhale as you finish the forward arm punch.
  • Hold the body position as you continue alternating punches, 25 times each with each hand for a total of 50 punches!
  • If you’re feeling it, do 2 more sets of 25 punches or opt for just a few more!

7.) Forward Fold Stretch

  • See things from a new perspective!
  • With your feet together, clasp your hands behind your back.
  • Pull your hands and gaze upward with a big inhale.
  • Exhale while folding forward.
  • Bend your knees and place your hands on your hips. For an easier stretch, do not keep your feet together.
  • Repeat numbers 1-6 with your right foot as your forward foot.
  • Do 7 again if you wish!

8.) Punching Fierce Pose

  • Ensure that all your negativity is gone, punch again in Fierce Pose. Be fiercely joyful!
  • With your feet together, sit back like you are going to sit in a chair.
  • Lead with your sitting bones. Don’t let your knees extend beyond your toes.
  • Bend your elbows and make fists. Hold your arms in front of your body.
  • Lower your right wrist, straightening your arm but keeping a fist position.
  • The baby finger part of your fist leads the way behind you.
  • Once it is extended beyond your body, bring it back to starting position.
  • Repeat with your left fist. Alternate 25 times on each side for a total of 50 Fierce Pose punches!
  • Do more if your having fun!

9.) Fierce Pose Twist

  • Do the twist!
  • With a big inhale, extend and lift your arms up from your sides.
  • With a big exhale, press your palms together while extending your left elbow over your right thigh.
  • Your big exhale is the key to creating more space for you to do the twist. Don’t skimp with your exhale!
  • Extending your arms and lifting up with a big inhale sets you up for the other side.
  • Repeat 3-5 times on each side.

10.) Bridge Variation

  • Open your heart and get more joy!
  • Lying down, bend your knees.
  • Inhale, lifting your hips by pressing into your feet, especially your heels.
  • Exhale, lowering your torso, repeating  this sequence 10 times with deep breaths.
  • Even a small hip lift is a perfect starting place.
  • Once you have completed this, lift again, clasp your hands and stretch up for 10 deep breaths.

11.) Camel Pose Variation

  • A deep heart opening position, this position increases lung capacity so you can breathe more good stuff in!
  • Position yourself on your knees. Place a towel or a pillow under your knees for support if you need it.
  • Curl your toes for a lighter challenge.
  • Place your hands on your hips to begin. Keep them here, but if you can, stretch back.
  • If it feels good, place your right hand on your right heel and stretch your left one back.
  • Repeat this with your left arm for a total of 3 times on each arm.
  • If the position still feels, good stretch both arms back and place them on your heels.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.

12.) Forward Bending Stretch

  • Determine to go forward with joy!
  • Sit with your legs forward.
  • Raise your arms up from your sides with a big inhale.
  • Slowly exhale as you fold forward.
  • Wherever you find yourself is the perfect forward fold for you!
  • You may bend your knees for a lighter version.
  • Repeat the process for 5-10 deep breaths.

13.) Seated Spinal Twist

  • Get twisted and smile!
  • Bend your left knee.
  • Place your right knee over your left knee.
  • If you can, wrap your left arm around your right knee.
  • Press both palms together breathe deeply for 5-10 deep breaths.
  • Place your hands on your knee to make it easier.
  • Switch legs.

Be present. Lay back for a few moments, letting joy envelope your soul.

When you are ready, go forth and have a very joyous Mother’s Day!



…Not a full split… yet!

As a gymnast way back when, we met our challenges with unceasing effort. We would grunt, groan, push and wiggle our way into all sorts of positions until we could do a move we so much longed for. Then we would practice that position over and over again until with ease, our bodies would flow right into it. Achieving beautiful moves in gymnastics made us feel invincible, at least for a moment. Yet the rewards of achieving because one did not give up, extends beyond any full split or leap from the high bar.

Enter yoga. It meets you where you are on the mat. You then can stay where you are or keep trying to get better. Yes, the yoga positions are totally what yoga is about. How beneficial they are to the body, how they improve one’s health and how they can effect an overall wellness of the mind. Yet it is what we do with the positions. That is key. Do we embrace what yoga is teaching us on the mat and then apply that into our lives?

Enter God. He also meets us where we are in life. He already knows that every one of us is not perfect. Yet He loves each one of us enough to die for us. He also cares too much about us to leave us as less than what He knows we could become. He already sees what we could be. And if we could catch perhaps just a glimpse of what He sees, well, I’m sure we would drop everything and anything that would hold us back, for a chance to be all that He created us to be!

I’m in. How about you?




Our lower half holds us up all day. Every now and then, shouldn’t we show it some love? Ta- dah! Below, a healthy dose of yoga goodness to the rescue!

Research published in the journal “Evidence Based Complimentary and Alternative Medicine” has found that regular yoga poses and stretches can help ease restless legs, help you sleep better, feel less stressed and even lower blood pressure.

Think about it: God is never exhausted. Instead, He offers us His strength and His rest!

The Lord will not grow weary, and His understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.

Isaiah 40:28-29

Breathing deeply and lingering in each stretch will allow for a deeper stretch and release. Let our inhales lift and refresh our tired cells with new energy. Let our exhales release tension and built up stress. With a tireless God to help us, we can’t help but revive and come alive!

1.) Star Stretch Twist

Spread your feet apart to where you feel comfortable. With a big inhale, lift your arms over your head, interlocking your fingers at the top.

Exhale, slowly extending forward while stretching your arms out.

Try to touch your mat, but if you can’t, hold your knees or your hips with one hand while stretching the other arm up.

Alternate arms for 10 times each and remember to go slow and breathe

2.) Intense Stretch Pose

From Star Pose, turn your left toes in while extending your right toes to face the right side.

Please keep your hips squared to the side as you extend over your forward leg.

Go slow, be gentle and breathe.

Hold for 5-10 deep breaths to feel the stretch and the release.

3.) Lunge Pose With Twist

Bend your right leg into a Lunge Pose. Hold for 10 deep breaths.

Lift your right arm up and twist. Hold for 10 deep breaths again, then come back to Lunge Pose.

Lift your left arm up. Hold for 10 deep breaths again.

Do not repeat on your other leg yet. Move on to the next exercise.

A less challenging way to do this exercise would be to bend your back leg.

4.) Deep Lunge Pose with Simple Twist

From Lunge Pos,e simply bend your back leg to your mat. Stretch your arms up and arch back for 5-10 deep breaths.

Place your left elbow over your forward right leg. Place your right arm behind you. Hold this for 5-10 deep breaths.

Do not repeat on your other leg. Move on to the next exercise.

5.) Lizard Pose

From Lunge Pose, with your right leg forward, place your hands on the inside of your right leg.

If that feels comfortable, bend both elbows and slide your right foot forward while release your knee to the side.

You can always lower your back knee to your mat and keep your arms straight if this is too difficult.

6.) Forward Bending Twist

Stand tall. Extend up and over your legs.

Place your hands on your mat. Place your hands on your hips, thighs, knees, or ankles to make it easier.

Inhale in the middle and exhale as you lift each arm. Repeat this 5-10 times with each arm.

7.) Tip Toe Squat into Side Stretch

Lift your heels, bending your knees out to the sides.

Place your hands on your mat in front of you or place them into Prayer position.

Hold this for 5-10 deep breaths.

Extend your right foot to the side. Place your hands on the mat in front of you for support.

Lift your left arm and stretch over to the right side. Hold this for 5-10 deep breaths.

Repeat with your extended left leg.

You can alternate stretching over your right, then left, extended legs for 5-10 deep breaths, inhaling in the center and exhaling out to the sides.

8.) Star Pose Forward Bending Twist

Widen your legs sideways to a place that is comfortable for you.

Inhale, stretching your arms up over your head.

Exhale, extending over each leg with opposite hands to their opposite ankles. Extend the same arm up to twist.

Come into the center with a deep inhale.

Repeat this 10 times on each side.

9.) Seated Leg Stretch

Sit with bent knees in front of you.

Hold your right leg, gently lifting it up.

Massage the back of your leg if you like.

Point and flex your ankle. Linger and stretch.

Bring your leg to your torso.

Hold for 10 deep breaths.

Repeat the process with your left leg.

10.) Cross-legged Side Stretch

Sit cross-legged.

With a huge inhalem stretch your arms up from your sides.

Look up. Arch back and hold for a moment.

Exhale, releasing the hold and stretch up and over to your left side.

Repeat on your left side. Come to middle and stretch to each side for 10 deep breaths on each side.



I’m feeling better now. I sure hope you are too! Let me know how it goes…

Thanks for joining me and we’ll see you soon…

stay strong and yoga on!





Just Pray. It is mentioned in the Bible more than “love your neighbor,” more than “go to church,” and more than “evangelize.” More than anything else, God wants us to pray. It may be the oldest and most reliable form of wireless communication, but science is proving, it does a body good. That’s right, regular prayer and meditation has been shown in numerous studies to be an important factor in living longer and staying healthy, according to an article published in the Huffington Post.

According to the article, there has been ongoing studies over the past forty years between the relationship of prayer and health. Dr. Herbert Benson, a cardiovascular specialist at Harvard Medical School and a pioneer in the field of mind/body medicine, discovered what he calls “the relaxation response.” This occurs when we pray and meditate. At such times, the body’s metabolism decreases, the heart rate slows, blood pressure goes down, and our breath becomes calmer and more regular. Stress levels decrease as this state of calm is associated with slower brain waves and feelings of control, tranquil alertness and peace of mind. Since Dr Benson believes over half of all  doctor visits in the U. S. today are from stress and anxiety, this is pretty significant. Stress after all, is one of the major risk factors for disease. His most recent research suggests that long term daily spiritual practices like praying actually help deactivate genes that trigger inflammation and prompt cell death.  The mind can affect the expression of our genes – that’s exciting evidence for how prayer may influence the functioning of the body at the most fundamental level!

Dr. Andrew Newburg conducted a study, and found that prayer and meditation increase levels of dopamine, which is associated with states of well being and joy. The National Institute of Health found that individuals who prayed daily were shown to be 40% less likely to have high blood pressure than those without a daily prayer practice. Research at Dartmouth Medical School found that patients with strong religious beliefs who underwent elective heart surgery were three times more likely to recover than those who were less religious. Other studies show that prayer boosts the immune system and helps lessen the severity, and frequency, of a wide range of illnesses.

The article also says that prayer is the most widespread alternative therapy in America today. That over 85% of people confronting a major illness pray. Prayer also helps to alleviate stress levels, which is one of the major risk factors for disease. Increasingly, the evidence is that prayer works! What science can tell us is that people who pray and meditate tend to be statistically more healthy and live longer than those who don’t.

Then, it’s no wonder why God commanded us centuries ago to … “pray without ceasing” 1 Thessalonians 5:17