72e0d1160f729c5ea9b3cbb3df1bc7a6A BAT STRETCHING TODAY

Stretch yourself, do yoga!

Physical stretching, much like hydrating and proper breathing, can have enormous health benefits if done regularly. A regular stretching routine can help lengthen muscles, increase our flexibility and joint range of motion. Stretching loosens stiff muscles, improving our balance and posture. Blood flow increases from stretching for improved circulation, nourishing muscle tissues and flushing out any waste byproducts in the muscle tissue. An increase in our energy levels is felt and pain is eased by stretching. We may even develop a greater sense of well being. Now, who doesn’t need that?





I thank God for giving me yoga, a fit and able body to practice it, a mind to comprehend it, and a sister to laugh and experience it, the resources to learn about it, and the desire to share it with you!

My sister and I try to meet once a week for coffee and catching up on life. We discuss many things, especially now that she is a grandmother, but we always have something to share about yoga. It may be something we learned or something we have discovered about ourselves. We used to get together to only do yoga. Then we discovered it’s more fun sharing our discoveries with one another. It’s funny though, we don’t just do yoga. We are more “borderline obsessed” with it. Thank God for Google because we have discovered amazing things about how it can help us physically, medically, spiritually and more! I know only God is responsible for our health and fitness, but I would say that He is working in mysterious ways through yoga because we feel great!  We are in our fifties and we feel even better than when we were in our forties. Halleluyah!

Today, while talking,  my sister said precisely what I have come to believe, “Yoga is like this big secret that I have. I do it and feel so awesome after. I could be having a miserable day and there, right there after I do yoga, I feel so much better.” Well, she let the secret out! There is so much more to yoga than meets the eye. It’s not simply an exercise system. It’s also a health enhancer, an energy giver and an ailment reliever. It’s a God finder and a you improver and a journey waiting for you to explore!

Everyone knows that sisters can’t keep secrets. Yet, the secret remains true. There is more to yoga than what you can see. Won’t you give it a try?






Why yoga, you might ask? The real question we all should be asking is: why not yoga?

There are 20 million people practicing various forms of yoga in the U.S. today. There is a growing number of case studies, polls, and the entire medical community talking about yoga’s potential to help, prevent, heal, or alleviate specific conditions. Yoga is also beneficial as a technique for relieving stress and coping with chronic conditions or disabilities. Most studies publish results that yoga is not only a form of exercise, but can act as a treatment and as a preventative form of medicine and healthcare.

Yoga is already a commonly used mind-body intervention for depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety and post traumatic stress. It’s used as a therapy for asthma and arthritis. It’s proving to be effective in cognitive problems and fatigue in cancer survivors. It’s proving that yoga can be an effective strategy in the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease and cardiac function and also COPD , migraines, metabolic syndrome, restless leg syndrome and weight management.  It can be a management for hypertension, menopause, GERD, and chronic heart failure, stress management and fatigue. It can also aid in chronic pain such as back and neck pain. It improves sleep and helps with all stages of pregnancy. Seniors get stronger, flexible and balanced, as does anyone practicing this form of exercise.

As you can see the benefits of yoga are phenomenal and growing. Anyone can do yoga and reap it’s rewards. You don’t need to be fit or flexible either. If you can breathe, you can do it! What do you need to know to get started? Inhale. Exhale. Repeat. Don’t let anyone fool you. It’s not much harder than that. Let go and let God show you how good you can truly feel from the inside out!