Praise God Do Yoga!

What better way to start our day than praising, praying, moving, stretching, breathing and focusing on what is really important. This mini-yoga challenge will do it all and more… including less challenging and more challenging ways to get our yoga praise on!

Perhaps, you don’t know where to start …start in the Psalms!

The Psalms is know as the Book of Praises for the Book records more verses of praise than any other book of the Bible and in almost every Psalm there is at least one note of praise. Since God tells us to give Him thanks in everything, ( 1 Thessalonians 5:18 ) it can be only fitting that not only our praise but our thanks to God is also a form of worship as well. In fact everything we do can become an act of worship not just yoga. The choice is up to us.

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God! 1 Corinthians 10:30

It’s amazing that when we take the time to praise Him we are automatically blessed back in ways that will astound us, just read a few Psalms! Below are a few good reasons to praise God.

To praise God is to put our focus on Him and not our problems, worries, care, and doubts. Which then shrinks our perspective on all our earthly concerns and magnifies the greatness of God’s power in overcoming them. This helps us to trust God more and grow our faith.

To praise God is to seriously humble ourselves. When we acknowledge that we are not strong enough and cannot do it alone, our pride and ego is eliminated and we gain a healthy self-image based on God’s view of us. This also may strengthen us  against temptation.

To praise God is also to reveal our devotion to Him. When He has first priority in our life, we easily honor, worship and thank Him for everything. Gratitude then becomes a habit and a response to the little and all the big things that pop into our lives.

To praise God is to be blessed with almost instant joy! For discouragement, anxiety, depression, down in the dumps kind of emotions cannot thrive in a heart full of joy! However, we are not talking about earthly joy, but heavenly joy!

  • Please take a moment to breathe deeply before you begin. Concentrate on your breath to ease your tensions and your stress. When you feel ready simply begin.


A Forward Bend with our fingers interlocked opens up our heart and chest area. An open heart is ready and able to receive the love of God!

…above all fear the Lord and worship Him faithfully with all your heart. (1 Samuel 12:24)

1.) Forward Bending Stretch

  • Stand hip width.
  • Place your hands on your hips, back, or interlock your fingers behind your back.
  • With a big inhale lift your hands behind you and look to Heaven.
  • With a big exhale bow forward in gratitude.
  • Repeat the process 5-10 times.


Sitting back in your invisible chair is like faith!

…faith is being certain of what we do not see. (Hebrew’s 11:1)

2.) Chair Pose/Twist

  • Place your feet hip width apart for more support or together for more of a challenge.
  • With a big inhale slowly extend your arms to the sides and sweep them up to Heaven.
  • With a big exhale slowly bend your knees sitting back into your invisible chair.
  • Keep your knees behind your feet for safety.
  • Hold your Chair Pose for 5-10 deep breaths.
  • Then, stand up bringing your hands together in a praying position at your heart.
  • Inhale deeply.
  • Then exhale as you sit back in your chair.
  • Inhale again and then exhale while placing your left elbow over your right thigh or knee.
  • Stand up and then repeat the process with right elbow over left knee or thigh.
  • (Try to remember to inhale in the middle then exhale and twist. This will give you more twisting room.)


Star Pose into Warrior II Pose…a knight in shining armor!

Let your light shine clothed in the glorious full armor of God. (Ephesians 6:10-20)

3.) Star Pose into Warrior II

  • Stand tall.
  • Bend both knees.
  • Gently walk each foot out to your sides.
  • Find a comfortable distance between both legs and straighten them.
  • Ensure both toes are facing forward.
  • With a big slow long inhale, extend both arms out and up.
  • Interlock your fingers and look up.
  • With a big, long, slow exhale, lower your arms while ensuring they are extended out from your shoulders.
  • Then, point your left toes to the side and bend your left leg.
  • Ensure your bent knee is directly above your foot.
  • Slightly turn your back toes in.
  • Repeat the process from inhaling in Star Pose to exhaling in Warrior II, 10 times or more.


Warrior Pose with a prayer for strength that will lift your soul so you can zero in on what is important with lazer-like focus, just like an eagle in your eagle arms!

Focus on the Prize! Hebrews 12:1-3

4.) Warrior I Pose with Eagle Arms

  • Take a step forward with your right leg from your Warrior II Pose.
  • Ensure your hips are both facing forward equally.
  • Bend that forward right knee ensuring it stays directly above your foot.
  • For an added leg, foot and ankle stretch, lift your heel.
  • Now, stretch your arms out. Bend your elbows with both palms facing you.
  • Slide your left palm under your right elbow. Then try to wrap your left arm around your right arm.
  • Where ever you find your arms is your perfect place for now.
  • If possible clasp them or interlock your fingers like the picture above.
  • Now lift them both up and lift your chin, focus on the prize!
  • Breathe deeply for 10 long, slow, and generous breaths.



Drop a knee and bow your head!

Humble yourselves before the Lord and He will lift you up! James 4:10

5.) Low Lunge Stretch

  • Bend both knees to your mat.
  • Extend tour right leg forward.
  • Bow your head to your knee like the first picture.
  • Take three long, deep, and slow breaths.
  • Now, bend your right knee and lean forward into it as best as you can like picture two.
  • Take three deep breaths again.
  • Repeat on the same right leg forward, extended and straight and a bow to your knee and then bending that knee leaning forward into a Lunge Pose. Be as a back and forth wave for 5 more times.
  • With right leg still forward tand leaning into your Low Lunge, try to extend your arms out to the sides with a huge inhale.
  • Lift them up and press both palms together over head and then breathe deeply and send up a prayer of praise!
  • Now you may repeat the entire process using your other leg!

I sure hope you enjoyed this praise and worship, mini -yoga -stretching -workout!

Getting our praise on is a glorious way to start any day!

Halleluyah everyBODY!

The Peaceful Warrior Pose

Peaceful Warrior Pose. A paradox of peace and power. The perfect opportunity to experience and explore the magnificent strength and presence our bodies can evoke while offering us a chance to absorb the beauty and exhilaration of the present moment. The broad powerful stance of our legs offers a rooted, earthy feel, where the sweeping arm stretching upward provides an uplifting, luminous feeling. Surely a positive way to begin or end any day!

Once you have arrived in your perfect Peaceful Warrior Pose linger a while focusing on your deep breaths. Allow those breaths to calm your body and mind as your parasympathetic nervous system, your rest and relaxation response, kicks in. This lowers your blood pressure thus improving circulation and sending fresh oxygen and happy peaceful hormones through out your body which kick starts the healing process. Be good to yourself and let this luxurious stretch nourish and comfort your body like a warm, bubbly bubble bath or a comfy, soft easy chair.

When you feel all calm and peaceful switch sides. Practice a few more times on each side if you like. Remember, you can always step your back leg in as much as needed for more support.

You can also give your cares or anxieties to the Lord as you practice this pose for deeper, truer, inner peace and wellness. For Paul the Apostle, tells us in the Bible to “give all your cares and worries to God for He cares for you!” (1 Peter 5:7)

I hope you enjoy your “Peaceful Warrior Pose” remember you can do it anywhere and more importantly you can give your cares and worries away to God, any time, anywhere and any place. He’s waiting for you.

see ya next time,


Camel Pose ( inner and outer heart opener)

Considered a back-bending pose in the world of yoga Camel Pose bends over backwards offering up serious health benefits. Stretching our entire body it opens up our chest area and expands our rib cage. As we breath deeply into this pose we send a fresh supply of oxygen to all parts of our body releasing pent up stress and tension. Our nervous system enters a state of calm, our minds are cleared and blood gets pumping. A drop in blood pressure may even result.  Energy spent on battling stress is now able to flow to other areas in our bodies and our mood instantly improves.

Camel Pose also stretches our insides too by exposing the part of our bodies we try so hard to protect, our hearts. To move into a Camel one has to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. Leaving one’s comfort zone is never easy. It takes courage to leave the known for the unknown. But you know the saying, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” That’s called faith!




1.) To begin…Start in a kneeling position. Align your hips over your knees. Place your hands on your hips. Now gently and slowly lean backwards by pressing your thighs, knees, and feet to your mat. Lift your chest by squeezing your thighs together, which will create length in your lower back and hips. Place your hands on your back hips. Keep your inner elbows pressing toward one another and downward. This will encourage your chest to lift and open. Remain here and breath deeply. When you are ready slowly come forward by rounding your shoulders and sitting back on your legs. Breath deeply again to absorb all the healthy Camel goodness.

2.) If you are able to continue…slowly reach back by running your hand down your leg. If you feel any discomfort, stop immediately. But, if you are able, rest a hand on your heel as you extend your other arm up over your head. Breathe deeply here for a few counts then rest your other hand on your heel extending your other arm.

3.) As you go for the full Camel Pose…Gently release both hands to rest on your heels by drawing the inner elbows toward each other and rolling your shoulders back. Try to keep a steady breath as it will relax you and then you will be able to go deeper in the stretch. Invite your heart to rise upward. Press your entire body out in all directions. Breathe, melt, surrender. Open up into Camel Pose and let your body sing “Halleluyah!”

thanks for joining me

keep calm and yoga on



This mini yoga sequence was created for us to release stress and gain peace during this Christmas season by getting into the true Christmas vibe…celebrating The Lord Jesus Christ!

As the count-down to Christmas approaches I don’t know about you but I can feel my stress levels rising. However, a simple 5-10 minutes of praising God can alter the course of our day leaving us refreshed, revived and strong all day long. Beware. God may fashion these few moments of praising Him into an inner and outer total body workout.

I designed this sequence using different versions of the warrior position to help us feel rooted and grounded. The hand and arm positions were chosen to lift our bodies and set our eyes toward heaven.

Although I included instructions with each position for this sequence there is no right or wrong way to do these poses. Simply let your outer movements be an expression of your inner heartfelt praise. It helps to pause at the moment you feel is the best version of the way you do that particular pose. Why not exclamation mark it with a prayer of praise!

All warrior poses will begin with your right leg forward. After you complete the entire sequence using your right leg forward switch to your left leg.

May you be filled with peace brimming over as you celebrate this most wonderful time of year!

1.) Seated Meditation

  • Take a few moments to relax and clear your mind by inhaling peace and exhaling peace!

2.) Heart Opening Warm-Up

  • Come to your knees, hip width apart.
  • Clasp your hands behind your back for an added chest, shoulder and neck stretch.
  • Or rest them on your hips.
  • Inhale as you lift your chest.
  • Exhale as you release and bow forward.
  • Repeat the process for 5-10 times.

3.) Twisted Praying Lunge Pose

  • From your knees step your right leg forward.
  • Keep your foot directly below your knee.
  • Straighten your back leg and lift your heel.
  • Place your left elbow over your forward right thigh.
  • Press both palms together.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
  • Move into the next position with the same foot forward.

4.) Warrior I Pose

  • Place your back heel on your mat.
  • Stretch your arms out to your sides.
  • With a big inhale slowly lift both arms up.
  • Let your palms meet overhead.
  • Stretch back, lifting your chest and chin.
  • Interlock your hands with pointed index fingers.
  • Continue a few more times with arms stretched out to your sides then lifted up in praise.
  • Move into the next position with the same foot forward.

5.) Humble Warrior

  • Clasp your hands behind your back.
  • You may also rest them upon your hips.
  • With a big inhale lift them as high as you can behind your back.
  • With a big exhale bow forward, allowing your hands to follow your head raising them as high and as forward as they will go.
  • Inhale and come up and back again.
  • Repeat 5-10 times.
  • Move into the next position with the same foot forward.

6.) Warrior I Pose

  • Stretch your arms out to the sides again as you lift them up in praise.
  • Interlock your hands with pointed index fingers.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
  • Same foot is forward again.

7.) Eagle Warrior

  • Bend both elbows in front of your chest.
  • Take your right hand placing it under your left elbow.
  • Continue sliding it under that elbow to the left side.
  • Continue to swirl your right arm up and around your left arm.
  • Lift your chin and stretch your head back.
  • Breathe deeply for a few counts.
  • Same foot is forward again.

8.) Warrior I Pose

  • Keep the same leg and foot position.
  • Lift your arms up from your sides.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
  • Same foot is forward again.

9.) Reverse Prayer Warrior

  • Place the back of both your palms on your lower back.
  • Let the tips of your fingers meet behind you.
  • Slowly turn your palms over pressing the insides of your palms together.
  • Slide them up your back as far as you can.
  • Stay here and breathe deeply for 5 counts.
  • Same foot is forward again.

10.) Warrior I Pose

  • Keep the same leg and foot position.
  • Lift your arms out to your sides.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.

11.) Forward Bending Bow 

  • Step your right forward foot behind your left leg about one foot.
  • Bend your right knee.
  • Straighten your left leg.
  • Bow forward, inhaling and exhaling praises to the newborn King!

Now it is time to start again and complete this sequence with your left leg forward!

After you have completed all eleven positions with both your right and left leg forward lie down for a few moments allowing your body to absorb all that healthy yoga goodness from the inside out!

Go forth and have a most wonderful Christmas!

keep calm and yoga on



TREE POSE MINI YOGA CHALLENGE (improve balance, focus & brain power)

Soon the trees will be arrayed in their gorgeous fall wardrobe! As diverse as their many colors, I love the way yoga poses heal and help us. Take the simple and basic Tree Pose. Studies have shown that the practice of Tree Pose improves balance and coordination, helping us to build a firm foundation so we won’t fall over so easily in life. Tree Pose also boosts brain power. The nerve endings in our feet communicate with our brains to create new neural pathways that establish stability on one leg – much like a tree, in fact!

Tree Pose

Spread your toes wide on your right leg.

Focus on an object directly in front of you for.

With both of your hips facing forward, place your left leg on the ankle of your right leg. If possible slide it to your inner thigh.

Keep your shoulders pressed down, with your palms pressed together in front of you. Lift them up over your head if your feeling balanced.

Breathe deeply in Tree Pose for 10 long inhales and exhales.

Repeat the process while balancing on your left leg.

It’s okay to sway, and even fall. Just get back up and try again. Your building strength, balance and coordination with every moment that your standing on one leg.

Thanks for practicing Tree Pose with me! May you find the beauty of the trees this fall to be spectacular! See you next month 🙂



LUNGE POSE MINI CHALLENGE (quick stress reliever from sitting at a desk)

Hi Friends!

Today we will be practicing “Lunge Pose.”

Lunge Pose helps us counteract the effects of what I call “Modern Day Sitting Syndrome”!

The beauty of each yoga pose is that if you find that a pose is too challenging for you there is always an easier way to practice it. Lunge Pose is no exception. If you find it is too challenging for you, simply lower your back knee to the ground. For more support stretch your legs wider than hip distance. Try it out. Do what works for you.Yoga is about being good to yourself. This may be your first decision to be good to yourself. As you progress in your practice you may find that what you discover on your mat may spill over into your daily life. Making a decision that’s best for you while doing yoga is the first step in making your yoga practice your own.

Lunge Pose Tips:

1.) Stand hip width, bending both knees and stepping your right foot forward.

2.) The further forward you step, the more challenging the pose.

3.) Bending forward; use your hands for support.

4.) Keep your arms straight, relax your shoulders, soften your collar bone, and let your hips sink.

5.) Inhale deeply all Try to let go of all thoughts, past and present Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.

6.) Step forward with your left foot into Lunge Pose and breathe deeply for 5-10 counts again.

Sitting at a desk all day stresses our spine, hips, and back. Our chest caves in, our shoulders round forward and soon our breathing is affected too. Taking just five minutes for a few Lunge Poses with deep breathing energizes our bodies while also giving them a chance to rest and relax. Deep breathing activates our parasympathetic nervous system, which slows our heart rate and helps us relax, while lunges builds strong muscles in our legs, back, and spine.

As you work on your Lunge Pose, let it remind you to stop taking up time from your life by looking in the rear view mirror of your past life. Instead, live in the present moment, fully alive, fully aware and ready to move forward. As you go forward may you realize along the way how very much that God loves you!

May you love and be loved and may peace be with you!

see you next month!

WARRIOR II POSE MINI CHALLENGE (unleash your inner warrior while building outer strength)

Hold your head high and confidently, unleashing your inner warrior as you stand in Warrior II Pose!

1.) Spread your feet approximately three to four feet apart, keeping them on the same line.

2.) Press down in all four corners of your feet, pushing into the outer edge of your back foot for stability.

3.) Keep pressing your extended arms back for a deeper stretch while extending your arms out to the sides.

4.) Gaze over your your middle finger with both palms facing down.

5.) Stand strong and breathe deeply for 10 deep breaths as you celebrate the power of the warrior!

6.) Step your back leg in for more support.

Step into Warrior II Pose. Build inner and outer strength while developing balance and stability. Cultivate grace and ease while building stamina and concentration. Stretch and strengthen your hips, legs, arms, chest, back, and feet while energizing your tired limbs. Stimulate your abdominal organs too all while improving your circulation and respiration.

Remember that God says you are MORE than a conqueror. ( Romans 8:37) Go forth and be all that He created you to be…strong, mighty, and victorious! For the Lord is with you like a “Mighty Warrior.” (Jeremiah 20:11.)

keep calm and conqueror on!

thanks for joining me and may love guide you where you may go…



The theme of this yoga challenge is, moving forward!

Give yourself permission to let go of whatever does not serve you. Dedicate this precious time to free yourself from whatever is weighing you down and holding you back. Remember that God made you. He knows all about you, even the secret things you try to hide from everyone else. Every tear you have cried is placed in a bottle by Him. He thinks about you more than every grain of sand in all the world. He loves you more than anything or anybody in the entire world. In His greatest act of love for you, He left His throne in Heaven, became a human being, and sacrificed His life for your sins, so you could be forgiven and live with Him throughout all eternity. We cannot even imagine how much God loves and cares for us. But He does not ask us to. He simply says to come to Him, so he can help us. He came because He loves you!

Allow true love to envelope you in each of these yoga poses. This mini-yoga class was created with forward moving yoga poses to remind you of that love. It is a symbol of our willingness to let go of the past and move forward into the wonderful futures that God has in store for each one of us!

Get stronger physically and keep moving forward in your life with reflection upon His amazing words to you…

The righteous keep moving forward…

Job 17:9

You are a new creation…

2 Corinthians 5:17

Let go of what’s behind you so you can grab hold of what’s before you…

Philippians 3:14

When you are ready grab a mat, towel and water if you like and let’s get started!


1.) Forward Bend Variation

  • Take a huge breath with your hands at your hips or fingers interlocked behind your back. Let your chest lift and expand, awakening each cell with fresh oxygen. Add intensity by lifting your arms up behind you.
  • When you feel the need to exhale, simply release your breath while bending forward, leading with your chin. Let your arms stretch as far over as you can.
  • Repeat the stretch up, with a big inhale, and a forward bending stretch, forward and down, 5-10 more times.

2.) Forward Bend Twist

  • You should be loose from your Forward Bend, so on your last one stay bent over.
  • Release your left hand to the floor while twisting up with your right arm.
  • Bend your right leg.
  • Repeat bending your left leg with your left arm lifted.

3.) Warrior I Variation

  • Step forward with your right leg into Warrior I Pose.
  • Your Hips should be facing forward, over your front leg.
  • Try to pull up and out of your waist by pulling your belly in .
  • Breathe deeply, sweeping your arms up to Heaven. Or, press your palms together while gazing up toward Heaven.
  • Repeat the breathing in this position up to 10 times.
  • Step in a little closer for better balance and step your right leg out farther for more intensity.
  • Lift your heel if you can and really build your leg muscles!

4.) Lunge Twist

  • Lower your torso over your forward leg.
  • Place a hand on your mat on each side of your leg.
  • Hold for a few deep breaths.
  • When ready, place your left elbow over your right leg (knee, but preferably your thigh).
  • Press your palms together.
  • A deep inhale will allow you to stretch deeper over your leg.
  • Breathe deeply for 5 counts.

5.) Lunge Twist Variation

  • Lower your left arm to the mat.
  • Stretch your right arm up and gaze upward.
  • Breath deeply for 5 counts.
  • Switch hands.
  • Breathe deeply for 5 more counts.
  • Lower you back knee for more support.
  • Repeat positions 3-5 with your right leg forward.

6.) Fierce Pose

  • With legs together, sit back as if you were going to sit on a chair.
  • Stretch your arms up. Hold this position while breathing deeply up to 10 times.
  • Don’t let your knees extend beyond your toes.
  • To make it easier, don’t sit back too far and place your hands on your hips.

7.) Warrior III

  • Step out with your right leg.
  • You may bend that knee, but a straight leg is optimal.
  • Lift your back leg while keeping your hips facing forward.
  • Raise your arms, look forward, and breathe deeply for up to 10 counts.

8.) Low Lunge With A Prayer

  • Gently lower your back leg, with your knee touching your mat.
  • Sink forward, allowing for a deeper stretch.
  • Place your hands on your mat, hips, thigh, or in prayer position.
  • Breathe deeply for up to 10 counts.
  • Bring your back knee in for more support.
  • Say a prayer!
  • Repeat poses 7+8 with your left leg forward.

May love protect you and bless you as you move forward!




I love Aruba! I also love piping hot coffee, matcha tea, gray sweatshirts, and crisp clean cotton sheets. I love leather and denim coats. I love day-old haircuts, striking asanas and posing upward toward Heaven. I like deep conversations at my dining room table. I love to belt out songs in church, especially ones that have the word Halleluyah in them. But out of all of these things I love, they give me something back for loving them. Sadly, it boils down to this: everything in this world that I love and if it loves me, loves me, only conditionally.

Then, like the Grinch, she thought of something she hadn’t before! What if true love, she thought, didn’t come from a store? What if true love, perhaps, is a little bit more!”

Then she goes and gets all spiritual.

Take Roman’s 5:8. God says.”But God commanded His love toward us, in that while we were sinner’s Christ died for us.”

God doesn’t say, “As soon as you clean up your act, I’ll love you.” Nor does He say “I’ll sacrifice my Son if you promise to love me.” In Romans 5:8, we find just the opposite. God wants us to know that His love is unconditional, so He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for us while we were still unlovable sinners. Now that’s true love!

It’s so nice to find that true love can’t be bought from a store.

That is because, true love is a whole lot more!

Thanks for reading!

Hoping your day is filled with love!!

RELAXING AND UNWINDING YOGA CHALLENGE (stress relief you can do in your jammies)

Put on some relaxing music, light a candle, maybe get into your pajamas. Do whatever gives you a relaxing vibe before moving into this soothing yoga flow. Resting in your Heavenly Father’s arms, you need not worry anymore, for He says that you may cast all your cares and worries on Him. (1 Peter 5:7) He’s calling out to each of us (Matthew 11:28) to come to Him, because only He has the deep abiding rest that our bodies and souls crave. The Psalmist sums it up beautifully: “My soul finds rest in God alone” (Psalm 62:1).

During these 16 yoga positions, designed to flow into each other, try to inhale all the good and restful thoughts of our Heavenly Father’s care. Remember, He knows how many hairs are on your head this very moment (Matthew 10:30). He also loves each of us mightier than every wave in the sea (Psalm 93:4). And, His thoughts toward each of us outnumber the grains of sand in the entire world (Psalm 139:18)!

Breathe, relax, in the flow, let it go…

1.) Cross Legged Twist

  • Sit cross legged.
  • Keep both sitting bones on your mat and your chin up, shoulders down, and back straight.
  • Inhale deeply.
  • Exhale as you twist to the side.
  • Place a hand on your opposite knee, the other hand in back of you, for a more intense twist.



2.) Cross Legged Stretch Variation 

  • Clasp fingers behind your head.
  • Inhale deeply while stretching backwards as far as is comfortable for you. Let your chest lead the stretch. Keep your chin and eyes up. Let your head rest in your palms.
  • Exhale, rounding your back as you lower your head forward.
  • Press your chin into your body and  use a little pressure with your hands as you pull your head down.
  • Feel a great neck stretch and repeat the process at least 10 times.

2a.) Side Stretch

  • Simply inhale deeply in the middle and exhale as you stretch to the side.
  • Repeat the process on each side 10-20 times.
  • Inhale deeply in the middle and exhale, folding over your knee.
  • Repeat this process to each knee, 10-20 times each knee.
  • Remember to inhale in the middle with sitting bones down, chest lifted, chin up, and exhale as you move to each side.

3.) Cat/Cow Pose

  • Start with hands below shoulders and knees below hips.
  • Inhale deeply. Gently drop your head and rounding your back.
  • Exhale deeply. Arch your back with chin up.
  • Repeat the process 10-20 times. Remember to breathe!


4.) Child Pose/ Shoulder Stretch

  • Sit back onto your heels.
  • Stretch your arms out in front of you.
  • Breathe deeply for 10 counts.
  • Slip your left arm under your other arm.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
  • Repeat this process with your right arm.

5.) Baby Down Dog

  • From a Child Pose position, lift your sitting bones.
  • Slide your hands and arms forward.
  • Arch your back or stretch farther forward.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.

At this point your right foot will remain forward through out exercises, 6,7,8, and 9.

6.) Low Lunge Stretch

  • From Child’s Pose, come to your hands and knees.
  • Slip your right foot between your arms.
  • Stretch your back leg out behind you as far as you can.
  • Breathe deeply for 5 counts.
  • Straighten your forward leg and fold over it.
  • Breathe for 5 counts.
  • Repeat this motion for 5 breaths in each position for a total of 10 times.

7.) Low Lunge Twist on Both Sides

  • As you go into Low Lunge Stretch, lift your back knee off your mat.
  • Place your left hand on your mat, beside your forward foot and directly below your shoulder.
  • Stretch your right arm up and twist.
  • Look up and breathe deeply for 5 counts.
  • Switch hands. Your right hand should be on your mat now, with your left hand lifted up.
  • Breathe deeply again for 5 counts.

8.) Low Lunge with Shoulder Stretch

  • Gently lower your back left knee to your mat.
  • Your right knee should be directly on top of your right foot.
  • Stay here and breathe deeply for 10 counts.
  • If you can, place your hands on your hips.
  • Clasp your fingers behind you and look up for an extra heart, lung, shoulder, neck, and arm stretch
  • Hold the stretch for a good 5-10 deep breaths.
  • Lift your wrists and arms behind you. Stretch your back leg out farther for an even deeper whole body stretch.

9.) Low Lunge Hamstring Twist

  • Release your Low Lunge Shoulder Stretch by placing your hands on each side of your right foot.
  • Place your left hand next to your right foot.
  • Bend your back leg.
  • Hold your foot and bend it toward your body as far as you can.
  • Breathe deeply for 5 counts

It is time now time to repeat positions 6,7,8, and 9 with your left leg forward and your right leg behind.

10.) Upward Dog

  • Start by lying down.
  • Place your hands directly below your shoulders
  • Press through your arms and lift your chest and head backwards (see the picture!).
  • Breathe deeply for 3 counts.

11.) Downward Dog

  • From Upward Dog Position, curl your toes, lower your head, round your back, and lift your sitting bones.
  • Your hands should be shoulder-width. Your legs should be hip width apart.
  • Keep your heels down, and keep pressing your sitting bones up.
  • Stay here until you feel a good stretch in the backs of your legs and shoulders.
  • Breathe deeply 3-5 counts.

Move into Upward Dog position and then Downward Dog position, for 3 more counts in each position.

12.) Child’s Pose

  • Sit back on your heels.
  • Lower your head to your mat, or place a pillow below your head if necessary.
  • Keep your arms back, beside your torso.
  • Let your shoulders release.
  • Widen the distance between your legs, or rest your head on your arms.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.

13.) Rock and Roll

  • Sit with your legs forward.
  • Rock backward, then rock forward.
  • Do this for 10 counts.

14.) Butterfly Pose and Stretch

  • Sit and press the bottoms of your feet together.
  • Hold your feet,inhaling while arching your back with your chest and chin up.
  • Exhale and fold forward.
  • Repeat for 5-10 deep breaths.


15.) Reclining Butterfly

  • Lie on your back with your knees up and your arms at your sides
  • Inhale and lift your arms up over your head. Let your knees gently drop to the sides.
  • Don’t force your legs apart! Let them gently release to the sides.
  • Exhale. Close your legs and rest your arms to the sides.
  • Repeat this process 5 times.
  • Stay in the open legs position for 5-10 deep breaths.

16.) Legs Up a Wall

  • Rest your legs on a wall or a chair. Bend your legs and res them on the seat.
  • Make your sitting bones touch the wall, or get as close to the chair as possible.
  • Stay here and breathe deeply for 1-3 minutes.
  • Lie on your back, breathing deeply for as long as you like.