If we are willing, we can stretch ourselves to achieve great things – but God has better for every one of us!
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5-6
For with God nothing shall be impossible.
Luke 1:37
Do you remember? Peter walked on water. Sarah gave birth at age 90. Mary was a mother with out knowing a man. Jesus’ disciples fed over 5,000 people from one kid’s lunch. Moses parted the entire Red Sea for the Israelites to cross. Little boy David killed an armored giant with a stone. Daniel a slept all night in a den of lions. Deborah saved a nation. The list goes on!
Though the people of the Bible were just normal people, they did amazing things! But they had one thing in common: they were stretched! Day by day, year by year, little by little, God stretched their faith. At the point when they were fully able to rely on Him, God blessed them; they accomplished above and beyond what they could possibly imagine!
Now is your opportunity to go deeper in your yoga practice with these Asanas below. Remember to breathe deeply, this will relieve stress and tension, allowing you to stretch deeper. I know God is stretching me – where might God be stretching you?
1.) Standing Stretch
Start by standing tall with your abs pulled in, your butt tucked under, your chest lifted, your shoulders down and your neck lengthened. Lift your arms to the sides, inhale deeply, and stretch them up. Exhale deeply and lower your arms. Repeat 5-10 times, depending on how much time you have.
In this stance, when you exhale down, extend your torso over your legs. Whereever your hands land on your legs is the perfect place for you. Once you feel comfortable in the Forward Bending stretch, put your left hand near, in front of, or touching your right foot. Stretch your right arm up and gently twist. Repeat on your other side. Stretch each side 5-10 times.
To make it slightly easier, bend your knees. You can also play around with your legs by bending each one separately.
Do number 3-8 with your right leg forward. Then do number 3-8 with your left leg forward.
3.) Intense Pose Reverse Praying Hands
Extend your right leg to the side with your toes pointed. Slightly turn in your left toes. Press your palms behind your back in a praying positio,n lifting the palms as high up your back as you can go. Stretch your entire torso back with a deep inhale. With a deep long exhale, extend your torso out and over your front leg. Lead with your chin. Stretch as far as you can go in this position.
You can always step your back leg in to make it easier, or slightly bend both legs. You can also place your hands on your hips, or clasp your wrists in back instead of the reverse prayer hold.
4.) Intense Pose Stretch
Once you can no longer hold the Reverse Prayer Position, release you hands and stretch deeper over your leg. Try to get your head to touch your knee and breathe deeply, for up to 10 counts.
Step your back leg in for less intensity and slightly lean forward to make this pose less challenging.
5.) Deep Lunge Pose
Bend your right knee. Place your hands on your mat on each side of your foot. Step your back leg in for less intensity, or place your knee on your mat. Breathe deeply for up to 10 counts.
You can always bend your back leg for less intensity or place your hands on your thigh.
6.) Lunge Pose Twist
Raise your right arm and look up. Stretch that body. Hold for 5-10 deep breaths.
Bend your back knee if it becomes too challenging.
7.) Deep Lunge Stretch
Drop your back knee to the mat. Stay here and breathe deeply for up to 10 counts. If you can, grasp your foot; stretch and hold this position for 5-10 breaths.
Take it farther by lifting your forward arm up and pulling your foot to meet your sitting bones. Breath 10 long and deep breaths again!
8.) Bended Knee Prayer Position
Place both your hands on each side of your foot and slide your knee below your sitting bones to come out of the intense stretch. Then bring your palms together. You are ready to pray!
Sit and breathe for a few moments. Enjoy the rewards that any kind of stretching can bring!
Let me know how it goes…
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