Have you ever had to rocket to the bathroom? Do you sometimes get so bloated your pants won’t zip up?  Are you tired of stomach pain? Do you wish you could some how tame your tummy trouble for good? Why not try a couple Yoga exercises? Maybe Yoga can help to ease your belly troubles! Many medical experts and lots of research have proved that Yoga helps with digestive disorders like IBS, Crohn’s disease, Colitis, acid reflux, gas and bloating.  That is why I have designed this Yoga Segment with that in mind!

For this Yoga Segment, I have included the easiest and most beneficial Yoga exercises for improving your digestion. I hope these Yoga exercises will ease your pain and suffering. Embracing a Yoga practice for yourself will ensure your digestive system be on track!

Add a bit of Heavenly peace to boost this Yoga Segment and infuse your digestion system with love!

In John 14:17 , Jesus says directly to us …

…Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

1.) Lying Knee To Chest

Lie down on your back. Inhale deeply, pulling your right knee into your chest. If you are able, round your back by bringing your head to your knee. Your left leg may come off the floor too if you are able. Pause and then release your leg and your breath as you slowly unravel and lie on the floor. Repeat on your left leg. Alternate 5 times on each leg. Increase the count as you get stronger to 25 times on each leg. Breath in as you pull in and exhale as you release your leg to the floor.

2.) Lying Knees To Chest or known as the” Wind Relieving Pose.”

Bring both of your knees into your chest. Raise your head to meet them if you can. Squeeze tight. Inhale and exhale long and deeply 5-10 counts. Progress up to 1-3 minutes if you are able.

3.) Easy Spinal Twist

Lie down on your back. Bend both your knees by moving your legs up. Keep your arms relaxed but out to the sides. Let your shoulders drop and melt into your mat. Gently let your knees fall to the side. Look up or let your head roll to either side. Inhale and exhale long and deeply for 5-10 counts. Repeat on your other side by coming back to the middle.

4.) Hip Lifts

Lie down on your back. Bend both knees by moving your legs up. Hold your ankles if you can. Inhale, lifting your bottom up. Exhale, releasing it down. Repeat the process 10-20 times, inhaling up and exhaling down. As you progress, increase the count.

5.) Leg Lift Prayer Hold

Find a wall and shimmy your legs up. Or raise them directly up from your hips. Place your hands in prayer position or relax them out to your sides. Inhale and exhale long and deeply for 10 counts or 1-3 minutes.

6.) Seated Spinal Twist

Sit up tall with your legs straight out in front of you. Pull your right leg into your chest. Lift your right foot over your left thigh and pull it in as close as you can with your left hand. Inhale, looking to the right side. Lift your left arm up and remember to sit up tall. Exhale and twist a bit more. Your exhales should allow you a little more room for twisting. Repeat a few more times with your breath. Repeat on your other side.

7.) Seated Forward Bend

With legs directly forward, grasp your toes. Lead with your chin and stretch out over them. Keep your back straight, but you may bend your knees. Inhale and exhale slowly for 10 counts. The longer you stretch over your legs, the more flexible you will become. You may surprise yourself at how far you may stretch! As you progress, you could try this for 1-3 minutes.

8.) Wide Angle Side Stretch

With legs directly forward, angle them out to the sides. Bend your right knee and bring it into your body. Inhale slowly, raising your right arm. Exhale slowly, folding over your left leg. Stretch! Repeat on the other side for a total 10-20 times each side. Don’t forget to inhale arms up and exhale folding over your leg.

9.) Squat Pose into Squat Pose Twist

Stand with legs hip width apart. Slowly bend your knees, squatting down to your mat. You may place a folded or rolled up towel under your heels for support. Careful with your knees. Try lowering and raising your body if this is new to you. Inhale and lower, exhale and raise your body 3-5 counts. If you are comfortable in Squat Pose, place your hands in Prayer Pose and inhale and exhale long and deeply for 5-10 counts. Progress up to 1 minute.

For more intensity, try twisting in Squat Pose. Raise your right arm and bring it behind you, letting it slide around your hips. Take your left hand and slide it around the front of your left leg. Ultimately, your hands should meet. If they do not, simply hold the Pose at the place that is a comfortable stretch for you. Then inhale and exhale long and deeply for 5-10 counts. Unravel yourself and repeat on your other side.


10.) Child’s Pose

Sit back on your heels and gently place your head on your mat. You can also place your head on a chair, pillow, blanket, towel, it’s your choice. Stretch your arms out in front of you. Relax and let all tension drain from your body. Inhale slowly and exhale slowly. With each exhale release your cares, worries, fears, doubts or anything else that steals your peace. Linger here for a few.