Forward Bend. A luxurious full body stretch that’s easy to practice and you don’t have to be a stretchy gumby person to reap it’s rewards.

I realize that most people think that they cannot get their head to their knees so why bother trying, right? I’m here to let you know that even your slightest effort of this forward bending stretch will be beneficial to your body. With deep breathing and holding the stretch you will automatically send fresh, energizing oxygen to every cell which will relax your muscles and your body will then allow you to go deeper into the stretch. If you complete this exercise a few times a week you will notice you can stretch even farther. If you remember the breathing portion of the exercise you will feel energized yet more relaxed when you finish. Let’s take it gently. I am here to help you. Before we begin, please read the tips below.

If you feel you need more support, bend your knees and place your arms under your knees.

You may also use a pillow or a rolled up towel to place under your knees.

As you lower your arms, place them on your legs at the place that gently stretches you and is most comfortable for you to hold for a few deep breaths.

You can also use a wall for your back if you need more support.

Each time you practice this stretch, try to stretch a little farther.

The longer you hold the stretch may prove that you can go farther. It does to me every time I am patient enough to try. And of course if I want to stretch farther I have to practice everyday and be patient with my body so that it can release and I am not the most patient with myself as I would like to be!

I hope you enjoy this mini exercise for health and wellness. Remember it’s progress that matters and not perfection!

Always keep calm and yoga on!

Bending forward is especially soothing if you are experiencing a mild back ache, tired legs, indigestion or perhaps you need to move things along-if you know what I mean. You may find that the longer you hold the stretch the deeper your body will allow you to stretch. Being patient in this stretch may surprise you. For you may soon find a releasing or letting go of your leg muscles which fascinates me every time as I am not the most patient of yogi’s. The action of stretching forward is always an incredible reminder to let go what is behind you so that you can lean forward, stretching into the invincible future with God!

LUNGE POSE MINI CHALLENGE (quick stress reliever from sitting at a desk)

Hi Friends!

Today we will be practicing “Lunge Pose.”

Lunge Pose helps us counteract the effects of what I call “Modern Day Sitting Syndrome”!

The beauty of each yoga pose is that if you find that a pose is too challenging for you there is always an easier way to practice it. Lunge Pose is no exception. If you find it is too challenging for you, simply lower your back knee to the ground. For more support stretch your legs wider than hip distance. Try it out. Do what works for you.Yoga is about being good to yourself. This may be your first decision to be good to yourself. As you progress in your practice you may find that what you discover on your mat may spill over into your daily life. Making a decision that’s best for you while doing yoga is the first step in making your yoga practice your own.

Lunge Pose Tips:

1.) Stand hip width, bending both knees and stepping your right foot forward.

2.) The further forward you step, the more challenging the pose.

3.) Bending forward; use your hands for support.

4.) Keep your arms straight, relax your shoulders, soften your collar bone, and let your hips sink.

5.) Inhale deeply all Try to let go of all thoughts, past and present Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.

6.) Step forward with your left foot into Lunge Pose and breathe deeply for 5-10 counts again.

Sitting at a desk all day stresses our spine, hips, and back. Our chest caves in, our shoulders round forward and soon our breathing is affected too. Taking just five minutes for a few Lunge Poses with deep breathing energizes our bodies while also giving them a chance to rest and relax. Deep breathing activates our parasympathetic nervous system, which slows our heart rate and helps us relax, while lunges builds strong muscles in our legs, back, and spine.

As you work on your Lunge Pose, let it remind you to stop taking up time from your life by looking in the rear view mirror of your past life. Instead, live in the present moment, fully alive, fully aware and ready to move forward. As you go forward may you realize along the way how very much that God loves you!

May you love and be loved and may peace be with you!

see you next month!


The theme of this yoga challenge is, moving forward!

Give yourself permission to let go of whatever does not serve you. Dedicate this precious time to free yourself from whatever is weighing you down and holding you back. Remember that God made you. He knows all about you, even the secret things you try to hide from everyone else. Every tear you have cried is placed in a bottle by Him. He thinks about you more than every grain of sand in all the world. He loves you more than anything or anybody in the entire world. In His greatest act of love for you, He left His throne in Heaven, became a human being, and sacrificed His life for your sins, so you could be forgiven and live with Him throughout all eternity. We cannot even imagine how much God loves and cares for us. But He does not ask us to. He simply says to come to Him, so he can help us. He came because He loves you!

Allow true love to envelope you in each of these yoga poses. This mini-yoga class was created with forward moving yoga poses to remind you of that love. It is a symbol of our willingness to let go of the past and move forward into the wonderful futures that God has in store for each one of us!

Get stronger physically and keep moving forward in your life with reflection upon His amazing words to you…

The righteous keep moving forward…

Job 17:9

You are a new creation…

2 Corinthians 5:17

Let go of what’s behind you so you can grab hold of what’s before you…

Philippians 3:14

When you are ready grab a mat, towel and water if you like and let’s get started!


1.) Forward Bend Variation

  • Take a huge breath with your hands at your hips or fingers interlocked behind your back. Let your chest lift and expand, awakening each cell with fresh oxygen. Add intensity by lifting your arms up behind you.
  • When you feel the need to exhale, simply release your breath while bending forward, leading with your chin. Let your arms stretch as far over as you can.
  • Repeat the stretch up, with a big inhale, and a forward bending stretch, forward and down, 5-10 more times.

2.) Forward Bend Twist

  • You should be loose from your Forward Bend, so on your last one stay bent over.
  • Release your left hand to the floor while twisting up with your right arm.
  • Bend your right leg.
  • Repeat bending your left leg with your left arm lifted.

3.) Warrior I Variation

  • Step forward with your right leg into Warrior I Pose.
  • Your Hips should be facing forward, over your front leg.
  • Try to pull up and out of your waist by pulling your belly in .
  • Breathe deeply, sweeping your arms up to Heaven. Or, press your palms together while gazing up toward Heaven.
  • Repeat the breathing in this position up to 10 times.
  • Step in a little closer for better balance and step your right leg out farther for more intensity.
  • Lift your heel if you can and really build your leg muscles!

4.) Lunge Twist

  • Lower your torso over your forward leg.
  • Place a hand on your mat on each side of your leg.
  • Hold for a few deep breaths.
  • When ready, place your left elbow over your right leg (knee, but preferably your thigh).
  • Press your palms together.
  • A deep inhale will allow you to stretch deeper over your leg.
  • Breathe deeply for 5 counts.

5.) Lunge Twist Variation

  • Lower your left arm to the mat.
  • Stretch your right arm up and gaze upward.
  • Breath deeply for 5 counts.
  • Switch hands.
  • Breathe deeply for 5 more counts.
  • Lower you back knee for more support.
  • Repeat positions 3-5 with your right leg forward.

6.) Fierce Pose

  • With legs together, sit back as if you were going to sit on a chair.
  • Stretch your arms up. Hold this position while breathing deeply up to 10 times.
  • Don’t let your knees extend beyond your toes.
  • To make it easier, don’t sit back too far and place your hands on your hips.

7.) Warrior III

  • Step out with your right leg.
  • You may bend that knee, but a straight leg is optimal.
  • Lift your back leg while keeping your hips facing forward.
  • Raise your arms, look forward, and breathe deeply for up to 10 counts.

8.) Low Lunge With A Prayer

  • Gently lower your back leg, with your knee touching your mat.
  • Sink forward, allowing for a deeper stretch.
  • Place your hands on your mat, hips, thigh, or in prayer position.
  • Breathe deeply for up to 10 counts.
  • Bring your back knee in for more support.
  • Say a prayer!
  • Repeat poses 7+8 with your left leg forward.

May love protect you and bless you as you move forward!


TREE POSE EXPERIMENT MINI CHALLENGE ( 3 Tree pose postures for improving focus and balance both on and off the mat)

Approaching hard movements with ease on our mats enables us to take a calm approach to hard situations in life. Of course, there will always be stresses and challenges in life, but what matters most is how we respond to them. Then we can apply what we learn and move forward with grace and peace.

I have designed a quick and simple Tree Pose experiment to help each of us discover, in our own way, just how we measure up to the challenges of life. The experiment will also help us to focus, build strength, and help with better balance, enhancing our entire yoga practice as well as our daily life.

Below you will find 3 Tree Pose variations, all of which involve balancing on one leg without putting your foot down.

Remember to breathe. Also remember that:

Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you react to it.

Charles Swindoll


What consumes your mind controls your life.

Proverbs 4:23

For best results on and off our mat, let us focus on God and not our circumstances. Fixing our eyes on the prize will provide true, lasting health and wellness!

1.) Praying Tree Pose

Slide your left foot as high as you can up your right leg. Stand tall with your shoulders down, neck long, stomach pulled in and palms pressed together. Keep your head forward and your eyes locked on an object in front of you – it doesn’t matter what it is, just focus on it. Keep a steady breath and do not look to the sides. Hold this pose for 10-30 seconds, or 1-3 minutes for more advanced yogis.

To make all these exercises easier, place your foot on your ankle, calf, knee or lower thigh.

Do not move. Proceed to number two, High Praying Tree Pose.

2.) High Praying Tree Pose

Do not lower your leg. Once you feel comfortable, slide your hands up over your head. Hold this pose for 10-30 seconds, or 1-3 minutes for more advanced yogis. Do not move again. Proceed to number three, Eagle In a Tree Pose.

3.) Eagle In a Tree Pose

Once you have completed step 1 and 2, begin number 3 by holding your arms out in front of you with bent elbows. Now slide your left hand under your right elbow. Then swirl it up your arm until your palms meet (or as high as it will go). Hold this pose for 10-30 seconds, or 1-3 minutes for more advanced yogis.

A few questions we can ask yourselves once we have completed the experiment:

What did we focus on?

Where were our eyes?

Did we move our heads?

Did we move with ease or did we wobble, sway, lower our foot, or fall?

Did we keep a steady breath?

Did we hold our breath at any time? If we did, then when?

When we thought of moving to the next position, what happened?

Was it hard to be still?

Did we focus on how hard or easy it was?

Did we focus on everything around us?

If you enjoyed this experiment, up the challenge by doing it in the middle of busy places. Try to stand on rocks on the shore with waves flowing in and out. How about in the office, airport, church, library, party, sidewalk, or park? You choose! Perhaps you will see how you react to stress when it comes along.

keep calm

and yoga on!

