YOGA CHALLENGE SUITED FOR ROYALTY (yoga shot on castle grounds)

Let’s have some fun! Join me in fifteen of my favorite standing yoga poses; everyone is invited! Each pose comes with instruction to modify or intensify each position, so that each pose will benefit everybody! Together, we will be stretching, strengthening and building our entire bodies while improving focus, concentration, stability, balance, and body awareness. We will be providing our insides an opportunity to detox, while boosting our metabolism and circulation. Our respiratory system will fire up, bringing fresh oxygen to our all of our cells. It’s a total body workout suited for royalty!

Imagine the biggest castles in the world. Now imagine every castle in the world that was, or is now, or ever will be. Now place yourself in the middle of all those castles combined. Think how protected and impenetrable you are, standing inside millions of stone walls. Now wrap your brain around this:

The Lord Most High is your Fortress. Run to Him for safety.

Psalm 91:9

Take a moment to relax and get into the mood of these yoga poses. Close your eyes, breathe and flood your mind with thoughts of how loved, protected and unconquerable that you really are!

Complete the entire 15 poses with your right leg forward and as the leg that holds you up in balancing poses. Then complete the entire 15 poses with your left leg forward and for balance!
1.) Warrior I

Step to the side, bending your right knee. Do not extend your knee beyond your toes. Keep your back leg straight with toes slightly pointing inward. Open your arms wide to the sides. Keep your neck tall, with chin up and shoulders down. Try to pull up and out of your hips. Pulling in your stomach will help. Breathe deeply up to 10 counts. Step your back foot in for less intensity. For more of a challenge step your back foot out.

2.) Triangle Pose

With heels on the same line, point your forward right foot to the side. Point your back leg’s toes slightly inward. Keep both legs straight. Fold over your front leg. Open up your arms. There should be a straight line from hand to hand. Where ever your hand falls do the Triangle from that place. Meaning you can still attempt to open up your arms with your hand higher on your leg. Stretch and breathe up to 10 counts.

3.) Open Arms Warrior I

Simply bend your forward leg and open your arms generously to the sides. Breathe deeply for 10 counts. Bend deeper  for more of a challenge and hold the position for 1-3 minutes breathing steady and deeply. Step your back leg in for less intensity.

4.) Deep Lunge Pose 

From Warrior I Pose, turn your hips to face your forward leg with toes pointing forward. Raising your back heel will enable the turn. Keeping your heel up, lift both arms, and look up. Breathe deeply again for up to 10 counts. Stepping in your back foot will lessen the intensity a bit! You may also hold the pose with your hands on your hips, looking straight.

5.) Lunge Pose Twist

From a Deep Lunge position, place your back heel on the mat for stability and press your palms together in prayer pose. A big inhale will provide space for you to twist; with a big inhale, twist your torso to the right side. Pressing your palms will also help with the twist. Eventually, you want your left elbow going beyond and to the outside of your forward right leg. Once you have arrived, continue pressing those palms together. Breathe steady and deeply for up to 10 counts.

6.) Standing Forward Bend

Stand tall with legs together. Inhale deeply, stretching your arms up overhead. Exhale deeply, folding over your legs. Repeat up to 10 more long and deep breaths. Stretch only as far as you can go. Then do the exercise from your position.

Once you have completed the Forward Bend, remain folded over your legs. Try to touch your toes, but any part of your leg will do. Inhale deeply with your head up, looking straight. Also keeping your back straight with your head and chin up. Then exhale, lowering your head as close as you can to your knees. Repeat the Forward Bend up to 10 times with big inhale and exhales.

7.) Chair Pose 

With legs together, gently sit back as if there was a chair behind you. Lift your arms up as you do. Make sure that your knees remain behind your toes. Sit back to the place that is comfortable for you. For more stability, widen your legs. For more intensity, keep your legs and feet tightly pressed together while sitting back as far as you can. Breath deeply again, for up to 10 counts.

8.) Chair Pose Twist

From Chair Pose, press your palms together. With a big inhale, twist your torso to the right. The inhale lifts you so press those palms together and twist. Try to get your left elbow to the outside of your right thigh. Stay where you find your twist and breathe deeply for up to 10 counts. Repeat on your left side.

9.) One Legged Chair Pose

If you can, sit back into Chair Pose as you lift your left leg and place it over your thigh. Stretch your arms out to the sides and breathe deeply for up to 10 counts. The bending forces your torso forward and stretching your arms, giving you stability. Don’t forget to smile!

10.) Warrior I

Step out with your right foot and bend your knee. Keep your knee behind your toes and your back leg toes slightly turned in. (Mine are not turned in as much as they should be!) Stretch your arms out and breathe deeply for up to 10 counts.

10.) Half Moon Pose

From Warrior I Pose, dip your forward shoulder and raise your back arm. Slowly and gently pick up your back leg. Find your mat with your forward right hand. You should keep your knee bent for better stability. If you are balancing well at this point, lift your left arm up and look up. This will open up your body into Half Moon. Hold for up to 10 big breaths. Remember that even lifting your back leg up 2 inches is great when your starting out! You can use a sturdy chair or table for stability as you practice Half Moon Pose.

11.) Half Moon Pose Stretch

From Half Moon Pose, bend your lifted leg and hold unto that foot. Pushing your foot away from your hand  will provide a deeper stretch. Use a sturdy chair or table as you begin. With consistent practice, you will see results in all that you do!

12.) Tip Toe Extended Leg Squat

Bend your knees and squat down, placing your palms together in Prayer Pose. If your legs are feeling sturdy, extend your left leg out to the side. Breathe deeply for 10 counts and repeat with your right leg extended. If you can’t do this yet, stay on your tip toes in a squat position without extending your legs.

13.) The King’s Pose

Pick your left leg up. Squeeze your knee into your chest. Slide your left hand slowly down your leg, clasping your ankle and dropping it behind your body. You should only be holding onto your ankle at this point. It’s easiest if you grasp your foot. I like to grasp my fingers on the outside of my foot. Slightly bend your standing leg at first. I have seen it done all ways. I think if you can actually get in this position, you don’t care where your hand holds your foot. Now just lean forward a little. Then lean little more. Pressing your foot into your hand helps with deepening the stretch. Try to lead with your chin and breathe 10 big breaths. Use a chair or sturdy table to help hold you up if it’s still difficult.

14.) Praying Tree Pose

Stand tall. Gently place your left foot anywhere on your right thigh. The higher the foot, the deeper the stretch; you are improving balance and coordination. Breathe deeply for 10 counts. Try to keep your back straight, shoulders down, neck long, and palms pressed together. Also, try not to let your lifted leg sneak forward. Keep your extended knee directly out to the side.

15.) Warrior I Pose

Bend and step your right leg forward. Move your back toes slightly in, keeping your back leg straight. Pull in your stomach and sink your torso to deepen the stretch. Lift your arms up to Heaven and breathe deeply up to 10 counts!

Lie down for a bit to let your muscles relax – you worked hard! When you are ready, rise up, take courage and remember to who you belong!

stay strong

and yoga on!






YOGA IN A CASTLE CHALLENGE (gain peace and comfort through the strength of God)

Don’t let the smile fool you! I am concerned. I am not a fan of high places. Especially when practicing  yoga as the waves crash below me upon a rock fortress built in the 16th century! On the other hand, I am awed and amazed. These very rocks I stand upon defended the bay of San Juan for almost 500 years. The fortress that surrounds me survived attacks from foreign powers on many occasions. It was even attacked three times during the Spanish/ American War, ending the age of Navel warfare in the Caribbean! The American military gained control in 1898, and it was still used as a military post in defense of possible German attacks in World War II. In its latter years, it starred in the movie Amistad and was named a National Historic Site (one of 12 in the US), a World Heritage Site, and a UNESCO site (or United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization).

Join me atop this enchanting fortress of mystery and grandeur. Given to attacks, battles, storms, and hundreds of years of wear and tears, Del Morro is unceasingly a universal landmark of strength and dignity. As we practice this yoga segment of courage, strength, and balance may Castillo San Felipe Del Morro National Historic Site stand as a landmark in our lives. Let it be the moment we release ourselves from the crashing waves in our lives and give to God our battles to fight, our storms to endure and the wear and tear of the burdens that we bear daily. May we humbly determine in our hearts to allow God be the fortress that surrounds, protects us, and becomes our refuge in time of need.



Stand tall with your feet together. Inhale, reaching your arms to the heavens. Pause as you let all that fresh oxygen nourish each cell. Exhale, folding over your legs. Stretch a little farther and hang out there before raising your torso back up again. Repeat the stretch 5-10 times before moving on to the next exercise.


On your last forward bend, stay at the place that provides you a good stretch. If you can, grasp your toes. Inhale, lifting your head and torso. Exhale, pulling your head to your legs. Let your exhales move you a little farther physically and a little deeper inwardly. Try to release your worries, fears, and doubts. The more you let go, the deeper you will be able to stretch. Repeat 5-10 times with deep breathing, releasing that tension in your legs.


Step out with your right foot and bend your knee. Straighten your back leg and lift your arms like powerful wings out to the sides. Feel rooted and grounded down through your legs and feet. If this position grows too vigorous, step your back leg in. Stay here for a few deep breaths. Try to release all that negative stuff in your life that confounds you, so that you can rise from a deep letting go. Repeat on your other leg.

After you have completed the above position with deep breathing  add more intensity to this pose by straightening your left leg with a big inhale and arm sweep upward. Then exhale back into the pose. Try this 3-5 times after holding the pose and breathing deeply.


From a Warrior II position, gently lower your back leg to the ground. Keep your front knee directly over your foot. Swoop your arms up and try to snatch a cloud from the sky! Breath into the stretch. As tension arises, keep a steady breath and focus on the Bible verse. Stay for at least 5 deep inhales and exhales. Repeat on your other leg. You can do it again on each leg and see if the stretch gets deeper each time.


From a deep low lunge position, let your arms fall to the middle on the ground in front of you. Rotate your front foot forward. Bring your back leg in to meet it. You should be on your tip toes with hands on the ground for support. Pause here, it’s a great toe and foot stretch. Then try to extend your left leg out to the side. Bring your hands together in prayer position and offer up a prayer, a thank you, or a Halleluyah! Breath deeply for 5-8 breaths before coming up to the next position.


From tip toe squat position, bring you tip toed feet in and slowly straighten your legs to stand. Use the same bended leg as you did in tip toe squat position for your standing leg. Invite every muscle to engage while finding a spot to focus your eyes upon. Now slowly raise the other foot as high as you are able. Raise your arms into prayer position and breath continuously. If you fall like I did while taking this picture, simply try again. Like tree pose, the crashing waves of life will always try to get you off balance. Always try again and trust in God as your focal point, looking forward. Repeat on your other leg.


From tree pose, hug your knee in and grasp your foot. Use a chair or railing if you need support and slowly straighten that leg out to the side. Keep your standing leg straight. Try to straighten both legs. If you are currently unable to do this, stay where you are and breath deeply. Even with both legs bended, you will still be developing all the muscles in your legs and improving your balance along the way. Play around with this position. Do both legs. Do it again and again and everywhere!

Glorify God in the midst of your circumstances and let God give to you a new and peaceful way of being in the world!