Hello…my name is Penny. At my Moms funeral I met my mother’s eighty-six year old yoga teacher-that was the day I began my yoga journey. Although I’ve never seen her again I can still remember this little bitty lady standing tall yet with cold hands rubbing and clasping mine and saying how much she enjoyed my mother. Ten years later it remains a crystal clear moment captured in time. Little could I have imagined that moment would alter my life, change me, lift me up and place me on a new and unknown path in life. I believed the meeting to be Divine intervention. Ten years later I am almost sixty years old. I’m a yoga student and teacher and I am one hundred percent positive God sent me His Yoga Angel that dread-ful day at my Mother’s funeral.

Now my Mom barely worked out a day in her life. Yet, amazingly at seventy-seven years old she proudly stepped onto her yoga mat and began her yoga journey. The thought of it still amazes me. Imagine going on eighty years old and meeting a class of new people and then rolling around on the floor with them? And if you’ve ever been to a yoga class you know the sounds, smells and sights a yoga class can present. Heck we are all only human! However, I remember my Mom always loved to go to her yoga class. Unfortunately, a few months after she began she suddenly died.

It wasn’t long after that I bought a few yoga dvd’s and started fooling around with yoga. My little sister joined me. We were fascinated with how good yoga made us feel and we were bonding again after all those years of growing apart. Laughing and being kids again, we were little sister and big sister just like old times. When we were young my two sisters and I never stopped moving. We were especially talented in hand standing in the kitchen while waiting for supper. Many a days we spent walking on our hands, underwater, or back flipping off our picnic table and into our pool. Yoga now was becoming a portal back to the me I forgot. The place where my mother lives and I am walking upside down in her kitchen. It is wonderful gift from my Heavenly Father to remember the feeling of being with her like that most days as I step onto my mat.

Although today I do yoga and teach yoga for health reasons, my true passion is to help people awaken to their life. To allow them a place to help them remember who they once were by encouraging them it’s okay to be that person of long ago. I also love to help them believe that it’s okay to dream again and allow themselves to be filled with awe and wonder. Because there is a God who created our wonderful selves, uniquely and purposefully created for this very moment in this life for a reason and for a plan.

Essentially, these are the purposes of why I began my yoga journey ten years ago. Because a Yoga Angel was sent to me by God, setting me on a new path for new purposes and as a present of precious time back to my Mother’s kitchen. Most importantly I believe God’s plan was and still is to grow my wings as I trust Him each day so that I can remind you that God already has your wings. You just have to trust Him when, where, and how- He will make you fly!


In stormy weather, all birds find shelter, but the eagle is the one bird that avoids it all by flying above the clouds. In fact, it is the storms on the earth that give the eagle the fuel to soar. Unfortunately, we human beings often get our talons stuck in day-to-day worries. God is ready and able to lift us high above. We only need to trade in our worries and trust these amazing words for lift off…

Those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles.

Isaiah 40:31

The first five Yoga Poses below are strength building exercises. Complete these exercises on a regular basis and build up to Crow. When you feel that you are ready for Crow Pose, spread your wings and lean forward into the wind. Of course if you are already in full Crow, “happy flying!”

Relax for a few moments and breathe deeply to get in the flying zone.When you feel you are ready, grab a mat, water, towel and let’s fly!


1.) Hero Pose With Shoulder Stretch

  • Sit on your heels, or cross-legged.
  • Lift your left arm straight up. Bend your elbow and lower your hand to your upper back area.
  • Lift your right hand up to meet your left hand. Clasp them together.
  • Lift your chin, gaze up to heaven.
  • Hold the stretch for 5 -10 deep inhales and exhales.
  • Repeat with your right arm on top.
  • You may repeat this stretch a few more times with each side on top.
  • If your hands do not meet yet, work towards it!

2.) Plank Pose

  • From a seated position, walk your hands out to Plank Pose.
  • Your shoulders should be directly above your wrists.
  • Pull your belly in, with your legs at hip width.
  • Breathe deeply for 10 counts.
  • If you cannot do the full pose, lower to your knees and breathe deeply to build strength.
  • Repeat breathing deeply for 10 counts, and do this 3-5 more times in either position.

3.) Down Dog

  • From Plank Pose, lower your head and lift your sitting bones up.
  • Tuck your head under; look at your knees.
  • Feel a good stretch in the backs of your legs. Keep your heels down.
  • Breathe deeply for 5-10 counts.
  • Place your knees on the mat directly below your hips. Your wrists should be directly below your shoulders.
  • Lower back down to Plank Pose when you complete the exercise.
  • If possible, lower to Plank Pose and lift up to Down Dog for 5-10 deep breaths.

4.) Running Plank Pose

  • Start in Plank Pose.
  • Lift your right foot, bringing your knee to your chest with a big inhale.
  • Exhale, kick your foot back, then place it on your mat.
  • Repeat with each leg for 5-10 counts. Inhale, bringing each knee in and exhaling as you kick back.
  • Speed this up for a bit of fun!

5.) Elbow Plank Pose

  • You may begin on all fours or with your knees lowered. Optimally you should start from Plank Pose.
  • From Plank Pose, lower to your elbows, then back up to Plank Pose.
  • Repeat the process, inhaling in Plank Pose and exhaling in Elbow Plank Pose.

6.) Crow Pose

  • Place your hand stretched out on your mat, with your hands directly below your shoulders.
  • Lean forward. It will give you an indication of how strong you are, and whether you can hold the pose.
  • If you’re feeling confident, place a knee on your elbow.
  • If you’re still confident, place the other knee on your other elbow.
  • Now you’re flying in Crow Position so breathe deeply!
  • If you fall, try again!
